《Infinitium, Book 1》Chapter 18, Talking to an Angel
July 31st, 2033 / Day 1
As the prompts filled my mind my vision was cut off as was all sensory input from his immediate surroundings, including any information from his nanites. It was as if any nanites that went outside of my body ceased to exist the moment they were no longer touching me. As I was reviewing this new turn of events a red prompt appeared;
“Warning Personal Interface Unlocked. You have been removed from the normal flow of time and are now in a personal bubble of temporal space outside the time of this Universe. Until the following prompts are reviewed and responded to you will remain in this state.”
What in the actual fuck? Temporal bubbles? Oh yeah, I definitely wanted to learn how to do that.
“I was afraid of this.” Abi shared through a mental link that was much clearer and obviously not limited my subconscious.
“Afraid of what exactly?” I asked
“That as soon as you entered another Universe where you could access your personal interface, the Power, or Powers, that govern this Universe would require you to take care of some of the business that you couldn’t back in your Universe.” She said.
“Well, it can’t be too bad. Is there anything I should know going in?” I asked.
“Not that I can discern yet. These first couple prompts are blocking all the others which means you really don’t have a choice in how you access them.” She said and continued, “Might as well get to it. I’ll watch and offer help where I can but ultimately all of the major choices are going to be up to you.” With that, I activated the next prompt which was gold,
Congratulations Mortal. Few have died…error…requirement failed…Prompt Closing, next Prompt will explain more.
With that, a new blue prompt activated,
“Congratulations Mortal. No one in your Universe has ever reached level 5,000. Doing so allows you to make the following choice. Normally, a mortal dies to open their personal interface and if they are worthy they are offered a chance to prove and grow themselves as a divine. You, however, have not died therefore a new choice is open to you. Instead of being locked into various degrees of Divine status, you are offered the chance to become an Ascendant Human. Choosing to become an Ascendant Human unlocks certain abilities that you did not possess before. Also, you may continue progressing your skills, abilities and other classes. Should you die, a new prompt will open automatically allowing you to convert to a Divine.
Would you like to become an Ascendant Human, Yes, or No?
I immediately thought “Yes”, and a sound of trumpets began to play and suddenly stopped.
Error, while you certainly possess the prerequisite number of skills none have been advanced to level 100. To ascend you must possess at least 100 skills at level 100. Normally this progression would have helped you level. Instead, your character level has far surpassed your skill levels. Reviewing personal data. You must be one of the luckiest creatures in existence. You currently have two abilities: Perfect Memory and Guided Understanding. It seems that you understand what Perfect Memory does for you and this has helped you get to this point. Guided Understanding allows you to spend, or set aside, experience to level any skills or abilities that can grow through use by converting character level experience to skill or ability experience or vice versa. The conversion rate is 1 for 1…
Abi broke in excitedly: “I’m looking over your personal information. You currently have just over 398 billion unspent experience points. If you invest 5.7 billion we can convert 1,124 of your skills to level 100. That should leave you with just over 379 billion experience. I’ve double-checked leveling requirements and it looks like it is the same for your Universe as it is here. By the way, most skills give a +1% benefit per skill level for success or a hit and/or damage bonus in combat. We’ll have to talk more about this later.” She said as she cut the link.
Following Abi’s advice, I converted 5.7 experience to skill points then immediately raised each of my skills to 100. I didn’t think about any specific skill I just thought “Level all my current skills to level 100.” A moment later I received a prompt that informed me that 1,124 skills had been raised to level 100. Multiple prompt bells went off but the only effect that I could review was the prompt I’d been looking at which changed,
…I see you understand. Experience converted to Skill points. 1,124 skills raised to level 100. 342,450,000,000 experience left.
The prompts paused for a moment, the display seemed to shake then it was back to business
Congratulations you have met all the minimum requirements to become an Ascendant Mortal. You have at least 1,500 in every single attribute, 100 skills at level 100 or higher.
Would you like to become an Ascendant Human, Yes or No?
Quickly I thought “Yes!”
Finally, a horn trumpeted and the prompt he’d been working towards went off.
Congratulations Ascendant Human few from your universe have ever progressed this far. Please wait for a moment while the full range of your capabilities are analyzed and reviewed.
What in the actual Fuck?
Three Errors have automatically elevated your case to an adjudicator. Adjudicator is unable to interact with you in current location. Adjudicator decision made
Error 1, Transfer to Adjudicator in current location of Johnathan Michael Bennard
Error 2, Transfer to Adjudicator in current location of Johnathan Michael Bennard
Error 3, Transfer to Adjudicator in current location of Johnathan Michael Bennard
“Well, that shit doesn’t sound very good,'' I thought.
“Yah think?” Abi responded snarkily while the prompt continued.
All Errors resolved on this end.
Congratulations Ascendent Human! An Adjudicator for the location you are currently in has been contacted and will be meeting with you shortly. The time stop zone you are in is currently being expanded to include the entire room. Feel free to stand and stretch while you wait. Your adjudicator will be with you shortly.
The prompts shut down and I found myself lying on the ground in a dusky Alchemical library of some sort. There were thousands of books or tomes shelved throughout the room. While the writing on some looked familiar, nothing was in exactly any language I'd ever run across though I now supposed I possessed an exceptional understanding of each of the languages back on Earth.
As I looked around a Golden Portal opened five feet in front of me and a being that could only be described as an Angel stepped through. In a booming voice with an aura of power surrounding him the Angel began. “Bow down before the might of….”
“Excuse me, hello, are you, my Adjudicator?” I asked in English.
The Angel looked at me, studied me for a second then flexed. The Aura that had been surrounding him receded and his feathered wings disappeared before a spoke in somewhat normal Midwest American accent, “That’s better. After analyzing you just now I see I don’t need to utilize the common tactics we do to frighten the normal mortals. To answer your question, yes, I am your adjudicator and for all intents and purposes for this discussion, you may refer to me as Raphael, as that’s the asshole that shunted your case over to me and anything that might not go the way you’re expecting is his fault, not mine. I want you to put the blame in the right corner. If it goes the other way and you really like the way things work out. I’ll let you know what to call me then. Credit where credit is due and all that.” Raphael said.
“Sounds fair,” I said. “Do I get to ask questions, or do I just need to be quiet while you explain to me what you’re here for?” I asked
Raphael shrugged, scratched his head then said “Little of both, I guess. Let’s get a little more comfortable and I’ll begin” With that Raphael waved his hand and created a small table with two chairs and very tall, iced drinks. Sitting, Raphael invited me to do the same. He Picked up both glasses, offered one to me, which I took, and then offered a toast.
“Congratulations are in order as I understand. You are the first-ever ‘possible’ Ascendant Human from your Universe. So, a toast to you and your success as your success will most assuredly ensure my success, or at least that’s the hope?” Raphael said as they clinked glasses, and each took a long drink of a Long Island Iced Tea.
I was surprised at how good it tasted. I couldn’t even tell that there was alcohol in it. I didn’t feel a buzz or anything. I checked with the nanites in my tongue really quick and sure enough, it did have alcohol, quite a bit actually but I didn’t feel any sort of buzz at all.
“Yeah, sorry about that Johnathan. Your Constitution is so high that normal alcoholic drinks are just about useless to you now. Though If you like the taste you can still drink them all day long. Good news, has the same effect on poisons, though in your case I’m not sure that would actually matter.” Raphael paused for a moment, took a sip of his drink then continued. “Okay, my turn. Please just continue to sip on your drink. It’ll refill on its own and I’ll explain what happened with the prompt, and all the other prompts that are being purged from your Personal Interface by Abi. No, she is not going to be part of the conversation as she is taking orders directly from me while I’m here. I am also the Adjudicator for her creator, and she will do nothing to in any way affect my relationship with her creator. More on that later I’m sure, from her. Let's get back to me and why I’m here,” he said, pausing to take a drink and looking thoughtful for a moment.
“After you accepted the prompt to become an Ascendant Human I’m sure you saw the ‘What in the actual fuck?’ and three error messages? That first question was due to the linkage you have with Thor, which even now is still active. Which was compounded by the first Error message which was a direct result of the Adamantium Ring you’re wearing that is siphoning experience from Abi’s creator, which, let’s just say, said creator hasn’t been very happy about for a very long time. The second error message was when your adjudicator analyzed your connection to Thor and realized that you had taken the technological goal of singularity, completed it, and was even now, while you’re in another Universe expanding across your own galaxy at a slow steady rate that could eventually encompass that whole Universe, while alive and not a Divine. Normally, such ploys are made by the Divines by gathering followers and having them do the spreading. Instead, you created Thor and the nanites you created that are infiltrating each and every atom they come in contact with, save those that are non-terrestrial and living in their own right, which was an absolutely brilliant play on your part as any other Divines that might have been watching could not notice something that wasn’t affecting their followers directly. If you were a truly malignant force, or for a better word descriptor ‘evil’, they might have been worried should you have died and become a Divine but as you’ve removed yourself from the playing field, didn’t die, and are currently over here, any divines hat are not trying to affect humanity are content to watch and see what happens. Divines are powerful, but they are limited in how directly they can influence the mortal realm, which you as an Ascendent Human are not, though being here will slow you down there of course. Not Thor, but you’ll be slowed down. Of course, that’s a matter of perspective which brings me to the Third Error.”
“The Third Error immediately flagged an automatic investigation by an Adjudicator in this Universe which was when Raphael from your Universe realized that you’d actually brought that nanite technology through your portal to this Universe and even now, while we’ve been talking they’ve been trying to spread out from you and start infesting this Universe.” Raphael paused for a moment taking a long drag from his drink then continued. “First and foremost. The nanites that are part of you will remain part of you imparting all the various benefits you have programmed into them and even upgrades as Thor shares them through your quantum Link when you two re-establish communication. You will be able to expand the area that the nanites can exist in which you will be able to read all about as this will be one of the gifted abilities you have earned as an Ascendent Human who has focused on Technology. Not important at this time. What is important is that outside of your direct influence in this Universe, and most Universes where magic is active, to include realms and planes, your nanites will be immediately reabsorbed back into that Universe, realms, or planes when not within your aura of influence. The rules of Universes that have Magic fundamentally woven through their structure have no place for a technological virus that infects all matter. In the simplest terms, I can convey. The Magic in this Universe will eat and destroy any Nanite outside your Aura of Control the moment they leave that aura. This truth is a fundamental rule of this and many other Universes, realms, or planes. In your Universe, the nanites follow Thor and your rules. Here, the Gods that created the rules say no.”
Raphael looked at Jonathan and then to the ring on his finger “Abi was correct. That ring is in fact soul bound to you and as of this moment” Raphael clapped his hands ``is permanently tied directly to your soul and no longer has a physical representation.” As the ring disappeared, I felt it meld into me. It was a really weird feeling in fact. Should you die, the linkage between you and Abi’s creator will remain strong as you return to one of your prepared bodies back in your Universe. As it is directly tied to your soul now you are permanently linked to Abi’s Creator. That is going to be a really fun conversation to watch when it happens.” Raphael said as he chuckled. “Though truth be told I think her creator is going to like you, just have a feeling about you.” Raphael drained his drink then watched appreciatively as it refilled, and he drained it a second time before setting the glass down and continuing.
“Which brings me to the third ‘gift’ as decided by Raphael and is a gift based on the deeds you accomplished in your Universe. You are to be permanently soul-linked to Thor. What the ultimate bonuses or negatives of this linking will be are hard to understand but you will be the focal point of a triumvirate of power from your Universe and the Labyrinth. Unlike the linkage between you and the Labyrinth, you will be able to increase the experience you draw from Thor if you so wish though to begin with you will start at ability level 1 and only be able to draw at most 1,000 experience per second, just like what you draw from the Labyrinth. I should warn you that the infinite nature of the Labyrinth makes a mere 1,000 experience a second trivial. Taking that much from Thor will severely hamper his growth, even if it is exponential. Also, as the focal point with the ability Guided Understanding you can transfer experience from the Labyrinth to Thor on a one-to-one basis or from Thor to the Labyrinth. All of which will be your choice and changeable at will. To begin with, each of these abilities is only level 1. They will need to be leveled normally, which for you is quite easy. Which brings us to you any responses you might have and or questions?” Raphael asked.
I took a long swig of his Long Island Iced tea, placed it on the table, and gave Raphael a truly happy Thumbs up. “I have absolutely no issues with anything you just told me. Seems like I can help Thor, or the Labyrinth grow, and they can do the same for me. I do have a question. Will I be able to adjust Thor’s personal interface from here?” I asked
“Raphael looked at me with what I could only describe as respect. “Sadly no. The rules of your Universe are sacrosanct, as are the rules here. For Thor to access his personal interface he would have to die or travel here. As he is completely technological in nature, traveling here would absolutely allow him to die instantly. Unlike you, he does not have a ‘natural’ soul’s aura to protect the nanites that would make him up and the nanites he sent through would be immediately destroyed.” Pausing for a moment Raphael seemed to give the idea some thought then said, “There might be a way, but you would need to level your Nanite Companion ability and you would also need to be able to create a portal back to your Universe, or at least hold a portal open long enough from your Universes side so that Thor could step through, access his interface then return. Right now, you do not have the ability or power to create an area that Thor could survive in long enough to do any good. Even in a bubble of stopped time like this Thor would be immediately destroyed here. I fear you’d only destroy Thor, or at least severely damage him and slow down his progress. As I said, I have some ideas, but nothing is truly free in this, or any Universe, so maybe someday down the road you and I might revisit this conversation and we could both work towards what each of us wants or needs.
I nodded thoughtfully then said. “I thank you for the information you just gave me and do realize that I am already in your debt in a small way. If there is anything you wish that I can provide, do not hesitate to ask, do not hesitate to ask, do not hesitate to ask.
You have offered a service that you can provide to the Archangel Michael. This offer has been thrice heard and witnessed. Should Michael ever come to claim a service you can provide, and you refuse there will be wide-ranging repercussions to your direct Adjudicator in this Universe and all creatures of Good Alignment anywhere in the Multiverse.
Archangel Michael smiled “Tricky, you were just seeing if some of the fiction you’ve read back in your Universe was accurate, like the rule of three and vows and such and also to learn my actual identity weren’t you?”
“Busted,” I said as he smiled back. “I’ve had absolutely no issue with anything you’ve done here today, or with the decisions, Raphael made for me back in my Universe. Though before I make such an offer to Raphael I’ll have to return and meet him in the flesh, as it were.”
“Definitely the smart play,” Michael responded.
I looked over then continued. “Okay, I have to ask, what is Abi doing to all the prompts?”
Michael smirked “Well, you see there was a lot of redundant information in there, but the basics are this. One, there are no Ascendant mortals in this Universe. Individuals in this level through a class system. In addition to the class system, there is a Profession system and a Specialization system. Theoretically, creatures, monsters, and people in this Universe could level all the way up to level 5,000 which would give them access to becoming a Divine but that happens rarely anymore. Skills work the same and the bonuses will stack with your attributes. There is no maximum skill level but XP for skill progression becomes so expensive that most don’t focus on leveling past level 100. Every 100 levels the cost of the skill doubles. So level 1 costs 1000 XP and each level will cost 1000 x the next level. Level 101 costs 202,000 XP (2000 x 101). Level 201 costs 804,000 XP (4000 x 201) and level 301 would be 2,408,000 XP (8000 x 301). Most will focus on getting their skills to level 100 to get the 100% bonus for their uses of that skill and only focus on a select few skills to level above 100. Some people have been known to, but it doesn’t happen often. This means that in any ‘fair’ contest your attributes will allow you to overcome most skilled opponents. Should you somehow have the same attributes your skill will overcome most other creatures. Abi is clearing out a lot of those redundant prompts and preparing your personal interface and information for ease of understanding once we are done here.”
“That sounds all well and good but how do I learn about this new place I’m in. I’m almost certain that your job as my Adjudicator isn’t to sit here and teach me everything I need to know about this world?” I asked.
Michael smiled “And you’d be absolutely correct to think so. That duty will fall to Abi as she helps you learn and decipher every book in this Library before you step out, if you're smart. You do know where you are, don't you?” Michael Asked.
“Not really, Abi and I discussed where the portal might end up so if I had to guess I’d say somewhere close to where the ring was originally created or enchanted by the Majus that enchanted it.”
“That was a very good guess,” Michael responded then continued. “You are in the personal quarters and estate of the Wizard Apolyn who created the Adamantium Ring you once wore and who entered the Labyrinth to cast the spell that imbued the ring with the ability to siphon off the experience you’ve been earning over the last almost 13 years. The experience that gave you everything you needed to be here.”
I took another swig “So where exactly am I. I must be on a planet of some sort on a continent somewhere and as it’s not too cold here, though the time stop could be preventing me from feeling either cold or heat, as could my high Constitution or even my nanites.”
“Whoa, Whoa” Michael Interrupted. “I will happily answer these basic questions at no cost. You are on the planet Primore. Universal Location, is not really something to worry about at this moment though as you do your research, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You are on a planet just slightly bigger than Earth with comparable seasons and only two major continents. Land to water ratio to your Earth is about the same so there are a lot of smaller islands. As Magic does exist here the storms coming from the sea can be as bad as category five hurricanes or typhoons, but the magic users make sure that the damage is never too great. If this residence was one Earth it would be located high in the mountains of Nepal. Access is either very treacherous over land or by magic portal. You are not affected by either the extreme cold, which is preserving this library, or the high altitude because of your nanites.
I should also let you know that this place of power is not without its defenses and once I leave here and you are returned to normal time you will have to deal with those defenses, though my money is definitely on you. You of course do not need food or water to survive but I would caution that you will need to warm this area up before you start digging through these tomes. I’m sure you understand that they could have become quite brittle over the last 13 odd years they’ve been here in the cold. Also, you will need to take in as much as you can here before you make your way south to the nearest town where you can seek out training. Word of warning, science, and magic are not opposites, and both have ways to achieve the same goal. What I’m trying to say is that they don’t directly oppose each other, unless dictated to do so from on high but they don’t always work against each other either. You may find a way to utilize your ability to augment your magic or have your Magic augment those nanites you control. As I have no direct knowledge of such interactions, High-level technology just hasn’t existed here before now, I honestly do not know how this will play out. Should be interesting to watch you figure it out though.”
Michael paused for a moment as if listening to something then continued. “Abi has informed me that she is about done which brings us to your last Ascendant Human Ability that will be granted at this time. Because of your soul link to Thor, you have the ability to call on the knowledge that Thor might possess and vice versa. “
“Additionally, Abi has spent enough of your experience to raise your Jack of all Trades skill to 100. That ability allows you to have a 1% chance per ability level to learn any skill or ability to level 1 at no cost. Once you have learned a skill or ability Guided Understanding can direct experience as you see fit. You should be able to go through this library relatively quickly and learn the basic skills you’ll need to thrive on this planet.”
Michael paused for a moment then asked. “Do you have any further questions for me? I have adjudicated the situation and find everything to be in order though I would like one last bit of advice. As was true about the rule of three, so it is also true that an entity's true name holds power over them. When you get the chance to review your Personal Interface and character sheet you will need to pick an identity or name, that you wish to go by from this point on. I would warn you against trying to take the name, Thor. It is ancient and there are entities that are Gods that bear that name. Your AI back in your Universe, the Thor from there as I understand it likes what you did and gets some divine credit for everything your Thor does so, he’s not going to complain. Taking the name of a divine in this, or any other Universe, that might be an issue so free warning, it would be a very bad idea. Any questions?”
I thought for a moment then stood and put out his hand. “Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come here and take a personal stake in my development. I understand that it’s somehow part of your Cosmic duties and such, but I found this experience to be far more pleasant than it could have gone. I do have a few final questions. Will we meet again, can I call on you, or is this a one-time thing or only going to happen when the system errors out?”
Michael stood and grasped Johnathan’s hand warmly as he waved his other hand and the table, chairs, and drinks vanished. “Adjudicators oversee many aspects of entity progression. Part of that is becoming directly involved when entities, of all kinds, meet certain thresholds. Adjudicators also become directly involved when the system, as you call it, errors out which is simply a way of saying that something has happened that the power, or powers that be did not make allowances for, such as a mortal from a Universe devoid of magic making its way into a Universe saturated with Magic that had attained a status previously unheard of. But to answer your question. No, you can’t call out to me and ask to speak with me for any reason. Part of the journey is learning and as Adjudicators are classified as above and outside the Divine, though we do work with them on occasion in specific circumstances, we must follow rules that do not allow us to interfere with mortal society, except in very specific cases. Though we can of course watch everything that goes on concerning individuals that fall within our realm of influence. As I am your first Adjudicator I will most likely be your adjudicator for the time you reside within this Universe or any other Universe I happen to Adjudicate over.” Michael said as he withdrew his hand and smiled. A golden portal opened behind him and as Michael took a step back through the golden portal his voice carried through one last time, “When this portal closes time will resume as normal, good luck.” Michael finished stepping back. The golden portal closed, and I found myself in an Empty Alchemical Lab.
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