《The Art Of The Popup Dungeon》Chapter 13


Witness statement of the Blue Manhattan Metaregion Event.

"So everything was the same except ya know blue. Even things that shouldn't be possible like sounds. All the sounds, smells and taste were shades of blue. Newspapers were dark blue ink on light blue paper."

"I see. And what about things that were already blue?'

"Well they stayed blue of course."

"Of course. Now feel free to not answer this but what colour was the sky?"

"... What's the question?"

"I just asked you. What did the sky look like? "

{long pause}

"Umm were you going to ask a question or just sit there?"

"What. Colour. Was. The. Sky?"

"Sorry but could you repeat the last word, You kinda mumbled there."

"Never mind. I think we're done here for now. Thank you for your cooperation."


Mickey walked up to the portal and used his phone to take several photos, some of the portal and others of the graffiti next to it.

Visibly bracing himself for any onlookers he stepped into his dungeon. The comforting sensation of his domain engulfed him and he pushed it away so as to get a better feel for the metaregion. The "Threat aura" of the dungeon was fairly low so any visiting dimensional would feel that the area was about as dangerous as the side of a busy road rather than a tightrope over a pit filled with spikes and venomous snakes.

Following the standard procedure for scouting an unknown metaregion he took a photo of the rough hewn stone cave before moving to the focal point of the room, the pillar. In his mind's eye the pillar was a knot of warped space and power. If he visualised the space of the dungeon as woven cloth then the pillar was a twisted ball of fused fibres. Moving to it he gave it a cautious tap.


Just because he knew his dungeon was safe didn't excuse him from developing sloppy scouting practices. As the orb tried to impose a crest onto him he flared his power preventing it. Nodding he left to report his findings to the rest of the team.

Back in the staging tent, the team turned to him expectantly.

"It won't immediately kill us." Mickey replied to the unasked question.

"Of course it will not. Metaregions only become hostile because of reckless exploitation. If we do not begin cutting down its trees or digging out its minerals it will remain safe and suitable for study and research." Professor Panchal sneered.

The DMM agent frowned. "The thirsty forest incident happened because a drought stricken metaregion learned how to drain blood from animals. Human intervention isn't the only cause for hostile metaregions, professor."

"That was an exceptional circumstance. With proper care metaregions are perfectly safe."

"It's closer to one in five that are hostile."

Mickey interjected.

"It's just that most of 'em are either passively hostile or aren't old enough to build up serious power. Anyway there are a couple concerns I want to go over before we go inside. "

Mickey moved past a couple of what he assumed were university students to get to a white board.

Drawing out his notes he continued.

" The first thing is that this appears to be an isolated extra reality, potentially with hunters. There's an anchor node almost immediately inside the region so…"

"Umm, excuse me."

The police officer who had until now been silent spoke up.

"Could you explain this for people who don't know anything about metaregions. We aren't expected to arrest places after all."

Laminae started to nod before stopping herself and crossing her arms.

Seeing Professor Panchal take a deep breath and prepare to launch into a lecture, Mickey quickly spoke over her.


"Right. So here's the basic need to know. Isolated means that it doesn't overlap with the environment, as opposed to overlapping which does. An isolated metaregion has a clear division between inside and out. An overlapping region sorta fades into it slowly. It's easier to wander into and out of an overlapping region.

The extra reality means that it has effectively created its own space rather than changing an existing space. Extra realities always have anchor nodes both inside and outside the metaregion. Break the nodes and the region will collapse. This is incredibly dangerous, and should only be a last resort.

Hunters are creatures that live in the metaregion that can leave it. For example animals that den inside the region can often leave when hunting before returning to their den. "

" What makes you suspect hunters? "

Asked the agent quickly.

" The graffiti near the cave opening. Without an overlap it would need something that could leave in order to paint it."

" Do not be ridiculous. Metaregions are ecosystems. They cannot write any more than a river or a hill could."

Mickey turned to the academic, cleared his throat and recited.

" 'Once I sat engaged and pooling

My erie, I could not awaken

And the creek never clustering

All my soul within me mustering

Back into my memories waiting

Deep into that darkness integrating'

This was a poem found in a certain metaregion, written on a fern. One word per leaf, from the stem out. As soon as you start making assumptions about metaregions that's when they surprise you.

Generally in gruesome terminal ways. So I'm not gonna assume that the region couldn't have written a warning by the entry until it's proven.

Mind you it could always just be idiots being stupid, which is my first guess. But until we have proof I assume nothing. "

" I am not sure what qualifies you to make those assumptions. " Argued Panchal.

" The federal government recognises Cargo's expertise in this area, professor. Department procedures require us to have a dimensional meta on any metaregion investigation, and he has an excellent track record. "

The Agent stated firmly. Turning to Mickey he questioned.

"So how do we proceed from here?"

Mickey shrugged.

"We go in, the boffin sets up her scanning equipment. There will be a glowing orb held between a stalactite and a stalagmite. Do not touch it, shoot it or scan it until I get a better look. It tried to infect me with something when I touched it. I stopped it but we'll want to look into it in more depth. Also, and this bears repeating.

Do not screw with the glowing orb of doom. Don't scan it, don't touch it, talk to it, lick it, poke, prod or otherwise interact with it.

Avoid looking at it if you can. It's an anchor point and if there's anything that will set the region off, killing us all, it's messing with the anchor point. With a single exception the rule in metaregions is if you find an anchor don't touch it. "

Agent Brown exchanged glances with Laminae and the professor.

" What's the exception? "

" The exception's dimensional Meta's, because we can normally sense what will happen if we do mess with it. Plus since since metaregions are a three dimensional space which has manifested, our powers can cancel each other out, like two telekinetics wrestling over a rock. "

Tired of the chatter, Mickey walked out of the tent, gesturing for the rest of the team to follow him.

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