《Infinitium, Book 1》Chapter 19, Who Am I Really?
Day 1/12:01 p.m.
Interestingly enough, nothing happened immediately. The golden portal closed allowing me to look around. I was in a library and lab of sorts. Across the room, there was a desk with a slightly glowing crystal on it that I hadn’t noticed while in the time bubble. Probably shielded somehow. Wondering what the crystal was, I took a step in that direction and a voice boomed from directly in front of me
“Who invades Apolyn’s Abode?” the bodiless voice bellowed.
“I wouldn’t go so far as to say invade…” I started to say…
“So be it, you are not Apolyn, you must be destroyed!” Directly in front of me a Shimmering knight in the darkest metallic armor that I had ever seen appeared and thrust a great sword directly into a point where my heart should have been.
Begin Combat Log
Level 50 Death Knight solidifies and thrust +5 Magical Longsword at Johnathan with the ability Heart Strike. As a possible surprise attack.
Johnathan saves against a surprise attack.
Moves to normal attack rounds.
Initiative for this round stays with Death Knight.
Continue with the ability Heart Strike attack.
Unarmed Defense Skill Level 100 gives Johnathan a base (100 increased by 1,818%) or doubled for defense against melee attacks he is aware of to 3,636.%
Modified for Death Knight abilities.
Johnathan dodge's Heart Strike attack.
Initiative falls to Johnathan.
Action 1. Johnathan attacks with Level 100 Unarmed Strike, called shot to chest with right hand. Chance to hit 100% skill level, + 1,818% for Dexterity, - 50% for Called shot to chest. Cost 10 Stamina.
Attack succeeds. Base damage for attack 1d4 * 18.18 (or 18 – 72 damage) per strike.
Johnathan performs a Critical Strike doubles damage. 144 damage done to Death night chest Armor.
100 points of armor durability shattered; chest armor shattered.
Summoned Death Knight hit points reduced by 44 hp with strike.
Action 2. Johnathan attacks with level 100 Unarmed Strike, called shot to chest with left hand. Chance to hit 100% for Unarmed Strike skill Level, +1,818% for Dexterity, -50% for called shot to chest. Cost 110 Stamina.
Attack succeeds. Base damage for attack 1d4 * 18.18 (or 18 – 72 damage) per strike.
Johnathan performs a Critical Strike doubles damage. 108 damage done to Death Knight chest armor.
Death Knight reduced to -22 damage.
Death Knight has died
5,000 experience gained.
End combat log
The Death Knight dissipated into the ether with the rest of his armor and weapon leaving me in an empty room. I opened his personal interface, noted the Combat Log, and reviewed it quickly. It seemed that my strength seemed to be increasing my damage by an additional 1,818% or 18.18 times, rounded down. That shit was crazy. The dodge percentage though. How in the…then I thought about it. Base 100% for level, or double 1,818, the average of his Dexterity and Agility. Yep, that turned out to be 3,636 so every level of Unarmed Defense added a 1% bonus to my base defense. Level 100 doubled my defense. If I could get to 200 that would triple it and so on. No wonder skills became progressively harder to increase at each 100 point threshold. Of course, that meant that someone with a skill level of 1 and base 10 stats would only have a base defense of 10 when unarmed. Unarmed Defense would offer almost no protection at the lower levels, which made sense. My Base Defense of 3,636% though was staggering.
I wondered If there was some form of randomization, like the rolling of a die for a role-playing game, and that die happened to be a d100, then even if the Knight had rolled a “100” he would have still missed. I also wondered if the system that had been put in place for this universe had automatic failures and automatic success. In most RPG’s I’d played in, a roll of 1 was an automatic miss, and a roll of 100 was an automatic hit. Then I wondered if my luck modified those rolls in any way. Finally, I wondered what would have happened had that Heart Strike special ability hit?
“Nothing Good” Abi quipped, then continued “You might want to look around and make sure there are no more immediate surprises, without touching anything, so you can review your Personal Interface and character sheet before you get busy in here.”
“Good Idea,” I said as I slowly walked around the room, staying to clear paths, and not touching anything. There was one door into and out of this room opposite the desk I’d seen, and the room seemed to be much larger than I’d given it credit for. Shelves and Shelves of books. Still, I took Abi’s advice and touched nothing. I Made sure to circumnavigate the entire room then ended up where I’d talked with Michael. Sitting in a Lotus position I closed my eyes and activated my Personal Interface.
Name: Jonathan Michael Bennard
Age: 32
Weight: 170
Birthday, July 16th, 2001
Natural Abilities:
Perfect Memory - Like Photographic Memory except for all five senses with an automatic recall of desired information.
Guided Understanding - The ability to take unspent experience and direct or focus it on a desired skill or ability. Experience thus spent can be redirected to another category at a progressively higher cost.
Ascendant Human Abilities
Nanite Companions: Scalable Ability: Level 1
Nanites infest Johnathan at the Atomic Level making it extremely hard for any normal damage to hurt him.
Healing Rate, almost instantaneous, to include broken Bones and major organ damage.
Cannot be poisoned.
Can convert nonliving matter directly into needed bodily resources
Does not need to Eat, Breath or Drink.
Can survive extremely high pressures and heats for limited times.
Each Ability level increases the area affected by up to one foot
Maximum of 500 feet in any Universe, Plane, or Realm where Magic exists.
Soul Link to Universe, Plane, Realm known as The Labyrinth: Scalable: Level 1
Siphons 1000 Character leveling experience per second.
Cannot be increased through levels in this ability
Ability Levels allow experience that Johnathan earns from other sources, including Thor, to be directed to the Labyrinth at a rate of 1000 per Ability level; this ability has no upper level.
Soul Link to Thor, Home Universe Level 1
Can siphon 1,000 Character Leveling experience per second.
Can be increased through levels in this ability which will allow up to 1000 experience per ability level per second to be siphoned from Thor.
Ability Levels allow experience that Johnathan Earns from other sources, to include the Labyrinth, to be directed to Thor at a rate of 1000 per Ability level. This ability has no upper level.
Jack of all Trades Level 100
Every ability level grants a 1% chance to learn any skill or ability to level 1 at no cost.
Class: Character Level
Level: 5000
Multi-Class: None
Strength 1,818
Agility 1,818
Dexterity 1,818
Endurance 1,818
Constitution 1,818
Intelligence 1,818
Wisdom 1,818
Willpower 1,818
Perception 1,818
Charisma 1,818
Luck 1,820
Primary Stats
Carrying Capacity 1,545,3000 lbs.
Hit Points: 5,727
Base Health Regeneration
HP per minute, 104, (2 per second)
Stamina: 18,180 ((Strength + Constitution + Endurance)/3) x 10
Base Stamina Regeneration: 31 per second
Mana: 18,180 (Willpower x 10)
Base Mana Regeneration: 31 per second
Normal Running Speed: 290 MPH
Standing high Jump 581 Inches. (48 Feet)
Note. Falling Damage is not mitigated by maximum jumping Distance.
Base Attack
Unarmed Attack: Hand 1-4 x 18.18 (STR) Damage x 2 (Skill 100%)
Critical Damage Maximum Damage x2
1124 Skills from your starting Universe at level 100. If you would like to see your whole list please click on the tab below.
Jack of all Trades Level 100
Nanite Companions Level 1
Soul Link to Labyrinth Level 1
Soul Link to Thor Level 1
I looked over my Personal Interface and minimized my skill list. If I needed to look at it I would but there was no need to review them now. A lot of the skills wouldn’t be useful here anyway. After looking at my character sheet for a bit I realized that Michael had not been exaggerating when he’d said I was a bit overpowered.
“Okay Abi, I think I have a handle on this character sheet. First question, exactly how much skill experience does it cost in total to level each skill from level 1 through 100?”
“That would be 5,050,000 experience for each skill. As to your next question, How long does it take for you to earn that much experience from the Labyrinth? About 84 minutes. You earn 86,400,000 experience every 24 hours.
“How long before I level again?” I asked.
“Well, that’s a little bit more problematic. You have reached the maximum level of 5,000 to level again you would need to multi-class. As to your next question on this subject, how much experience would it take to level your next class to level 5,000? At double the cost it would cost 25,005,000,000 experience. As you have over 379 billion experience saved right now, once you add a class you can level it right up to 5,000 if you wish. If you wished to wait until you earned enough experience that would take about 290 days. Of course, another option is to shift some of that experience gained to Thor. With the number of books in this library, I believe that we will be here for a couple of weeks as you learn the local languages and pick up some of the basic concepts from the tomes provided here. I would suggest doing that before picking a second class.”
“That’s all well and good Abi.” I said then asked. “I guess the first order of business is to warm this place up. Any ideas?”
“Actually, I think your first idea was probably your best. I think that crystal on that desk over there might be very important for this location. In fact, I’d bet on it.” Abi said with a smirk.
Standing, I brushed myself off and started to move towards the desk.
“Wait!” Abi said forcefully. “You need to update your Personal Interface with an Identity. Remember, true names have power here, and well almost anywhere. What name will you go by here?
Stopping where I was. I considered for a moment then opened my Personal Interface one more time. Mentally choosing the Identity category I input “Adamantadine” or the nickname “Adam” for short. A simple anagram of Adamantium but definitely appropriate as everything that was happening to him had been made possible by an Adamantium ring. Somehow the name just felt appropriate.
“Good choice Adam,” Abi said with a hint of a smile in her voice. “Adam is a lot easier to say when I’m addressing you. Also, a lot less, I don’t know, stuffy” she said with a laugh
“Har, har, very funny. Ha, ha it is to laugh” I said with false indignation. Moving again I walked to the desk and reached out to touch the clear crystal.
Congratulations, you have discovered the Hearth Crystal for a Place of Power. The previous owner was killed, and no heirs were named. This Power Crystal can be claimed by the first person to come upon it. Do you wish to claim this Hearth Crystal and this Place of Power, Yes or No?
Adam chose “Yes”, and a trumpeting sound could be heard going off around him.
“Abi did you hear that?” I asked
“Actually, I did because I’m connected to you though I believe that prompt and the associated trumpeting would only be heard by you,” Abi replied.
“Good to know” I responded as I continued reading the Prompt.
Congratulations, you have discovered the Hearth Crystal to Apolyn’s Abode. This Place of Power sits upon a conflux of Earth, Fire, Air, and Light ley lines. Upon the last master’s death, The Hearth Crystal was destroyed elsewhere reducing all levels of this Place of Power to zero. By claiming the Hearth Crystal, you have now become a Master of a Place of Power. You will need to work hard to increase this Place of Power to its full potential by investing time and energy into improving the connection between yourself and this Place of Power.
“Adam,” Abi interrupted, “Focus your mind and will the crystal to become part of you then try to utilize your Guided Understanding ability to level up one of the aspects of your Place of Power. I’m pretty sure level one will cost about 100,000 experience if the 1 to 1 ratio is still in play. If not and the cost is higher it will still be a lot easier to transfer the experience than earn it for this Place of Power if the ability will let you”
I nodded and willed the crystal to become part of me. Immediately it dissolved into his hand and an Image of a mountain retreat imprinted into his hand and then faded.
Congratulations you have fully bonded to your Place of Power. To unlock the powers of this Place of Power you must invest time, effort, and study into unlocking its secrets. Note, you possess the Mythical Ability “Guided Understanding” You may instead directly invest character leveling experience into this Place of Power at a cost ratio of 2 to 1. For every two Character level experience spent one Sphere of Power may be increased by one experience. It will cost 100,000 experience to level a Sphere of Power to level 1. It will cost 1,000,000 experience to level a Sphere of Power from level 1 to 2. It will cost 10,000,000 experience to level a Sphere of Power from level 2 to 3 and it will cost 100,000,000 experience to level a Sphere of Power from level 3 to 4. Should you wish to maximize the level of any Sphere of Power to level 5 the cost will be 1,000,000,000 experience. Please remember that conversion rates apply to all costs listed.
“Cha, fucking Ching” I thought. Diving in, I chose to spend 200,000 experience for each Sphere of Power and raised Fire, Earth, Air, and Light to level 1 each. Before I even heard the trumpets go off with the prompt and immediate transformation that took place in the sanctum, I was in. First, the room lightened as if lights had been turned on and a glowing vine of soft red light wrapped its way around the top of the room immediately warming the area. Also, my ears popped as the room became pressurized. Finally. There was a very light but quick dust storm that seem to suck the dust off every surface and left the room looking clean and sterile
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Fire from level 0 to level 1. Doing so imparts the following benefits.
20% resistance to all fire-related damage from any source
20% stronger casting of all fire-related spells
20% reduced mana cost for all fire-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability in Place of Power, “Hearths Warmth.” The Hearth will always remain at a comfortable temperature
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Earth from level 0 to level 1. Doing so imparts the following benefits
20% resistance to all Earth-related damage from any source
20% stronger casting of all earth-related spells
20% reduced mana cost for all earth-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability in Place of Power, “Hearths Cleanliness.” The Hearth will always remain dust-free and clean on all surfaces and will even clean up messes.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Air from level 0 to level 1. Doing so imparts the following benefits
20% resistance to all air-related damage from any source
20% stronger casting of all air-related spells
20% reduced mana cost for all air-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability in Place of Power, “Breathable Atmosphere,” The Hearth will maintain a normally breathable atmosphere inside and up to 100 feet around the outside of the abode.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Light from level 0 to level 1. Doing so imparts the following benefits
20% resistance to all light-related damage from any source
20% stronger casting of all light-related spells
20% reduced mana cost for all light-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability in Place of Power, “Ambient Light.” The Hearth has the ability to brighten or dim any area inside itself as desired.
NOTE: Mana costs for active abilities are flat. They are not adjusted as the spheres of power are increased and further reductions to costs are added for that sphere of magic. If it costs 10 mana at level 1, it will cost 10 mana at level 5.
“Holy hell Abi, that was awesome!” I id some quick math in my head then asked. “I can level all 4 spheres of power to level 5 for a total of 2,222,000,000 experience each. Sound like a good idea? I asked
“Sounds good to me Adam,” Abi said.
“Adam spent 8,888,000,000 experience and increased all of his spheres of power from level 1 to level 5. Which left him with over 371 billion character experience.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Fire from level 1 to level 2. Doing so imparts the following benefits.
Additional 20%, total 40%, resistance to all fire-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 40%, stronger casting of all fire-related spells
Additional 20%, total 40%, reduced mana cost for all fire-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Burning Hands.” At a cost of 10 mana, you may start a fire by touch so long as there is combustible material handy.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Earth from level 1 to level 2. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 40% resistance to all earth-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 40% stronger casting of all earth-related spells
Additional 20%, total 40% reduced mana cost for all earth-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Walk Unhindered.” At a cost of 10 mana per minute, you can walk without fear of being tripped by any natural source of earth to include plants, rocks, and Earth-based elementals.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Air from level 1 to level 2. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 40% resistance to all air-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 40% stronger casting of all air-related spells
Additional 20%, total 40% reduced mana cost for all air-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Feather Fall.” At a cost of 10 mana per second falling can be reduced to a gentle fall.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Light from level 1 to level 2. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 40% resistance to all light-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 40% stronger casting of all light-related spells
Additional 20%, total 40% reduced mana cost for all light-related spells
Active Fixed Ability in Place of Power, “Light.” At a cost of 10 mana per hour, you can create a ball of light that will illuminate a 30-foot area around you.
Congratulations you have raised your Sphere of Power for Fire from level 2 to level 3. Doing so imparts the following benefits.
Additional 20%, total 60%, resistance to all fire-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 60%, stronger casting of all fire-related spells
Additional 20%, total 60%, reduced mana cost for all fire-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Fireball.” At a cost of 40 mana, you may hurl a fireball up to 100 feet away which explodes for 10 - 100 points of damage to all creatures within a 20-foot radius
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power Earth from level 2 to level 3. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 60% resistance to all earth-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 60% stronger casting of all earth-related spells
Additional 20%, total 60% reduced mana cost for all earth-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Summon Humanoid Elemental.” At a cost of 40 mana, you may summon a humanoid Earth Elemental at your location that will follow simple commands and work for you. Duration is 1 hour which can be extended by spending an additional 40 mana per hour. This elemental is exceptionally good at digging and can also utilize the passive ability Hearths Cleanliness to clean clothing and a 10 foot by 10-foot area.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Air from level 2 to level 3. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 60% resistance to all air-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 60% stronger casting of all air-related spells
Additional 20%, total 60% reduced mana cost for all air-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Fly.” At a cost of 40 mana per minute, you can fly up at a rate of 20 miles per hour, hover, and land as desired.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Light from level 2 to level 3. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 60% resistance to all light-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 60% stronger casting of all light-related spells
Additional 20%, total 60% reduced mana cost for all light-related spells
Active Fixed Ability, “Light Beam.” At a cost of 40 mana per use, you can create a ray of light that will do 10 - 100 points of damage up to 100 feet away from you. There is no cooldown between uses, though you must hit with the attack.
Congratulations you have raised your Sphere of Power for Fire from level 3 to level 4. Doing so imparts the following benefits.
Additional 20%, total 80%, resistance to all fire-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 80%, stronger casting of all fire-related spells
Additional 20%, total 80%, reduced mana cost for all fire-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability, “Fire/Heat Resistance.” Fire/Heat damage from any source is now 80% less effective on you. Note: You may also pass-through Shields based on Fire Magic as if they do not exist. This benefit does not extend to any of your ranged attacks or abilities. You must personally step through such shields.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Earth from level 3 to level 4. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 80% resistance to all earth-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 80% stronger casting of all earth-related spells
Additional 20%, total 80% reduced mana cost for all earth-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability, “The Earth Cannot Hold You.” You can move through Nonmagical Earth at a normal walking speed. The ability to move through the Earth does not automatically grant knowledge of your surroundings nor is there any evidence of your passing. There is no mana cost, and this ability can be utilized at will. Note: You may also pass-through Shields based on Earth Magic as if they do not exist. This benefit does not extend to any of your ranged attacks or abilities. You must personally step through such shields.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Air from level 3 to level 4. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 80% resistance to all air-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 80% stronger casting of all air-related spells
Additional 20%, total 80% reduced mana cost for all air-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability, “The Wind Flows By.” You can move through Nonmagical Air without disturbing it. This has two effects. No matter how strong the wind is while flying, running, or walking you are unaffected. Your movement does not disturb the wind. There is no mana cost, and this ability can be utilized at will. Note: You may also pass-through Shields based on Air Magic as if they do not exist. This benefit does not extend to any of your ranged attacks or abilities. You must personally step through such shields.
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Light from level 3 to level 4. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 80% resistance to all light-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 80% stronger casting of all light-related spells
Additional 20%, total 80% reduced mana cost for all light-related spells
Passive Fixed Ability, “I Do Not Fear the Light.” You cannot be blinded, dazzled, stunned, or in any way negatively affected by light-based attacks and your vision of an area will always appear normal if you so wish. This ability does not provide light but if a light source is present, you will be able to see as if it were a sunny day if you desire. There is no mana cost. You may also pass-through Shields based on Light Magic as if they do not exist. This benefit does not extend to any of your ranged attacks or abilities. You must personally step through such shields.
Congratulations you have raised your Sphere of Power for Fire from level 4 to level 5. Doing so imparts the following benefits.
Additional 20%, total 100%, resistance to all fire-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 100%, stronger casting of all fire-related spells
Additional 10%, total 90%, reduced mana cost for all fire-related spells
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Earth from level 4 to level 5. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 100% resistance to all earth-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 100% stronger casting of all earth-related spells
Additional 10%, total 90% reduced mana cost for all earth-related spells
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Air from level 4 to level 5. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 100% resistance to all air-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 100% stronger casting of all air-related spells
Additional 10%, total 90% reduced mana cost for all air-related spells
Congratulations, you have raised your Sphere of Power for Light from level 4 to level 5. Doing so imparts the following benefits
Additional 20%, total 100% resistance to all light-related damage from any source
Additional 20%, total 100% stronger casting of all light-related spells
Additional 10%, total 90% reduced mana cost for all light-related spells
Another trumpet sounded.
Congratulations to you, a True Master to a fully activated Place of Power. Few ever fully develop their Place of Power. None have ever done so in under one year. For being the first, you will be awarded one ability for each Sphere of Power that your Place of Power possesses to level 5.
The Sphere of Fire Fixed Passive Ability, “Immunity Fire.” is granted to you.
At no mana cost Fire of any form, normal or Magical, cannot harm you. Demonic, Abyssal, Angelic, and Celestial fire are included in this immunity.
The Sphere of Earth Fixed Passive Ability, “Earth's Strength.” is granted to you.
At no mana cost, the Earth strengthens your skeletal structure. While you can take damage, your bones are infused with the strength of the strongest elements of the earth. Your bones can never be broken, cracked, or damaged in any way unless you will.
The Sphere of Air Fixed Passive/Active Ability, “Breath of Life.” is granted to you
At no mana cost, you are completely immune to all gaseous poisons and toxins and are able to breathe at all times in any environment, including vacuums. Should you place your mouth against another, your breath can cleanse the target of all gasses and toxins and also provide them with the air they need to survive.
The Sphere of Light Fixed Passive/Active Ability, “Displace.” is granted to you
At no mana cost, you may activate a displacement effect that prevents the targeting of your exact location. All attacks are 50% likely to miss. This ability can be turned off and on at will.
Congratulations. As the first to ever achieve this level of progress so quickly with a Place of Power one additional Legendary ability has been unlocked, “Teleport to Place of Power.”
At a cost of 1 mana per mile, you can instantly teleport to the foyer of your Place of Power. Additionally, you can teleport from other Universes back to your Place of Power. The base cost to do so is 10,000 mana. For each additional person, you bring the cost is increased by 10%. Teleport to Place of Power consists of multiple spheres of power. Mana cost reduction is limited to the lowest bonus from Light, Air, Dark, Earth, Life, and Death.
Once I was done reviewing my prompts and trying to get a handle on everything I could do, I checked my interface to make sure the experience was still going to my character level to be banked. Then I decided to look over a few books for the next couple of hours.
“Abi, do you see any books with different languages? I think I want to focus on learning the local languages so I can talk to people when I leave here.” I asked
“Sure, that shelf directly to the right of that little table has some very basic fictional stories.
With Abi’s help for the next two and a half hours, Abi chose books that allowed for a basic understanding of the area. Mostly history books and simple tomes that told simple stories. Abi used these to teach me the local languages she could find examples of. Knowing every language from Earth and having the ability Jack of all Trades must have helped too because I learned the languages I came across quickly.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Common. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Common. Common is a language used by most sentient creatures in human cities.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language High Elvish. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language High Elvish. High Elvish is a language used by most elves, high elves specifically.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Dwarvish. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Dwarvish.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Gnomish. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Gnomish.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Orcish. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Orcish.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Gnoll. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Gnoll.
Congratulations, you have learned the local language Troll. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Troll.
Congratulations, you have learned the local languages Basic Draconic. You have reached Skill Level 1 in the Language Basic Draconic.
I immediately raised each of the languages to level 100, spending a total of 40,400,000 experience to raise eight skills to level 100 each. I ignored and deleted all the 772 prompts that popped into existence. Though I did check the level 100 prompt for each skill to make sure there wasn’t a bonus for reaching skill rank 100. Nope, there wasn’t. I looked around again and my new status as Master of this Place of Power automatically let him know that the door I had seen earlier could be locked and unlocked, as well as opened and closed, with a thought. I willed the door open and walked in that direction.
As I stepped through the door I found myself in a hallway to an entryway, off which was a dining area and basic kitchen on my left. To my right was a stairway up to a second level and directly in front of me was a door surrounded by glass which obviously led outside. Exploring outside could wait. I was looking for a place to lie down for a bit. I made my way up the stairs to a giant double door that I opened with a thought. I stepped into a bedroom that had an actual working toilet and bath and a huge, double bed. Over to the right was a huge mirror that seemed odd somehow.
“That mirror is a portal Adam. Before you lay down, look for something to cover it that was specifically made to fit it, or barring that, lay it so the mirrored surface is flat against the ground. I know, we haven’t talked about magic yet and I did promise we will, but right now, trust me when I say, you don’t want surprises while you’re sleeping.” Abi said.
“Okay Abi, we'll get back on the topic of magic later.” I looked around and noticed a heavy cloth on a hook by the mirror. Picking it up I could have sworn it felt like it was threaded with some type of metal that tingled to the touch. There were two hook rings that fit over two small spikes on the top of the mirror on each side that allowed the cloth to drape across the mirror and cover it.
“That looks right, and the tingling sensation you felt was a good sign. Probably some form of negation field. Once against the glass of the mirror it will prevent transmission to, or from, this mirror. I’m honestly kind of surprised someone didn’t use that to get in here. Then again, if this Mage was the stickler, I believe he was, he probably had the only activation crystal to this mirror on him when he died, which would have been destroyed when he was. Though it should have reformed a new crystal for you to take by now.”
I looked around the mirror and on the ground near it. “Nope, no crystal,” I said
“That’s fine, just remember to check once in a while, eventually it will create a crystal that can be used as a key against other mirrors to link them so you can step through any mirror to this one.” Abi paused for a moment then continued more gently. “If my understanding of your motives is correct, you’re tired and that bed is looking awfully nice. Might I first suggest that you go see if you have running water and that if you do you use your nanites to convert that water into food and water for your body before you lay down. Shoot you could even soak in the bath, especially since this is a Place of Power on a Sphere of Power based on fire. I’ll bet that water can be set to warm, probably even hot.”
I went to the tub, fiddled with it for a few seconds, and figured out how to run it right away. “Your right Abi, the water can get quite warm,” I said as I took off my clothes and placed them on the bed then walked into the bathroom and stepped into the tub to soak. I allowed the Nanites to convert what water they needed into the energy my body needed to replenish myself and keep my biology running at top efficiency. I also made sure my nanites were still set to clean and purge mode which removed my need to urinate or defecate. One of the greatest benefits Thor and I had created with the Nanites, though not everyone back home liked that function yet. They’d get over it, I was sure. Seriously, how much time did we humans waste going to the bathroom over the years?
I sat there and thought about the day and my thoughts brought forth memories of literature I’d come across in the Science fiction and fantasy sections of book stars and libraries I’d gone to and I realized that there were a lot of similarities between some of the stories I’d read and some of the ideas and knowledge I’d come across today. Even some of the folklore seemed similar to stories he’d read as a child. That begged the question, had the “Gods” back in my universe been trying to influence mortals into believing in something more than their mundane existence or was it all a coincidence? Philosophy is one of the many skills I’d leveled from my universe. I was going to have to be careful not to allow all the random knowledge I’d added to my mind to overwhelm me. Sure, knowledge was useful, but not so much right here and now in most cases, and definitely not something to let my mind get fixated on when I had more important things to focus on and learn.
Standing up, I had the Nanites dry me off and walked to the bed, where I found my clothes looking fresh and clean. The Powers of this Place of Power sure were convenient. I crawled into the bed, laid my head on the pillow, and was asleep before I knew it.
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