《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 10 - End of Nostalgia


7th August

Yuki found himself reminiscing about his first meeting with his new friends while in Miss Yuan's class, what took to bring him back from his nostalgia was a hit on the head by chalk, "Pay attention in the class Mr. Tachibana, your friend has got something to ask. It will do you only good if you listen, because it's not like you'll learn everything from those anime." Ms Yuan scolded and turned her gaze back to Antonio, "Go ahead with your question Mr. Prada."

I should have never mentioned the anime thing.

"As you said that elemental affinities beat other elemental affinities, is that the case for all of them, and just how many elemental affinities are there?"

"'Elemental affinities' is a very vague term, to put it straight, there are just many. You can make anything your affinity if you practice enough. Yes but the basic ones still stay the same. You all will start your training from the basic ones. Anyone else has any questions?"


"Well then, I'll continue from where I left off. When practicing any kind of magic it's necessary to keep control on your flow of aura. If you use too many Crux Particles at once it will drain you of your energy-"

The sound of the bell ringing cut Miss Yuan off. "Looks like the class has ended. You'll begin your next class with Samuel Sir." And with that, she picked up her belongings from the table and left the class.

Seeing her leave, all the students began to relax but that only lasted a few minutes and then a short man in his thirties entered, he looked like he was a head shorter than Yuki. His skin was dark and his posture upright. His demeanour made him look taller than he actually was, the sound of his steps silenced the class, and the silence continued until he reached the table. "Ahemm… My name is Jordan Samuel. I'll be teaching you history from now on." He spoke with a very calm tone and frequent pauses. "What? This is a magic school, what history are you going to teach here hah?" Looks like John took Jordan Sir's calmness as leniency, his misunderstanding was soon cleared. Jordan Sir flicked a stick under the table that hit John precisely between his eyebrows and bounced back to him, all within the span of 1 and a half seconds. "Now then, does anyone else have to say something?" And once again silence followed, but then a hand went up hesitantly, "Yes, the girl with those big glasses, do you have a question?" Sam Jordan asked her. Yuki and a few other students turned back simultaneously to see it was Austin again. "Y-yes sir-" she replied hesitantly.


"Then tell me your name and continue with the question."

"Y-yes, I'm Christine Austin, m-my question is, h-how can you swing y-your stick like t-that, I m-mean, the amount of air r-resistance that stick would provide would have d-drastically slowed it down, and yet you were able to do it s-so fast."

Now that I think of it, his stick moved way too fast like sliding solid butter on a hot pan, and its trajectory was also precisely straight, no kind of drop was seen either.

"I'm glad you noticed Christine, well that is because I manipulated the air around me using my aura and got rid of any air resistance that would have been applied on the stick. Then I swung it up and gained momentum, and then released it at the perfect angle. Then cleared the air resistance in its trajectory. After the hit, I used the same air to move and bounce the stick back to me. Well, I could have done that faster but I've gotten old now." His habit of speaking with pauses made the whole monologue longer than it should have been.

"OLD? This man doesn't look a day older than 37! Just how old can he be? And he could have done that any faster?" Those were not the thoughts of Yuki but everyone present in the class.

"I'm in my sixties now y'know."

Everyone's eyes widened after hearing that. It was like he knew what the students were thinking and presented them with a bombshell they won't be expecting.

"Now then. Let's begin our first class." This time he said it without any pauses. "As I said earlier, I'll be teaching you history. What kind of history you ask? History of Avalon of course. So let's start from the beginning then.”

“Human Civilizations date back to the earliest times. Before we even knew how to speak. Ancient Civilizations like the Mesopotamian, Indus, Chinese and Egyptian have had their different ancient texts. In the Vedas from the Indus valley civilization, there is the mention of Chakras. The Chakras are the focal points that center the energy of the body. In the same ancient texts are the mentions of Auras. These Auras are built of Crux Particles as you know. And these Crux Particles can be manipulated in different ways to perform different types of magic. These ancient civilizations knew about them, but there were no records or even mention of Avalon. That’s because the concept of Avalon wasn’t created until as late as the Sixteenth Century. But that’s something we will come to later.”


“These texts were passed from one civilization to another by the means of trade and travels. People from and each of them improved on them in their ways. One such example was the Ancient Greece civilization. They discovered that the magic performed by Crux can be divided into [Light Magic] and [Dark Magic]. When Avalon was established any use of [Dark Magic] was forbidden. Likewise in Chinese civilization, most people mastered the Fire element. As these civilizations started to decline this knowledge was lost and only a few families kept the knowledge preserved from generation to generation.”

“These ancient texts weren’t discovered by humans until the Twentieth Century, but until then Avalon was well established and we managed to clear all the records.”

“This was a short introduction to the History of Avalon. We will learn more about this in the upcoming classes until then I wish you all a good day.” Saying that the professor began to leave with his walking stick. No student said anything. “Oh by the way, as I’ve ended today’s class early, you students are free to do whatever you want until the next class starts.” And that line by the professor triggered the students into an uproar. They began moving around the class freely. The only students to not partake in this were Yuki, Christine, and some other loners. The noise in the class increased and the situation started to take a chaotic turn. “EVERYONE. QUIET. NOW.” A student screamed from the centre of the class, he was a white boy of average height, his hair was brown and he was wearing gloves. His brown eyes were full of glow. Yuki noticed that he was having the same Golden shoulder buttons as Antonio.

Just what do these shoulder pins mean? And why is this dude a total eye candy?

Everyone stopped speaking, not because they obeyed him, but out of pure astonishment, the silence only lasted until they saw who actually commanded them. The first to speak was John, “HUH? Who are you to tell us what to do?”

“John, do you not understand the situation? Or do you wish to get punished? You’ll get the whole class dragged in because of your stupidness!” He spoke like he was a teacher himself. He had the charisma to become the class leader. And if not that then the face impresses all the girls at least.

“Oh? And who are you to order me around?” John tried to resist, but all in vain, the girls had already sided with the white kid.

“Yeah, maybe he is right. We shouldn’t make noise, we might be punished.”

“John you should just shut up already, like, do you know how stupid you are.”

“John, you'll bring our class to ruin.”

John had started receiving a strong backlash from the girls. His facial expressions screamed “I WANT TO DIE”, he tried to gain back his stand, “I-If that’s how it is then what should we do in this free time we’ve got? Do you have an answer to that?”

“It’s easy, we can all begin with introducing ourselves, that way we can also get to know ourselves right?”

He makes it sound a lot easier than it actually is.

“Hmph! What a stupid i-”

“That’s a great idea Arnold! Why don’t you begin by introducing yourself!”

Great! the girls had already started falling for him.

“Sure, My Name is Arnold Brown, I come from Britain and my hobbies are fishing, gym and archery, I hope we all get along well.”


“Now, let’s begin from the last, if I remember right your name was Christine? Can you please introduce yourself?”

“HUH? I-Introduce myself?” She was extremely flustered. “M-my name is C-C-C-C”

“You don’t need to rush. Take it at your own pace.”

Christine took a deep breath and then tried again. “My name is Christine Austine. My hobbies are reading… writing… experimenting with new things… I- I hope we’ll get along…”

After she finished with her introduction Arnold began clapping his hands, “Well Done.”, The girls imitated him and applauded too. The introduction went on until it came to John.

“Now John, can you please introduce yourself.”

“Hmph! This is so stupid why should I introduce myself.”

“If you don’t want to then don’t John.”

“Yeah I won-”

As he was speaking another teacher entered the class. “Hello class, your PE teacher is here. Get ready to unzip your pants.

To be continued in Ch. 11ᐳ

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