《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 11 - Let's get Physical


7th August

The class was shrouded with silence, everyone was confused, including the woman who just entered the class claiming herself to be the PE teacher. She was a Croatian woman dressed simply in a white and blue tracksuit, her long black hair tied back in a ponytail. "What happened? Aren't you guys ready for your PE class?"

Arnold decided to take the lead here on behalf of the confused class and asked "Are you our PE teacher?"

"Of course, I am your PE teacher, who else can it be."

To which John unconsciously replied "Mommy". Everyone spun their heads to that response which made John realize what he actually said, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to say that, y-you just look similar to my mom." He reflexively replied, apparently he had been staring at the teacher for quite a while, and if she actually resembled his mom was something only he knew.

What is this dude smoking? If asked to me I would say that the teacher is just simply cute, nothing more nothing less.

But the teacher completely ignored it, rather she didn't even notice it. "I don't know what you students are thinking but change into your jerseys and get on the training grounds now. We are going to have a lot of fun today." She apparently had no idea what the confusion was about and was confused herself.

"Sorry ma'am what? Our jerseys?"

"What are you students so confused about, yes your jerseys! You won't be running on the ground naked."


The silence was nothing but confusion between both the parties, after a few seconds the teacher came to realize what was going on. "OH! This is the first time I've had a lecture in your class, that's right you won't know about the jerseys. Guess we will do PE without them today." She didn't realize what was going on. "Ma'am I don't think that's the matter of concern right now."


"Hm? OH! I get it now! As this is my first class you students probably don't know me. I'm sorry for not introducing myself yet. I'm Iva Kovač, your PE teacher but that's obvious now I guess. If this confusion is over then come out on the ground already. And about the jerseys I will register them for you guys later."

Maybe she's not just cute but also dumb.

This was the first time the class was on the Training Grounds and to top off the experience they were not in their jerseys because the teacher forgot to register it for them.

✳ ✳ ✳

The training ground was a vast landmass surrounded by varanda on all the four sides, situated between Block A and B it was a spot anyone can spectate. The students of Class 1-3 had gathered in these Training Grounds for their first PE class.

"So, first of all before any intense physical activity you shall warm up, those are the basics if you didn't know already."

We did.

"And so, you all will start with 500 high jumps! And if I see anyone losing their breath they are in one hell of a punishment!"

This teacher plans on killing us.

"Anyone any doubts?"


"Then start jumping!"

Only a few students, including John and Arnold, showed even an inch of excitement. For the rest it was hell already, not the physical training, but the trainer herself. All of them had failed to understand her and had no intentions to question. They just wished for the class to already end.

The high jumps were followed with other physical exercises and the students who showed the slightest signs of exhaustion were singled out. In the end only 3 students were left. And they were Rusty Austin, Lin Sun (孫琳)*1 and Arnold Brown.


Lin Sun, a Chinese student who's built differently with an extraordinary physique standing up till 6 feet, a chiseled face that could even intimidate a pro wrestler, hair darker than the night and woven out of silk tied together in a ponytail. His first name Lin (琳) meant a fine jade gem and his last name Sun (孫) meaning a grandchild or a descendant.

Rusty Austin, an American student who got more to him than it looks. Though he has a slim body, if one were to battle him they'd likely lose, his mastery in mixed martial arts like judo and karate allowed him to disband the enemy using their own force against them.

And in the end Arnold Brown, an average looking white boy. Everyone was sure at this point that he only looked average and had some or many hidden skills. Not to mention he had those golden shoulder buttons on him.

"Your class is pretty weak! Only tri*2 students survived. If it were the second years there would be at least deset*2."

I have no idea what that means but that's obvious, they are from second year goddamnit!

"Now! Let's begin the exciting part! Y'all start fighting and I'll sit back and enjoy it!"

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