《The Everburn Mage》10. Ebony Ashborn
Chapter 010
Ebony Ashborn
Her night began just like any other.
After completing a mission, one that involved her apprehending a mage who didn’t know how to control his magic, she reported back to her military base like clockwork. At first, everything seemed normal. She witnessed the same unsettling atmosphere as soon as she stepped through its doors, subtly acknowledging the identical worried or cautious expressions her fellow soldiers wore like masks. Yet none of this bothered her at all. She’d long since grown accustomed to these very same reactions.
She swiftly realized something was amiss, however, when she was greeted by her commanding officer. A tall man who boasted a slim physique and a balding head. Catching her in a quiet and lonely hallway, he began, “Miss Ashborn, you’ve been summoned by a major from the capital. I advise you to report to my office as soon as possible.” And just like that, as if he were a phantom, he left her where she stood. Curiosity infiltrated her mind.
“Sir,” Ebony called out to him. “I have to ask, why would such a high-ranking officer wish to speak with me?”
He shot her a frigid stare from over his shoulder and bluntly responded, “You’re asking the wrong person.” before disappearing around the corner.
Releasing a sigh, Ebony followed her superior’s instructions. A brief, five-minute walk was all it took for her to reach her captain’s office. She wasn’t familiar with many members of the military, even after graduating from the academy. And she was more than confident not many were familiar with her as she’d never done much to stand out. Thus, her mind harbored on the sole person whom she suspected was waiting like a zombie behind the doors facing her.
Why has he come to see me now? she wondered. And after so long.
Composing herself, Ebony knocked on the door once, then twice. Finally, on the fourth sharp tapping of her knuckle against wood a man’s voice answered, "You may come in.” No, the youthfully warm but deep-sounding voice that carried a semblance of formality didn’t match the gruff and dry tone she’d materialized in her ears. So it isn’t him? Quietly, she entered the room and aimed an analytical glance at the two soldiers staring at her. One was dressed in navy and the other, like her, cloaked in black.
The man sitting in her captain’s chair, tapping his gloved finger onto the desk, greeted her with a kind smile. “And so we finally meet, Ms. Ashborn.”
“Y...You’re Major James Griffin...”
“Ah! So you’ve heard of me! Hear that, Zen?! My reputation is growing!”
The red-haired woman standing beside the desk, the mage known as Grimdark, constructed an annoyed frown. “That isn’t necessarily a good thing, sir.”
Ebony hastily saluted them both. “Major Griffin, First Lieutenant Zenobio. It is truly an honor.”
“There’s no need to be so formal, Ashborn. I only came to talk.”
“...To talk?”
“Yes. You see, I’ve heard you’ve mastered quite a powerful kind of magic and that it can be compared to some of our best mages.”
“A mere exaggeration. I still have a lot to learn.”
“Still, it doesn’t change the fact that you are indeed special. From everything I’ve read about you, why, I was shocked to discover you haven’t received a promotion yet.”
“I’m not,” she replied, lowering her voice. “Those in a position of higher power than my own constantly fret over losing it. They’re more than willing to sacrifice the well-being of others just so long as it preserves their current position in life.” Ebony glanced at the door behind her and continued, “Even if I were hypothetically the best mage in this bracket, I doubt anything would change.”
“Such a sad truth. Effort and dedication rarely foster rewards these days,” James muttered. “The military has pledged to the people of Esteras that they would be protected, even when most of our ranks are composed almost primarily of liars, hypocrites, and murderers. Odd, isn’t it?”
“Sir, why is it you came to see me of all people? And on such short notice. Am I in any kind of trouble?”
“Be at ease, Ashborn. I'm not here to punish you. I'd rather make you an offer.” Ebony raised an eyebrow, slowly inching closer to the odd major posted at her captain’s desk. “Cutting to the chase, I’m putting together a special strike team, of sorts, in order to apprehend a group of terrorists who’ve long overstayed their welcome. Their leader, a man known as Trevor Thatch, is a notorious mage who specializes in fire magic. So far, they’ve managed to abduct over a dozen of our top combat mages. As for what they’re planning, well, we’re unfortunately still in the dark.”
“I take it this is connected to the “Missing Mages” case I’ve heard of recently?”
“It is. And if they are to be stopped then I’ll need the assistance of as many capable soldiers as possible.”
“And this is what led you to me? But I’m just a rookie.”
“A rookie with impressive skills and powerful magic. Yes, I believe you’ll certainly play a crucial role in helping us extinguish this threat.”
Ebony tied her hands behind her back. “I’m flattered you think so highly of me, sir. And while I must admit this problem does sound dire, it leads me to question why we haven’t received direct orders from the general himself. It must mean you intend to conduct this investigation in secret, right? Which also means we are technically going against his orders, are we not?” she defensively inquired. “The reason I enlisted into the military was not so I could start more trouble but to serve my people the correct way. Going behind my superiors’ backs and engaging in matters without their authority isn’t something I’m comfortable with doing, even if it is for a just cause. If I were to help you and we were to get discovered, I could lose everything...”
“The same goes for me as well,” responded James. “Yet I’m willing to do so regardless.”
“No offense, sir, but not everyone is as daring as you. I wouldn’t so simply throw away my chance at living a new, honorable life as well as making a difference for Esteras just for some fruitless venture.”
“Are you saying you’re content with letting these terrorists continue to make a mess of our country?”
“Don’t go putting words in my mouth, sir! Criminals should be held accountable for their actions just as much as anyone else. What I am saying is if I choose to help you, if I choose to place my faith in you and your judgment, can you honestly guarantee this secret task force of yours will succeed? That I won’t have to fret over being caught by the general? And my career won’t be at risk?”
James hung his head. “Honestly, I cannot.”
“Thought so,” Ebony sighed. Without another word, she turned her back to them and started for the door.
“Personally, I try my best not to make a habit out of lying. My father taught me it was dishonorable and the weapon of a coward. Plus, I’m not particularly good at it. In this instance, Ms. Ashborn, I mean not to trick you with my words but to have you see things from the perspective of an outsider. Now, before coming here, I conducted a bit of research in regards to your history. I’ve learned quite a lot. Both from the official documents and from those who supposedly had their mouths sealed shut by money.”
Ebony froze, her hand pausing mere inches from the doorknob. Slowly, she turned around to the smirking major and muttered, “What are you talking about?”
“I speak of the travesty of your past, my dear. And a travesty it was. It’s the reason why I respect you so much. You’ve managed to crawl your way out of the pits of despair and make something of yourself. Truly inspirational.”
“So you’re not a liar but a blackmailer instead?!”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Let me guess, if I refuse to help you, you’ll release those classified documents to the rest of the military and to the public, right?”
“Wh...What kind of person do you take me for?”
“The kind who does whatever they must to get what they want.”
“...Okay, so you’re not technically wrong,” James nervously grinned. “Even so, I would never resort to using such a dirty tactic against someone whom I respect.”
“Really, now?”
“No, ma'am. You see, I’m not questioning or doubting your resolve to help Esteras. However, since the higher-ups continuously neglect your efforts it thereby limits what you’ll be able to accomplish. Though this would no longer be an issue if my mission succeeds.” James rose out of his chair and said, “Apprehending an illegal terrorist party and putting an end to their nefarious scheme; they’d have no choice but to acknowledge you. Don’t you get it? This is your chance to become something even greater.”
“I’m not interested in fame or recognition, sir. I simply want to do the right thing by helping to better Esteras. Disobeying orders and ignoring protocol, how does this make us any different from the renegades who choose to take the law into their own hands? We’re supposed to be better than that, aren’t we? Besides, disobeying the wishes of those with more authority never leads to anything good...”
“Sadly, drastic times call for drastic measures. The fact of the matter is we cannot allow these terrorists to continue their misdeeds. Their mere presence in this country poses a threat to everything we’ve accomplished since the war.”
“I’m aware, but...”
“You said you want to do the right thing, didn’t you? That you aspire to help protect Esteras and her people. Well then prove it. Help me take down those who strive to do the opposite.” Ebony took a step from him, her solemn glance once again aimed at the floor. “Of course, I’m not trying to pressure you or anything. Why don’t you take some time to mull it over, yeah? However, if you do decide to join my cause, report to Military High Command in two days' time.”
“Two days?!”
“The quicker we resolve this issue the quicker we can return to our normal duties, I’m afraid,” James responded, sitting forward at the desk. “So you need to seriously evaluate who it is you want to be and what it is you wish to accomplish. Will you play the part of a wolf or a hound? The choice is yours.”
Since her bizarre meeting with the major, she’d done what he’d asked.
And as a result, she found herself standing with the other men and women who were persuaded by the sly major’s secret but admirable proposition. Even now, Ebony pondered how she could allow herself to get entangled in such a risky affair. Should she get caught, what she’d worked for since her enlistment would disintegrate before her very eyes.
But by refusing his invitation she’d run the risk of becoming like a majority of the other soldiers she’d worked with. Those with no drive or passion. Walking, soulless manikins who obediently and blindly followed orders without question. The kinds of people who questioned not the morality or intent of their commands and unaffectionately executed them with the hopes of being handsomely compensated. To subscribe to their uninspired philosophy would be to betray the oath and trust of the one who helped her discover her resolve, her new purpose for living. To help people. To save lives. She’d swore to do so no matter the costs.
So, with a blank stare that served to camouflage the semblance of fear and hesitation lingering within, Ebony held her tongue and listened to the strange man in whom she placed her fragile trust.
“In short, taking into account the state of the identified corpses, it is my assumption that they are planning on using the extracted magical energy in some way, shape, or form,” announced James.
Posted beside her, the mage named Philips shot his hand into the air. “Essence in its purest form is of hardly any use, sir. Even the best archaic researchers are still having trouble comprehending how exactly it functions. I highly doubt these terrorists are skilled enough to put it to good use, even if they’ve somehow managed to forcefully extract it from a mage corpse.”
“If that was the case then what would be the purpose for doing so at all?” responded Hazel. At the rear of the room and with her back leaning against the wall, she yawned, “Why would they waste so much time and effort doing something if it wouldn’t benefit them in any way? It doesn’t make any sense?”
“Maybe this is just an intimidation display?”
“Or maybe they’ve got a secret of some sort?” Ebony cocked an eye to Rune who stood on her left along with a mage who specialized in lightning magic, from what she heard. With folded arms, he muttered, “As far as we're aware, this Thatch guy is the only mage in their group but what if this isn’t true? What if they have a mage who is skilled at absorbing and redistributing magical energy to other organisms or objects?”
“Does such magic really exist?” inquired Philips.
“During the war, I’ve bared witness to sights beyond my wildest imagination,” answered Sabine. “In this era of magic, anything is possible.”
“Argh! Who cares what their intent is?! As long as we crush them before they get the chance to enact their grand master plan then what does it matter?!” growled Striker.
Grimdark landed a hand on her mouth. “How boarish...”
“Hey! I’m right, aren’t I?! Right now, we should only be focusing on sniffing the bastards out! We’ll figure out the rest later.”
“And what if we run straight into one of their traps?”
“Then we’ll just have to deal with it! We’re soldiers, aren’t we?! Handling difficult situations is kinda our specialty.”
“He does have a point,” Ebony spoke up. “If they are dealt with before their plan is executed then everything should turn out okay, for the most part.”
“Finally, someone who's speaking my language!”
“However,” she continued. “It’d be reckless to charge headfirst into a battle remaining ignorant of all the specifics. If we are to strike them then we should do so only after establishing what exactly it is we’re up against.”
“If I could interject,” said the lightning mage, nervously raising his hand. “We could stand around exchanging theories and strategies as much as we’d like but it’d be meaningless if we don’t have any concrete leads, no? I mean, do we even know where to begin our search?”
Everyone’s attention then shifted back to their leader. Coughing into his hand, James said, “We have a few places in mind. I dispatched another team earlier this week to one of the suspected locations. We should be hearing word of their progress any day now. As for us, we shall be investigating Star Bell.”
“Star Bell?” repeated Rune. “What makes you think we’ll find anything there?”
“Call it a hunch given the kind of crowd that town typically attracts.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little stupid for a gang of criminals to create a base in such an obvious location?”
James sneered. “I do indeed.”
“Prepare yourselves as we’ll be leaving for Star Bell within the hour,” ordered Sabine. “If you’ve any matters to attend to, I suggest doing so now. If not, we’ll regroup at the train station.”
As Ebony followed the others out of the room, James called out her name. “Something the matter, sir?” she asked.
“Nothing, Ashborn. I’m just a bit surprised to see you here, is all.”
“You made me an offer, did you not? I merely chose to accept it.”
James smiled. “So it would seem.”
“And for the record, sir,” Ebony said, halfway outside of his office. “It was never my intention to be a mindless hound in the first place.”
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