《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 9 - New Friends and Old Enemies


Ch 9.1 Tonio from Italy

4th August

It was a sunny evening outside, all the classes had ended and students were returning to their dorms. The gusty winds cooled off their sweat and acted as a cure to the cruel heat the sun presented. There were multiple dorms, all located at the South side of the city complex, right near the Academy Blocks. In Dorm C Room no. 269 sat Yuki, covered in sweat, he had just shifted to his new room from the temporary dorm for newcomers, and the building was providing no help in avoiding the heat.

Yuki set all of his stuff up in his room and after all the exhaustive labor he wiped sweat off his forehead and set out to meet Naomi.

But as soon as he stepped foot out of his room he bumped into a white boy of his size. His appearance was mesmerizing and his blue eyes shone like a diamond, hovering over them were his black hair, not as curly but nor the straightest either, they were as light as the air and loafed around his head by the help of the gust. His face was round and covering it were his black rimmed, curved rectangular glasses. He wore a white shirt with a light brown waistcoat, the usual uniform meant for first year students, what was unusual though, were the 2 squared golden shoulder buttons. The evening sun was right behind him and yet he somehow shone brighter.

He was dressed up like any other 1 year student and yet something about him screamed Special.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Yuki apologized in Japanese while bending down.

"Ah, mi scusi! Are you hurt anywhere?" He apologized immediately after, in a strong Italian accent.

"Oh no, I'm not, I'm sorry I wasn't looking my way." Yuki apologized once again, this time in English, still bending.


Idiot! People from everywhere will be here, of course all won't be speaking Japanese like Naomi, how stupid am I. Good thing I played those MMORPGs with westerners, I can atleast speak decent English due to it.

"It's completely fine, are you staying here from now, in this room?" He enquired kindly.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

"Well that means you'll be my roommate from now on. I hope we get along."

"Oh, so you're my new roommate? I'm Tachibana Yuki, nice to meet you." Yuki introduced himself.

"Altrettanto, My name is Antonio Giò Prada, but people call me by other names too."

"So which class are you in?"

"I'm in 1-3, the same class as you." Antonio exclaimed.

"Oh! Is it? I've yet to know all of my classmates as I just joined today."

"Yeah you sure will."

"Well then, I'll have to leave now."

"Are you going to meet someone?"

"Yes, why?"

"I thought I could treat you as you are my new roomate, maybe you can get your friend to tag along too?"

"Oh that's a great idea. I'll introduce you to her then."

"Sure thing, I'll be waiting in the canteen then, the big one."

"Yes, see you soon!"

With that they parted ways, Antonio went towards the canteen and Yuki went to get Naomi. Yuki was happy to finally make a friend in his batch. And Antonio split his face with his smile for some other reason.

✳ ✳ ✳

Outside Room 8 of Dorm A stood a young man, his black hair wavering from the winds. Talking to a young lady with brown hair inside the room.

"So Yuki~Kun's got an actual friend now." Naomi exclaimed behind her door, opened just enough for the door chain to stretch and only her face to be seen. She was in her pajamas and tank top, the kind of clothing you would wear when you're relaxing at home avoiding the heat.


"Why are you saying it like that now. It's not like I have some problem with making friends." Yuki moaned, "Anyways, he's giving us a treat in the canteen. You should tag along."

"Oh, that's great, I'll have to pack up the stuff in my room and get ready, you can go ahead- No wait. I have some work with one of the teachers at Block A. We need to go there before, so I'd suggest you go there without me." She suggested while closing her door.

"Nah. I can tag along with you. I don't think Antonio will mind us being a few minutes late."

"Fine then. You can wait outside while I get ready."

"Man, why do you girls have to put up makeup everytime you go out." Yuki taunted.


Ch 9.1 Tonio from Italy - End

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