《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Razor Claw
Chapter 9
Razor Claw
A sharpened dart sailed through the air and met its destination, smack-dab on the bullseye of the black and red dartboard. Soon came another dart, this one missing its mark, just slightly off-center.
Weavile narrowed her eyes - surely she could be a bit better with her accuracy. With a sigh, she rummaged through a bag on her side, pulling out another thin dart and taking aim. And after another snap of her claw, the dart went through the air, straight as an arrow towards its target.
She smiled. Bullseye. Again. It also seemed to be perfect timing, as the door to her quarters squeaked opened. In came Bisharp, who gave her an expressionless stare as she fished out another dart. He closed the door behind him.
Weavile narrowed her eyes again at the board. "Well? You're going to ruin my streak." She took aim.
Bisharp glanced at the dartboard. It was littered with darts, most of them on the outskirts. "Very… impressive, Weav's." He tore his gaze to absently look around the room.
The wooden walls were stained a dark purple, courtesy of Weavile's request to the painters. Other than random junk she had lying around, the room was mostly clean. But Bisharp knew that if she was left to her own devices, it wouldn't take long before it devolved back into chaos.
This throw didn't seem to quite make it, landing on the edges of the board. Weavile frowned, slowly panning her face towards Bisharp and giving him a playful glower.
"Now look what ya did."
Bisharp rolled his eyes. "I thought you would be all tuckered out after yesterday." He moved to step inside the room.
Weavile arched her back into a stretch as she sat upright on her bed, displaying a wicked grin. "Nah, that was a cakewalk. And I've got more important things to do."
He raised a brow, "Really? Cakewalk? Do I need to remind you how many times you almost got sliced by the tusks of that Haxorus?"
It was Weavile's turn to roll her eyes. "Yeah, because you couldn't keep that Simisear away. I should seriously demote you for that," she chided.
"Well, I have to applaud you for putting away your ego and realizing that those two were good - good enough for you to ask them to join."
"Normally I wouldn't even think about hiring… competition, but I think those two might be better in our pocket than anyone else's."
"I can agree to that, but you still haven't told me what 'important things' you're doing, other than-" he motioned towards the impaled dartboard, "This."
Weavile finished her stretching as she hopped off her bed. "Oh, Bishy, how could you forget my important little meeting with our helpful anonymous client?"
Bisharp's eyes expanded, "It's today? And… he has more leads?"
She grinned, "Today, and I can only assume he's got more work for us, considering the little message I was sent earlier."
Bisharp tilted his head, "Message? I didn't see any 'mons bring in mail."
A laugh came from Weavile as she knelt down, picking up the black bag resting beside her bed. She slung it around her shoulder and strolled towards the door, still grinning wickedly. "You're either gonna shit out a brick or call it magic once you see this." She tapped the side of her bag with a claw. "Instantaneous."
Bisharp snorted, "Are you blowing our money on random junk now?"
"Nah, this was a gift… from our little client." She placed a claw on the doorknob, opening the door to a wide, light purple stained hallway. "I'll show you in a bit. I think it would be appropriate to see our two newest recruits. Hopefully, I haven't misplaced my trust in them." She stepped into the halls.
Bisharp was close behind, "Oh? You're wondering if the mercs we fought with, then hired right after might betray us?" His sarcasm was noticeable even in his regular tone of voice.
"Not that, it's just I don't want slackers tearing down our reputat- err, infamy. Whatever. We just need to give them the same ole' Razor Claw introduction all our cute little members went through."
Bisharp scoffed, "You getting soft, Weav's? Need I remind you this isn't an actual guild with the whole family shtick?"
"Soft? Nah, if anything I'm becoming more jaded as my patience wears down. But speaking of family, let's go visit the ice queen." She walked down the hall, Bisharp following.
"Ah, the last time I saw her, she was still pissed about last time. Don't think she'll be too pleased to see your face," Bisharp warned.
Weavile nodded, "She can hold a grudge long, but she'll come to her senses with a quick chat, and some cash."
Their brief stroll through the purple stained wooden halls halted once Weavile came to a stop at a door on her right. She briefly glanced at Bisharp in amusement before turning the doorknob and swinging it open. Opening the door revealed a medium-sized room. Around the walls of the room were motivational posters from a typical guild, along with various plainly colored couches and cushions neatly positioned around the center of the room.
There, sitting cross legged on one of the furniture, was a Golisopod, eyes closed, seemingly meditating. Its movements were close to zero, with only the mandibles on its face twitching occasionally. Across from the Bug-type laid a Glaceon resting on an opposite couch. It didn't seem to acknowledge the new presence from the doorway as it coolly flipped through the pages of a magazine with a paw.
Weavile sauntered into the room, a smirk on her face as she briefly glanced at the meditating Golisopod, then honed her focus on the resting Glaceon.
"What's up, ice queen?"
Glaceon stopped her motions of page flipping, slowly panning her face to meet a smirking Weavile's. Her face displayed a mix of strained annoyance, contempt, disgust, and all things in between.
"Weavile," she hissed in an icy tone. "I told you to stop calling me that."
Weavile's smirk grew wider. "Why would I? Wouldn't want to disrespect royalty after all."
Glaceon scowled, "After you put on that… that horrid job?" she spat out. "With the Grimer's and Koffing's? Disgusting!" She dramatically whipped her icy bangs, returning to browse her magazine.
Weavile continued to push, her patience waning, but her smirk growing. "Come on, ice queen, I know you couldn't resist the paycheck of it. Especially you, a veteran should understand. Forgive me?"
The Ice-type 'hmphed' as she flipped through another page. "Just don't send me those types of jobs again."
Weavile nodded, her smirk growing dangerously large. "Of course, ice queen, I promise." She didn't. "Now, would you know the location of those two recruits we brought in yesterday?"
Another page was flipped as Glaceon responded. "In the Lounge, where everyone else is. Just me and Golispod here. I can't stand the rest of the Pokemon here."
'Who can she stand?' Weavile grumbled in her mind. "Thank you, Glaceon, you'll get your pay next week. Then Bisharp will find you a more... suitable job."
Glaceon 'hmphed' again, going right back into immersing herself into her magazine. Weavile then shifted her attention towards the still silent Golisopod.
"Hey, big guy. You're going on our next scouting mission. Can I trust you to not screw it up like some other 'mons around here?"
Golisopod's eyelids shifted, the black abyss background of his eyes and piercing red pupils now visible, his mandibles twitching erratically. Weavile took this as confirmation.
"You done interrogating them, Weav's?" Bisharp questioned.
Weavile walked back towards the doorway. "Let's go get that Simisear and show him a thing or two." Bisharp followed. "Enjoy your time, my beloved lackeys!" she exclaimed, waving a claw to the Pokémon behind her. One disinterested in farewells, and the other perpetually still and silent.
After they closed the door behind them, they headed towards the Lounge, which was directly adjacent to the foyer located down the hallway. Once near the large doors of the Lounge, Weavile smiled. She could already hear the clinking of glasses and the shouts of laughter from beyond the door. Opening it revealed a much larger room than the previous one they were in - it was darkly tinted compared to the other rooms in the building. Plush, crimson red couches, chairs, and cushions strewn about with tables fixed with filled or empty bottles of different drinks - some alcoholic, some not.
A couple dozen Pokémon were all seated on the red furniture, happily drinking the day away and chatting with their fellow comrades. If Weavile were to admit she indeed had a heart, it would be pounding in admiration right now. The commotion soon faded as the mercenaries realized their captains had just entered, a hushed whisper replacing the once bombastic atmosphere.
Weavile attempted to correct this. "Just looking for Simisear, ladies and gentlemen. Send him my way." She analyzed the crowd, looking for the fiery Fire-type from yesterday.
A large Rhyperior sitting on a red cushion spoke up in a bellowing deep voice. "He's right here, Cap." He pointed to his left with his giant rock column of an arm.
Weavile followed his arm, and indeed it was Simisear, nursing a drink as he stared at Weavile. She smirked, his body was still battered a bit from the beat down they endured. But she knew she wouldn't regret this. At least, she hoped she wouldn't.
"Come on, Simisear, you can tell this to Haxorus once we're finished."
Simisear then hesitantly stood up to a small amount of cheers from the members, causing Rhyperior to perk back up again.
"Hey, Cap! When are you going to tell us what went down at that theater? Surely it had better sludge than what we have here." he said to the laughter of the other mercenaries.
"Yeah! You still haven't told us how he was taken down so fast, and who did it!" a nasally voice shouted from the crowd.
"And when are you gonna bust Magmortar out!" a female voice added as agreement resounded throughout the room.
Weavile stiffened, "Guys, please, your questions will all be answered once me and Bisharp finish up our business. Rest assured, it was a victory for us."
This seemed to settle the outbursts from the Pokémon, who they went back to their drinking and laughing. A pair of razor sharp claws found themselves on Simisear's shoulder, the Pokemon immediately turning to face its owner.
"Come out into the foyer once you're ready, and we'll discuss matters there."
Weavile quickly winked to Bisharp, who acknowledged as they turned and closed the doors to the Lounge, hearing the noise picking back up again with their exit.
"Didn't have the heart to tell them Magmortar got thrashed by some random twerps?" Bisharp quipped.
"Half-truth - of course I'm not gonna say who he got stomped by, but it's true that this was a victory for us. That ambassador was scared out of his wits when they rolled him outta there."
"Then you think Sceptile will do what he's been told, since he's gone back now."
"He will, or we'll find another way. Regardless, our message to the Allfather has been sent with flying colors."
"And you're so sure he'll want to negotiate rather than removing that thorn in his side?" Bisharp retorted.
"I think the Allfather is smart enough to realize he can't get rid of us so easily. We're not the top mercs in Celestic because we have nothing to show. No, we've got our claws sunken deep, and we're letting go til I…" She paused for a moment. "And you… get what you want." Bisharp could only silently agree.
"Still," he began. "Don't you think it'll come time to finally break the reality of our escapades to our members?"
"Most wouldn't care, and why should they? To them, it's just thrill, cash, and the occasional free drinks. I can't really blame them, but I think they'll follow their beloved captains anywhere..."
Bisharp pointed his gauntlet at her. "Ha, see? You are going soft." She rolled her eyes in response.
Once in the main foyer, they patiently waited for the doors of the Lounge to open across the hall. It wasn't long until they swung open and the bruised resemblance of Simisear came down the halls.
"How are you enjoying yourself? The booze good?" Weavile jokingly shouted.
"Horrible," Simisear responded.
Weavile responded with a fanged smile. "Well, get used to it. Welcome to the Razor Claw Clan-er… Guild, which is the legal term for this place, but don't go saying that to anyone… or else-" she made a slicing motion over her throat.
"Weav's, please," Bisharp interrupted. "This is the Razor Claw Clan. Only the toughest and most professional mercenaries get invited. We are simply the best Celestic has to offer, so you should feel honored. Now, I assume you understand your duties from now?"
Simisear nodded, "I know all of this introductory junk. I'm not new to this, but… say, you guys carry rifles? You do seem to be the most well equipped mercs I've seen, compared to the stuff I've used."
Weavile laughed, "Rifles? Here we all trust our natural strength. I've only seen city and Council guards carry rifles. Were you one before?"
"Err, sort of." Simisear changed the subject. "When do I start my first job?"
Bisharp began explaining, "Once you recover fully from your injuries, I will begin the process of assigning you to a squad. On some occasions, you will be led by teams under my or Weavile's command."
Weavile intervened. "Yeah, and if you become good enough, maybe you could replace a captain," she said, jabbing Bisharp in his side with a claw.
"Bite me, Weav's."
Bisharp thrusted a gauntlet towards the doors of the Lounge across the hallway. "Feel free to return or rest in the quarters. Your days here will begin shortly."
WIth one last nod, Simisear walked back down the halls and into the Lounge again. Weavile and Bisharp shared a look.
"Are you going to show me that thing he gave you now?" he asked.
"Let's go back to my room - you're gonna be in for the shock of your life."
Bisharp shrugged, "We'll see, Weav's."
The short trek back to Weavile's room ended as she stepped into her dark purple chambers.
Weavile unraveled the strap around her shoulder and threw her black bag onto her bed, pulling the zipper and revealing its contents. Inside were mostly common items she would carry - binoculars, seeds, orbs, her cape, her darts. But one item in particular stood out amongst the others, particularly to Bisharp.
It was subdued yellow in color, shaped like a rectangle with curved edges. Two thin 'ears' of a Pokémon sprouted from the top. There was even a pair of eyes near the top of the item. Perforations were made into it, below the eyes and on the 'cheeks' of it. Near the 'mouth', there was a clear glass display along with a round dial to turn. Around the left side of it was a switch, seemingly to turn the device on and off.
To say it was strange to Bisharp was an understatement.
"What… is that? You said he gave you this?"
Weavile picked up the device, twirling it around in her claw. "Yup, the last time we met, he handed me this. Didn't say what exactly it was, just told me it was already 'tuned' to his signal. From there we could instantly communicate." She gave it a tap. "Last thing he said was, he'd contact me on this day, around this time."
Bisharp blinked, "Wait, instant… communication? How does he have access to this? I don't think even the Council has something advanced as this."
Weavile shrugged, "Apparently the guild near Empyrean does - said one of his goons nabbed it there. But trust me, it's very real, and I can testify to that."
"But I've… never seen something like this before in the guild. This must be new." Bisharp shook his head. "Did he only give you one? This could revolutionize how we do operations, Weav's. Or we could tear it open, see how it works, make our own. Or…"
Weavile held up a claw to cease his ramblings. "Hold it, he only gave me one, and he also said to not tinker with it to possibly screw up our connection with him. Besides, I don't want to get on the bad side of the 'mon lining our pockets with Poké."
"Maybe we could bre-" His desperate counter was stopped by Weavile.
"Into the guild near Empyrean? No way, we're blind, and there's no telling how many connections they have now."
Bisharp frowned, being denied the possibility of exploring the wonder a new technology put a damper on his spirit. Still, his mind churned at just who their client was to get his hands on things like these.
"Anyway, let's wait around unt-"
Weavile was interrupted by a harsh crackling noise emitting from the device she held. The two of them stopped to stare at it. The perforations on the 'cheeks' of it seemed to work as a speaker for the harsh static to come out, and quite loudly at that. They winced at the sound of it until the volume of the static winded down a bit as an unmistakable gruff voice came through the speakers, piercing through the jumbled mess of noises and into their ears.
"... Can… you hear me? If so… click the side of the device and respond."
Bisharp stared in awe at what he was hearing - Weavile was telling the truth. She took a moment to act, but she did as instructed, holding the device close to her mouth and flipping the switch on its side before speaking into it.
"I can hear you… loud and clear. Can you?"
"... Yes. Then we can begin, I hope you are ready to leave. I want you here at midnight. Do you understand?"
Weavile responded, "Don't sweat it, I'll be there."
"Good, I will be expecting you then. Do not keep me waiting."
Then there was nothing but static, until that died out as the room fell quiet. Weavile clicked the switch again, assuming it was to cut her connection. She looked at Bisharp, who was still stunned and silent.
"Well, good thing that was so cut and dry. What time is it right now?"
Bisharp snapped out of his trance as he spoke slowly. "It's… the afternoon."
Her smirk grew, "Excellent. We'll need someone to fly us to our meeting spot again. Is Honchkrow available?"
"Yes, but it's going to rain heavily when night hits, he won't be able to resist the onslaught."
She threw the device back into her black bag, pulling out her dark cape, the symbol of a Razor Claw etched onto it. The bag was zipped tight as she threw it over her shoulder, just like many times before.
"Get Skarmory. She can withstand it. And get ready yourself, I want us airborne half an hour to our little meeting."
Both of their black capes whipped and billowed against the sharp wind of the pitch dark skies. Dark gray storm clouds were approaching their position, even if rain didn't come yet. They clung to the steely feathers of Skarmory as she soared through the cloudy night, further towards their destination.
Weavile narrowed her eyes towards the ground. While it wasn't raining just yet, visibility was still difficult when you're miles above in the sky on a Pokémon travelling at intense speeds.
But then she saw it - the familiar ruined structure of her meeting spot. She smiled amidst the chaos of the open skies - they were here, and with perfect timing, too. A small pat of her claw onto Skarmory's back told the Steel-type all she needed to know as she nodded in confirmation.
Soon enough, they were nosediving straight towards the earth below them. The Pokémon on board instinctively clutched the feathers of Skarmory more as she descended with haste. Once they were safely secure on their respective realm, the both of them hopped off Skarmory's back.
"Good work as always, Skarmory," Weavile commented.
"No problem, Cap'n. All in a day's work."
Bisharp planted himself near Skarmory's side. "I'll stay with Skarmory and keep watch. You do your thing, and don't screw up things with our best client."
Weavile laughed, "You say this every time, Bishy, but it never does happen. Perhaps I'm just too charming?" He grumbled in response.
The Ice-type took in the sight before her just as she had many times. It was a crumbling wreck of a building, faded beige stone columns were torn to shreds, leaving nothing but jagged stumps left. Nature took this place over, with green moss, vines, and other foliage that grew out of every crack, hole, and crevice of the ruins.
Weavile wasn't too sure on why her client seemed to choose this as a meeting spot every time, but it never bothered her much. It was secluded enough, and the sketchiness of the deals with her other clients were way worse than what she was dealing with now.
She moseyed on over towards the crumbling building and planted her back on the same wall she had rested against before, time and time again. She held an enclosed claw behind her as she rapped it against the stone surface. It was her signal to cue in that she was here and ready for their meeting to begin.
She could hear an audible shuffling sound from behind the wall of stone, perhaps footsteps she mused. They grew in volume as the noises came closer towards the wall until they stopped entirely. A gruff voice then spoke from beyond the stone wall, the same one from the device.
"Good, you're here. Let's get down to business."
Weavile crossed her arms. "Well? Let's hear it."
The voice spoke again, "My associates were able to witness a failed deal at the Cosmic Quilt Guild, thus allowing them to track down an exploration team exiting that were holding valuable knowledge. You will track down this exploration team, for they have… information of a place that I desire to find."
Weavile closed her eyes. 'This guy must have eyes everywhere.' Sometimes it warmed a mercenary's heart to work for someone with such cards to play, but it was mostly for the tons of cash they would offer.
"Ten thousand Poké. Obtain the information through your own means - stealthily, violent - as long as it's in my paws, I don't care."
Weavile frowned, "So, you made me go all the way out here for this? Couldn't you have just told me over that little device?"
"You're mercenaries…" the voice spat out. "You Pokémon have zero honor. You are not trustworthy, so I wish to keep track of you as you go through with my requests."
Weavile 'tched' - it seemed like such a cheap excuse. "You seem like you could handle yourself, why bother with us mercs?"
"Believe me, if there was an easier way to obtain the information I need, then there would be no need to deal with your type of Pokémon. It is simply convenient for me to use your services, being that your efficiency is well respected."
'Damn right,' Weavile thought.
Maybe mercenaries don't have honor or loyalty, but they're damn good at what they do, at least she is. But something about his words itched at her mind. They reminded of her early days, the ones she doesn't wish to speak of so much anymore.
"I haven't even seen as much as your face before, but you say we're not trustworthy?"
The voice seemed to laugh slightly at her comment, which only irritated the Ice-type even further.
"You will never see my face, or know who I am."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Because then I'd have to kill you."
Weavile had seen many different kinds of Pokémon in her travels. Scared ones, Angry ones, Brave ones. She was able to call out even the mightiest of bluffs from Pokémon, so she knew when the voice told her that he would kill her - that he was dead serious.
She smiled, "What makes you so sure you could do that?"
"Who said I don't have you surrounded right now?" the voice replied matter-of-factly.
"Are you going to hand over the details now? We're burning the night away."
A slip of paper appeared through one of the missing chunks of brick wall next to Weavile. She grabbed with a claw as she flipped it over to read the messy text inscribed onto it.
Lush Garden
It wasn't too far away, and she was thankful that there was no Mystery Dungeon around this area. The best part was that it was secluded. No town or village for miles.
The voice spoke again, "In an hour, they should congregate around the large tree in the center, as they are there to also make a deal themselves. You will intervene, and strike before that deal carries on. Even if you must beat it out of them... this information cannot be lost."
Weavile was fine with this. "Yeah yeah, we'll get it down."
She gave a final thought. It should be very easy for her and Bisharp - exploration teams weren't usually full of muscle 'mons. Just inexperienced kids with dreams and that sort who wouldn't stand a chance. Especially against a pair of combat veterans trained to not hold back. She sighed slowly at that thought.
"Good," The voice answered. "I will await your return with the information. I expect you will not disappoint."
The shuffling returned as the voice seemed to walk away from the wall. Weavile took this as a sign to return back to Bisharp and Skarmory. She took her back off the crumbling wall and traversed through the ruins again. Once she was in viewing distance of Bisharp, she threw her arm up, displaying the sheet of paper wedged in between her claws.
"Let's saddle up, we've got a job to do."
While before, the night was dry and without a speck of water so much touching the ground - now it came, and when it rains, it pours. And pour it did - heavy sheets of water dropped from the heavens above, slamming into the ground below and onto a flying Skarmory, who didn't seem to budge. Flashes of lightning in the distance briefly lit up the dark sky before disappearing into the blackness, the crack of thunder accompanying it.
Weavile groaned, she would need a nice long shower after this job was said and done with. She scanned the ground below, knowing they were just above the area called the Lush Garden. But they would need to locate the center of it, where a large overgrown tree planted its roots into. It was difficult enough that they were flying at high speeds, way above the ground, but now that they seemed to be into some kind of hurricane of a storm, it was an even bigger pain to see.
"Circle this area! I need to get a better view!" Weavile commanded.
"Aye aye, Cap'n!" Skarmory screamed.
The Flying-type began her maneuvers in the sky, making sure the two on board could get a good look through the flurry of wind and cascading water. It was only a few moments of circling until Bisharp pointed something out with his gauntlet.
"Right there, the tree!"
Weavile looked to where he pointed. It was difficult, but she could make out a mass of dark shambling green leaves, along with three visible figures beside it.
'There it is.'
"Good eye, Bishy. Get us down close, near some tall bushes, Skarmory!" She enunciated this by tapping the Pokémon's back.
Skarmory nodded, "You got it, Cap'n!"
Lightning rolled throughout the sky as thunder echoed its call. The Flying-type shot through the dark gray storm clouds, slicing through the waves of rain and barreling towards the ground. The field of the now muddy and wet grassland became more and more visible as Skarmory glided towards the surface. She aimed for a pair of bushes just tall enough to conceal their location from any other Pokémon. Once her talons graced the ground, she implanted them firmly into the wet dirt, flexing her wings and whipping away the water collected onto them.
"We're... here, Cap'n!" Skarmory proclaimed, a bit tired from the trip.
Weavile patted her back. "Great, you stay here, and make sure you're not seen."
She bounded off Skarmory's back, along with Bisharp. They made sure all of them were hidden by the thick green bush in front of them. Here, they would conceive their plan of motion.
"Let's get a good look of this exploration team- see what we're dealing with here." Bisharp suggested.
Weavile agreed, zipping open her bag, procuring her binoculars and peering over the sides of the bush. She listed off each Pokemon she could visibly identify. "Toxtricity... Pidgeot... and a Vigoroth. I ain't too worried." While these weren't kids by no means, this didn't set off any alarms in her mind.
This would be easy.
Bisharp nodded, "Approach? I say we just barrel through them. No need for anything fancy."
"Agreed. This will be a walk in the park, so follow me, and make sure we're not seen."
Stealthily or violent? She could do both just fine.
Placing the binoculars back into her bag and zipping it back up, she crouched low to the ground, Bisharp replicating her form as well. From this position, they inched forward through the grass, going from bush to bush, closer towards the huge tree and closer to their targets. As they got near, it wasn't long until they got within earshot of the three Pokémon, who were all chatting amongst each other. The both of them listened carefully to their conversations, hoping to glean any juicy details from it.
"I'm telling you!" the yellow and purple Toxtricity spoke. "There's gotta be something of value in those ruins. Something we don't know about."
"I don't know," the Pidgeot responded, her skepticism showing. "We found nothing combing through it. I even flew around the whole place twice. Twice!"
The Vigoroth with a satchel around its waist jumped in. "Yeah I just don't see why mercenaries would want this, man, I just hope this isn't a setup…"
Weavile's smirk appeared from behind the blades of wet grass. 'Oh this is a setup alright, just not the kind of one you will expect.'
Toxtricity shook his head, obviously frustrated with the lack of faith given to him. "No! We saw something near those ruins. A mural, remember?"
Vigoroth visibly shrugged, "Uh… remind me again?"
Toxtricity growled, "It was a painting... of something like a metal skirt, or… a wheel!"
Pidgeot tilted her head, "A skirt of metal? Why would any mercenary care about it? Doesn't seem like it would sell much more than the average relic."
"That's beside the point!" Toxtricity countered. "And remember!" He held up a bulbous finger. " We saw a group of Pokémon wearing armbands near one of the entrances to the ruins! That means this is a place of interest to some 'mons."
Weavile's features softened. 'Armbands? There's no way...' The look Bisharp was sending her all but confirmed it in her mind. 'But why?'
She didn't know, but she didn't intend to sit around and ponder the possibilities. Weavile would take initiative. She glanced towards Bisharp, sending him a nod that solidified that she was going on the offensive now. Standing up, she stepped out of her hiding bush as she sprinted forward, her cape flapping in the wind. Using the veil of darkness, rain, and her opponents unawareness to her advantage, she stealthily bolted towards them with an outstretched arm, claws ready to slice.
The Ice-type focused her attention on the Vigoroth with the satchel, his back turned and ripe for an attack. Her claws effortlessly slid across the Pokémon's back, forming a nasty gash as she brought it across.
The Vigoroth turned around immediately once he felt something razor sharp digging into his flesh. However, the culprit had already vanished from his sight, sprinting off to his left.
Toxtricity's eyes widened, "Vigoroth! Were you just attacke-"
He was cut off by his own yelp as a flash of pain resounded from his chest. A large gash, just like the one Vigoroth suffered from was now visible. The inflictor, a Bisharp, leapt past Toxtricity and towards the other culprit. There, the two regrouped and turned to face the trio they had just attacked.
Weavile flicked some blood off her claw - Bisharp did the same. The both of them took a fighting stance together, sizing themselves up against the attacked, who were regaining their bearings. Mercenaries may not have honor, but who said they couldn't enjoy a fight and want it to last a little while.
Toxtricity held a hand over the gash, shaking his body in a rage. It took him a moment to notice, but Pokémon wearing capes and looking this rugged meant only one thing. "You're mercenaries… and you decided to attack us?!" he screamed.
Weavile lunged forward with an outstretched claw. "Less talk, more fight." It narrowly missed Toxtricity as he leapt backward. But she never stopped her attack, forming an enclosed fist as a layer of ice quickly covered it. The Ice-type closed the distance between the two of them, slamming her newly made Ice Punch into the belly of the Toxtricity.
Shades of darkness enveloped both of Bisharp's bladed gauntlets as he charged towards the Vigoroth, who tried to put up a futile resistance with a rush of Fury Swipes. Bisharp was faster, allowing his duo of Night Slash's to land consecutive hit after hit onto the Pokémon's chest.
Pidgeot moved in to assist her two comrades, swooping into the air and beating her wings back and forth. She unleashed her Air Cutter, spawning waves of light blue energy curves from her wingspan. With another flap of her wings, the arcs of energy cut through the air and rushed towards the two attackers. Weavile pushed Toxtricity out her way as an array of Ice Shards formed around her body.
Each crystallized piece of ice was sent hurtling towards the impending arcs of energy, smashing into each other, sending chunks of ice everywhere and fizzling the waves of energy. This didn't seem to stop Pidgeot, as she once again started forming multiple arcs of light blue energy across her outstretched wings.
"Oh no you dont!" Weavile shouted. She quickly formed another Ice Punch around her enclosed fist, springing off the ground to reach her target hovering just above.
It was the perfect amount of force - the layer of hardened ice smashing into the feathery belly of Pidgeot. The Pokémon's eyes seemed to bulge out her sockets, being sent careening past the four of them, smacking into the wooden bark of the humongous tree.
Pidgeot was knocked clean out. Thunder howled in the distance. Two left.
While Vigoroth was still trying to endure the series of Night Slash's from Bisharp, Toxtricity recovered from his attack and started charging up an attack. He growled as tendrils of electricity pulsed around his form. His Discharge was surely going to repel these Pokémon.
Weavile hissed as sparks of burning yellow electricity hit her fur, she quickly turned around to assess the threat she neglected to take down Pidgeot. Waving her claws mockingly at Toxtricity, she decided she needed to run circles around him and try to find an entrance into his guard.
Bisharp was confused. Somehow this Vigoroth was taking all of his Night Slashes, but still standing. It wasn't even moving. Then suddenly, surprising Bisharp out his assault, came an upright jab from Vigoroth. Luckily, Bisharp wasn't mindless with his attacks, allowing him to study the Vigoroth for any sudden attacks and move when needed.
It then clicked - the move 'Revenge'. He had the Pokémon all figured out now.
He forcefully grabbed a hold of Vigoroth's shoulder with both of his gauntlets as the Pokémon struggled to break free. A sheet of pure gray metallic iron formed across Bisharp's skull raised head, ultimately bringing his mettalic cranium crashing down onto Vigoroth's own - headbutting him with his old reliable Iron Head, at full force.
The Pokémon stood no chance against such an attack, quickly crumpling to the muddy floor in defeat as Bisharp let him out of his grasp. Thunder continued to howl in the distance. One left.
Blobs of poisonous purple goo were lobbed at Weavile as she performed evasive maneuvers around Toxtricity. He may be able to keep Pokemon at a distance, but Weavile was the queen of getting close and personal with anyone. Toxtricity formed another Sludge Bomb, hurling it against the floor and forming pits of purple goo. Weavile found her opening, but he thought he was quicker than her - he wasn't.
The Electric-type hummed as arcs of electricity started to form around him. He was hoping another round of Discharge would dispel that Weavile from getting near him. But he didn't count on the Pokémon being straight in front of him, Ice Punch formed, mocking smirk and all.
It wasn't just one Ice Punch, it was multiple - into his sides, chest, belly, face. The whirlwind of freezing jabs across his body was too much to bear. One final frosty punch sent him flat onto the ground as thunder roared. None left.
Weavile and Bisharp shared a look, an actual smile forming on Bisharp's features for once. They both nodded, enclosing in on a defeated and well battered Toxtricity, who was still on the floor pushing himself away from them.
He held up a bulbous hand, "Wait, wait! You're the mercs who came for the information about the ruins, right!? We thought we'd sell it to the guild, but you guys offered! Why'd you come here just to attack us! If you want it… just take it then!"
Weavile stopped her advancement. "It turns out we're not the mercenaries you were looking to deal with, but I'll gladly follow your other advice… where is it?"
Toxtricity gulped, "It's just a note… in the satchel, the one Vigoroth is carrying. Just… don't do anything else to us, please!"
Weavile marched over to the fallen Pokémon, kneeling down and tearing open the contents of the satchel for her to see. Other than some Oran Berries, seeds, orbs, and other junk, there wasn't anything that caught her eye, until a slip of paper was located. She grabbed with a claw, bringing it close to her eye to read the text inscribed onto it.
What she read was the name of a location. Her heart panged as she read the name in her mind, over and over. It was all too familiar, being burned into her mind for ages. She had been to this location before. Swallowing the growing lump in her throat, she addressed Bisharp, who walked up to see what the slip of paper contained.
"Bishy... This is the place that I and..." she stopped, but Bisharp already knew.
He turned towards the still bewildered Toxtricity. "Before, you said… Pokémon with armbands were there, correct?" A hasty nod from the Pokémon confirmed his suspicions.
"Weav's..." He looked straight into Weavile's eyes. "The pieces of the puzzle are finally clicking together."
Weavile clenched her teeth as fresh rage sprouted within her. But now was not the time for anger. She gave one final look at the slip of paper. They needed to return back to their client for payment.
Thunder rumbled the sky once again.
The raging storm from before seemed to fade into the night, the invading storm clouds dissipating along with the pounding of heavy rain.
"I assume nothing went wrong?" the gruff voice asked.
"Yeah, it was quick and easy. They were out like a light, and we've got what we needed from them," Weavile assured.
"Then slip it towards me - you will get your payment then."
Weavile did as instructed, grabbing the paper from her bag. She lingered briefly, staring at the name that was written on in it. Swallowing down her own disgust, she placed it onto the stone in front of her, sliding it into the darkness beyond. It was then grabbed.
"This seems to be correct... very well. I think you deserve your payment now." The voice seemed to disappear for a bit, a heavy sack being placed where Weavile originally put the slip of paper. "This should cover everything. I expect you will wait until I require your services again?"
Weavile grabbed the plain cloth bag, noting its heaviness. Opening it up, she definitely knew ten thousand Poké was in this tiny bag. The clinking of all the circular gold pieces inside it told her that much.
"Yeah, we'll be available."
"Good, do not damage that device or touch any of the dials on it. I will contact you again. This is goodbye... for now."
The voice was now gone again, leaving Weavile to mull over her thoughts alone. This little outing proved to be far more worthy of their time, other than the cash prize that came along with it. It would be just what they did with this new information that would decide their next action.
But a different feeling ate at her. The same one that long ago, she once had.
Weavile turned the handle to Bisharp's room as she stepped on in. It was a rare thing for her to be in his room. But this time, Bisharp requested her to join him inside. She knew something was up with him, considering he wasn't even trying to hide the grin planted on his face the trip home.
Surveying his room, she found him exactly where she thought he would be - fiddling with that large map of Celestic displayed across the entirety of the purple stained wall.
The information gathered right there was everything Bisharp gathered from their anonymous client. All the bits and pieces he found were useful towards a combined larger goal. He seemed to be too absorbed into tinkering with the map as Weavile waltzed past without him noticing.
She leaned against an adjacent wall. "Well? How are your developments? Sure must help knowing a big piece has just been uncovered."
Bisharp turned around, "What we just uncovered changes everything. I knew there was something fishy about our client. But now we have a lead."
"What… you think our helpful client is part of the Alignment?" Weavile sure hoped that wasn't the case.
Bisharp shook his head, "Maybe so, maybe not. What matters is that we know they're involved now. And the same place you've been to is now tied to multiple groups wanting to know its location. The Alignment, our client, and this other mercenary group - they're looking for something."
Weavile whistled, "We've got a lot on our plate then. Why not check out this other mercenary group?"
Bisharp shrugged, "That Toxtricity couldn't give us any helpful details on who they were, so I doubt we could pinpoint them right now, seeing that there's tons of other mercs in Celestic. Best thing we could do is wait for a possible confrontation."
"And the Alignment?" She grinded her teeth together. "We now know they're in on this. We should keep taking the fight to them. Maybe then-"
"Weavile… this is more than just your revenge. Or even mine. This is for answers."
"Answers? What could we possibly need to have answered other than the finding out who these Pokémon are, and taking them down."
It took Bisharp a moment to respond as he placed his gauntlets around his hip, gazing at the large map. "There's something about this world… something we don't understand." He sighed. "Maybe other Pokémon know the truth, even the truth of what lies just below us. Or maybe they don't, and no one knows."
"But…" He pointed his gauntlet at the map. "There has to be something, and maybe... it lies in what we're following right now."
She rolled her eyes, "You're starting to sound like that Bug-type from the guild. Did you forget that we're mercenaries, Bishy?"
"This is the future, Weav's".
'Oh brother...'
Whenever he was around this map, he never stopped spewing about his idealism. It was something that Weavile could both hate and appreciate of her co-captain and close friend.
"Don't you remember what I told you back then? Didn't you want to be more than just a street thug?"
"But we're mercenaries?"
He nodded, "Yes, and we're the same as a street thug. And I thought you wanted to be above just that."
She crossed her arms, "Thugs aren't as good as us - we're above them."
"We're organized thugs, Weav's. Ones who aren't afraid to take what they want. And… taking answers by force will seem to be the very thing we'll use to our advantage. Besides…"
Bisharp locked eyes with her. "You want to know why it all happened?" He pointed his gauntlet at the map again. "Then take a good look at it, Weav's. This is where the answer to that lies."
Weavile uncrossed her arms and left the wall she was leaning against as she walked towards the large map. Once it was directly in front of her, she took it all in. Scattered pieces of papers, clues, leads, were placed around different locations of Celestic. Red string connected all possible connections together, including the aspects of her much hated encounters.
To Bisharp, this was the future, and a means to the answers he had sought for so long. For Weavile, all she wanted was one thing - that one Pokémon she has been tracking down for these past ten years - the source of all her frustrations and anger.
Being a mercenary was powerful, more powerful than being a street thug or member of any guild. Was part of it for the thrill? Yes. The money, the infamy? All yes. But another part was the revenge she sought for being so wronged by this world. That last part of her, though, it was the one that wondered about those answers Bisharp spoke of - the truth of this world.
The road that Bisharp wanted to lead them down was the same one they had wanted to go down.
'And look where that got em.' But she wasn't afraid of things like that. They've persevered through much in the past. 'Is this something that's worth doing again? Will we lose it all just trying to get it?'
She sighed, as there was only one way they would find out if this wild Ducklett chase was going anywhere, and that was following it.
This road they will take is surely not to be one untraveled before...
If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239
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Next Time: Fishing Trip
- In Serial98 Chapters
Arwyn has just bought Fantasia, the first fantasy-based VRMMORPG, with 99% realism that you can play while you sleep. In the game, she becomes Fey, a moon elf starting in the magical Elvenwood. Join her (and her snarky narrator who likes to interject sarcastic comments in parentheses) on her exciting, often hilarious adventures inside this magical world full of every fantasy creature you've ever encountered in books, games, and movies, and a few that you haven't. Oh, and there's something strange about the NPCs in this game... See if you can figure it out before Fey does. (No, they are not self-aware AIs.) -Cover art credit goes to A. Noviant
8 151 - In Serial7 Chapters
Oh Great, I Was Reincarnated as a Farmer.
What do you get when you cross Home Alone, Isekai, litrpg, and a farming simulator? You get Arnold’s life, that’s what you get. Accidently murdered by a cleric in another universe in a botched resurrection, Arnold, a semi-pro gamer, finds himself incarnated into the overweight corpse of that universes version of him. It could be a bad joke, but apparently, it happens so often that they have a standard procedure for returning you. That standard procedure doesn't apply to Arnold. Now stuck on a new earth with no way home, Arnold must use his gaming skills to figure out how to level his farmer class to 100 and gain a new class that doesn't make him want to beat his head against the wall. There is one little problem. Farmers don't gain experience from killing monsters. Like at all. Follow Arnold as he comes to grips with his new reality and discovers creative ways to improve it.(This was originally put up for feedback purposes, so I could finish my final edit, before publishing on Amazon. There were originally only going to be 20 chapters, but I needed more feedback so I bribed the readers to reread my new first chapter with 4 more chapters. The whole novel will not be going up on royal road. This novel will be taken down on the 10th of May.)Amazon link below. Oh Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer
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He never thought that something like this would ever happen.Really, who would have ever thought that the things of fiction, written for fun and entertainment, would ever become a reality?.....but there seemed to be something wrong with him."Why do I look different from the others?" He asked his companion."And why is my diet different?......Am I a failure of an undead..?" He continued with pitiable eyes.A groan from his companion got him fired up."What do you mean you mean by agreeing and adding that I am the stupidest undead ever?! You big stinky jerk! You could have disagreed and comforted me! After all I did for you! See if I go bait food for you ever again!" With that said, he turned and went in the wrong directionThis is the story of a small dunderhead and his sticky companion. (N.B: this is a slash story.)
8 377 - In Serial62 Chapters
Bottom Dollar
A broke, straight-edged high schooler must fight her feelings for her new cocky admirer or risk being stuck in a dead-end town forever. *****Seventeen-year-old control freak Meg is determined to leave her dead-end town for good. But when a handsome stranger walks into her diner and leaves her a hundred-dollar bill, Meg's life takes a turn for the worse, and she finds herself falling for the kind of guy she definitely shouldn't be. With college around the corner and her future on the line, Meg knows she must fight against her feelings for Nate or risk losing the one thing she's fought so hard for - control. [[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]](Written by @officialrachaelrose, previously known as @Rachksnaps)*If you aren't reading this book on Wattpad, it has been stolen. Please report the website!*
8 484 - In Serial12 Chapters
Bottom Wilbur Soot Extras
Extras for my other book.This will be where I post a/ns and ideas.
8 131 - In Serial9 Chapters
I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)
Everthing was differect,now that Tom's gone.I can't stay forever,I have my own army to lead.But I can't let fall deeper down the hole.Not after losing Tom.I'll have to wait a while longer,my two loyal solider's Paul and Patyrk will lead the army till I come back-Oh how rude of me,I didn't tell you my name.I'm (Y/n) Lepon,the red army leader.After Tom left to lead his army,the blue army the guys wouldn't trust anyone new,that's why I have to keep the trust cause I actually care for them.Matt,Edd and Tord are my closest friends,I wasn't able to let my army come in the way of our friendship,not how Tom's did.(This story is taken from MY quotev account)
8 200