《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 16
The wolves were soon by my side. I jumped off the cliff and into the water. I swam towards Bella, but so did Jacob. Jacob grabs Bella and pulls her out of the water and gives her mouth to mouth.
"Breathe, Bella. C'mon." Jacob said
I roll Bella over so Jacob can hit her on the back she pits up water and wakes up.
"Bella? Can you hear me?" Jacob asked
"...Jake?" Bella asked
"And Ana." I said
She focuses on us finally seeing Jacob and I hovering over her, relieved.
"She'll be alright." Sam said
Sam looks out at the water, scanning it. Sensing something.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Jacob asked
"I needed...to see...something." Bella said
"And if you ever try to see something again I will have dad put you in a nut house." I said
"What? The pearly gates? If we hadn't heard you scream -- or howl." Jacob said
"Get her home. I'm heading to the hospital. I'll meet you there." Sam said
Jacob and I nod our head and Sam jogs off.
"Why would you jump? Didn't you notice it's like a hurricane out there." Jacob said
"I know. It was stupid -- Sam said hospital - someone's hurt?" Bella asked
"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack." Jacob said
"Oh my God - does my Dad know?" Bella asked
"Dad was with Harry when it happened." I said
"Will Harry be okay?" Bella asked
"We don't know. Come on. I'll find you something dry and drive you two home." Jacob said
As Jacob and I help Bella up, I turn and see Victoria's head bobbing from the water. It was nearing the end of the day and was starting to get dark we are in Bella's truck headed home. Bella is shivering.
"Hundred and eight degrees over here." Jacob says
She tucks herself into him.
"Must be nice, never getting cold." Bella said
"It's a wolf thing." Jacob said
"It's a Jacob thing. You're just...warm." Bella said
"Like the sun." Jacob grins
"Like the sun." Bella meaning it
"Which always comes back. You can count on me." Jacob said
Bella nods, a awkward silence....so Jake fills it.
"There are other cool things about all this, like -- I heal fast. Wanna see me stab my hand?" Jacob asked
"Yeah, 'cause that would be fun." Bella said
We finally pull up to the house and Bella is really over the moon about Jaocb being a wolf.
"So...this wolf thing's not all bad?" Bella asked
"It's better. Now that you know. But..." Jacob said
"...but..." Bella said
"It just...comes so easily to me. More than the other guys." Jacob said
"That's a good thing, isn't it?" Bella asked
"Maybe. Or maybe it makes me less...human than the others. Sometimes I'm scared I might...disappear, you know? Who I really am/" Jacob said
Bella turns and looks at him.
"I won't let that happen." Bella said
Their faces are really close...and stay close, they could kiss they move close to each other but Bella pulls away.
"Thanks for driving - for everything." Bella said
I open the door and we move to get out, wind blows and I smell it and I can tell Jacob can smell it.
"Holy crap --" Jacob said
He abruptly pulls Bella back to him, then I shut the door and he starts the truck.
"There's a bloodsucker out there." Jacob said
"How do you know?" Bella asked
"I can smell the stink. I'm getting you out of here." Jacob said
Jacob whips the truck around the headlights shine on a black Mercedes is parked in front.
"Stop. It's not Victoria --" Bella said
"Forget it --" Jacob and I said
"It's Carlisle's car. They're here. Go back. --" Bella said
"It's a trick --" Jacob said
He's still flooring it -- Bella reaches around me and opens the door. Jacob slams on the brakes and Bella climbs around and out the door.
"Damn it, Bella --" Jacob said
Bella hurries up the road towards her house. Jacob and I head towards the house. But Jacob run's faster than me and beats her to the door.
"Stop. You gotta come with me." Jacob said
"It's okay. They're my friends --" Bella said
"They're not mine." I said
"Don't you get it? If a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. The Treaty says we can only defend our own lands." Jacob said
"-- It's not a war --" Bella said
"It is. And you'll only be afe in La Push. I can't protect you here anymore." Jacob said
"I don't need you to --" Bella said
"--You're about to cross a line --" Jacob said
"Only if you draw one." Bella said
She starts to move past him, but he stops her --
"I'm not letting you do this." Jacob said
"You don't have a choice. I don't belong to you." Bella said
I see that her words hurt him. But she also knows that she can't take them back.
"Bye, Bella. I hope you don't die." Jacob said
Bella heads inside.
"Wow Jake any more classy lines?" I ask
I then head inside. I hear Bella let out a little yell. But when I see what it was that made her yell I just laugh.
"Alice." Bella says
"Yeah." I say
"You're...alive." Alice said
Bella and Alice are both confused, but Bella still hugs her with tears of joy.
"Bella, I'm head upstairs." I said
I head upstairs and start to change but I continue to listen in on their conversation.
"Oh my God, Alice. You're here." Bella said
"I heard voices - I didn't think it was you but - you're alive." Alice said
"You keep saying that." Bella said
"I saw you and your sister - a vision of you guys - you jumped off a cliff. I knew I'd be too late but -- Why the hell would you two try to kill yourselves?!" Alice yelled
"I didn't we didn't. We were cliff diving." Bella said
"Why?" Alice asked
"Um...Fun?" Bella said
I headed down stairs.
"That was fun for you?" Alice asked
"Well it was for on of us at least." I said
"It was until I hit the water." Bella said
"I have never met two people so prone to life - threatening idiocy...and what is that hideous wet dog smell?" Alice asked
"Oh Probably Jacob." Bella said
"Or Paul." I said
"They are kind of werewolf." Bella and I said together
Alice gives both of us a horrified expression. Bella walks to the kitchen to make her self some hot coco and Alice paces and I just sit on the counter. Alice has been yelling at us about hanging out with werewolves.
"Werewolves are not vicious." Bella said
"Until they lose their tempers." Alice said
"They saved me from Laurent, they're protecting me from Victoria --" Bella said
I shot Bella a look but the damage was already done.
"Victoria? I didn't see her. I didn't see you two get pulled from the water either." Alice said
"It was Jacob and Ana who saved me. More than once. I couldn't have made it without him. You have no idea what it was like." Bella said
"Yes. I do. I knew leaving wouldn't be good for either of you. I tried to tell Edward, and Jasper but he wouldn't listen." Alice said
"...Does he know you're here?" Bella asked
"No. He's been...away... they both have." Alice said
"Oh by the way Alice I really don't care what so ever. You guys were going to leave with out telling. At least Edward had the balls to break Bella's heart in person. Bella I'm going out to either sleep with Paul or go eat someone...so bye now." I said
I then turned around and left the house. I can't believe Alice had the nerve to come here and act like she cared. I took out my phone and texted Paul.
Hey what are you doing? - Ana
Nothing. Why? - Paul
Do you have to patrol tonight? - Ana
No. I'm at my house, how long till you are here? - Paul
Open the door - Ana
I put my phone away and ran to Paul's house he was opening the door as I arrived.
"Oh please come in." Paul said
"I hate the Cullen's. Alice is at my house right now because she had vision of Bella and I cliff jumping." I said
"Are the Cullen's coming back?" Paul asked
"I don't know. I hope not. You know what let's not talk about the Cullen's." I said
"I agree." Paul said
Paul then moved towards me and kissed me. Let's just say I love werewolf stamina. When morning came around I left Paul's and headed back to my home. Opening that Alice had left but she hadn't.
"Thanks for understanding, Bells/ They wanted to keep the service small." Charlie said
"Don't worry about me. Are you gonna be okay?" Bella asked
"Yeah...but Sue, and those kids -- Leah's only a year older than you. And Seth's , what, fourteen..." Charlie said
"Dad they will be fine. Everyone on the rez is like one big family. Plus you will be there for them. Just like you were there for Billy." I said
"You're right Ana. There'll be a reception after. I might stay late, see if I can help." Charlie said
Bella and I both nod and we wave as they drive away. We both head back inside to see Alice.
"Oh yippy." I said
"You two are not going?" Alice asked
"I'm not the most popular person on the werewolf re right now." Bella said
"I on the other hand am very popular on the werewolf rez but I'm giving them time to grieve." I said
"Because you're friends with me." Alice says to Bella.
Bella shrugs.
"Why are you popular on the rez Ana your friends with me and you dated one." Alice said
"Because I'm not friends with you." I said
Alice looks taken back but doesn't let it show for long. We hear some pull up to the house we look out side to see Jacob's rabbit.
"Huh. Didn't see them coming. Didn't see him pull you out of the water - maybe my visions are allergic to dogs." Alice said
"--Alice." Bella said
"I'll go do some hunting." Alice said
Bella and I walk outside. Jacob is behind the wheel and Embry is in the passenger seat. Bella walks toward them, and is surprised to see Quil in the back. With not short hair and a hard look.
"Quil...you, too?" Bella asked
"Yeah. Me, too." Quil said
Jacob climbs out and Embry takes the driver's seat.
"You alone?" Jacob asked
"Nope. I'm here." I said
"You are not who I meant." Jaocb said
"Yes. Shouldn't you be at the funeral?" Bella asked
"Had to talk to you first. (to the guys) I'll meet you there. Go on." Jacob said
They don't want to leave but pull out. We three then head inside.
"Look, Jake, I'm sorry I--" Bella said
"This place stinks to hell." Jacob said
"You're welcome to leave. In fact --" Bella said
"--How many Cullen's are here and how long are they staying?" Jacob asked
"Hell if all of the Cullen's move back I'm going to live on the rez." I said
Jacob laughed, but Bella shot me a glare.
"Just Alice. And she'll stay as long as she wants." Bella said
"Are the rest coming back?" Jacob asked
"Not that I'm aware of. Anything else?" Bella asked
"Better go report to Sam." Bella said
Jacob turns and starts to leave. He looks back, sees how Bella's anger turns to hurt. Jacob stops.
"I've done it again. I keep breaking my promise not to hurt you." Jacob said
"It doesn't have to be this way." Bella said
Jacob moves back to her, looks into her eyes with sadness.
"Yeah, it does." Jacob said
"Am I gonna lose you this time, Jacob?" Bella asked
"It was easier when we were both human, wasn't it?" Jacob asked
"Um Jake Bella is still human at this point." I said
Jacob gives me a smirk but then he goes back to looking at Bella. They keeping closer to each other their lips are just centimeters apart. But then the phone rings. Jacob picks up the phone.
"Swan residence." Jacob said
Bella smiles. But Jacob's voice get very cold.
"He's not here. He's at a funeral..." Jacob said
Then I hear the phone go dead. Jacob then hangs it up.
"Filthy bloodsucker." Jacob said
"Wait, who was it?" Bella asked
"Really Bella how many vampires do you know." I said
"Dr. Carlisle Cullen." Jacob said
"You should have let me talk to him." Bella said
"He didn't ask for you --" Jacob said
Suddenly Jacob's eyes go big and his body stiffens and he starts trembling. I grab Bella and move the both of us away from him. Bella turns around to see why is acting like this to come face to face with Alice. She looks empty. Bella leaves my side and goes to Alice's.
"Alice, what's wrong?" Bella asked
"Who cares." I say
"...Edward." Alice said
"Oh of course the most dramatic Cullen." I said
"What about him? What happened?" Bella asked
"I just saw him in a vision. He...thinks you both are dead." Alice said
"That's not possible on my account." I said
"That was him calling, not Carlisle." Bella yelled at Jake
"Bella, he's going to Italy... to the Volturi..." Alice said
I head up stairs to change. I'll go with them I mean hey it's been while since I'd seen Cauis. Jacob follows Bella.
"Why do you have to go?" Jacob asked
"He won't believe Alice. He has to see that I'm alive." Bella said
"He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Jacob asked
"But I still love him, and I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt." Bella said
"What about you dad? Your sister?" Jacob said
"I'm eighteen, legally free to go. I'll leave a note. Plus Ana is coming with me." Bella said
Jacob looks at me.
"Don't give me that look. Someone has to make sure she comes back human and alive." I said
Alice then enters.
"Got the airline tickets." Alice said
"You Cullen's might hunt animals but those monsters in Italy don't." Jacob said
"I'm well aware what the Volturi are." Alice said
"Then why are you talking Bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party?" Jacob asked
"Right, she's better off here with Victoria stalking her. The one you dogs can't seem to catch?" Alice said
"That's it both of you. Alice go wait outside. Bella hurry up. Jake get over it she is leaving but she will be coming back." I said
Bella finished packing. I grabbed her hand a dragged her outside. But Jacob didn't listen.
"Please, Bella. Stay here. For Charlie...for me." Jacob said
Bella sees the love in his eyes. She knows that this could be the last time she ever sees him. Bella hugs him one last time then pulls away.
"Bye. Jacob." Bella said
He watches as we pull away from the house
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