《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Fishing Trip
Chapter 10
Fishing Trip
'Ugh… not again.'
Liam instantly recoiled, bringing a paw to his head and slowly rubbing his temple. It was back again, right after he thought he ditched it this morning, but now he guessed it never truly left. Just like many times before, a sharp pain shot across his mind.
Thankfully it wasn't a lasting one, fading away just as quickly as it came. He groaned nonetheless, still holding his head with a paw.
Gloria seemed to notice, stopping her conversation with Leafeon. The white Vulpix tried to match her gaze with the squinting Riolu as worry traveled across her face.
"Liam… are you okay? Do you need to see Hatterene?" she asked in concern.
If Liam could, he would have smiled at her worriedness. It was a side of her he enjoyed very much. But he also wanted to shiver at the last part of her words.
Seeing the head nurse, Hatterene, was something he didn't want to do. Sure they were just rumors that his fellow guild members retorted, but the sinister glares he's seen her give to the unlucky Pokémon that entered her office were enough to convince him.
"Don't worry… I'm fine. It's just a little headache."
Ever since the day they had left the premiere, he had been experiencing these brief sudden headaches. When they had first entered the guild, and now a week later, they still remained. He only hoped they would just fade on their own and not affect his performance out in the field.
They were doing well so far, quite well, according to Scizor. The day after they were told about the ley lines and Mystery Dungeons, they were told to go straight to doing jobs from the bulletin boards. It was pretty tough for them to get adjusted to this; some jobs were easy, some were much harder. And it wasn't like they were getting paid tons, with the guild taking over ninety percent of their earnings.
Roark was always there to set them straight, as he was their 'guardian angel', to quote the Pokémon himself. It was much needed in their first few days, even if it meant the occasional teasing. Gloria was happy to just be able to help in some capacity. To give back to the Pokémon of Celestic.
Liam was happy to get out of the guild and see Celestic for what it was. Impossibly tall forests, jaw dropping cliffs, deep blue lakes and ponds. He wondered when he would be able to see more of the continent, and more than just this part of the Meadow Region.
His fellow guildmates also told him about expeditions the entire guild would take across Celestic, usually every year. While the goals of each trip varied, it definitely was no short hike through the woods. The thought excited him immensely, more than he'd like to admit. Roark already mentioned that he acted like Gloria sometimes with his tangents.
But in this brief period of time, he had already seen a lot. A lot of Mystery Dungeons, too. Every time he entered one to complete their mission, or just to get past it, the words of the Guildmaster always echoed throughout his mind.
'The Pokémon of the future will only squabble over the remaining scraps of civilization untouched by the ley lines. There will be no world left for us anymore, we will be consumed by the ley lines.'
If that was true, then he only wondered how long it would be until it happened. Like the Lucario said, the process was slow enough for the average Pokémon to not notice. But, what will happen when they do notice? The whole world would surely begin to unravel, Liam thought.
By then, it would already be too late.
A sting of electricity shot through his mind, interrupting the rush of spilling thoughts in his head. Liam didn't know why, but today it felt much worse than the previous headache filled ones. Breakfast always seemed to soothe that pain, though, even if just a tiny bit. He bit his tongue and fought through it as a hyper Rockruff began to talk to him.
"So, you guys went to the Eden Theater the night of the premiere? That's what Braixen and Monferno said... must've been really cool, huh?" The Rock-type then chowed down on his circular bowl of berries.
Liam prepared to cook up a response for the Pokémon, but the gray canine's dark furred teammate decided to jump into the conversation.
"Yeah! There's supposed to be new kinds of shiny junk in there, right? Did they let you take any home!?" Mightyena exclaimed. "Ooh! How much do you think they sell for?"
"Mreow~ That would be marvelous! A pity they didn't have enough taste to invite us!" Purrloin added with a whip of her head.
A flap of wings on Liam's right sounded out as Staravia anxiously spoke. "Y-Yeah, me and Joltik wanted to know what you guys saw. Roark was pretty tight lipped about it, b-but he said you guys went along with him."
Soon enough, all the eyes of the guild members sitting at the mess hall table were upon both Liam and Gloria, patiently waiting for an answer.
The Riolu gulped, "Yup, we weren't there long, but we saw a ton of stuff. The main theater, the bar, and we even got to use one of those elevators."
Gloria smiled, keen on explaining. "He's right, we even got to see a 'film'! It's like a play, but the actors are already recorded and in character, and the sets aren't done on a stage. Instead, they're outside and acting, everywhere, and it's all projected onto a white screen. It was mesmerizing!" she gushed. "And the elevators are like, a revolutionary way to move up and down! You don't even need to move!"
Everyone 'oohed' at Gloria's thrilling explanation. This fascination was cut off by a laugh from an illusion making fox, who appeared in the nick of time, taking a seat at the table with his tray of food.
"That's not even the best part, sis."
Leafeon snorted, "Oh, do tell us, Roark. What was indeed the best part? I think I already know what that is," she said matter-of-factly.
He blew her off with a wave of his red claw. "The atmosphere, Leafeon. It may have been a bunch of rich 'mons, but damn was it alive. Comparatively, every other joint in Empyrean is as dead as a Ghost-type."
The table grew silent as Roark's terrible joke settled in. He reached for the glass of water on his tray and took a sip.
"Drinks were okay too, I guess."
"Yeah we all knew you would say that, Roark!" an arrogant voice shouted. "I think you've got a problem, old buddy."
Liam could recognize that voice any time of the day as Monferno appeared in his peripherals wearing a smirk of his own. He took a seat next to the drinking Zoroark and slapped his tray on the table.
"Braix is still out doing nurse stuff for Hatterene." He tossed a red berry into his mouth. "That's pretty much all she's been doing the past week - helping."
"You should be more proud of her Monferno," Leafeon suggested. "I'd follow in her pawsteps and be more professional…" She pointed an earthy paw at the still drinking Roark. "Lest you become like a fox we all know and love."
"She's got you there, darling. Both you two share a striking resemblance in the mmm… improper department," Purrloin commented.
Monferno rolled his eyes as Gloria giggled.
Roark held up a single red claw, finishing off his glass of water and peeling it away from his lips. "I don't have a problem, Mony." He stopped to shoot the Monferno a mock glare, who sneered at the name. "Only on special occasions do I drink, and besides…" The fox extended his free arm over the wooden table and ruffled the cloud-like head tuft of Gloria, who pulled away immediately upon contact - he laughed at this. "I got to set a good example for my little sister, right?"
The miffed Vulpix responded. "You don't need to set a good example for me, Roark. I know not to do the things you do all the time."
"Maybe so, but there's some things that ole cook master Leafeon can't teach you."
Leafeon rested her head on two paws, a smug smile tugging at her features. "Oh, really? Name one."
The Zoroark pointed a claw at the sneering Monferno. "How to swindle a 'mon every time - tell em, Mony." Gloria giggled gleefully while Monferno 'tched'.
"I can be professional anytime I want, Leafeon." Monferno folded his arms behind his neck, closing his eyes and smiling. "I just choose not to."
Leafeon put on a mock pouting face. "Not even for dear Braixen? You're never gonna make it," she spoke in a sing-song voice.
The primate Pokemon sighed, tossing another berry in his mouth. "Yeah, yeah I've heard that all before from mom… and Roark of all Pokémon." He waved a hand. "If it's what Braix wants, I can't really stop her. It's what she was made for after all, unlike me. Big responsibility and all..."
Liam was jolted out of his painful stupor as Monferno's palm landed on his shoulder.
"Speaking of responsibility… how's it going in newbie town, Mr. Personality? Be honest, how many jobs did you two screw up?"
Liam silently despised that nickname Monferno gave him, the connotation it carried. Even if none of them knew the reason.
The Riolu found his tongue, and his bite. "Way better than you, that's for sure."
"Yeah! We're a great pair! Right... Liam?" Gloria sought validation for her defense.
Liam shoved off Monferno's hand. "Of course we are. We have finished every single job with flying colors. Can you say the same, Monferno?" he challenged smugly.
Staravia flapped his wings. "H-he's got you there! R-Remember the Div-vulged Path Incide-"
Monfero interrupted the Flying-type. "Ah, Ah! That's enough of that, Staravia. Been there, done that already." He crossed his arms in finality, stopping to yawn. "Hey, anyone else feeling more tired than usual?"
Roark bit into a green vegetable. "Probably because you haven't had your midday nap yet, eh, Mony?" He winked. "Don't worry, I never tell Scizor." Leafeon nodded her head to this.
"Hey… Monferno?" Rockruff started. "Did you start becoming fashionable like Purrloin? You had something fuzzy and yellow on your back coming over here."
"Wait. Wha-" Monferno shot out of his seat and flipped around.
Liam blinked, apparently his headaches weren't causing hallucinations. Sure enough, a furry and yellow arachnid Pokémon was glued to Monferno's back, its tiny beady blue eyes blinking after realizing it was caught.
"JOLTIK!" Monferno screamed out as he wiggled his body.
The entire table lit up in laughter at Monferno's torment. It was swiftly ended once the Fire-type reached behind his back and plucked the tiny spiderling off, extending it towards a sweating Staravia.
"Take back your little fuzzball partner! And keep a leash on him, please..." The tiny Bug-type leapt from Monferno's hand and onto Staravia's back.
"Awww c-come on Joltik, I told you to stop sapping our friends. Only enemies, okay?" the bird scolded, only getting a small chitter from Joltik, who latched onto Staravia's feathers.
Roark wiped away a tear. "Man, that never does get old. I think Joltik has a particular taste for hot-headed types of electricity."
"Yuck it up, Roark. I await the day it happens to you again." The Fire-type began walking away from the table. "Save my food for me, will ya, Leafeon?"
"But you barely tou-" Leafeon tried to say before he quickly disappeared into the hallway. "Well..." Her eyes sauntered over to a drooling Mightyena. "I saw you hounding those plates with your eyes, Mightyena - go nuts."
A fire seemed to ignite in the large dark furred canine's eyes as he nearly bounded out of his seat to scarf down Monferno's leftovers. Rockruff tried to halt the almost possessed Pokémon with his paws, pushing into the large dog's side. Purrloin just batted her eyelashes, watching her teammates go crazy.
"C'mon. Mightyena! Save a little!" Rockruff pleaded.
Liam couldn't keep his eyes off the scene. It was like watching a carriage wreck in slow motion. It wasn't until a red claw entered his vision, to which he looked at its owner.
"Boy genius is looking for you two. Said after breakfast he needed to give you guys something."
"Boy... genius?" Liam inquired with a tilt of his head.
Roark tossed another berry into his mouth. "The little Minun kid that runs around here with his doohickeys."
Despite them being here for over a week now, they hadn't exactly spoken with the Electric-type, like at all. Not that they were avoiding him, but the Pokémon seemed to always be cooped up in his personal quarters. All they knew was that he was good with technology, little there of.
Gloria hopped out of her seat, ambitious enough to get on with the day. "We'll go right to him! Ready, Liam?"
Said Riolu stared at his almost empty tray. He had his fill of Leafeon's grub, which was always great. But he enjoyed Gloria's cooking just a bit more. He pushed his tray into the middle of the table.
"Sure, let's go see him now." He got up. "Thanks for breakfast, Leafeon."
The Pokémon in question waved an earthy paw. "The pleasure is all mine, Liam." She turned her attention to Gloria, who was fiddling with her cream-colored saddlebag. "Still thinking about taking up my offer in the kitchen?"
Gloria stopped her motions and gulped. "S-Sure thing Leafeon, I'll be ready." This earned a wide warm smile from the Grass-type.
"That's my girl."
"Nope, my girl! Big brother clause." Roark interrupted, causing Leafon to roll her eyes.
"Big sister clause," she rebutted.
"Too late! Already invalidated."
Liam strode past the two arguing Pokémon, placing a paw on Gloria. "Let's go before things get, uh… ugly." He took the opportunity to take a quick look back.
She tore her bothered gaze of the events unfolding away. "Yeah… lead the way."
The two gave a short wave to the Pokémon left at the table and took to a hallway going out of the mess hall, now back to where everyone's quarters were held. But they were looking for Minun's specifically. Their key clue in finding out which door belonged to Minun was given by the picture of a Pokémon's ears carved into the wooden frame. Minun's was a dead giveaway with his pointy ears as Liam brought an enclosed paw against the door.
An array of loud muffled clanging noises from beyond the door greeted their ears. Eventually, the door opened to the curious face of Minun. Once he caught sight of both Liam and Gloria, his own face sprouted a joyful smile.
"Team Requiem! I see Roark passed down my message." His voice oozed childlike innocence which nearly stopped both of their hearts.
"Did you need us to do a job?" Liam questioned.
Minun shook his head. "Nope! I've been requested to give you two your own ELE." He pointed his tiny mitt of a paw into his room. "Come on inside, I'll show you it."
Once entering the small abode, it became abundantly clear how much Minun loved tinkering with stuff. Gears, springs, cogs, and other assortment of parts littered the floor, shelves, and even the desks. Along with other bits and pieces came an entire collection of tools just small enough to where the Pokémon could use them.
Minun walked over to his personal desk directly in front of the doorway. On the desk were two small devices, which he picked up and proudly presented it to the two estranged Pokémon.
"This is the ELE! The Electric Longitude Emitter!"
Both Liam and Gloria got a good look at the thing.
It was subdued yellow in color, and shaped like a rectangle. Two Minun-like ears protruded out of the top of the device. Even a distinguishable pair of Minun's eyes were huddled at the top. Going along with this theme, there were perforations along the 'cheeks', two minus symbols on its sides. Near the 'mouth' was a glass display and a round dial below it. Finally, the left side of the device was a switch, presumably to turn it off and on.
"What exactly does it do?" Gloria was fascinated, despite not seeing something like this before.
Minun cleared his throat, trying to adopt a more grown up voice. "Once the ELE turns on, it is able to register a Pokémon's voice and transmit it to another ELE." He shook the device a little. "The electricity inside acts as a link between all ELE, meaning that they can instantly communicate with each other. Seeing that one is connected to another of course!"
The both of their jaws almost dropped. What Minun just said was that this little thing allowed for them to talk to anyone at any time. Liam snapped out of his trance as Minun almost shoved the device near him - he grabbed it.
"Go ahead, try it out! The signal is already connected to the one I have on the table. Just flip the switch and talk. That's how you communicate."
"Yeah, do it, Liam!" Gloria encouraged, almost impatient.
The Riolu heeded their words and flicked the switch of the ELE. The glass display presented a number. Liam guessed it was for which other ELE the device was connected to. He cleared his throat and uttered a 'hello' to the gadget.
From the table behind Minun came a loud garbling of harsh static, the ELE on the wooden desk receiving its transmission from Liam as it regurgitated a copy of his voice.
Liam swore he heard Gloria squeak as she did a little dance.
"That's so amazing!"
The Riolu could only agree with widened eyes.
Minun nodded, tapping the round dial on the device. "Fiddle with the dial and you can change which signal you're connected to. Everyone has their own number so you know who to contact. Yours is 626." He then pointed at the ELE on the table. "Take the other one as well. If you two are split up, these really come in handy."
Liam plodded over to the table and picked up the other ELE. "Thanks, Minun, these will really come in handy." It still baffled him, but this world had many surprises.
Minun rubbed the back of his neck with a paw. "Don't thank me, thank the Guildmaster. He told me to hand these off to you two - said there was a mission he needed done, and these would be helpful in your endeavors."
Gloria stood still as Liam popped open a pouch in the saddlebag on her side, throwing the other ELE in. The main one he decided to attach to the side of the saddlebag - ready whenever they would need it the most.
"We're going to head off now to start out jobs. Thanks again, Minun!" Gloria strolled over to the door, a bit of a bounce in her steps.
Minun watched the pair leave with a smile. "See you around, Team Requiem!"
Things were beginning to clear up in Liam's head, his pain from earlier but a distant memory. He placed a paw against his temple.
'I just hope it stays that way…'
Right now the Riolu just hoped some decent job listings were left for them.
A 'clack' noise was heard beyond the door as he swung it open. What greeted the both of them was the sturdy visage of Scizor, his trusty clipboard clasped in his red pincer.
Liam almost jumped out of his fur.
Another Pokémon they haven't regularly talked to. Roark always told them to be wary of the 'always watching Scizor', as he appeared almost out of thin air to reprimand a given Pokémon. Liam would be lying if he said he never took Roark's words a bit seriously.
"Team Requiem," the stark voice of the Bug-type came out. "The Guildmaster wants to see you in his quarters. You will not be taking any job requests today, so follow me."
The 'clack' noise was back again as Scizor marched down the hallway, fully expecting them in tow. Liam and Gloria exchanged a worried look before hesitantly following the Pokémon. Their short journey through the hallway, into the mess hall, and into another hallway led them right into the closed door of the Guildmaster's quarters.
Scizor gave two brief knocks on the wooden door with a pincer. "Guildmaster, I have Team Requiem." A few seconds later, the gruff voice of the Guildmaster came through the door.
'... Come on in.'
The handle to the door was turned by Scizor's pincer as he advanced into the room, side stepping so Liam and Gloria could both enter the spacious office. Scizor closed the door behind them, placing his back against it.
To say it was exquisite would be an understatement. The carpeting was firm to the touch, and the white and black checkered pattern etched into it bore a resemblance to the porcelain tiled floor outside. Expensive looking wooden shelves and draws lined the walls, filled with maps, books, and notes. The swinging pendulum of a grandfather clock created a ticking noise that reverberated across the entire room.
A golden colored telescope was positioned near a single large window, which drew in sun's rays, bathing the room in a white light. In the middle of the windowsill was a potted plant protecting a blooming white flower that absorbed the sunlight - a wallflower. However, something else in the room would catch Liam's eye.
'Is that… a banjo?'
The instrument rested against the windowsill. It was crafted with wood and metal strings, stretching from the circular base to the headstock. Scratches and other rough dents in the detailed wood were visible, clearly showing that it had been used a lot in the past.
He didn't know why, but seeing it struck a chord within him.
The obvious centerpiece of the office was the large ornate desk with a glossy finish positioned in the middle of the room. Binders containing diverse scraps of paper with messy ink writing were scattered around the desk. To Liam, they seemed more like personal notes rather than official documents.
'Maybe the Guildmaster is just a bit scatterbrained,' he thought.
The golden furred Lucario slowly looked up from his writing and took in the sight of the three Pokémon that entered. His gaze honed in on Gloria's saddlebag, specifically the yellow device that was clipped onto it. He set down both his paper and black pen.
"Good. I assume you two are ready for reassignment?"
Gloria stepped forward, her paws a bit wobbly. "Did… we, um, do something wrong, Guildmaster?" she asked softly.
Liam remembered that Minun had said they were given both ELE's, per the Guildmaster's request, so Gloria's worry of them being punished seemed unlikely. His theory was confirmed as Jackson shook his head.
"No, in fact your efforts in the past week have told me that this mission I will send you two on should end well."
A thump appeared in Liam's heart. "Mission? What kind."
The Lucario locked eyes with him. "You two will be sent on a recon mission at Criss-Cross Creek. What you will be looking out for is a Mystery Dungeon somewhere along the riverbank."
Liam's brow furrowed, "Wait… we're looking for one?" Generally, they avoided a Mystery Dungeon unless their job request told them they needed to.
Jackson nodded and reiterated, "Yes, you will look for the entrance of a Mystery Dungeon that is located around Criss-Cross Creek. However, you will not enter the dungeon, as the location of it is the only information we desire. This intel is very important for the guild's cause."
Liam grimaced, the two of them understood exactly what that cause entailed. He just didn't want to disappoint the Guildmaster or anyone else in the guild if they messed this one up. They would never hear the end of it from Monferno or anyone else. The Riolu peered over at Gloria, who thankfully returned his look and nodded eagerly.
"Don't worry, Guildmaster, we got this."
The Lucario leaned over his desk and picked up a white envelope. He motioned Liam to come over and grab it, the Riolu following his command.
"Take the crossroads. Go north, past Soaring Falls, where there will be a lakebed. There's a shop there that allows Pokémon to rent out boats to use on the rivers. You two will use that boat to take a lap across one of the rivers where you'll keep an eye out for that Mystery Dungeon." He motioned to the envelope Liam now held. "Give that to the owner of the shop; it's proof that you two are here under my request. Once you two have either secured the location or failed to, then you will contact me through your ELE." He sat back into his chair. "Is this information sufficient?"
It was something totally different than the usual job request, but Liam appreciated the change of pace every now and then. He thought Gloria would too, even if she loved doing the work they did.
The white Vulpix perked up. "We'll get right to it, Guildmaster," she said, a nervous but hopeful smile etched on her face.
Jackson eyed Scizor, who took his back off the door and swung it wide open for them.
"Then I shall await the results - you are free to leave now."
He gave the two Pokémon before him one last glance before returning to his writing. Liam and Gloria walked towards the doorway, taking their exit as Scizor shut the door behind them. The two strolled through the halls, happier coming out of the Guildmaster's office than before they entered.
Gloria took the initiative to speak her mind. "I can't believe it! We're actually being trusted with a real mission, after only a week!"
Liam returned her enthusiasm, "I'm just glad we aren't out doing the same job requests everyday." He smiled. "Hey, do you think they'll stop taking ninety percent of our cut if we do well?"
Gloria squinted her eyes suspiciously. "You're starting to sound like Roark. How much has he influenced you?"
The Riolu laughed, "I thought you would be more happy for that."
She tilted her head, "Why would I?"
"Because then we could afford more sweets. Roark said you liked them a lot." His words caused Gloria to grow beet red.
"What?! N-No I… don't," she sputtered, fidgeting with her bag.
"Yeah…" He scratched his chin with a paw. "He said maybe you liked them a little too mu- oof!" His musings were cut off by a white paw jabbing him into his side. The culprit - a flustered Gloria.
"Stop listening to him!"
"I... won't!"
The Riolu's laugh picked up again as he sprinted down the hall to get away from her wrath, an irritated Vulpix running after him in hot pursuit.
It was now the afternoon, and they were finally at their destination.
Their long trip through the winding meadows and past the seas of rock and clay led them to an area dominated by tall, wet grasslands with some strands that were taller than the both of them. Droplets of see-through dew slid down them. Even the atmosphere confirmed that this was surely the place.
They were thankful that it wasn't a swampland at least, Gloria more so.
Liam scaled up a damp hill, surveying the land below once he reached the top. A large lake took up his vision, a few rivers splintering off into other directions. His eyes wandered left and right, until they snapped towards a large wooden shack with a porch built by the lakeside. It extended into a dock that hung over the lake with rowboats large enough for two Pokémon tethered to posts.
The shack itself was slightly run down, gift shop knick-knacks hung by string from the porch's ceiling like ornaments. A crudely painted sign that said 'BOAT RENTAL' was displayed near the top of the shack.
This was their place.
Liam faced a tired Vulpix. "Gloria, we're here now." He walked over and zipped open one of the pouches on her saddlebag. "You gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, my paws are aching, though," she moaned, almost slumping over.
He put his paw on her side, keeping her steady as he pulled out the white envelope from the bag. Liam then shook her a little.
"Once we're on the boat you can rest." He took away his paw as he hiked down the hill. "But we need to go get it first!"
Gloria could only silently agree as she trudged behind her partner. Soon enough, the shack was right in front of them. On the porch, a Sandslash wearing a straw hat was sitting on a rocking chair, cross-legged, and seemingly conked out. The two couldn't blame the Pokémon for napping on the job, being that this shop to was in the middle of nowhere.
Liam stepped onto the porch and enclosed a paw, knocking on one of the wooden support beams.
"H-huh… whu…" The eyes of the male Sandslash opened repeatedly until he was wide awake. He quickly glanced at the two Pokémon that invaded his naptime. "Customers…? You folks looking fer a boat?" he questioned, eyeing the two scarves they wore.
Liam cleared his throat with a paw. "Yes, sir, we're representing the Cosmic Quilt Guild." He showed the white envelope to the Sandslash. "Our Guildmaster gave us this to confirm that we are truthful."
The Ground-type raised a brow, swiping up the envelope and tearing it open with a claw. Once he peeked inside, he started to snicker.
"Well, well, well, if it ain't ole Jack." The Sandslash returned his gaze. "Don't worry now, I know you two are legit." A claw was pointed at the docked boats. "Y'all go ahead and take one. I know Jack doesn't like his 'mons to dawdle." He tipped his hat. "Just bring it back, is all."
Gloria smiled, "Thank you, sir! We'll be sure to bring it back." She almost rushed to say, already tip-toeing off towards the boats.
Liam could only chuckle in response as he gave a wave to the Ground-type, receiving one back before the Pokémon went back to his nap. It appeared Gloria had already picked out their boat, as Liam found her form resting on one of the built in benches inside.
"Aren't you quick," the Riolu teased, hopping in as well.
She giggled, "You need to row. I'm physically incapable y'know."
"Yeah, yeah." He made sure to unravel the rope tied to the post, tossing it inside the boat.
Carefully, Liam placed himself in the middle where two long wooden paddles extended out into the water below. He grabbed both of them in his paws and took a look at his surroundings. When everything was all clear, he effortlessly pushed both paddles back and forth into the water with a rowing motion, causing the boat to start sailing into the sparkling lake.
'Being a Fighting-type sure has its perks.'
Gloria volunteered herself to be Liam's eyes as he paddled them towards one the creeks. They had to be extra attentive to their surroundings, as the stream and its sides were strewn with river rocks.
She pointed a paw at one of the flowing expanses of water. "This one, Liam! We can get a good eye around the whole area."
Switching up his rhythm, he swerved the boat around and took it straight towards the stream Gloria had pointed out. It was difficult, and a bit bumpy, but he managed to safely cross into it, not so much breaking a sweat. The current of the river was strong enough to pull them deeper into it as the boat gravitated towards the center. Liam let go of the paddles, giving his arms a rest.
The hard part was done, and now came the much slower but much easier part.
"This river goes north for a while, I think. We're going to be scouting here a while," she deduced, peering out towards their environment.
He took a deep breath, placing his arms along the sides of the boat as his eyes wandered upstairs to explore the ambience around them. The gentle rocking of the boat and the movement of the water filled his ears. A warm summer breeze blew through his fur, greatly relaxing him.
A forest of lush green trees grew besides the creek, the swaying leaves of them extending outward over the river, letting the daylight seep through the openings and down onto the two Pokémon.
Blue skies, all around.
It was a moment of calm for the Riolu he much deeply appreciated - just them and nature, nothing else. But he still remembered they had a job to do, so he kept his eyes glued around their vicinity for that unusual lurking shadow - the sign of the Mystery Dungeon.
For a brief few minutes, everything was fine. Then he felt it.
'Oh no.'
Like he was being stabbed with a dagger, his mind danced in sharp excruciating pain as electricity surged through him. He clenched his teeth, bringing both paws to cradle his head.
'This is…'
It was much worse than before, much worse than anytime he had experienced this in the past. Liam rapidly flicked both his eyes open and shut, swearing that he could see something forming within them. Blue and yellow colored tendrils swirled around the flickering spots in his eyes, the pain growing worse and worse.
'What is… even happening.'
Like molten magma was being poured into his veins, his agony reached a climax, almost making him feel like he was going to pass out. He could see flashes in his eyes, the blues and yellows in them mixing together. Then the pain was suddenly gone, but something else remained. The mix of churning colors in his view melted into an image - an image that became clearer and clearer as his mind shifted into overdrive.
Different sounds flooded his ears, sounds of water, crunching rock, and different but familiar voices - things that became mute as the image that was burned into his mind started to fluctuate and change forms.
A vision began to play.
Pieces of gravel on the paved road were spat out to the sides as the wheels of a deep blue pickup truck spun across them. The now dirty tires of the truck then rolled to a stop on the road, a grinding noise filling the air.
In the driver seat of the truck, a man, old enough to be in his thirties, shifted the vehicle into park and took his foot off the brake. He ripped the keys out of the ignition before pulling the handle to the car door, popping it open to meet the world. He stepped out of the truck and walked around the front, nearing the passenger seat side.
He banged his fist multiple times on the passenger door, swinging it open to also greet the outside.
"Liam. We're here. Time to wake up," an authoritative voice called.
The young boy strapped into his seat began to stir in his sleep, his eyes popping wide open at the sound of his father's voice. His vibrant orbs shot around as he released his seat belt in a hurry, eager to get out of the truck.
"Calm yourself, son."
The father's words of advice fell on deaf ears as the boy surged out of the vehicle and onto the gravel road. The young boy squinted his eyes, holding a hand over the top of his head to block the blinding sun as he soaked in everything around him.
Liam always loved the warm air of South Carolina, even if currently it was very humid. He could feel the wetness and heat of the atmosphere cling to his skin and shirt. Maybe it wasn't as enjoyable to others, but it was a feeling that made him feel so alive.
"Let's go, Liam, don't want to be wasting all of this daylight." The man smirked. "Or have the fishes get too confident."
The father walked over to the back of the pickup truck, picking up a large light blue cooler, along with two standard fishing rods. He acknowledged for Liam to follow him with a sudden head movement as he cut across the gravel road and into the tall grassland beyond. The two of them brushed through cattail and other wet plant life as they descended down a steep hill to a wooden dock connected to a old bait and tackle shop that extended over the lake.
"Hang tight while I have a chat with the owner's son."
The young boy nodded in confirmation as he huddled closer to his father, still eyeballing the scenery around him. The ground beneath them transitioned from moist grass to soaked wood as they traversed across the berth and towards the numerous types of boats clustered around each other.
A young man sitting on a red toolbox at the end of the dock adjusted his snapback and took a swig from his can of beer before engaging the encroaching pair.
"Hey, Robert! I see you made with it with yer boy. Nice truck - how old is that model? '78, 85?"
"Older than you, Bill, that's for damn sure."
'Bill' held up his free hand, "Woah, woah! Can a guy not 'preciate another guy's taste for automobiles?" He set down his beer can while looking at Liam. "Kid, follow in yer dad's footsteps and git a truck. Chicks. Dig. Trucks."
Robert changed topics, "Is the boat ready?" He lightly shook the cooler and rods in his grasp.
"Oh yeah, 'Is all ready for you!" Bill pointed at a nearby row boat that was painted white. "Got a new paint job for it. Ain't no speedboat, but it'll do ya good. At least, that's what dad says. I aim for speed."
Robert gestured for Liam to follow. "Thanks, Bill, we'll return it safely."
The young man laughed, "Yeah, dad would kill me." He shrugged. "Or you... don't know exactly which."
The pair came to their fitted white rowboat as Robert carefully stepped in, with Liam jumping in right behind him, rocking the boat. There was already a bait bucket and a toolbox full of gear underneath the wooden benches set up for them. Once everything was settled, Robert severed the connection of rope the boat had to the dock's pillar, casting it back onto the dock.
"You folks have some gooood fishing!" Bill shouted, picking up his beer can again. "Easy pickings, I tell ya - they'll grab anything they can git!"
Liam was proud to admit to himself that deep down, he was just a country boy like Bill. He missed the accent that he had lost after they moved to the city. He was no city boy, that was for sure.
Robert planted himself in the middle of the boat, grabbing the paddle on the right, checking his surroundings.
"Take the other paddle, Liam."
The boy did as instructed, grabbing a hold of the left paddle and copying the movements of his father as they slowly drifted their way out from the dock. They waded through tall weeds, cattails, lily pads and other bits of green moss that grew on the water, going farther into the lake.
"We'll stop near the lakebed for a bit of training, then take the creek that goes into a forested area. There's a good spot past it that I want to show you."
"... Alright, dad," the boy heaved out as he paddled the boat further.
Soon the dock was but a distant memory as their efforts brought them to the center of the lake. Nothing but murky water all around them that teemed with the aquatic life they sought to catch. While they couldn't see their catch, the tiny ripples and splashes in the water told them all they needed.
Liam grabbed the sides of the boat as he peered off into the lake. When the morning light shined upon the lake, it became truly enchanting. A bevy of swans drifted through the water, like tiny white boats themselves, only stopping momentarily to dunk their long necks into the water below for a quick meal, creating trilling noises.
He somewhat wished he brought his banjo with him. It was a staple of the American South, and he loved playing it, even if he messed up. It was an instrument that evoked a time and a place for everything. The boy could just pour himself out with each 'twang' of it, feeling closer to his beautiful homeland.
Truly, moments like this reminded Liam of their old house. The perfectly maintained white house with the picket fence out on the open fields, in the thick of nature.
But then, 'that day' happened.
Where the reality of things flipped on its head for Liam. The two that remained left that house on the fields, never to return. His father told him it wasn't safe for him there, not at home, nor at school, as he was pulled out. It was either that, or the memories of being in that home that drove his father away.
He missed that home dearly. Even the wide fenced perimeter that blocked him from the outer wilds.
When his mind reflected on the events of 'that day', vitriolic hatred flooded his senses. He could sense his grip on the boat tighten immensely, feeling like he would crush the wood into sawdust. His eyes bored into the water, grinding his teeth together.
'It's not fair… it's just not fair,' he seethed.
It had only been a year, but he still could not imagine that their perfect life could've been destroyed like that. That someone would target them.
The voice broke through his hatred as he let go of his death grip on the boat. He turned to face his father as the man grabbed one of the fishing rods off the floor and handed it towards Liam, who took it in his hands.
Robert reached into the bait bucket. "Now, there's a few steps to fishing that you need to know. You're not just tossing your line in and winning your prize like that." He picked up a writhing worm and jabbed it onto a hook at the end of the line. "It's all about patience."
'Patience,' Liam repeated in his mind.
Another worm was taken out of the box and given to Liam, who copied his father's actions and placed it at the end of his hook.
"These rods have a larger sinker, so you're gonna throw your line farther out, okay?"
The boy nodded, "Got it."
"Great, now…"
The boat rocked slightly as Robert stood up, holding his own fishing rod. "These rods are already set up, so now all we need to do is cast them. Just watch me." He took a stance.
The young boy intently scrutinized his father as the man whipped his fishing rod, the long line flying into the drink with a splash. A small white and blue bobber floated on the water, waiting for any sudden movements from the hungry creatures below.
"Like that, Liam. It's easy."
The boy stood up himself. He went to the edge of the boat and imitated the stance his father held, bringing the fishing rod behind him and throwing the line into the water. It wasn't done as smoothly as his father's, but it plopped into the lake near a lily pad, the bobber hovering just above the water.
Robert looked over, "Make sure you're paying close attention to the movements of the bobber and the water." He went back to watching his line. "If that Bill wasn't lying, then there should be a good number of trout or bass waiting for us."
Minutes of tranquility consumed the two of them as they patiently awaited for their prey to swim forward and take the bait. Liam calmed himself with every inhale and exhale, the wait taking its toll on his mind.
Robert broke the silence, "I never had a father to teach me or do this sort of thing with…" He put a hand to his side. "So, I'm glad you agreed to do this with me… as there may not be a time in the future that would allow me. Maybe someday you'll do this with your own kids."
Liam racked his brain for a response. He was only twelve years old, but he wanted to be a grown up and have his own children just like his father - to teach them of the wonders he had once experienced, and maybe still is to this day.
'But most of all…'
His attention was stolen by the swans again, watching them as they worked as a unit and scooped up aquatic life together. The way siblings work together, as one, sharing their enjoyment. It created a pang within his heart, the feeling of hatred returning.
"I will, dad. But I wish I could've... done this with my sister."
Robert's still posture jerked a little as he deeply inhaled, letting out a heavy sigh. Liam winced, realizing the words that came out of his mouth.
"Liam… are you talking to Mrs. Lachaise again?"
He was.
When his father would drop him off at the Lachaise residence to do his jobs, she was the only one there to speak with. They confided in each other, sharing their stories, their dreams, and their suffering. She told him of her sister, and he told her of his. He even brought his banjo over sometimes to play along with her piano, even if she was not as well versed with it. The woman loved painting above all it seemed.
She said that the both of them were 'kindred spirits'. While he didn't know what that implied, it apparently meant that they shared interests that were one of the same - to find their paradise, and to share that with the family they desired to have returned to them. Their times together provided a relief the boy never knew he needed so much.
He stared at the swans again, who then spread their pristine white wings and took flight, content with their offerings. They flew away from the lake and into the horizon.
"... I don't want you speaking to that woman anymore."
Liam almost dropped his fishing rod. "What?! Why?"
Robert sighed again, "I know who that woman is, and her husband. We all grew up in that same orphanage." He adjusted the grip he had on his rod. "The things she says… yes, this world is cruel. But I don't want you caught up into that cruelty, lest you become it. Like…" He stopped himself. "That woman wants to bring you into that forest, but you need to leave it. When she says..."
Liam slowly nodded, it was hard sometimes understanding just what his father cryptically said sometimes, but he knew that he just wanted the best for him. However, the things Mrs. Lachaise wondered about simply pleased a part of him that he had wondered about his whole life after that day.
Robert peered into the sky, "That there's something beyond this hell - a fantastical place of heaven or perhaps an even greater suffering - anything to escape this... reality." He almost stumbled on his next words. "Liam... when I met your mother… Angelica, I was nothing. She was something. We had you, and sought out a perfect life out here."
The boy agreed with his sentiments. 'And it was…'
Robert swallowed, anger creeping into his voice. "And when she was… taken… from us. That was when I realized I could not escape my sins, that reality wouldn't let me." The man locked eyes with him. "It was my grim reminder, Liam. And it took you with it. There's little I can do to amend this now, except finding out who is responsible." He clenched a fist. "I may not be a cop anymore, but trust me when I tell you this, Liam. We will get our revenge and make it out of this."
The boy was going to respond, but the sight of his fishing rod line being pushed downward stole his thoughts, springing him into action. He snapped his eyes to his bobber as it dipped below the surface, the water billowing as something appeared beneath it.
Robert quickly reeled in his own rod as he immediately got behind Liam to coach him. "Start reeling in now. Fight the fish's movements."
Liam did as he was told, putting his hand on the handle and rapidly spinning it back and forth. The ripples in the water intensified as whatever had taken the bait was being taken along. The tricked occupant started thrashing about, causing Liam to falter a bit with his jerking behaviors.
Liam pulled back the rod with all his strength as he kept reeling it towards the boat. This was a big one, he was sure of it.
A splash erupted out from the lake as a large fish with a hook in its mouth flopped around desperately in the air before returning to the waters.
"Keep fighting it, Liam! You almost have it."
Another rough yank of the rod brought the line closer to the boat, dragging the fish. A spray of water splashed the boat as a long trout with colorful rainbow scales was yanked out of the water and suspended into the air, much to the fish's dismay.
"I got it!" The boy shouted, grinning ear to ear.
"Yes... you did," Robert confirmed with a smile of his own.
The fish squirmed in the air, trying to breath as Liam brought it into their boat. Once it was inside, Robert firmly grabbed its slippery and slimy sides, ripping out the hook from its mouth. He then gave the fish a good weighing with both of his hands.
"Rainbow Trout. About… five pounds." He looked over at his son, who was in disbelief at his accuracy. "There's your first catch, the one of many. I remember my first catch - tiny little minnow. Not as impressive as yours, that's for sure." The man popped open the blue cooler and threw the trout in, promptly closing it. "We should go past the creek and find my favorite spot. It's on a ridge, so we can get out of the boat. And there's more than just trout there."
His words brought Liam back into reality. "... Right."
The pair placed their fishing rods down and picked up their respective paddles, beginning their next voyage. A creek which cut through a forest was their destination, and taking it would lead them into Robert's favorite fishing location. Liam gawked as they navigated out of the lake and into the narrow creek, where the strong current smashed into the rocks.
It was like entering a secret grove. Tall, dark evergreen trees, ferns, and other greenery flourished around the craggy river, blocking large amounts of light from reaching them. Only the river was graced by the sun's rays, making the water glisten and reflect onto their skin. Invisible motes became distinguishable in the shafts of light as they floated around them, glowing.
They steadily rowed further into the creek and into the forested grove, careful enough not to bump into any beached river rocks. More ripples in the water around them appeared as schools of fish swam underneath their boat. They took a left, the buzzing of insects and chirping of distant birds humming into their ears. Even the morning howl of an awakening wolf echoed through the trees.
A feeling of being alive, utterly in tune with mother nature.
Liam took in a deep breath as he slowed down his paddling, almost caught into a trance at his surroundings. It was enough to make Robert notice.
"Pick up the pace, Liam, we're almost there."
"Y-Yeah," the boy responded, hastening his progress.
A time like this made Liam think back to what Mrs. Lachaise told him - about imagining yourself in a forest, one just like this - to be freed of all that anger and strife that plagued this world. Dreaming that one day, being able to share this experience of exploration with others - an experience that the boy longed for the return of.
Utter bliss.
The blue and yellow coils in the Riolu's vision faded into nothingness, jolting Liam's body out of his sitting position. In his sights were signs of familiarity, now seemingly back into the present once more.
Gloria swiveled her head, "Did you doze off?" She giggled. "You told me I took naps too much, so now who's laughing."
"W-wha… I-" He shoved a paw into his mouth.
'Just what the hell was that?'
One moment he felt like he was dying, and the next moment was something totally bewildering. He saw something appear in his eyes, like it was one of the 'films' from the Eden Theater playing in his mind. A vision of three Pokémon that Liam had never seen or heard of before, if they were even Pokémon at all. The best thing he could describe them looking like was some distant cousin of Monferno or other primate Pokémon.
But it wasn't even the weirdest part to him. It was the fact that the boy in his vision had the same name as him. The same voice as him, albeit sounding way younger. Even the same joy they shared with the world around them.
An insane thought traversed through his mind. That perhaps that boy he saw was actually him. It challenged everything he once knew, but it did make somewhat sense. All it did was bring up more questions, and the answers to them were out of his reach.
"Liam, are you okay?" Gloria said with worry. "You've been, uh... staring at me and, um, munching on your paw?" An awkward blush traveled across her face.
The Riolu blinked, collecting his wits and removing the now saliva stained paw from his chops."I… uh, yeah. I'm good. Did you... see anything?" He changed the topic.
Gloria swung her head back to the riverbank. "I haven't seen anything, but we're nearing our first turn."
Sure enough, the creek was bending around a curve to the right. Liam quickly took both paddles in his grasp and rowed their boat to match the current. The maneuver was a success, as they inclined to the median of this new strip of water.
Gloria yawned cutely, "Did you see anything?" She questioned.
"Uh... no."
Liam felt a tad bit guilty that he was off envisioning illusions while she was actually attempting their mission, but It was an unpredictable event - one that he so wished didn't cause them to miss their chance of discovery. He would need to tell her everything he just saw. The how and when he didn't bother to answer now. He just knew that in the future, she would need to know this. Especially after the whole journey of self evaluation he went on before. The consequences of which he also did not explore.
Another place, another time - their gentle and quiet cruise through the stream seeming to last hours, never producing any sign of a Mystery Dungeon.
The sun began to set on their efforts, quite literally, painting the sky in orange and purples. This beauty also came at a price, as the area around them became much darker and less easier to point out things in. Trying to find one specific spot of shadow amongst the rest was like finding a needle in a haystack. The creek also began to merge with the lake, bringing them straight back into where they were before. The shop at the shore became more and more visible as their rowboat swam through the orange tinted water.
A harsh crackling noise from the side of Gloria's bag shocked the both of them out of their slump as they exchanged looks of worry. Liam dropped both paddles, plucking the ELE off the side of the bag.
"... Team Requiem. Are you there?" the voice of the Guildmaster came through the ELE's speakers.
Liam remembered the instructions Minun had told them, gulping as he flipped the switch of the device to speak.
"Yes, we hear you, Guildmaster." His voice tingled with worry.
"It is getting late. Have you two discovered the location of any Mystery Dungeons at Criss-Cross Creek?"
Liam wetted his lips, "No, Guildmaster. We did not see anything." Both him and Gloria flinched at the silence that came afterward.
However, the Guildmaster's voice was calm. "... That is fine Team Requiem. Return back to the guild. Leafeon volunteered to stay up and serve you two dinner, as you just missed it."
Gloria piped up, "T-thank you, Guildmaster. We're... sorry to disappoint."
"Your efforts are appreciated, Gloria. Please get home safely. Goodbye." The voice of the Lucario faded along with the static.
The both of them let out a huge sigh of relief, glad that they weren't going to be chastised upon getting back.
"Well, looks like we're not going to get that raise," Liam joked, trying to lighten the mood.
She rolled her eyes as he picked up the paddles again and began to wade the boat towards the dock. With their mission sorted out, his mind began to race again about just what he saw in that vision.
It was an exciting feeling, but also a confusing one.
"A mission given by the Guildmaster, eh?" The Zoroark smirked. "Look at that… my little sister is a diamond in the rough." His eyes wandered over to a tired Riolu. "And who could forget, her sidekick in black and blue!"
"Thanks, Roark," Liam lazily offered.
Gloria put a paw over her mouth as she yawned. "We need to get some rest, Roark. Can we please?" she almost begged.
Roark held up his arms, "Ahh, okay. I'll see you runts another day. Hopefully, by then you two will own this guild."
The trio each gave their own wave as the ruse fox disappeared from the hallway. Liam sighed, shutting the door to their quarters. By the time he turned around, Gloria was already snuggled into her beanbag, happily nodding off. He chuckled at this.
Wandering over to his area, the Riolu swiftly fell backward onto the soft cushioning, his eyes staring into the walls illuminated by moonlight. So many theories he wanted to have about what he saw, but only the thoughts of a good night sleep were present in his mind. One day he would figure out this mystery of these visions, and how relevant they are.
'A time and a place for everything,' Liam drowsily repeated.
Then he closed his eyes.
The young boy jogged across the gravel road and jumped into the passenger seat of his father's blue pickup truck. He quickly strapped his seatbelt in as his father appeared from below the hill with their catchings.
Robert went to the back of the truck and dumped off the blue cooler and two fishing rods. They had quite a haul after a long day of fishing. He knew Liam didn't want it to end, but it was already midday; their time of enjoyment now over. He walked over to the passenger seat and slammed it shut before going over to open the driver side door, taking a step inside.
Great rumblings of the engine spurred to life once he placed his key into the ignition and turned it. The grime covered wheels of the car rotated across the gravel, bringing the automobile to a slow start.
The young boy absently gazed out of the car window at the lake they had previously boated and had fun across . The setting sun in the sky gave an amazing view of the orange shaded lake that gradually faded the further they got away from it. He was already missing it.
"Dad… do you think we'll ever return here?"
Robert adjusted his hands on the steering wheel, looking into the rear view mirror, inspecting the same body of water Liam was. He sighed deeply, returning his attention to the empty road before him.
"Someday... Liam."
The blue pickup truck drove past the lake of yesterday. A trip, one of many that they would embark upon in the expanse of the South.
Glimpses into a past unremembered!
If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239
Please leave a review if you wish. All will be read and taken into consideration.
Next Time: 10,000 Years, A Message From The Future
- In Serial22 Chapters
The Loyal Ones [Dark Biopunk Fantasy]
TLDR; A slave monster survives horror, war and servitude, while trying to live with himself. Thralls are a race of monstrous slave soldiers, in a universe where biological magic takes the place of technology. Centuries ago, their ancestors were desperate humans, who volunteered to be transformed for the Poison War. Today their unfortunate descendants are still soldiers and laborers. In contract law they are 'corporate wards'; slaves owned largely by arms dealers. Dally Harper starts this story as a champion cage fighter. He is one of the 'lucky' ones. It's all downhill from there. Content Warning: Explicit violence and gore, slavery, implied sexual assault. None of these are framed as positive or glorified, however they do have a strong impact on the plot and main characters.
8 178 - In Serial136 Chapters
New Earth
Kade Evans got handed a bad hand in life, being left with little and nobody he can count on. Having experienced betrayal he finds himself living alone and with nothing to live for. A newly launched fulldive game: 'New Earth' offers him something he is looking for, whether that is a goal, a chance to start over, or a way to escape the past. Will he be able to find a new beginning and live in peace as he hopes, or will the past find him before he is strong enough to handle it? [Participant of the April 2021 Royal Road Writathon challenge].
8 116 - In Serial76 Chapters
My World To Live
[Do Not Read this version, New FINAL version uploaded August 9th, 2021 as separate fiction, click to link here on RR. Essairyn had never felt truly alive on Earth. It felt like something was missing ever since she was born, but even after nearly 20 years of mundane living, she could never pinpoint what this or the emptiness in her heart was. Suddenly, she awakens in a grandiose, primordial forest and encounters both demons and spirits in a parallel world called Sol'h'meyr. She befriends, in particular, a sassy fox-spirit named Akari who just reincarnated after three millennia. Essairyn is an abnormal human with elemental powers, and Akari is being chased by those of her dark past. Together, they set out on an adventure in a world of magic, danger, mystery, and intrigue. But this not a game. That simple adventure is actually the modest beginnings in a chain of disruptions that tear even the dimensional fabric of time and space. No one, not even Essairyn, was who she thought she was. And not even the gods can change the destiny of the universes... A single promise shook eternity’s existence. — Fantasy || Adventure || Romance || Action || Mystery || Drama || Science Fiction — The My World To Live (MWTL) series, the alternative short name is Canaan, is comprised of three books symbolically named My World, To Live, and My World To Live. Two years prior, the entire story had been planned and detailed out from start to finish before actual writing. Thus, the story will never be dropped. While the genre is largely Fantasy, the book is comprised of many other elements including a School Life (Magic Academy) story portion. MWTL has a lot of scattered symbolism and allusions, hence, the mystery aspect. The science fiction elements progressively become more pronounced, and the slow romance is a late bloomer. The female lead is strong and independent, and her backstory and identity unravel as drivers of the plot. Expect lots of action/fighting throughout and scattered philosophical and psychological themes arising. It's a human journey to find the essence of one's living and purpose. What kind of world do I wish to live for? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope to share the journey with you~! Canaan's Original and New Covers: If you're curious about my art and the various covers I made for this series and other authors, I have a RR thread that makes free covers and shows art processes. [October 1, 2020 Notice: Hello, I aplogize to all followers for suddenly taking an extended hiatus. Life threw a lot at my face and then the pandemic happened, so I hadn't been able to write until around the last month when I decided to challenge myself and finish the first book in this series. I am ok now, and thank you for your patience and understanding. No words can express how much every reader means to me. RR was the first writing platform that I ever felt accomplished to any small degree, so I am forever grateful to it. Multiples changes have been made since this final revision and writing of the ending, so please see the latest chapter detailing the update. This also includes my decision to submit this story to the 2020 Wattys contest (the deadline was Sept 30th). That means I will not be posting the updated version of this story on here until the contest is over (since I doubt I'll win anyway lol). And so, if you want to read the full, now completed (woohoo!) story, please go to my Wattpad. Thank you once again, and wishing you all the very best health and happiness! FINAL UPDATE, March 7, 2021: The complete story has been re-posted after the Wattys. This version that was on Wattys is the one being re-posted. However, the Final Version (which will be on a separate book from this to remain organized, and is technically the fifth version of the story xD) will be released May 2021. For more information, please read this update linked here. Thank you to all readers for taking this two year journey with me!
8 187 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Tilling of the Earth
Efrit's simple farm life as he knew it is over, having been Marked to renew the world so his village can be replenished every cycle. However, he resists fate by harnessing an unknown power, and flees his small village. But unbeknownst to him, there are greater things waiting in the dark, things that may control more than he thinks...
8 187 - In Serial6 Chapters
PERTH'S ACCIDENTAL SUPERHEROES (P.A.S.H.) is a misadventure of 3 handicap-tweens who were 'cursed' with 'supernatural' superpowers -- that were based into their internal-emotions of either POSITIVE or NEGATIVE -- but if its the latter... ... Perth City where they lived in would suffer major catastrophes -- so, in order to bring a BALANCE, the 'Cursed-trio' have to stay positive-always... ... but which was a hard-thing -- when the coming-of-age tweens were involved in a LOVE-TRIANGLE.
8 178 - In Serial7 Chapters
Movie Central
King's Cinema, Warrior's Abode, the Romance is killin' ya, so let's start the show. On this Infinite Road, onwards we go. I'm Xavier Riddle and I'll be your host.
8 161