《Cheat List || Taekook》Chapter 22


"Tae where the hell are we?" Jimin asked as he looked at the big building in front of him with eyes as big as saucers. The blonde boy had surely never been in this part of Seoul before and he was truly amazed by how expensive everything looked. Never in a million years would the wannabe fashionista be able to afford one of these apartments.

"You'll see. It will be fun." Taehyung answered before he walked up to the guard that was guarding the entrance to the apartment building where Jungkook lived. Jimin was going to lose his mind the moment he would find out that this was in fact Jeon Jungkook's apartment they were going to and he would freak out even more when he would find out that Yoongi was going to be here as well.

Taehyung himself hadn't met Yoongi personally before either. The mint haired rapper had given him some praises back when he was trying to persuade Taehyung to pick his team and after the boy's battle but other than that the grey haired boy unfortunately hadn't really gotten the chance to get to know the older.

"Good evening." Taehyung greeted the guard as the man immediately opened the glass door behind him as soon as he saw Taehyung approaching the building. The guard of course recognized the beautiful grey haired boy from his previous visits and thus he didn't need to ask any questions about why the boy was here. He already knew the answer anyway.

Jimin only looked at the guard with big eyes before he followed Taehyung inside the expensive looking building. The blonde clearly had no idea what the two of them were doing in a building like this one and he was dying to find out. However as much as the boy asked his best friend to finally tell him what they were doing today the younger just refused to give him an actual answer.

Taehyung quickly pressed the button for the elevator to go up before he patiently waited for it to open it's big doors. Jimin quickly walked up next to him before he felt the older boy wrap a hand around his wrist. "Kim Taehyung I swear to god I will murder you if you are going to introduce me to your sugar daddy or something." The blonde spoke in a serious tone and immediately Taehyung burst out laughing.

As soon as the big doors of the elevator opened Taehyung dragged Jimin behind him inside the room before he pressed the button for Jungkook's floor. "I am not going to introduce you to my sugar daddy Chim, Don't worry." The younger boy spoke while an amused tone was lacing his voice. Ohh how the grey haired boy loved to keep Jimin in the dark about who they were actually going to meet here. Taehyung absolutely couldn't wait to see the look on his best friend's face when he would finally find out.

"I swear if it is someone weird I won't hesitate to walk straight out of that door again. I don't care that I will have to walk home." The older spoke and an amused smile formed onto the younger's face while he softly shook his head. "I have a feeling you will like my other friend and his friend."

It didn't take long for the elevator to finally reach it's destination and Taehyung quickly dragged Jimin out of the room before he walked up to Jungkook's front door and knocked softly on it. A small smile was visible on the grey haired boy's face and he secretly couldn't wait for the brunette to finally open the door. Taehyung had really looked forward to spend the night with his newest friend!


It didn't take long for Jungkook to open the door and immediately the look on the youngest boy's face brightened upon seeing Taehyung and Jimin in front of his front door. "Tae! Finally!" Jungkook exclaimed happily before he set a step forward and softly wrapped his arms around the grey haired boy's figure, greeting him with an enthusiastic look on his face.

Taehyung quickly wrapped his own arms around the boy's middle before he began to feel warm inside his chest. Jungkook always made him feel things he never felt before and the grey haired boy truly thought he was super lucky to be able to not only call the younger boy his coach but his friend as well.

Both boy's soon unwrapped their arms from each other and Taehyung quickly turned his head towards his best friend who was still waiting patiently beside him. As the grey haired boy got ready to introduce Jungkook to Jimin he couldn't help but laugh softly at the older boy's expression. Jimin's mouth hung wide open and his eyes had become as big as saucers once again. It was as clear as crystal that Jungkook definitely hadn't been someone Jimin had expected to meet tonight.

Nevertheless Taehyung softly gave his friend a soft push on his shoulder and Jimin immediately began to softly shake his head, trying to get his thoughts together again. To say the blonde was shocked would be a complete understatement. Of course he knew Taehyung was getting private lessons from Jungkook but he definitely hadn't expected to be close enough to actually hang out in their free time.

"Jungkook, this is Jimin, my best friend." Taehyung introduced the two and Jungkook immediately stuck out his hand to greet Jimin. The brunette had heard a lot about the blonde boy yesterday and judging from all Taehyung's stories the boy should be a great addition to his circle of friends. Obviously the fact that if Jimin liked him then he would get more oppurtunities to hang out with Taehyung as well did help a bit in Jungkook wanting to befriend the boy too.

Jimin was quick to shake the other boy's hand before sending him a friendly smile before introducing himself. Both boys talked for a little before Jungkook quickly invited the two inside. Both Taehyung and Jimin followed him into the expensive looking apartment and while Taehyung already knew what to expect Jimin was clearly as amazed by the looks of it as the first time Taehyung himself had set foot inside here.

"Taehyung pinch me, there is no way this is real." Jimin softly whispered towards his best friend while looking around with big eyes. Taehyung softly laughed and before he had the chance to grant his best friend's wish Jungkook turned around and smiled. "Believe me it is a hundred percent true, right Yoongi?" The brunette spoke before turning around and looking at his friend who lazily walked out of the kitchen, a glass of wine in his left hand and a surprised look visible on his face.

"It is." The mint haired boy said before he turned towards Jungkook with a questioning look on his face. "I didn't know you were having other visitors tonight though?" The rapper asked and Jungkook smiled at him in a friendly way. "I forgot to tell you I think. You don't mind right?"

Yoongi briefly shook his head before he focused his gaze on the other two boys. He immediately recognized the grey haired boy and a small yet bitter smile became visible on his face. Taehyung had been one of the most talented competitors of this season of the voice and he definitely would have loved it to coach the boy. However the singer had chosen Jungkook's team and there had been nothing Yoongi could do against it.


The blonde next to Taehyung was a completely new face to Yoongi however. The curly blonde haired boy was his height and he looked a few years younger in age. The boy was looking at him with big doe eyes and a small smirk began to form onto Yoongi's face. This boy looked hella cute and he totally understood why Jungkook had invited him here tonight.

Nevertheless Yoongi soon turned his focuss on Taehyung again and smiled friendly at the boy. "You know Taehyung, I'm still a bit salty that you didn't choose my team back in the blind auditions. I would have loved to have you in my team." The older stated bluntly before he raised his glass of cherry red wine to his lips and took a small sip. Yoongi was definitely someone who always said exactly what he thought. He didn't like spinning around a certain topic endlessly and preferred to be straight forward.

"Back off Yoongles, he's mine." Jungkook then spoke in a playfull tone before he turned towards the two best friends who were still standing near the entrance of his apartment. "Are you two joining us in the living room?" The brunette asked and immediately Taehyung nodded before he grabbed Jimin's wrist and began to pull him towards where Jungkook and Yoongi were walking to.

Jimin was looking like he had seen a ghost and his hands were trembling slightly. He hadn't expected at all to meet his biggest idol tonight and the fact that he now was sitting in the very same room as him somehow was nerve wrecking to the blonde. Ohh how he wished that he would have put a bit more attention to his appearance tonight.

Taehyung on the other hand was smiling from ear to ear. Jungkook had said that he was his and while the grey haired boy knew damn well that the younger had meant that Taehyung belonged to his team somehow the choice of words of the younger had made the boy feel very warm and pleasant. His heart had skipped a beat and the boy couldn't wipe that insanely big grin of his face even if he wanted to.

Soon all boys sat down on the couch in Jungkook's living room and Yoongi once again began to talk towards Jimin. "So I don't think I have met you before right?" The mint haired boy spoke in a friendly yet interested tone while he once again brought his glass of wine close to his lips before taking a small sip.

Jimin immediately turned the color of a tomato as soon as he heard Yoongi talking to him and tried his best to answer the mint haired boy. "I-I..." the boy stutterd, clearly struggeling with speaking the words he wanted to say. Normally the blonde wouldn't have any problem with talking to a stranger, however when it came to Yoongi that fact became a big fat issue. Yoongi was one of the few who actually managed to make Jimin more nervous than anyone ever could.

Taehyung clearly saw the struggle on Jimin's face and being the good friend he was he quickly took over for him. "This is Jimin, my best friend. Sorry for not introducing him to you earlier Yoongi." Taehyung spoke, trying to get the attention of the mint haired boy away from his best friend. It was as clear as crystal to Taehyung that Jimin was completely in shock to be in the same room as his idol and thus he didn't want his best friend to make a fool out of himself. The blonde would absolutely beat himself up if he did something weird in front of his favorite rapper and Taehyung wanted to prevent that from happening.

"Taehyung told me you were a big fan of Yoongi, right?" Jungkook then asked Jimin while looking at the older boy with a soft and friendly look on his face. The brunette wanted Jimin to feel a bit more at ease and he hoped to do so if he talked to the flustered boy a bit more. It would be more fun for everyone if they all acted normal around each other without anything holding them back.

Jimin shyly nodded while doing his best to not look into Yoongi's direction. The blonde definitely didn't want to see Yoongi's face when he admitted that he was indeed a big fan. Sure he had always had a big mouth about how he would marry Yoongi one day but now that he was actually sitting in front of said boy his confidence was long gone and replaced with the fear of Yoongi thinking he was either lame or annoying. That would definitely be a worst case scenario for Jimin.

However much to everyone's surprise in the room Yoongi didn't care that the boy was his fan at all. A smirk was visible on the mint haired boy's face and he was slowly spinning the glass in his hands while staring straight at the shy boy in front of him.

"Ohh really?" Yoongi spoke before he once again brought the glass with cherry red wine to his lips and took a small sip. The boy then focussed his gaze completely on Jimin while the smirk on his face slowly widened upon seeing the boy's flustered cheeks. "Lucky me."

Jungkook looked weirdly at his friend who was still staring at the other boy. Yoongi wasn't one to like people obsessing over him and he knew perfectly well that the mint haired boy didn't like dealing with his fans whenever he wasn't working. His friend liked to keep his private life and idol life separated and the brunette would have at least expected one awkward laugh or eyeroll from the older boy. However none of that ever came.

Quickly the weird look on his face turned into a friendly smile and he focussed on the other three in the room. "Well, what are we waiting for?" The brunette spoke before he slowly shifted his gaze from Yoongi to Jimin to Taehyung.




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