《The Art Of The Popup Dungeon》Chapter 12


On Metahumans

Metahumans. Supers, Freaks, Meta's powered and a dozen other names. These are people who have manifested some kind of metapower. The ability to generate and manipulate fire or water. Flight, super strength or speed beyond human limits. The possibilities are endless. While metaregions have the strongest effects on the planet and metamaterials have changed industry and technology, Metahumans have had similar effects on politics, society and culture. On one hand power has been randomly distributed. Whereas previously wealth was concentrated in the ultra rich and discrimination was ubiquitous, manifestations do not discriminate, except in the way they trigger. A homeless beggar has as much chance of manifesting as a wealthy heir. And if triggered just as much power. This has led to a serious upheaval of many social norms. There is significant division over whether this is for good or for ill.


After getting home Mickey mentioned that a pair of police officers had checked out his dungeon.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier!? You dick what if they fuckin' arrest you!?"

"Sweetie relax. This isn't a big thing. I expected this and have plans. It'll be fine, I promise."


She screamed drunkenly.

"This is the exact opposite of fine! I should'a never have let you start this crazy fucking scheme! Gonna get yourself killed!"

Elanore continued rambling as she paced the kitchen. Mickey took a deep breath, acknowledged the hurt and rising anger and and let them go with his exhale.

She's just worried about you and drunk. It's not a dig at your strength or an attempt to control you. Now to do I punch her to focus her, or do I kiss her to try and calm her down?

Mickey went with the obvious, and grabbed each side of her head and brought his mouth in for a kiss. She twisted and kneed him in the side of the ribs.


Ah heres the fighty stage.

Elly shoved Mickey bak against a counter and clumsily smacked him around the chest and shoulders.

"You stupid fuggin bastard don't you know this how's that." Elanore slurred before a familiar look came over her face.

As she bent over and emptied her stomach onto the floor, Mickey managed to keep her hair and dress away from the vomit. Their shoes were a lost cause unfortunately.

And here come the tears.

Stumbling backwards she fell onto her butt and started crying.

"I threw up." Elanore sobbed.

Happy, angry, sad in a few minutes. Welcome to the drunk Elly show people! Next up sorrys and passing out.

Mickey held back his chuckles as he carried his drunk to the couch. As he worked off her soiled shoes she was mumbling incoherent apologies. By the time he had cleaned up her shoes in the sink and mopped up the mess on the floor she was snoring peacefully.

He almost hated to wake her but she needed water. He nudged her a couple of times uselessly. Sighing he poured some water from a large glass onto her face.


"Drink this." He said, holding the glass of water to her lips. After she had finished the entire glass, he refilled it and placed it on the nearby coffee table for when she woke up.


Mickey woke up to the sound of his phone ringing.

Two ta one odds it's the cops calling.

"Good morning, This is the Department of Metahumans and Metaphysics, My name is Alex. Am I speaking to Mr Michael McRae?"

Eh close enough.

"Yes, what's this regarding?"

Mickey barely paid any attention to the conversation.

"Verify your identity yada yada, please help us investigate this metaregion blah blah, highly recommended dimensional metahuman and so on and so forth."

After arranging to meet the investigation team near the portal mickey went to wake up Elanore.


After prodding her into some semblance of consciousness he informed her, the DMM had requested that he assist with their investigation, and that for several reasons he accepted.

"I'm going with you."

Elanore was hungover but determined.

"They'll likely have some other Hero there to play bodyguard for the investigators sweetie. And even if they didn't it's not like I would be in any danger. I'm mostly going to be hoodwinking them into seeing what I want them to see anyway. "

"First, whoever they send has the downside of not being me. Secondly anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't let you go into danger without adequate protection. So me being there will help with your deception."

Mickey shrugged. There weren't many downsides and it would be a nice follow up on their date. They didn't get enough time together as it was.

"Fair points. We'll leave in two hours or so. "


Near the portal Mickey found a police cordon taping off the area and a DMM tent, where presumably the investigation team was meeting. After being cleared for access by the police officer guarding the cordon Mickey and Laminae headed into the tent.

As they entered several heads turned to them before returning to tasks. The three that didn't were instantly labelled in Mickey's head as the cop, the agent and the scientist. The agent immediately headed to mickey hand outstretched.

"Ah Cargo I assume? I'm Agent Frederick Brown. Nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce you. This is Sergeant Edward Strathpine and this is Professor Nabhitha Panchal. You'll be working with us till we get this sorted."

Brown shook Mickey's hand firmly before gesturing to the cop and scientist as he introduced them. To the pair he said.

" This is Cargo, an independent meta with dimensional powers who will be assisting us with our investigations."

"Nice to meet you all. This is Laminae, of the Brisbane Bastions. I asked her here for protection in case the region is unexpectedly hostile. " Mickeys words were slightly muffled by his featureless gray mask.

"We hardly need protection for a scientific venture. Indeed I do not understand why we need any Metahumans assisting in the first place."

Ah. One of those types.

The agent spoke up.

"Professor, have you ever been in a metaregion? Especially an undocumented one?"

"I have a doctorate in metaphysics and have been studying metaregions since the Manifestation. I can assure you what I don't know about metaregions could fill a thimble at best."

Claimed the academic.

"Well, I have a masters in intelligence, a bachelor of criminology and have personally investigated five metaregions. I can assure you that you have no idea about the potential shitshow we could be walking into. Having a dimensional Metahuman is the minimum requirement for an investigation and as far as I'm concerned we can never have too much security."

The agent responded before turning to Mickey and Laminae.

" Now the standard procedure in this situation is to send in the primary team alone, that's you Cargo, followed by the rest of us if you give the all clear. "

" Shouldn't I be first? I have better defensive powers after all." Laminae objects.

Mickey shakes his head.

" In general sure, but dimensional Meta's can counter metaregion effects. The rest of the team comes in when I know that the whole place isn't a death trap. Don't worry. I won't be long. "

Mickey left the tent and prepared to spend the entire day lying off his arse.

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