《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 14
The person who had pushed me against a tree and kissed me pulled away and my eyes connected with none other than Paul.
"Paul what are you doing?" I asked
"I am doing what I've wanted to do since you got back to Forks." Paul said
I went to move away from the tree but he stopped me. He pushed me back against the tree and kissed me again. His hands roamed the sides of my body. My arms wrapped around his neck bringing him closer to me. Then something vibrated. We pulled apart.
"Please tell me that is your phone vibrating." I said
He laughed.
"I think it's your phone." He said
"I don't have my phone on me. Do you see what I'm wearing." I said
I reached my hand inside of Paul's pants pocket and pulled out his phone. I looked down and saw that it was Sam calling. I hit answer then put the phone on speaker.
"Paul where the hell did you run off to. Get back here." Sam said
"Paul is busy at the moment, he'll back later." I say
I then hang up the phone and put it back in Paul's pocket.
"I'm going to get in trouble with that later." Paul said
"But it will be worth it." I said
I then kissed him, I moved my hands up his toned stomach. He moved his hands up my skin. He soon was removing my clothes. After a few event6s Paul and I were laying on the forest floor.
"You were right that was totally worth it." Paul says
"I'm always right." I said
I got up off the ground and started getting dressed.
"Sam is going to kill me when I get back." Paul said
"No he won't." I said
"And why is that?" Paul asked
"Because you ditched them for me. If you want I can come with you and talk to Sam." I said
I ran a hand up his stomach.
"I don't think you could keep up with me." Paul said
"Just try." I said
Paul took off running and shifted. I ran after him and shifted as well. It only took us a few seconds to make it outside Sam's house. They only came out, Paul walked out of the woods in human form.
"Who is this?" Jared asked
"Oh believe me you know the person." Paul said
As I walked forward I slowly changed from my wolf to my human form, but unlike the boys when I change back to human I have clothes on, which was a white dress. When I was fully human I could see a look of surprise across all their faces well except for Sam and Paul.
"Okay then." Jacob said
"How come she is not naked. When we change back were naked." Jared said
Both Sam and Paul growled.
"Calm down, you two. How many of you saw what I did to Laurent." I said
"Who is Laurent?" Embry asked
"The vampire with the dreadlocks." I said
All the boys raised their hands.
"Now does that seem like something a normal person can do." I say
They all shake their heads no.
"Point made." I say and do a quick bow
I see Sam turn to yell at Paul. But I walk up to Paul and kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist. He pulled away.
"So it seems I will be seeing more you guys." I say
I kissed Paul one more time and turning to leave as I walked by Sam I shot him a look, Sam nodded. As I walked away I heard Embry.
"I think her wolf was bigger than Sam's or Jacob's." Embry said
I laughed to myself and headed home. When I walked though the door Bella and Dad started asking questions. I answered but was careful not to say to much. I ha found out later that night that Bella had told Dad about what she saw. The next day she went to Jacob's house but bought me with her against my will. When we got to Jacob's house she was out of the truck and to his door. She knocks on the door and it opens to Billy.
"Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but --" Bella said
"He's out with friends." Billy said
"Oh." Bella says taken back
"I'll let him know you came by." Billy said
Billy starts to close the door, but Bella stops him.
"Wait -- he's got mono, right? That's what you told my dad." Bella said
Way to go Bella. I thought to her
"You should go on home, Bella," Billy said
Billy close the door. Bella walks to the truck and slams the door, she is pissed. Starts the truck then turns it off. She tosses the keys aside and sinks down into her seat. We have sat here in this car for a long time. It is now raining, I see Billy pull the blinds and look at us he looks at Bella with sympathy. There is a knock on the driver windows we both jump. We look over to see Jacob, he looks at Bella no smile, no warmth in his eyes, just a hard brooding resentment. Bella is taken back but she still gets out of the car. I see Sam and the others standing behind him in the tree line. I see Paul in minimal clothes.
"You cut your hair." Bella said
"Go away." Jacob said
Jacob turns to walk away, Sam and the others walk towards the house, Jacob follows. I get out of the truck and ran up behind Bella. I was so not in the right outfit to be wearing during the rain. Bella grabs his arm.
"What happened to you?" Bella asked
Jacob stops, and turns around. The other wait on the porch. They are out of earshot, but won't leave him alone with her.
"I can help." Bella says in a low voice.
Jacob's face is hard, he shakes his head, he won't talk.
"Sam got to you. What did he do?" Bella asked
"Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." Jacob said
"Then who?" Bella asked
"How 'bout those filthy, reeking bloodsuckers you love? The Cullens." Jacob said bitter
"I...don't know what you're --" Bella said
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Jacob said
I see Jacob shaking, almost convulsing with anger, Bella regroups.
"The Cullens are long gone. How are they to blame?" Bella asked
"Bella you need to be careful." I said
"They started all this by existing. Goddamn leeches--" Jacob said
"Jacob." Sam yells
Jacob glances up at Sam, who gives him a look. Jacobs takes a breath, trying to calm himself.
"I can't be friends with you anymore." Jacob said
"Jake, I know I hurt you. I should have been more up-front but -- I needed you, I still do I don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time--" Bella pleads
"Stop. Don't. it's not you--" Jacob said
"--'It's not you, it's me?' God." Bella said
"It's true. I'm not...good." Jacob said
"You're wrong--" Bella said
"It doesn't matter. This is over--" Jacob said
"I can't take losing my best friend, too." Bella said
"You already have --" Jacob said
"Don't say that -- you promised --" Bella said
"Go home, Bella. Don't come back." Jacob said
Bella ran back to her truck and got in Jacob turned to go to Sam but I ran so I was standing in front of him. I punched and flew back a little bit and landed on the ground. I moved so I was standing in front of him.
"I told you not to make promise you couldn't keep. She used to scream every night when she slept she would scream, then she started spending time with you and got back it was like she was filled with life again. Then you go and threat and talk to her like she is nothing to you and never was. Just answer me this did you have fun ripping out her heart?" I asked
I walked away, and got in the truck and Bella drove back home feeling beat. When we got back home Bella was dripping wet, I see the look on dad's face fall as he sees the pain and lifelessness returned.
"Billy called, said you and Jacob had a fight. But, hey, you guys will work it out, I'm sure of it." Charlie said
"I'm...going to change." Bella said
Bella heads upstairs. Charlie looks helpless, he then leaves the house. He paces it outside, and I can feel someone watching us. The seekers that I had sent out had comeback saying there were three vampires. Now I know one of the vampires was Laurent, the other was Victoria, and the last was still un-named. I was in my room when I heard something coming from Bella rooms. She bolted up and looked around.
"Bella. Ouch - damn it; open the window." I heard Jacob say
Bella and I move to the window. We look out to see a shirtless Jacob cling ot the top of a tree which bends with his weight. Bella opens the window, whisper yelling.
"What the hell are you doing?" Bella asked
"Get out of the way." Jacob said
Bella and I step back and Jacob swings his legs, increasing momentum. Bella realizes what he's attempting.
"No." Bella said
Jacob doesn't listen and launches himself through the window with great agility. Jacob lands on the balls of his feet. Bella is stunned. Jacob listen's fro Charlie but hears nothing. A bitter, self - satisfied grin spreads on his face. It pisses Bella and me off. But I see Jacob take Bella's room in.
"I pictured your room more...cluttered." Jacob said
"Why are you here?" Bella and I asked
"I had to talk to you. Alone." Jacob said
"My sister is staying." Bella said
"I meant with out Sam and the others." Jacob said
"So did you want to kick me in the gut again? It was bad before, but you mad it so much worse." Bella said
"I know. And I want to explain. But...I can't." Jacob said
"Then leave." Bella and I said
He stay out. She tries to push him but he's immoveable.
"You're done with me, remember? Get. Out." Bella said
"Bella, I literally can't explain..." Jacob said
I look at Bella and see that one of her hands is on Jacob's chest and the pother is on his arm. I wonder how long it will take oh never mind there she goes removing her hands from his body.
"I broke my promise not to hurt you, I know. But I'm trying to keep it now. I need you to understand...even if you don't want to see me when you find out --" Jacob said
"Find what out?" Bella asked
Jacob starts to speak but can't. Bella sees he's in pain and becomes concerned.
"What's wrong?" Bella asked
"I can't do it." Jacob said
"Yes, you can. I'll help you. We can...we can leave. Leave home, leave Sam." Bella said
"It's not something I can run away from. I would run with you though. If I could. Wait. Wait, I already -- I told you. You know this -- you can guess." Jacob said
"I don't want to play games with you --" Bella said
"You have to. I can't tell you, but if you remember - it was that day I ran into you and your sister at the beach. I told you a story -- com on. I told you a story... about?" Jacob asked
"...about...'the cold ones?' You said it was a stupid tribal myth." Bella said
"Was it? Are the Cold Ones a myth?" Jacob asked
Bella doesn't answer.
"What else did I say?" Jacob asked
"That... the tribe made a treaty with them. They can't come onto your land and... I don't know, I don't remember." Bella said
"Try, Bella." Jacob begged
"You have to give me more. Tell me where to look. Is there something I should see--?" Bella asked
"No, that's too dangerous--" Jacob said
"I'll take the risk. Jacob, show me." Bella begged
Jacob looks at her then to me. I can see the he is conflicted.
"Where was the last place you saw me...the way I used to be?" Jacob asked
"The motorcycles - that clearing in the woods." Bella said
He nods slowly, then turns to go. Bella stops him.
"Don't go. There are dangerous things out there; more than you know." Bella said
Jacob looks at her with a wry smile. Jacob hugs Bella, her cheek against his bare chest, Jacob starts to head to the door. Bella and I put more clothes on and follow him out of the house. Bella and I get into the truck. The only reason I was going with Bella because I didn't want her to get hurt. She pulls off the road and goes through forest into a clearing. We both here rustling Bella freezes then we see Jacob emerge from the trees. Their eyes meet. But soon Sam, Paul, Embry and Jared step into the clearing all half-clothed. They look happy when they see me then they turn to fury when they see Bella.
"What the hell have you done?" Paul yelled at Jake
"I didn't tell her. You'd know if I did." Jacob said
"She's here, isn't she?" Paul asked
"Bella, there's nothing to see here. You should go home." Sam said
"Not until I know what you did to Jacob." Bella said
"Come on Bella, I need sleep and food." I said
I had not feed in over a month, I haven't sleep in four so I wasn't telling a lie. I grabbed her arm and went to pull her out of the clearing. But she jerked her arm back from and I slipped and fell. That made Sam and Paul even more mad.
"What we did?" Paul yelled as he moved towards Bella
Jacob moved so he was standing in front of Bella facing Paul.
"Both of you, calm down--" I said
"Sam, she know things about the bloodsucker. Look at her sister. She's been on the inside. He can help--" Jacob said
"Like a leech lover's gonna help us." Paul said
I stood up and was brushing the dirt off of me when I heard Paul.
"Wow Paul. It's glad to see where you stand." I say
"Ana I...I didn't mean it like that." Paul said
He moved toward me, but I stepped back.
"Watch what you call them." Jacob said
"Get a grip, guys --" Embry said
But that doesn't happen. Jacob's mad about what Paul said about Bella and I. Paul's mad because he thinks Jacob told Bella their secret and is mad because he is Paul.
"It's alright, Jacob, Ana and I will go --" Bella said
But Paul and Jacob are beyond hearing.
"All you care about is her--" Paul said
"Paul, back off." Sam says in a commanding voice
"-- and she doesn't give a crap about you --." Paul says
Jacob flashes with anger, he pushes Paul, hard. Paul flies backward.
"Jacob." Sam said
Paul rises, outraged, he throws his head back and growls, vibrating violently.
"Too late." Jared said
I grabbed Bella's arm and started moving backwards.
"Ana, get Bella out of here." Sam says
"Trying." I said
Paul falls forward but halfway to the ground there's a loud ripping noise and where Paul once stood stands a silver- gray wolf. Bella is horrified, she shakes out of my hold and grabs Jacob's arm, pulling him.
"Run, Jacob--" Bella says
He yanks out of her hold and runs directly at Paul's wolf
"Jake, no. Stop --" Bella says
Jacob dives headfirst into the air with another sharp tearing sound shreds his clothes. Jacob's wolf is a russet brown. When Jacob lands Paul jumps over Jake and runs towards Bella he goes to hit Bella with his claws but I push her out of the way and I get hit. I felt his claws dig into my skin, u could feel my blood flow out of my wounds. Bella is by my side. Jacob jumps on Paul. They soon roll into the woods and out of the clearing. Sam is soon to my side. I can see the rage and regret in his eyes.
"Go after them." I whimper
"Take Bella and Ana to Emily's place." Sam said
Sam disappears leaving an eerie quiet. Jared picks me up.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry said
That's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.
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