《Pokemon Oasis》Chapter 22: A gut sized Bite (4)


“You know, If I was going to harm you. Staring at me would only give me the right.”

“Sorry” Heath awkwardly laughed while quickly looking away. He was confused about a lot of things about his new ability but that would have to wait. He moves slightly closer to the fire and the man and recalled what he had said.

“SO that Ursaring had a child?” Heath probed

“A strong child, but a child, nevertheless. After I put that bear in your SSD it seemed to go beserk”

“Like it’s parent” Heath added.

“So, I was right in my conclusion.”


“Yeah, I was looking around at the damage and the mess. It seemed it couldn’t have been a regular encounter, but nothing recently has been “normal”. Like two silver pokémon defeating a decently powerful gold. You must train them well” The cloak man praised.

‘He’s avoiding talking about it being enraged. Unless he doesn’t know but what if he does know…Well I guess more information is needed’ Heath thought.

“Yeah, I owe them one. My body- I couldn’t have handled it, if it wasn’t for them”

The cloak man stoked the flame for the last time before asking Piplup to put it out who surprisingly agreed. Heath was about to comment but he noticed a string, a red string connecting the two of them. Now that he noticed it, the guy and him had it two but it was black almost like it was charred.

“Strange” The Cloaked individual murmured as he stared at Heath this time.


“Oh. Nothing, You and your Piplup have a strong connect you know. It reminds me of my childhood pokémon. Especially my friend and his Squirtle”

The mans aura spike with overloaded Heath’s senses causing him to sneeze uncontrollably.

“Are you sick or something. I hope it’s not from the rain. I couldn’t fully dry you”

“Probably not.” Heath defended politely before taking out a pokéballs and releasing Guts who had a bandage that wrapped around his wing. It had its Leek on the other side which seemed to be awkward for the little guy.

“How hurt did…”

Heath senses were once again stimulated and he head immediately tried to focus his sense, trying to calm down. He subconsciously looked towards where they were coming from and was shocked to see its origin being Piplup. Unlike the man, Piplup seemed shrouded in this fog, almost like.

‘Is Piplup sad? Is that what I’m feeling?’ Heath felt something anchor his heart pulling it down almost to the point of pain or regret.


“It seems like this Galarian Farfetch’d saved Piplup.” The man commented before pouring a couple of bowls for all of them. Heath graciously accepted the three bowls placing one in front of Piplup’s face while setting one down in order to feed Guts.


“His name is Guts” Heath corrected

“Guts? That’s an interesting name.”

“Yeah, for an interesting bird.” Heath sighed and resigned to feed the brown duck who looked like he was having a worst time than Heath himself.

“I know buddy” Heath saw nothing special when looking at Guts which surprised them.

‘I guess I have not mastered it yet.’ Heath quickly concluded.

“So, what brings you here?” Heath asked

“Just journey through the regions. Seeing the scenery, the customs, and the people. Nice really”

“I see…” Heath paused the conversation to continue feeding Guts who was having a hard time standing there looking like a child.

‘Stop acting so childish.’ Heath thought.

“So, what brings you here in route 102….”


“Heath” The masked man nodded while eating the bowl of food he concocted.

They stuffed their faces with the food with heath finishing up Guts’s meal and starting on his. It was a eerily peaceful moment. The man seemed like he was apart of the forest somehow. Though he probably came from the bustling region of Kanto. It was shock to how well he placed himself almost like he was destiny to be everywhere he was unlike Heath who, even though seemed to be enjoying the moment. Had the air of awkwardness that he would’ve associated with a normal person’s adolescent years. After a while the sun eventually caught up to them and so did the moment.

“The teddiursa is technically mine but I’ll give it to your for healing Guts for me” Heath offered.


“Oh yeah. Nonsense I’ll pay you for her. She’s a great specimen and they are usually hard to find in any region especially as Teddiursas. How about 80,000?”

‘System is that a lot’


‘Right you don’t answer those type of questions.’

“Hold on.”


Heath quickly whips out his PokéGear which had a decent amount of dirt that accumulated. Wiping that off, he quickly scrolled to his contacts, and made a call to Arthur who had gave him his number at the end of the tour graciously.

“Hello? Heath, didn’t think you’d call me so soon.’ Arthur jibbed, but Heath not wanting to take much time replied.

‘”Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to know a quick question. How much would a Teddiursa go for?”

“That’s not my job. I may have shown you around, but I honestly don’t know a lot. But conveniently I do know that Normal 2 stage pokémon usually go for 90K but Teddisursa is a little more powerful than the tradition 2 stage so I would say around 120K which is slightly less that a munchlax.” Arthur quickly explained feeling the urgency of the situation.


“Thanks, Arthur. I’ll talk to you later.”

“See ya. Don’t die. I heard there was a powerful Ursaring on route 102.”

The call ended and Heath sighed at the knowledged bestowed upon him at the moment.

‘I could’ve used that sooner’ Heath shook his head before looking at the man infront of him. Who still had been matching the forest energy?

“60K is a little too low, isn’t it?” Heath asked.

“Is it? Well, I don’t have much money on me”

‘This is not the conversation I expected.’

“It isn’t that right, but how about this.” The cloaked man took out an envelope before him and gave it to Heath. It immediately vanquished when Heath went to grab it but neither of them seemed to be surprised.

“60K should’ve been transferred into account and there’s a letter but it won’t become helpful as of right now.”

“Why should I trust you it would be valuable.” Heath analyzed

“Fair, but you should have trust In your fellow trainers.”

“Should I?” Heath looked at the cloak as the guy was just blind to the obvious. The cloaked man looked at what Heath was nodding to, and made a chuckle

“You’re right but trust me this one time.”

Heath remained visibly doubtful and in return the cloak figure made a sigh.

I promise you, but if you want something special. Here” The cloaked man revealed his clothes under, and it was red dress shirt, white tie, and black slacks and matching dress shoes.

“Fancy..” Heath commented.

“I hate this. They make me dress this way”

The man snatched his necklace and tossed it towards Heath.

[Item: Mega stone]

“Jeez man-”

A chime went off and the man spat.

“I’m sorry, Heath. You’ll see me eventually. Anyways I got to go”

The cloak man quickly threw out a pokéball and catch it and a huge Charizard came out.


“Woah” Heath looked at the beast and saw power exude from the pours like it was breathing. Seeping and basking in the light while also absorbing its surroundings.

“Are you coming? I thought you still wanted be in the forest after what happened.”

“Uhm sure” Heath nodded. He put guts in the pokéball and forced Piplup to go in his. He had to put him the SSD just so he doesn’t pop out.

“Freaking rascal” Piplup had tried to eat his hand that was holding the pokéball. Heath quickly but clumsily go on Charizard who adjusted to the weight, and he started to fly into the sky.

‘Is this guy Red? It can’t be’

“My partner was like that.”

“partner?” Heath questioned being brought out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, it was a Pikachu, Though I had Charizard first”

The mysterious man pats the beast of the pokémon. To which the Orange reptilian.

“Char Chariz”

“So, he was a real troublesome pokémon, but he was my best buddy. He even rivalled legendaries, even helping me catch Articuno. Before…He retired…”

“Red?” Heath blurted. He instantly regretted it, and the both of them sighed.

“So, you knew” Red kept his cloak over him, and the two remained in silence in the whirling winds for the ride. Heath looked around Charizard and saw the sky. It was as beautiful as ever they touch the clouds and unlike what Heath thought, he was exhilarated.

‘This view is nice, I can’t wait till I get to experience this’ Heath thought as looked down and he saw the forest, the lucious green canopy and the amount of flying pokémon that were below them. After the forest came that the city. Its concrete laid upon itself beautifully. With towers reaching out towards the clouds just like they were. It was a marvelous site but soon it came to an end as they reached the outskirts of Oldale City. Red and his Charizard soon touched the ground softly. Red insisted on helping Heath which Heath relented and the ground never seemed so close. Red laughed.

“Yeah, you get used to it. Though you might also fall in love with being in that sky” Red commented.


“It was nice meeting you Heath. It was fun, though it was spent judging me. I’m glad you are aware of your surroundings. I hope to see you again, Maybe when you get stronger, I’ll challenge you to a battle.” Red laughed.

“Thanks for all of your help. I appreciate it, and I would like to battle with you” Heath lamented before reaching out his hand for a handshake which the current Pokémon Master took.

“TO next time”

“Next time” Heath repeated, and Red got back on Charizard who smiled at Heath. They pair flew off creating dust that got in his eye, but Heath didn’t care.

“I got a mega stone from him.” Heath smiled to himself before walking back to his hotel which he would need to re up. On the way he took Piplup out, and not knowing how he got here. Heath calmed the bird down opting to get a shower and then some much needed good sleep.

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