《Immortal System: Era of Adventure》Chapter 9: Class Selection


Zane failed to control the excitement flowing through his body. He looked to his side and saw that Jason and the others were as excited as him. Everyone knew very little about the starting village and it wasn’t guaranteed that they could obtain a class. This was very exciting news for their group since everyone except Sophie would be obtaining their class early.

“As many of the natives of this world know people have to wait until they are twenty before obtaining their classes.” The Messenger paused while slowly looking at the crowd. “This statement is now false. Many natives know that they cannot obtain or evolve classes without being in the presence of the divine pillars. This statement is also false! From now on all of you are chosen! The Chosen Adventurer title provides you with a link to the system allowing you to change your class at any location on this world and other worlds.”

Zane was shocked by the words the Messenger said. Just being able to get a class while I’m sixteen is great. This title the system gave out is amazing. Although the system is supposed to be impartial but, it seems like it really wants to support the people that came to the starting village.

Zane looked at his status window again to review his titles. The first time he examined them he was startled by having the two titles and the benefits they gave to his stats. There are many titles that increase stats. Some titles increase stats by a fixed number while others increase stats by a fixed percentage. The fixed percentage are harder to obtain and caused Zane to skip over some of the title’s information in his excitement.

“Now that you have all had a chance to absorb that piece of information, I would like to ask for all of you to spread out. Once you’re a certain distance from each other sit on the ground in a natural and relaxed position.”

Zane and the others backed away from everyone else and sat close to each other. Zane kept an eye on the elven man to make sure that he wasn’t following them. He saw that the man was moving toward people that shared his elven features. The elven were not the only group gathering together. There were multiple groups of humans sitting close to each other all around the circle.

“In the future you should all remember to find a safe place when you’re choosing a new class. Without the divine pillars to protect you anyone can interrupt you and cause you harm when you go through the process of class selection.”

“Can we still use the divine pillars to choose our classes?” Sophie asked the Messenger.

“Of course, there are no divine pillars in the starting village. The system provides a description of the six basic classes that you can obtain during your first-class selection. These six classes are the same for everyone and offer the same number of stats. This was a decision that the divine spirits and the system made to provide better growth and a similar starting point for everyone. The only exceptions are individuals that have already reached the first tier and are able to select two classes. Although they had a head start it does not mean that they will go further than you or that you will always be behind them.”


“What does it mean to be at the first tier?” A human in the circle asked.

“I’m not allowed to tell you too much. Reaching the first tier means that you have reached a higher level of existence. It also means you can select a tier one class after level twenty-five. That’s all I’ll say for now. The important thing to remember is that when selecting a new class, you have to focus on the class section in your status window. Afterwards you have to say or think the words ‘choose a new class’. The system will respond and guide you during the process.”

“I have some final words of advice to give you before you select your class. Don’t be afraid of picking the wrong class because the system will always provide you with a way forward. For the people that have reached the first tier I hope you will think carefully about allowing the system to remove your tier one powers. I have said all that I needed to say for now. The rest is up to you.”

Zane stared at the messenger in shock as he watched her sit down and close her eyes. There are tier one existences here. He started looking around and saw that there were many groups of people that were mimicking his actions. Zane fought a low-level beast at tier one before. The fight humbled him after he had gained confidence from his repeated victories. The mention of a tier one existence helped to strengthen his weakened caution to the dangers of the starting village. Zane took a deep breath and followed the instructions given by the Messenger.

Calculating the mana needed for class selection. Surrounding mana is of sufficient quantity and quality. Individual has met the requirements to select a class. It is recommended to enter a safe location before undergoing class selection. Would you like to choose your class now?

Yes? or No?

Zane selected yes and his vison went dark. After a few moments Zane found himself on a multicolored circle of light that was surrounded by darkness and bright points of light. Zane had been told stories about what to expect but the real thing was indescribable. This place is so beautiful and mana here is extremely dense. My mind feels sharper and my body feels stronger but lighter.

After Zane calmed down, he focused on the six individuals that were in front of him. They were him or at least a version of him. Each figure was dressed differently and represented one of the six classes. Zane was told that each version of himself represented his future or the desires in his heart. He would be able to have a discussion with them and they would reveal information to help him make his decision.

Zane decided to choose the laborer class first. The laborer version of himself was dressed in an ordinary shirt and pants covered in dust and dirt. After Zane approached his laborer self the information about the class appeared.


Class: Laborer

Description: Consistent repetitive and simple actions can bring about great changes and affect the world.

Rewards: 10 CP and +6 free stat points per level

Zane looked at himself and felt a calm and determined presence. His figure looked ordinary and sturdy. The laborer version of himself opened his eyes and smiled.

“Hello, do you have any advice for me?” Zane asked.

The laborer Zane smiled shook his head then closed his eyes. Zane was surprised he expected the laborer to at least say a few words. Zane repeatedly spoke to the laborer but did not receive a response. He stood still like a statue leaving Zane with no other choice but to move on.

The next class was a craftsman. This version of Zane also wore an ordinary shirt and pants, but they were clean and neat. The craftsman gave off the feeling of precision and order.

Class: Craftsman

Description: With knowledge and precision creating objects that affect the world.

Rewards: 10 CP, +1 Dex, +1 Int, +1Per, and +3free stat points per level

The craftsman opened his eyes and smiled at Zane. Before Zane could ask a question, the craftsman shook his head and closed his eyes. Zane smiled helplessly before moving on. He was smart enough to know that nothing beneficial would come from trying to make the craftsman talk.

The next class was a mystic. The mystic wore a vest and pants covered in magical symbols. The mystic was barefoot and wore different types of jewelry on his body. Zane felt a calm and inviting presence when he approached the mystic.

Class: Mystic

Description: Gently invite the magic forces to bring forth mystical changes that affect the world

Rewards: 10 CP, +1 Int, +2 Wis, +1 Will, and +2 free stat points per level

Zane calmly watched as the mystic opened his eyes, smiled, and shook his head. Zane continued walking after seeing the mystic close his eyes. By now he understood what to expect and knew what his class would be.

The next class was a mage and his appearance caused Zane to frown. The mage was wearing a robe, holding a staff and had a pointed hat with a large brim on his head. The hat was similar to the one Jason liked to wear and completely unnecessary. Zane knew that the representation of a mage was different for everyone and most didn’t wear this type of hat. Zane always thought these types of hats looked ridiculous.

Class: Mage

Description: Command the magical forces to bring forth creation and destruction that affects the world.

Rewards: 10 CP, +2 Int, +1 Wis, +1 Per, and +2 free stat points per level

The mages eyes opened and smiled at Zane. The mage patiently waited for Zane to ask a question. After a few second Zane ignored the eagerness in its eyes and walked away. He feared having to listen to a ridiculous conversation about the importance of hats for professional magic users.

The next class was a walker. The walker wore a cloak with a hood that covered his face. The cloaked covered everything except for his worn-down shoes.

Class: Walker

Description: Always moving forward to a new goal. Each step causes changes and leaves a mark on the world.

Rewards: 10 CP, +2 Dex, +1 End, and +3 free stat points per level

The walker didn’t show any reaction, so Zane moves on to the final class the warrior. The warrior was dressed exactly like Zane and had the same weapons. The warrior opened his eyes and smiled at Zane.

“You took your time getting here,” the warrior said.

“I wanted to get some advice from the others, but they wouldn’t say a thing.” Zane sighed with disappointment.

“Of course, they wouldn’t say anything. Any option besides a warrior would be terrible for your first class. Your use of magic is good, but sucks compared to your skill with a weapon. There’s no need for me to explain the other classes.”

Zane felt embarrassed to be scolded by himself. “I don’t think the laborer class was bad. It would give me six free stat points that I could place anywhere.”

“Correct and what exactly would you do with those free stat points and a few useless laborer skills.? You’ve been told by others that the six of us are representations of your true self in the eyes of the system. Why would we try to confuse you by telling you how great other classes will be when we already know the one you should pick.”

“Alright I’ve learned my lesson now tell me how to select the warrior class.”

“You don’t know?” The warrior asked while wearing a confused expression. “If you don’t know then we might be in trouble.”

“How could you not know? I thought that...” Zane stopped when he saw the warrior grinning. “Ha-ha good joke. If you’re done playing around, I think it’s time for me to select my class.”

“Are you willing to select the warrior class?” The warrior asked in a formal tone.

Zane could feel the change in the air and responded with a simple yes. The warrior raised his palm and Zane placed his palm on the warriors. The warrior emitted a bright light and Zane felt a cool energy flow into his body. The energy gradually became warm, and Zane’s vison became dark.

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