《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》The Riolu At The Top Of The World
Chapter 19
The Riolu At The Top Of The World
It was another bright and sunny day on Celestial Mountain. For the members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild that set off nearly a week ago to scale its mighty presence, the end was just in sight. And for one team leader atop a green hill, that meant one more push until they would reach the peak.
"For the love of… can you erase that part about my mom, Braix?"
"Why, Mony?" she asked with a perplexed turn of her fluffy ears. "My parents always liked to talk with your mother all the time."
"Ugh… at least put a good word about me in there, so mom will see it."
Braixen laughed as Monferno crossed his arms, analyzing the scrap of paper she was diligently writing away at. He glazed over sections of shining achievements Braixen had earned over her brief few years at the guild - being one of the best field duty members, and now a nurse in training under the guidance of an expert like Hatterene.
Monferno knew she was going places, but couldn't see any achievements like those under his belt.
"You should really write to your mom someday," Braixen remarked, tapping her chin with a quill. "I'm sure she wants to hear all about the missions you and I have done ever since we joined."
"… I don't think that's a good idea, Braix," Monferno admitted, deeply inhaling. "Not sure if she'd want to hear about me, at least for a while, until I can show her… something."
Searching his mind for anything of value to say about himself to his mother brought up nothing as always. He didn't know if she would appreciate it, anyway.
"What about you being our team leader for this expedition? Scizor doesn't make mistakes often."
Monferno snorted, "Yeah, real proud of him for making me the babysitter of this trip." He threw his arms up. "Rockruff's done nothing but get on everyone's nerves, and Leafeon can't even get Shaymin to stop skipping dungeons and go in with the team!"
His words proved to be perfect timing, as just over the range's rugged horizons came a soaring Shaymin, grinning cockily. The Grass-type glided over to the pair resting on a grassy ridge, making circles around them, before landing with style, much to the dismay of a certain Fire-type.
"How's it goin', mates? You blokes ready to make the trek up to the peak yet? I haven't seen skies this clear and open since the Shaymin Village."
Braixen's authoritative side kicked in. "Shaymin, you shouldn't be ignoring the plans of the team leader. The group is supposed to work as one, and it can't operate well if our best flier disappears every now and then."
"Yeah, I think everyone, including Leafeon, is getting sick of your shenanigans," Monferno added, receiving a set of furious eyes from Shaymin.
"Listen here, no 'mon just gets to boss me around all day - especially some no talent bludger like yourself! Now, I'll help with spottin', but I'm not gonna be your little lackey to command around."
Before either of the two could respond, Shaymin took off with an angry leap over the cliffside, gliding away from the group camp and her troubles.
"… Man, what a bitch."
He shot her an incredulous look. "Braix, I know you're thinking what I'm thinking. I don't see how the Guildmaster even puts up with her antics."
The fire fox sighed - as much as she wanted to be professional around her colleagues in the guild, Monferno was right - some just wanted to be a thorn in her side at times.
"That Lucario works in mysterious ways, Mony. I'm sure she'll come to her senses one day, or Leafeon will make sure she is." She stood, gathering her letter and patting Monferno on the shoulder. "And… I don't think you're untalented at all, Mony."
"Appreciate the praise, Braix, but I don't really have the authority like the Guildmaster or Scizor to lead you guys."
"You led us all the way up the tallest mountain in the world to our team's last checkpoint." Braixen smiled. "To lead an organized crew like us, I think that takes a lot of talent."
Before the Fire-type could respond, a child-like voice would pick up behind. Turning around, they could see Minun running as fast he could on his stubby legs over to them, firmly holding his ELE in a paw.
"Monferno! I've just got a word from Scizor! He said his group is going to regroup with ours in a few minutes!"
"That all?" Monferno approached the Electric-type. "Did Scizor mention anything about that place they found?"
Minun shook his head, "He just said for you to look out for them near our camp's edges."
"Got it."
Fulfilling his new duty, Monferno hopped down from the grassy cliff, going past their campsite and scaling a nearby hill to get a good vantage point of the surrounding mountainous region. With them being this high up, trees were scarce, giving him perfect vision of other Pokémon. And after a while of scouting, he could see the weary group traverse through a valley of rocks, straight towards their camp's location.
'Man, even Roark looks like he went through the wringer.'
Once the encroaching group was in speaking distance, Monferno left the hill to greet them, curious of what the discoveries that his own team failed to locate.
"Well? What's the scoop on the place you guys found?"
Scizor took a deep breath, glancing at each member of his group, who silently gave him the floor to speak his fascinated mind. "We had found an abandoned mine from long ago, which held a secret entrance guarded by Psychic-type powers. Inside… we uncovered the ruins of a Mystery Dungeon investigation project… which was helmed by the Legendaries of the past themselves."
Monferno was now positive that he had been given the short end of the stick. "Legendaries?!… You're all pulling a prank on me, right? I didn't expect Scizor to do this also, but that's just crazy talk."
"Ain't crazy talk, Mony," Roark spoke up, jabbing a claw at the filled rucksack slung around Charizard's shoulder. "I saw it myself. And since you obviously can't believe me, we took those Projection Crystals they used with us."
Monferno's jaw dropped, "Okay… I'll believe you all for just a quick second. Tell me just why some powerful and all knowing Legendaries would hang out in a mine to study dungeons?"
"With us we have brought their mission statement and eventual evacuation, Monferno," Scizor replied. "More will be discussed once the expedition has concluded."
"Uhuh… I'm sure the Guildmaster will be pleased."
Garchomp stepped forward, "Speaking of which, has your group been contacted by Jackson at all in the past few days?"
Scizor nodded, "The conversation between the Guildmaster and I concerning the site was suddenly cut off, which has led us to wonder if he has mentioned anything to you."
Monferno shrugged, "Minun said he couldn't catch his signal or something. All I've done is follow my orders and get to the final checkpoint."
A soft voice in the group's back finally spoke up. "Do you… do you think the Guildmaster and Liam may have been, um, injured somewhere?" Gloria's mind festered with worry over the pair, Liam in particular, who was always prone to recklessness.
Roark chuckled, "Can't be, sis. Those two are a powerful bunch together, I bet."
Garchomp grinned at his words, "Right, our best option right now is waiting for those two to come straight here-"
Her presumed plan of action was swiftly cut off by the sound of frantic wing flaps, which belonged to a panicking Staravia, who zipped their way at an alarming speed.
"S-Scizor and Monferno! Quick! You all n-need to come and see who Rockruff found near our camp!"
Monferno raised a brow, "Rockruff found who? That 'mon is always making up stories and other junk. What makes you think this one is true?"
Staravia sputtered, "No! Th-his one is actually true! I saw the Pokémon - he's like the ones with f-freaky antler horns and strange clothing like Rockruff s-said! Tell them, Joltik!"
From the avian's back came a shrill cry of agreement, courtesy of the tiny yellow arachnid clung to the bird.
A gasp emanated from Aggron. "Lad, did you say that Pokémon wore antler horns and strange garments?"
Charizard growled, thinking of his stolen nap. "Those little tribals… It's gotta be them."
Garchomp spared her metallic ally a glance. "Aggron, you think this 'mon's part of the same group that…"
"Aye. We need to hurry and find that kid right away, for that Pokémon may be preparing an ambush."
"Wait!" Gloria yelled. "What if that Pokémon just wanted to talk to us?"
Scizor steeled himself, "Your skepticism is noted, Gloria. I hope diplomacy can work, but we will have to see… Staravia, guide us to Rockruff immediately."
"Right away!"
The Flying-type flew through the camp again, with the group, excluding Monferno, hot on his tail in pursuit of the strange Pokemon.
Monferno sighed, shaking his head. "Can't believe that mutt was actually right. I'm never gonna hear the end of it from him…"
The Fire-type's brief lamenting over his disbelief would soon end by the paws of an approaching Braixen, who paused to stare at the newly arrived group of Pokémon bolting off.
"I see Scizor's team is here. Do… you know why they just ran off?"
"Yeah, we're gonna need to get the rest of our team up and ready to fight or something, cause apparently this mountain isn't home to nobody."
Garchomp led the vanguard of her allies and accompanying guild members, with Gloria just beside her, curious to confront the identity of the Pokémon that had attacked them. Along the way, every other member of Monferno's team would accompany them, just as curious as the snow fox.
She had only hoped this encounter would not end in violence.
The combined team's short embankment through the camp would end at its outskirts, where they see in plain sight an injured Grovyle, who bore an incredible resemblance to Staravia's description. It was slumped over near a rock wall, with Rockruff close by, who instantly became aware of the group's presence.
"Guys! Look! I told you I wasn't lying!"
Garchomp immediately stomped over, causing the Grovyle to stand weakly, preparing for a fight that it could never hope to win.
"I assume you are part of the group that attacked my friends?" The dragon narrowed her draconian slits. "Care to explain yourselves?"
The Grovyle heaved out a sigh, now standing firmly. "We… we did not set out our intentions to harm, but to protect our families against a force we thought had returned to hurt us and Celestial Mountain."
"Protect?! You lot ambushed us from the cliffs!" Charizard roared, to the agreeing growls of Aggron and Tyranitar.
The Grovyle flinched, "Yes, but there was a plausible reason for us to initiate first. Please understand that we made a crucial mistake in identifying you as intruders." He said with sincerity lining his voice. "This… Rockruff, your 'guild member' had explained to me that you are not who we thought you were."
"But wait!" Gloria shouted, her mind burning with questions. "We had gone into the expedition thinking there were no Pokémon living on the mountain, but you said you attacked us to protect your families here? Is your group… native to this place?"
The Grovyle was going to respond, if it weren't for another voice interrupting him - the gruff voice of the Guildmaster.
"They are, Gloria. And they will also answer more questions."
From behind the wall of stone, two backpack wearing Lucario and Riolu jumped down, landing beside the gathering of onlookers. Jackson would spare no time in hastily approaching the stunned Grovyle, glaring intensely at him.
"A full explanation would suffice for my guild members, beginning with your tribe's identity."
Grovyle clenched a hand, "... It is only fair… very well." He straightened up his posture, pulling off the antler horns tied to his head. "I am a member of the Followers Of Life. It is my duty to my clan and our goddess to protect the lives of fellow Pokémon."
"Sure didn't hesitate in trying to take ours…" Roark remarked.
Scizor's mouth slowly parted, "The… Followers Of Life? Surely you are not mistaken?"
Jackson held up a paw, "He speaks the truth, Scizor. If I am correct, your clan is located near the peak?"
Grovyle raised a brow, "That… Yes, yes we are. I lead teams of Pokémon around the mountain to survey it, and make sure there is peace."
Gloria frowned, stepping forward as well. "If your clan wanted to ensure peace, then why do you have ill intentions with this other group?"
Murmurs of agreement emitted from the guild members, rebuffing Grovyle's stance.
"This other group… They came to this mountain long ago, aiming to dig up that abandoned mine. An argument between us and them began…" The Grass-type inhaled sharply. "Then a fight broke out, and numerous members of our clan were killed. We managed to force them into retreating, but it left a heavy toll on us…"
Garchomp glowered at him, "I get it that your clan was wounded over that incident, but why attack us first if we showed no harm to the mountain, or your Pokémon."
More whispers were uttered, causing the cornered Grass-type to flinch.
"I gave out the order to ambush the two groups we had spotted near the statues. I… I did it because I couldn't risk our brothers and sisters getting hurt again."
Before anyone else could respond, Jackson placed himself between Grovyle and the rest of the group, narrowing his eyes.
"You said this other group traveled to this mountain to unearth that mine - who was that group?"
Grovyle gritted his teeth, thinking of that fateful day once more. "They were… strange. They carried these metal tubes around their backs that sounded like an erupting volcano, and wore armbands."
Liam, who was standing by the sidelines simply watching, racked his brain. He knew that Council guards carried around rifles, but the armband part was something also familiar to him. Nonetheless, his mind was so scrambled from the past few days that he couldn't fabricate an identity of these individuals, but kept that thought in mind.
Scizor also calculated the Pokemon's words, his eyes slowly enlarging. "Did you say… armba-" He was cut off by Jackson's raised paw.
"Grovyle, where are your other men? I noticed you were in the group that ambushed me and the Riolu over there, but I do not see them with you now…"
Grovyle held his injured arm. "Yes… that Mega Evolved form of yours greatly shocked us. And as for my allies, they are here right now in hiding, as I came out to peacefully investigate this camp."
After his explanation, the surrounding bushes and the verdant leaves of nearby trees began to rustle, revealing stowed away members of Grovyle's group. They then circled the group of guild members once more, but held no malicious intentions this time.
"We do not wish to fight you again, travelers," Grovyle said, holding out a leafy appendage for Jackson to shake. "We wish to make amends with your guild, and prove that we are Pokémon to be trusted."
The sturdy Lucario would analyze each clan member that surrounded them, studying their somber and regretful faces, before returning his attention to Grovyle. He would accept the pawshake, relaxing many in the group.
"Your clan's village is near the peak, correct? My guild's expedition was set to end once we reached the summit."
"Then it would be an honor to show your guild our village, as we do not get outsiders often, besides a Lycanroc clan that braves the trip to meet us."
Rockruff felt like he was about to explode in excitement, wanting to say something, but failing to find a moment in between Grovyle's offer.
"Come - we will guide you there, and I will convince our elder to arrange a grand feast in the night to celebrate your hard work in scaling this mountain, and… as a way to apologize for our misguided actions."
His parting words were enough to convince the majority of the guild, who were eager for some actual cooked food for once in this trip.
Jackson ended the exchange, turning around to address his own Pokémon. "Listen up! In about an hour, we will follow Grovyle and his men up the mountain to his clan's village! I expect for you all to be on best behavior, so pack up this camp and get ready for our final journey here!"
With their Guildmaster's command, and the promise of a feast in their name, each member of the guild quickly got to work, dismantling the camp's tents and equipment while Team Drarosteel chatted with Jackson.
Liam didn't follow his comrades, instead searching the sea of Pokémon to find the one he sought after. And then he locked eyes with her, who returned her gaze, the two of them now staring at each other with bated breath. They would eventually walk slowly to meet, never breaking eye contact.
"… Hey."
Their bottled up emotions would open up as they suddenly hugged, the two partners of Team Requiem now finally reunited. After being separated for almost an entire week, they could tell at a glance that the other had been through a lot - emotionally and physically.
Gloria broke free, smiling with an embarrassed blush covering her muzzle. "I, um, hope you had fun hiking with the Guildmaster. I know I did… discovering the Legendaries project and all."
She thought of Roark and Garchomp's constant encouragement throughout the expedition, the discovery of the mine's secrets, and even finding Victini's grave. And no matter what, the Vulpix could never stop thinking about what it takes to be a hero - the sacrifices one must take for a better tomorrow.
Liam returned the expression, "We did have fun - lots of it." He laughed, pointing a paw at his large backpack. "We even had the idea to take our banjos with us, so we played together a lot in the night."
He thought of the various obstacles he and the Lucario crossed - the countless Mystery Dungeons they conquered, the area of exploding geysers they crossed, and even the pain and trauma inside they fought together. A broken man who desperately wanted to be a father, and a lost boy who had no family to call his own anymore.
Before Gloria could respond, a set of crimson claws would find themselves on their pair's shoulders. A quick glance to determine their owner would find the visage of a smirking Roark.
"Well, the dream team is back in fighting form, eh? But don't you two have some more work to be done until we reach the peak?" He threw a claw to his left, motioning back to the working guild members still packing up the camp. "Help this poor old fox, will ya?"
Help they did, because soon they would witness a sight few Pokémon would ever see in their lives.
"Please keep to the path - the village is just past these statues."
Grovyle's entourage led the members of the guild up the grassy slopes of the cliffside, scaling a paved dirt trail that extended into a small lush forest. They would pass more deer-like statues and aged signs.
"Mreow~… ugh." Purloin huffed, Mightyena assisting her with walking. "This trail is not fit for a lady! Your clan should seriously- ouch!" she stepped on a pebble, hissing slightly, "-Consider stairs."
Monferno groaned back, "You've complained the entire trip, princess. They ain't just gonna roll out a red carpet for us."
The glare and haughty eye roll was the cat's response.
Grovyle sighed, "Yes, I apologize, Miss Purloin. We have been able to grow our food here on the mountain just fine for years. But our lack of contact with others on this continent hasn't allowed us much materials to work with."
"I've read about your clan before, albeit not much," Scizor mentioned. "But I've seen tales that say your tribe has members around the world, and whose origins possibly date back a couple millennia."
Shock and awe was present on almost everyone's faces in the group, who couldn't imagine a clan that old lasting into the modern age.
"You have done your homework, I see," Grovyle replied, smiling. "The village is just up ahead, and we will discuss our proper history once we enter."
With no more words to be shared between the two parties, they took their last few steps up the trail and past the trees and greenery that blocked the view of distant houses and other statues. Just beyond this hall of nature was a wooden gate already open for them, allowing the large group of Pokemon to enter without trouble, entering what seemed to be the square of the village.
Decorated hamlets dotted the treeline row to row, with growing vegetation that clung to the wood and windows of some, giving it a touch of the environment. Strands of blue and yellow cloth were strung along nearly every home and small shop, matching the colored clothing the Pokemon walking the paved roads were wearing. However, the most impressive centerpiece of the square was a massive stone statue of a deer-like Pokemon. It held significant resemblance to the other crumbled and withered effigies located all across the mountain, with its large antlers and lithe frame. Many of the native Pokemon stood by this statue, praying to it.
For even a place as remote as this, to call it lively would be an understatement.
"Wow… can't believe Pokémon actually live this high up," Roark said, shaking his head - gobsmacked. "Now, you can't tell me you guys couldn't fit a bar or something."
Grovyle laughed, "We do get to trade with this 'Council' in the cities below, so we do have some drinks of the… alcoholic variety."
"Haha! I'll take all my previous comments back!" Charizard yelled, pumping a clawed fist up.
"Aye, just save some for us…ya big bellied hog," Aggron grumbled.
Liam observed the large stone figure in the square's center, searching his mind again for that familiar feeling he felt. He knew he had seen this Pokémon before, and only after a small amount of consideration did he recognize it. He opened his mouth, ready to confirm his suspicions.
"Is that statue… of Xerneas?"
"Yes…" Scizor mouthed, now remembering the passages he read long ago. "The Followers of Life are also devoted followers of Xerneas, the Goddess of Life Eternal."
Grovyle nodded, admiring the icon before them. "No matter what part of this planet you find us, we will always dedicate ourselves to living in Xerneas's image. And here, we-"
"Is that you, Grovyle?" an elderly female voice questioned, beckoning everyone's attention
From the doorway of an odd looking cottage across the square, an old Leavanny slowly shuffled her way over to the group, adopting a motherly smile that suited her age.
"My, and even brought in travelers from your guard outing?"
A nervous sweat would form on the Grass-type's forehead. "I… yes, but I brought them here to make amends with a feast later tonight after we mistakenly attacked them."
The Leavanny covered her mouth with a leafy hand. "Well, I'm glad you apologized, then." She averted her careful gaze from Grovyle to the newly arrived group. "So many of you… and is it true that you all will stay for tonight?"
Jackson approached the Bug-type, "Yes, ma'am. My guild has come here to witness the peak - we then will leave in the morning." He scrutinized their surroundings, looking for a particular building. "Where can I find your elder's quarters? There is a matter of importance that I would like to discuss."
The leafy appendage of Leavanny would point to a grand structure near the end of the village, covered with blue and yellow banners with tinted glass windows adorning the sides.
"Elder Sawsbuck will be happy to speak with you, dear." Leavanny bowed. "As for the rest of you, I'm sure Grovyle and his men can take you to the peak, and even come back before the elder begins the fest."
"Uhh…" Grovyle blinked, realizing the new task assigned to him. "I'll most definitely escort them to the peak, and also tell the elder of their temporary stay." He raised an arm, giving way for multiple guards to head towards the large building.
"That would be appreciated, right, Scizor?" Garchomp asked, tapping the spaced out Bug-type with a talon. "We might be able to find more clues up there."
"... Right." Scizor cleared his throat, acknowledging the look of approval Jackson gave him. "If any of you wish to accompany us to the peak, then stay here near the statue. Otherwise, you are free to wander the village until dinner later tonight."
Liam had already chosen his path - he was finally ready to see the summit of Celestial Mountain.
Leavanny cleared her throat as well. "It would also be an honor to show some of you fine folk of our long history at our archives - if you wish to keep an old lady company for a bit, of course."
There seemed to be no takers, until a small white paw hesitantly rose amongst the group. Gloria stepped forward, holding her scarf firmly.
"Um, would… you show me the archives? I'd love to know a lot more about your clan."
Leavanny seemed delighted to hear her acceptance, crossing her arms together. "Why, yes! Just follow me, dear!" She strolled down an opposite path, further in the village, expecting the Vulpix to follow behind.
Gloria heeded the aged bug's advice, breaking away to trot behind Leavanny. She would momentarily glance back, locking eyes with Liam, both of them acknowledging that they would see each other later that day. Roark would also make sure to send her a wave of his claw, silently telling her to have fun.
Eventually, the rest of the group would either stay with Grovyle and the rest of the guards, or break apart exploring the village and chatting away about the new sights. Jackson would immediately excuse himself, heading straight towards the elder's abode. However, before he could make it across the village, a red pincer would tap him on his shoulder.
"Guildmaster, I... want to talk with you privately."
"... Fine."
The Lucario readjusted his route, taking a right into a part of the village where natives or members of the guild were loitering around. He would turn, facing his loyal advisor and giving him the floor to continue.
"A few days ago, our conversation was suddenly cut short, and neither me or Minun were able to contact your ELE."
"I accidentally dropped it off a cliff, but don't worry - once we leave this mountain, we will travel as an entire group to avoid communication issues." Jackson explained. "Now, was that all you wanted to discuss until we went over the details of your team's findings?"
Scizor bit his tongue, "Yes… there is something else." He paused to look around, making sure nobody was near to hear. "That Grovyle mentioned something about a group of Pokemon wearing armbands that came here long ago to excavate the mine. That group… he's talking about the Alignment - the Pokemon that helped build the Eden Theater."
"I know, but I'm more concerned with finding out what knowledge the Legendaries might have accumulated from their findings. I want a full report on it once we're back at the guild, so the others can be informed about it."
Scizor nodded, "It will be done, but…" The Bug-type inhaled, slowly exhaling." There's a matter of the Council that we need to address. More specifically, the ultimatum they gave us the other day."
Jackson remembered the day they had first arrived in Elysium City by carriage, and the pair were approached by members of the Council guard, as a request of the Council members themselves. The brief meeting was a direct message to the Cosmic Quilt Guild, in that they were authorized to disclose any of their potential findings within Celestial Mountain to them.
The Lucario would do no such thing.
"The Council understands the importance and reputation my guild has acquired over the years. I have called their bluff, and we will not yield to them under pressure."
"Guildmaster... I don't want to see them close this guild down - they shouldn't have the right to do it. We are so… so close to finding out this world's secrets. Just a little more time and we can... "
"Jackson! It's been a bit since we've talked!"
Loudly stomping over, the friendly yet intimidating presence of Garchomp was immediately known. "Spoke with Aggron and Tyranitar, and they were pleased about the expedition. But I'm curious… how did you know about the Followers of Life being here?"
Jackson's attention shifted to Garchomp, then back to Scizor. "The first thing we'll do when we're back at the guild is prepare to find that second location you mentioned. Once we do, we'll immediately set out to find it." He brushed past the sandshark, retracing his steps back to the elder's quarters.
"... Well, that Lucario is the same he's always been," Garchomp lamented.
"... You know that's not true." Scizor sighed. "This whole endeavor has put us both under monumental stress, and I'm not sure if the guild will live to even see it, or even I…"
"Whatever happens, you know that my team will always be sticking up for you guys." She grinned. "Heck, just say the word and we'll help you with scouting out that second location."
He grinned back slightly, "... I'd like that. Thank you… again, Garchomp."
She chuckled, turning around. "C'mon, let's go see if there's anything of interest near the peak. I know you're dying to see it."
The Bug-type peered up at the blue sky for answers, guidance, hope, or anything that could help show him and his colleagues a tomorrow where the ley lines didn't threaten this world. Since the day his village vanished, he's been searching, and now he's been given a lead by the Legendaries of the past. With their failures in mind, he would make sure they would not fail this time.
Scizor knew he would not let go of it - no matter what.
"I guess I am."
"I see… Thank you for telling me of their arrival. I will gladly attend the feast for our guests. And please make sure their accommodations for tonight are well. Dismissed."
The two guards bid their elder farewell, making their exit. They strode across the blue and yellow carpet, releasing the creaky wooden double doors to the outside world. Once they were gone, the orange autumn colored Sawsbuck would saunter back to his couch, resting his weary form. Everyday he grew more tired, and every time he woke up, he'd wonder what day would be his last.
Before he could close his eyes once more to rest, a creaking of the double doors would resound through the room. Sawsbuck curiously tilted his head, wondering who the sole Pokemon that entered was - A Zoroark.
Roark looked around, his gaze finding a confused Pokemon staring back. "Huh, guess this wasn't the village bar I was looking for... "
Sawsbuck was silent, but eventually chuckled softly. "It would appear not, sir. Are you one of these 'guild members' that are visiting us?"
The fox shrugged, "I'm more of their errand boy, but, eh, I still consider myself a part of the gang. And no need to call me sir." He chuckled to himself. "Already turned forty and I don't need more reminders that I'm growing old over here."
"Ha, I wish I didn't have to remind myself too."
The Zoroark moseyed on over to a set of shelves and cabinets that lined the wooden walls of the room. Books, masks, bottles full of liquid, and various other items were placed neatly on them. He ran a claw across a dust covered bottle, attempting to decipher any names he would recognize.
"So, what kind of crazy drinks do you guys keep around here? Tribes always have some weird voodoo concoction that'll make ya hallucinate flying Mareep and stuff."
Sawsbuck laughed again, "Sorry to disappoint; we don't have anything like that. But… I do want to ask a question."
"You act very… young and rambunctious for your age. It's not something I encounter often when talking to my fellow clan members, Zoroark."
The fox grabbed a glass, swishing its contents around. "Roark. You can call me Roark."
Sawsbuck arched an eyebrow, "You… have a name? Not many Pokémon adopt names, besides titles and such…"
"Heh, you should see this other Riolu kid I know. And this sweet little dork of a Vulpix I call my sister." He smirked, picking up another bottle. "You got any actual alcohol in this place? I didn't climb the tallest mountain in the world to go on a sober streak, y'know?"
Sawsbuck sighed, eyeing the many bottles on the shelves and reminiscing of a time when he would drink with the Pokémon he called his friends - all gone to the passage of time, now kept under Xerneas' watchful gaze. But seeing time fly by was always more noticeable by an old man like himself.
"Roark… why do you drink?"
A shrug was the fox's response. "Why do we do anything on this rock? Why do us 'mons feel the need to become heroes, explore the world, or solve mysteries and junk." He twisted open a bottle, taking a whiff of its berry aroma. "We do it because we like it, and want more of that feeling. Call me an alcoholic, but I drink because it makes me feel alive and young."
"And… you don't have feelings or regrets that you wash down through a bottle?"
Roark squeezed the bottle in his grasp, careful not to break and spill its contents on the carpet. His mind was shrouded in a perpetual fog over that question, wondering the answer to it himself.
"... Way back when, I used to live in a small city on the Mist Continent, and my job, well, my only way of living was through robbin' 'mons in the alleys between the markets in broad daylight." He chuckled again, rocking the bottle back and forth in his claws. "Pretty damn good at it, too - even got myself known as the Zoroark who didn't know how to make illusions. And when the sun would set, I would climb on a tall building and just… drink."
"But you're here now," Sawsbuck assured. "You're a member of this guild, and you have a sister and friends to call your own."
"Yeah, I sure do."
"So, is there still another reason you drink to this day?"
"In the past, I wasn't just stealing to get by. I was trying to find someone, but I couldn't help but get caught up with the law."
"Did you ever find this Pokémon?"
Roark looked up at the ornate ceiling, sighing. "Nah… well…" He smiled, thinking way back. "I did find someone long ago, but I still wonder about it every now and then. Where are they now? Are they looking for me? What is…" He held the drink close, thinking of that fateful day. "My purpose."
Sawsbuck leaned back, closing his eyes. "Life always has a purpose, Roark. Regardless of what path or aspiration you take, what you do will always hold meaning to someone. That someone in my life would be my dearest daughter, but finding purpose midst completion of one's goals in life... that is difficult."
Roark clicked his tongue, "Bit too late for me to be a father, but I do have my little sister to protect. She… is really the reason I get up a lot of times in the morning." He snorted. "That or there's someone in the guild that needs pranking badly."
The elderly Grass-type chortled, raising a cloven hoof towards one of the closed shelves in the corner of the room.
"That cabinet there houses some aged tonics and wine. Make sure to bring me a glass as well."
"Wow! This place is really large, Miss Leavanny!"
"Oh, please, dear, you don't need to call me 'Miss' or anything."
Their small adventure through the quiet village ended at a building which supposedly housed artifacts and records of past members of the Followers of Life. The section about artifacts excited Gloria the most, who always wanted to see more relics of a bygone era.
The cream colored Vulpix entered the rather spacious museum of history, plodding around to check out the numerous strange and rather decrepit looking objects laying on plaques. Leavanny would follow her, exposing each and every one.
"Ah, that glossy stone there is actually a Mega Stone! Its origins here most likely date back thousands of years, when kings and queens would Mega Evolve for grand battles against their foes."
The Grass-type nodded, "Mhm! We firmly believe that Mega Evolution is directly tied to Xerneas' power, which was most likely shared to us a long, long time ago."
If the Vulpix had a quill on her, she would get to writing these descriptions down immediately. Nonetheless, she eagerly went to another exhibit, tilting her head at its strangeness.
It was a mural carved into a stone tablet, which was beyond damaged, with only a small chunk of it being salvaged from the looks of it. But what could be gleaned from the painting was a gathering of Pokémon. After squinting hard, Gloria was able to make out the clear depictions of Xerneas and a Lurantis standing before a crowd.
"What… is this supposed to mean?"
Leavanny studied the mural, "While our records aren't the most accurate, we know for sure that we dug up this tablet in the ruins of a city that we… have come to find is the very first civilization to grace this earth, and our clan's origins."
Gloria's jaw almost dropped, staring wide-eyed at her. "You're kidding, right? I thought that city was just a rumor that explorers told in novels!"
Leavanny nodded, "Yes, my dear. Only buried bits of chiseled stone remain inside the earth, and our exodus from other continents to find it was a lucky stroke for us." She stepped over to a large map of the Celestic Continent, tapping a location near Celestial Mountain. "Right beside this mountain is where that city emerged, and we Followers of Life are closest to both Xerneas' resting place... and our journey's starting point."
Gloria strolled over to the many bookshelves that lined the walls, wondering just how much history there was to uncover. But something the Bug-type said irked her a little, and interest tugged at her mind.
"You said… 'Xerneas' resting place'. Does your clan know what happened to Xerneas or Arceus?"
"Ah, my dear, now that is a story." Leavanny followed the Vulpix's wandering gaze, picking up a dusty book and flipping to a specific page. "The details are fuzzy, but the elders over the past millennia have come to a conclusion that Xerneas perished in a fight with her rival and opposite in life… Yveltal, the God of Death, in that city."
The fox's ears perked up, "... Yveltal? Wait! Are you saying that Yveltal, um, killed her in battle?"
Leavanny chuckled, "No, my dear. Those two are equals in everything - both in balance of life and death, and power. Neither could truly kill each other, and nor could any other Legendary Pokémon, for they truly are manifestations of Arceus' will given physical form." She bowed her head. "Sadly, our archives do not store any information about Arceus. I am sorry to disappoint you, my dear."
"No, no!" Gloria sputtered, "I really am learning a lot right now! But… if you say the two of them could never really die, then how come you say Xerneas perished in that fight?"
Leavanny inhaled, "That… my child, is something that not even I or any elder of the past could come to comprehend." She took out another book, turning the grimy pages. "While we have concrete evidence that Yveltal is still dormant within that city, the whereabouts of Xerneas has eluded us since our very existence."
"Dormant? You mean…"
"Yes. Yveltal lives, but in a cocooned state. We assume he drained enough power in that fight long ago to return to this form. However, the energy he needs to recover is something no Pokémon or Legendary could offer."
Gloria frowned, taking a shot in the dark. "Maybe Arceus could have revived him with his powers?"
"Ah, yes! That is something the elder and I have considered once." The Bug-type grew a wide smile, crossing her arms. "You're a very bright young lady, aren't you?"
"Thanks, nanny, I-" Gloria immediately stopped herself from continuing, a blush burning her muzzle. "I… um, I…"
"Nanny?" Leavanny crooned, nostalgia flooding her senses. "My, I haven't been called that in such a long time! Do you consider me one?"
"No! I…" The Vulpix cringed, squinting her eyes." Sorry, you just sounded and talked a lot like a Pokémon I once knew, and I blurted something stupid out."
"You don't have to apologize, dear. I think it's very sweet of you to still think of that presence in your life." She tilted her head. "Is she still around?"
"... Um, no. She passed away when I was just a kid."
"... My deepest sympathies, dear."
With the resurgence of buried emotions she held as a child, Gloria sat on the floor, gliding past memories in her head. She remembered her nanny led her out of the village whenever her parents were gone on missions, and into a town below with the biggest supply of books the young Vulpix had ever seen. They would scour the shelves, read, and pass theories around to their heart's content. At that time, the Vulpix saw a sweet old woman looking to spend quality time with someone else, and her nanny saw the child as someone who needed to see more than just her snowy village.
In this time, Gloria felt pinprick-like tears welling up at the loss she faced when so young. Her sudden emotional shift would be broken by a leafy appendage resting on her paw.
"Mortality is something we all must endure. None of our families, our friends, or anything strangers we meet are safe." Leavanny kneeled, keeping her arm on the fox. "I'm positive your nanny desired the best life for you. And look at you now - a smart girl in a guild ready to take on the world, right? Don't forget you climbed this impervious mointain, and that means you can overcome life's obstacles."
Gloria sniffled, tears still building up in her blue orbs. "I did… I did do this, didn't I? I left my village, I joined the guild, and I'm right here talking to you because I've chosen this path."
"Yes…" Leavanny stood back up. "You can look back at the past that held all your doubts and know that you made it. If your nanny was still with us, I assure you that she would be proud to see you now."
The Vulpix wiped her wet cheeks, happy to bid her sensitive emotions farewell once again. She knew for sure that would come out of this expedition a different Pokémon, a more reassured one. With Garchomp's mentorship, the fate of a heroic Victini, and Leavanny's kind words, she couldn't stop anymore - not like the world would give her a chance that it never gave anyone else.
"She would be…"
"Just pour it in the bowl - thank you."
The Zoroark heeded the deer's advice, sitting down and tipping the unique looking bottle of wine into a wooden bowl beside the kneeling Sawsbuck. The fox then kept the bottle to himself, taking the occasional greedy gulp.
Roark peeled his lips from the aged glass. "Gotta say… you 'mons make some fine wine for practically being hermits." He took another sip. "Just glad you guys weren't cultists or anything."
Sawsbuck guffawed at his claims. "I would hope we aren't seen as that to travelers. We are religious indeed, but our morals are most important."
"Cool, but if there's some sacrifice to Xerneas that requires a Zoroark… count me out."
The elder laughed heartily again, lapping up a good amount of his alcoholic serving.
"Tell me, Roark. What is your biggest fear in life?"
The fox halted his next big swig, placing the bottle down and clicking his tongue in thought. He was not the kind Pokemon for a bleeding heart analysis about himself, but he would try.
"Well, any brother in the world would say losing their sibling, or not being there for them… but if there's something else creeping into view, then it's what I said earlier - lack of purpose, I guess."
"Purpose… As an elder, I struggle with finding purpose to still be one with so many young and bright Pokemon living here to take the reigns." Sawsbuck groaned, his weak body getting the best of him. "I am far too weak to leave this place to even see my daughter, and I know my time is coming - and with it my purpose. I once promised here that I would never leave her… a foolish thing, I know."
"Yeah, I know all about making promises here." Roark sighed, finishing off the bottle. "When you got a sister as talented and with a future that bright, sometimes you wonder if you've completed whatever purpose life gave you. And-" He paused momentarily, squeezing the empty bottle. "And well… I guess I can't complain about something like that, but it does make me wonder if there's more in store for this old has-been."
Sawsbuck nodded, "We see to that together, Roark." He slowly curved his neck to stare at a clock on a wall, noticing just how much time flew by. "Well, I would advise you to return to Grovyle to witness the peak for yourself."
"Yeah… you're probably right." Roark set the glass down, standing up. "Was fun drinking with you, elder, but I got a little sister to embarrass out there, so you take care now, old man."
Sawsbuck grinned, "You are not so far from my age, Roark. You will soon know what it feels like to be so sore when you walk."
With a trademark parting chuckle from the dark fox, Roark waltzed over to the large double doors, stepping back in surprise as they opened by themselves, and another Pokémon entered - a Shiny Lucario.
"What's up, Guildmaster?"
Jackson silently glared at the fox, feeling that same spark of guilt shoot through him. The Zoroark stared back, wearing a slightly amused expression.
"Stand aside."
"You got it, boss."
Roark allowed the Lucario to pass, exiting himself as Jackson entered and marched straight towards the caught off guard Sawsbuck.
"So, you are the leader of this guild I've been hearing about? To start off, I am deeply sorry for the attacks my clan put your Pokémon through. I hope we did not jeopardize any mission you came here for."
"Thank you, but no - our mission went unimpeded. However, I am here for a different reason - knowledge of a Pokémon."
"I would gladly repay the debts we owe to your clan in the form of an old man's spiel," Sawsbuck gracefully replied.
After hearing his words, Jackson turned around and headed back to the double doors. He grabbed both handles, closing them shut, before returning back to the old deer. After a long week of climbing up Celestial Mountain, the Lucario was ready for the next step.
"Tell me about Yveltal."
After quite a while of waiting in the village square near the Xerneas statue, Grovyle would finally begin the short hike to the peak, accompanied by a small group of guild members, Team Drarosteel, and the village guards. With each step they took, they could feel themselves getting closer and closer to the finish line - the tallest point of this world.
Liam's heart pumped in his chest, the excitement of it nearly getting a hold of him. He made sure to keep his scarf nice and tight, as the cool winds were more frequent as they went higher and higher.
'Gloria and Roark are gonna have to drag me off this mountain once we're done…'
"Near the peak, there's this strange symbol that our ancestors found long ago when settling this place!" Grovyle yelled. "Since it's so close, we'd thought we show you."
Scizor and Garchomp's attention immediately peaked, the both of them sending each other looks that said if all.
There was more to find out here.
"Ooo! Is it like one of those treasure chest locations?" Rockruff yipped.
Mightyena arched a brow, "I thought they only buried those in sand?"
"Aye… but sometimes a pirate walks the plank with his riches and buries it for safekeeping." Aggron said. "Right, Tyranitar?"
Tyranitar simply scoffed.
Through the tall spruce trees and rocky terrain of the trail, their efforts of the past half hour would come to fruition in the form of a grassy plateau. In the middle of said plateau were very faint markings burned into the ground.
"This is the symbol I was talking about… it's very peculiar."
Scizor was the first to flutter over with his insect-like wings, walking circles around the etched in pattern. Garchomp would join him, trying to decipher what possible explanation there was for the symbol. Nothing in his mind would prepare him for what he could uncover.
It was three circles overlapping the other, with spirals and swirls coming out of each circle's outline. At the center of the symbol was a small rectangular shape.
"This… this looks like an Entercard marking, like someone was making sure this was the spot." Scizor suggested. "But it doesn't look like any Entercard making I've ever seen… The pattern is too bizarre and complex."
"Hmm, You think, lad?" Aggron grumbled, shooting Garchomp a look. "You ever see something like this in our travels before?"
"Nah." She muttered. "Never seen this kind of Entercard pattern before."
While the other guild members and Followers of Life shared their two cents of what the symbol could possibly mean, Liam was more interested in finding a higher vantage point to see everything at once. He knew they were at the peak, but he needed to be at its tallest inch to feel complete.
Just beyond the odd symbol was the last cliff he would need to climb, Sprinting over, he clambered over its mossy surface, leaving behind the group to witness the summit first out of anyone.
"Hey, Scizor."
The Bug-type snapped out of his mental battle with the unique pattern, turning his head to see Garchomp's kind yet sturdy visage looking back.
"I remember you spoke about that group who helped you and Jackson discover the ley lines, and that they're supposedly good with Entercards. You think…?"
Scizor knew where she was going with this, nodding. "It's true - they are. And they're located in the Grit Region, which is-"
"Exactly where the second location of the Legendaries investigation project supposedly is…" Garchomp grinned, flashing her wicked sharp teeth and extending a talon. "I think our little collaboration here shouldn't end just now, eh?"
Scizor blinked, his blank expression slowly morphing into a genuine smile. He bumped his large red pincer into her talon, signifying his agreement. "If everything goes smoothly with the Guildmaster, we shall see your team in the Grit Region with us."
Garchomp gazed up at the sky, taking the sight in. "Heh, I think that Lucario will come around sooner or later and relive the glory days of Team Moonlight."
"I… I hope so too."
Each step, each drum-like beat of his heart made the nerve racking yet monumental moment he was about to experience more grand. In breathless silence, his hindpaws glided across the smooth grass, almost possessed. When he finally stepped onto the last piece of land this mountain could offer, the Riolu stood still, drinking in his victory, the white wallflowers that dotted the cliff he stood upon dancing with him.
Here he was, the top of the world.
The ocean blue sky's clouds were pierced by the peak's might, the see-through opaque wisps now visible from above, like he was inside heaven itself and looking down below.
Past the clouds, the distant seas of land stretched farther than Liam could wrap his head around. To his left, the sandy dunes of the Grit Region caught his attention, but the freezing tundra and forests of the Frost Region to his right captivated a wild side of him - all separated by more mountain ranges in the middle. Putting his back to them, he turned his sights to the rugged and volcanic Mountain Region, right next door to the Meadow Region in which he called home.
'I can see… all of Celestic.'
Right now, he could see himself exploring every bit of those regions in the future - unraveling every secret and mystery that kept itself secure until he arrived in this world.
A wind picked up, quietly rustling the grass and bristling his short fur. He began to reflect on the Riolu that awakened almost a year ago, and the Riolu that was now atop this mountain. Liam couldn't identify himself that Riolu of the past anymore - the one that was lost all the time, the one that didn't know what to do, the one that truly didn't know if he existed at all.
Being here right now to witness this amazing view was more than enough proof that he was existing. Thinking of Gloria, Roark, the Guildmaster, the Pokémon he came to know, and even the mother and father that were lost to him now - he wanted to show them the true Liam.
'I hope you're still out there… watching over me.'
Continuing to observe the continent from a perspective few would ever experience, he didn't notice his vision blurring, and the world around him shifting into something completely different. He only watched in amazement as it happened, flower petals drifting across his form.
Liam was here yet again - in 'that place' - his paradise.
The fuzzy clouds vanished, bringing forth a mist that shrouded the pastured platform where he stood. The ground below shook as plates of faraway meadows and plains overtook the environment, naturally blending in. In the distance, green mountain ranges and valleys were obscured by rolling veils of white mist, making his mind tingle with wonder as to what new adventure could be held there.
The same angelic choir of voices from before started singing and cooing into his ear, relaxing him into a state of utter euphoria. From behind, white Pidove-like creatures arose from nothingness, flapping their soft wings and flying off into the peaceful, bright blue sky above. The Riolu watched them leave into the horizon, before hearing a familiar voice speak to him again.
"Hello, Liam."
"... Hello."
"I am so happy to see you once again… and especially at a time like this."
"I… I'm so happy that I made it here."
"And I am so very proud that you've come this far in your journey, surmounting indescribable feats. It won't be long until we can see each other again, and I can show you the true spectacle that is a life in paradise."
"... I'd like that."
"It fills me with great joy to hear you say that… but I must bid you farewell for now, Liam. Goodbye."
"Goodbye... "
Liam watched his paradise disappear before him, along with his senses of elation inside. He was now back into the world he called his own, and still observing the peak's majestic view. A striking pain of blue and yellow flashes would fluctuate across his vision, interrupting this beautiful moment. It never relented as glimpses of a claustrophobic concrete room, the feeling of cold iron chains around his arms, the stomping of loud boots, and a gruff voice echoing throughout his mind that shot a sinister chill up his spine.
"Grim reminder, kid…"
Imagine waking up in a strange world, and defying all challenges in your path to reach a peak this great - seeing the uncertain past now behind you - a vision, a memory, a dream, a magnificent sight… that could last over ten thousand years.
Author's Note: We've come a long way from the Liam in Chapter 1 to now, haven't we? I bet you're scratching your head at this being an ending, but this is truly only the beginning of this story. When we return, we embark upon the story's very first Special Episode! And after it ends, we'll be right back to where the guild ended off their expedition!
Let's start this tale off somewhere high up in the snowy vistas of the Glacier Peak Mountains, where a certain Pokemon with a dream of heroism will be born...
Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.
Discord: Z2H#7239
Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!
Next Time: Special Episode: Can You Make A Promise?
- In Serial36 Chapters
My Girlfriend, the Necromancer
The power of the Orb cleaves the skies and shatters the earth. It heralds the advent of a new era, one where humanity is no longer at the top of the food chain and we must rise to the challenge when faced with our own extinction as a species. I could hardly care less. All I ever wanted was to love my Allie, to grow old and wrinkly by her side as I held her hand before taking my last breath on this green earth. To have our love echo through the ages, an ode to the last great love story on the planet, one that would endure the end of humanity, the breaking of the world, and even defy the dread summons of Death itself. It’s said that when the gods unleash their fury upon mortal kind, they grant their wishes. Well, crap. This is a gritty end of the world survival story with modern fantasy/romance/game-like elements in it. The main focus will be character development while stats and menus are there as a fun vehicle to empower the imagination. This is a work in progress and I deeply appreciate any helpful suggestions, so please don't be shy with input! Currently posting at least one chapter per week.
8 141 - In Serial7 Chapters
Betrayal of the Dead
You've died. For most that would be it. The end. A closed path. But fate seems to have something else in store for you. What if... Through death... You can become... stronger. -System activation complete- -System loading...- -Death's betrayal.- [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 120 - In Serial8 Chapters
Dust Company
In a world overrun with hordes of undead, a small fortress stood as one of the last bastions of the living. The soldiers in the garrison were aware of the undead closing on them and understood their outlook was grim. Rem had prepared himself alongside his comrades for the incoming attack when he was abruptly summoned into another world. Now Rem is able to use magic for the first time in his life as part of a strange system inherent in his new home, and his daily plans mostly consist of finding a guild quest monster, stabbing it in the face and profiting. His prospects have improved, and he has the opportunity to live a relatively normal life in the pursuit of comfort and happiness! This is the story of Rem not doing that.---Note: There will be traumatizing content and progression is not the central aspect of this story. On Hiatus - added a note at the end of Chapter 8.
8 191 - In Serial18 Chapters
Life as a solo gamer
Authors Comment: Hello guys, I am bilingual, sorry if there is bad grammar or it just doesn't make sense or something along the lines. If there are any mistakes (which I know there will be) please tell me even if it's just a minor one. Thank you. Jake was just a normal high school student who plays games and reads manga/novels, he doesn't like to go outside that much and he's a little socially awkward. On one day Jake was just reading a novel and he mumbled ''Status''.
8 179 - In Serial4 Chapters
night and day//taekook
gece ve gündüz hep aklımdaydın..:')
8 208 - In Serial38 Chapters
Infected [killugon/killuaxgon]
In which all hell breaks loose.Gon never would have thought something so bizarre could happen, but yet, it somehow did. The dead had risen, and caused the end of the world.Was there a reason behind all of this?⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ -Switching POV's a bunch- basically walking corpses- gruesome scenes- blood- sharp objects-swearing⚠️ There will NOT be warnings at the beginning of the chapters!⚠️ ~Started so early because I started remaking it halfway~Started: July 24th, 2021Finished: ???🏆22- killugon🏆1- gruesome🏆34- zombieapocalypse🏆9- leopikaDont forgor to vote ⭐️
8 344