《Immortal System: Era of Adventure》Chapter 8: Talents, Skills, and Titles


“No!” Zane shouted as he helplessly watched the knife pierce toward Jason.

Jason leaned to the side in an attempt to dodge the blow coming toward his back. At the last moment a mysterious force appeared and protected Jason from getting stabbed. The attacker was repelled causing him to stumble and fall on to the ground. Zane drew his sword and stood in front of Jason. Once he saw that he was okay he gave the man who attacked him an icy glare. You deserve to die, Zane thought.

“I would like to thank the both of you for demonstrating the protective effects of the village.” The Messenger’s voice caused Zane to pause. “The system makes sure that nobody will be able to slap, punch, kick, hit, spit, or harm anyone.”

Zane sheathed his sword once he heard what the Messenger said. The next moment the man in front of him leapt forward with his knife. Zane didn’t flinch as he watched the man charge forward and fall back once again. You can defy the divine spirits, but you cannot defy the system.

“If you look carefully, you’ll see that there is another race other than humans here. This race is called Elven and can be identified by their long ears ending in a point.”

Zane confirmed the long ears on the eleven in front of him. He had a slender frame and round green eyes full of hatred. Knowing his race helped explain the word he shouted but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what race he came from because he was the enemy. Zane would kill him the moment he got the chance.

“I would like to give the elevens a few words of warning.” The Messenger’s shift in tone caused Zane to turn his head. Her voice that was bright and a little playful had become serious. “I understand that the humans of your world brought great misfortune, but this is not your world. The humans you have interacted with before are a different group of humans.

Zane’s eyes widened as he felt the messenger release her aura. This is the aura of someone at tier three. Teacher said this level of pressure belongs to a person at the peak of tier three. After a few seconds the Messenger’s aura disappeared and her bright smile returned.

Zane looked around and saw that many people had pale faces. He looked behind him and saw the elven on his knees. When their eyes met Zane gave him a smile filled with disdain. Zane could see that his smile was returned with a look of fury. Zane turned his head after watching him try and fail to stand up.

“Know that everyone has somewhat recovered from the effects of the teleportation we can move on. I’m tasked with giving you a basic understanding of the system. I won’t explain everything, but you should have enough information to grow on your path. Let’s start with everyone saying the word status.”


Zane and everyone else that grew up with the system did not feel the need to follow the Messenger’s command. Zane smiled as he heard the whispers of amazement from the crowd. They look like children that just learned how to use mana. Even if our strengths are equal our knowledge isn’t. They will most likely pick terrible skill and won’t know which titles they can achieve. Zane was filled with confidence as he watched the Messenger explain what he considered basic knowledge that any five-year-old would know.

“All of you should see a window appear containing information about yourself. The first section, status, gives general information about your current self. The second section, stats, shows your physical and mental state through numbers. The final three sections are talents, skills and titles.”

“Let’s start by going over the first section. I will start with race and how it will affect your future path. You can learn more about you race focusing on the name and thinking about its description. Most living beings that use the system start with an infant race. As they absorb the energy in the world, they reach the first stage of their race. As they absorb more energy the level of their race increases bringing them greater benefits on their path. Next, let’s discuss health, stamina, and mana.”

“Excuse me, I would like to ask a question.” A tall man in the crowed raised his hand as he spoke.

Zane looked at the man and saw that he had a fair complexion and blond hair. He had a muscular physique and was wearing a shirt with a strange design on it, pants, and glasses. Why is he wearing glasses? He looks more like a warrior than a scholar. They might have been enchanted to read a person’s status.

“Please, ask your question,” the Messenger said.

“My race shows that I am an infant human. Is that a mistake or does that mean I haven’t absorbed enough energy?

“Let me have a look.” The Messengers eyes glowed as she stared at the muscular man. “You’re from a world without mana so your physique didn’t absorb much energy. The system judges you by the standard of humans in this world and your current strength is only slightly better than the average child. Many of the children of this world receive training to strengthen themselves and they become stronger than the average first level human.”

“Ha-ha so what you're saying is that these humans are weaker than children.” A random man in the circle spoke.

People in the circle started to laugh after the man spoke. Zane also chuckled at the idea that he would be dealing with children. Zane stopped laughing when he looked at the muscular man. The man’s expression didn’t change even though multiple people were laughing at him. Zane thought this man was unique because he remembered seeing other humans looking embarrassed or upset.


“Thank you for answering my question,” The muscular man said. “I would like to ask two more questions. What are the requirements to reach the first level of the human race and will the system allow us to become stronger than those who were born in this world?”

The last question surprised Zane and made him take the man seriously. Based on his previous response to the laughter and his current question I can tell that this man has great willpower. Zane looked at the Messenger and saw that she had a smile on her face.

“Those are two great questions,” she replied. “The basic requirements are to have all stats at ten and have the body take in a lot of mana. This can be done over a long period of time or all at once. The answer to your second question is yes. The system helps everyone improve and will not give greater benefits to the living beings of this world. Your strength will be determined by your luck talents skills and effort.”

As the Messenger spoke the people laughing in the circle stopped. Zane saw that everyone in the circle looked more determined after listening to the Messenger. Zane couldn’t tell what they were thinking but he could see that they were affected.

“I will now explain health, stamina, and mana. I will be leaving the explanation about class for later. Health is based on a person’s constitution. The amount of health you have is your constitution times ten. The stamina is based on a person’s endurance times ten and mana is based on a person’s intelligence times ten. The rate at which theses source of energy recover is different for everyone.”

“After the status are the stats. Information about each specific stat can be found by looking at the stat and thinking description. It will tell you that the stats measure what the name implies. There is more behind each stat than the basic meaning, but it is up to you to figure that out yourself.”

“Now we have reached the talents section. The talents of an individual are either innate or determined by their behavior. Once the system registers someone’s talent recognized the system will not take it away. Every individual is given the talent Identify which allows them to determine the general information about an item. This talent is based on the system and your own knowledge.”

“What happens if you have never seen the item before?” The muscular man raised his hand and asked.

“The system will always provide you some information about any person place or thing. Even if you don’t know anything the system will tell you the race of a person, beast or tree. It can tell you if a book is magical or non-magical. It can also tell you about the rarity and requirements of some items.”

Once the man nodded in understanding the Messenger continued. “Skills are based on a combination of your own abilities and the system’s acknowledgment. It doesn’t matter if you can chop down a tree or summon a ball of fire in your hand it won’t become a skill unless the system acknowledges it. Once it’s acknowledged the skill can be upgraded, fused or discarded.”

“Everyone has the opportunity to learn the same skill but may not have the same titles. Titles allow you to set yourself apart from everyone else and will give you bonuses that will help you along your path. Titles are given and taken away based on the systems interpretation of your accomplishments and actions. Even if you and everyone in your community feel like you accomplished something great the system may not award you. For some of you the decision to come here might have been easy to make but in the eyes of the system this is a great accomplishment. That’s why the system has decided to award all of you two titles.”

“What?!!!” Zane and most people born in this world screamed in shock. Zane quickly opened his status window by calling out status in his mind. He quickly moved to the titles section to confirm what the Messenger said.


Level 1

Name: Zane


Race: Human Ⅰ

Class: None

Health (HP):310 Health Regen (HR): 1.5/min

Stamina (SP):400 Stamina Regen (SR): 20/min

Mana (MP):330 Mana Regen (MR): 2.6/min















The Chosen Adventurer, Classless Title

The Chosen Adventurer:

The system has sent out a call asking you to go into the unknown and you have answered. The system sees you as its chosen and recognizes your adventurous spirit.

Stats increased by 5%, Communicate and understand all languages recognized by the system, upgrade your class from any location

Classless Title:

Obtained a title without having a class.

Stats increased by 5%

Zane couldn’t believe it. He had never heard of anyone obtaining a title before selecting their class. Zane already qualified for two titles he just had to wait until he obtained his class. He never expected to obtain two rare titles just for showing up to the starting village.

“I know everyone is excited, but I ask that all of you calm down. It’s time for me to explain your class selection.”

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