《Cheat List || Taekook》Chapter 19


After the two boys had had a lot of fun in the cute ice cream shop Jungkook had taken Taehyung to the both of them had decided that it would be smart if they retreated back to Jungkook's apartment in order to practice at least a little bit today.

A big smile was present on both boy's faces and Taehyung had long forgotten about his and Bogum's argument yesterday. All that roamed his mind right now was Jungkook and how even more perfect this boy was than he had thought he would be.

Even though Jungkook could easily be called the most famous and succesfull idol of all of Korea the boy hadn't let the fame change him. The brunette was probably more humble and caring than most people and he never failed to make a smile appear on Taehyung's face. If anything, Jungkook showed Taehyung today that it didn't matter how rich or poor someone was. As long as their heart was on the right place they would be absolutely perfect in Taehyung's eyes.

"Okay, I was thinking about practicing the first part of your own song a bit and then we can do something fun again." Jungkook spoke in an enthusiastic tone before he opened the door to his apartment and made a gesture for Taehyung to walk in first. Taehyung softly shook his head while a small smile was playing at his lips, this boy was known as extremely talented but inside he actually was so much more than that, cheesy and charming only being two of the many more things that defined the brunette.

"We just did something fun though Kook. Shouldn't we practice some more?" Taehyung asked his coach while he took off his coat and hung it up. Jungkook closed the door behind the two of them before he walked up to the older boy and softly shook his head.

"I like doing fun things with you Tae and while i totally get that we should practice as much as possible I want to do some other things with you too." The younger boy confessed before he hung up his own coat and then made his way over towards where the couch was standing. "You know like watching a movie, going out to do stupid and reckless things. Name it and I'm willing to do it." The brunette spoke as he sat down on the couch and put both his hands on the back of his head while a big smile was visible on his face.

Taehyung softly laughed before he walked over towards the other boy. Jungkook had told him back at the ice cream shop that he hadn't always liked his career choice. The boy had given up his whole youth at a very young age and he hadn't ever gotten a chance to really find out who he was.

Taehyung being the boy he was had instantly offered his coach that they could do some things the boy had never done before together. Taehyung had had plenty of time to discover life before he had met Bogum and dedicated his life to his boyfriend. Of course he wanted the younger to look back at some happy memories which weren't filled with busy scedules only.

However before Taehyung had the chance to answer the younger his phone started to ring loudly. The grey haired boy sighed softly before he took the device out of his pocket and looked at the caller id. Immediately the boy's eyes grew big as he saw the familiar name of his boyfriend lighting up on the screen.


The last time Taehyung had seen Bogum had been yesterday and the two of them hadn't parted on good terms. Sure the grey haired boy was certain that they would figure their fight out and made up but he didn't know if the older was already ready for such a thing. Bogum tended to hold grudges, especially when he thought that he hadn't been in the wrong.

With another deep sigh the singer pressed the answer button before he brought the phone close to his ear. "Hello?" Taehyung tried to say in a natural tone. However he failed miserable and Jungkook was able to pick up the boy's nervousness within a few seconds.

The younger immediately proceeded to sit a bit closer to Taehyung before laying one of his palms on Taehyung's and squeezing it softly. Jungkook had noticed the moment that Taehyung had looked at his phone the slight change of emotion in the older boy's eyes. Beautiful brown orbs that first looked at him with a sparkle now looked dull and even a hit of uneasiness could be spotted in them. Whoever it was that was calling Taehyung was somehow making the boy uncomfortable and thus Jungkook would support him where ever he could.

"Yeah it's me, your boyfriend, remember? Or are you perhaps too busy with that new boytoy of yours to think about me?" Bogum spoke on the other side of the line. The boy's voice clearly was lacing with anger and Taehyung gulped hard. This wasn't good. Judging by the boy's voice he somehow was even angrier than he had been yesterday and somehow that made the grey haired boy feel very unsafe.

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow as he heard the words the boy on the other side of the line had said. Why the hell did he think that Taehyung was cheating on him with Jungkook? Never had any of them gave of any hint that the two of them were right?

Jungkook knew damn well who Taehyung's boyfriend was. He had seen him behind the glass of the family room. The boy had been watching Taehyung singing during the blind audtions and the battles together with what Jungkook assumed was a friend of Taehyung. All the while the raven haired boy had eyed his boyfriend as if he had been some sort of prey and not even once had he clapped or smiled as his boyfriend had been singing. Yeah, Jungkook didn't like this boy at all.

"Bogum stop talking nonsense. We were just practicing today for the live shows." Taehyung answered while trying to sound as calm as possible. However the boy couldn't help but let his voice tremble a bit. He knew what was going to happen if he went home while his boyfriend was in this state of mind. A red cheek wouldn't be the only visible evidence of his 'punishment', as Bogum liked to call it.

"I don't care what you two were doing. I'm waiting outside and I expect you to come here right now and go home with me." The oldest of them all then spoke in a very demanding tone, clearly trying to get his boyfriend to come home with him. Taehyung's eyes widened at the tone his boyfriend was using and his heart began to stammer in his chest. He didn't want to go home when Bogum was acting like this but he knew damn well that if he disobeyed the older boy he would surely anger him only more.

"But-" the grey haired boy tried to but as soon as he began to speak the boy instantly got cut off by his boyfriend shouting at him. "TAEHYUNG NOW!" The booming voice of Bogum sounded from his phone and quickly the younger began to feel tears prick at his eyes. He didn't like this at all. Jungkook had done such a marvelous job to make him forget all the negativity in his life, only for Bogum to bring it all back as soon as Taehyung had finally been smiling again.


As a tear ran down the grey haired boy's cheek he softly spoke an 'okay' in his phone before he hung up and looked at Jungkook with the fakest smile on his face ever. "I'm sorry Jungkook but my boyfriend is waiting downstairs. I have to go." The grey haired boy spoke towards his coach, a sad look clearly visible on his face.

Jungkook softly squeezed his team member's hand before he nodded and stood up. Taehyung instantly looked at the younger with a questioning look on his face and Jungkook smiled at him. "Come on, I'll walk with you. That way you don't have to face him alone and I can explain that nothing happened between us." The younger explained as he stuck out one of his hands and offered for Taehyung to take it.

Instantly a small genuine smile began to decorate the older's features and he nodded slightly. "Thank you." He whispered as another single lonely tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek. At least if Taehyung wasn't alone he wouldn't be shouted at immediately. Maybe the two of them could even explain to Bogum that it was all a big mistunderstanding.

With a small feeling of hope building up inside his chest both Jungkook and Taehyung made their way downstairs and went outside. The whole ride down Jungkook didn't miss the look of nervousness on the older boy's face. Bogum didn't have any right to shout at Taehyung and Jungkook slowly began to ball his fists. If the other wouldn't stand up for himself then his coach definitely would.

As soon as the two of them went outside they were instantly met with the face of a furious Bogum. Taehyung's eyes widened the moment he layed eyes on his boyfriend and he gulped visibly. This wasn't good and in no way would the oldest of them all be willing to talk to either Jungkook or Taehyung. To the grey haired boy it was as clear as crystal that his boyfriend had already come to his own conclusions.

Bogum stormed at Taehyung the moment the grey haired boy had set a single foot outside the building. His face held an angry look and his eyes looked like they were possesed by a demon. "Why the fuck where you with another man!" The older angrily shouted as he was quickly decreasing the distance between himself and Taehyung.

The grey haired boy looked at Bogum with big eyes and a scared look on his face. The taller male was storming at him with an incredible speed and if he didn't slow down any minute now the two of them would surely fall over due to the impact of the oncoming clash.

However before Bogum had the chance to reach Taehyung Jungkook quickly stepped in front of the smallest boy while a serious look was visible on his face. "Chill man, nothing even happened. I invited him here to practise so that is exactly what we did." Jungkook explained calmly as he met the angry eyes of Bogum. A challenging look was visible on Jungkook's own face and he looked at the other with one eyebrow raised. No way was he going to let Taehyung down now that he needed him.

"I didn't ask you anything, fuck off asshole." Bogum spoke before he harshly pushed Jungkook out the way and grabbed his boyfriend's collar in his hands. Taehyung looked at him with fear clearly visible on his face and his breathing began to become irregular. Bogum was even angrier than he had anticipated. If he had known the older was like this he hadn't even gone outside. At this rate he would be lucky to escape with only a black eye.

"You are gonna go home with me you filthy little slut. I am absolutely disgusted by you." Bogum whispered dangerously low in Taehyung's ear while he tightened the grip on the boy's collar. The younger didn't move a muscle nor did he answer his boyfriend, too afraid anything he did would be seen as something bad by Bogum. Fear was soaring through Taehyung's veins and he squeezed his eyes shut. Bogum would hit him any moment now, why did things like these always happen to him?

However as Taehyung was getting ready for Bogum's fist to collide with his face any minute now suddenly the grip on his collar loosened before it was completely gone. As if on cue the grey haired boy immediately opened his eyes again only to see Jungkook push his boyfriend away.

"Hell to the fucking no! He's not going anywhere when you treat him like this!" Jungkook shouted angrily while he pushed Bogum again. The youngest of them all was seeing complete red as soon as he saw how Bogum used his strength to grab Taehyung and made ready to hit him in his face. No way was Jungkook going to let this happen to someone as pure and sweet as Taehyung. Not on Jungkook's watch.

"Why do you think you have any say in this at all? He is MY boyfriend!" Bogum shouted back angrily before he charged at Jungkook and before Taehyung knew it he watched as both Jungkook and Bogum entangled themselves in a fist fight with each other. Both men were of similar height, however Jungkook was clearly having the upper hand as he seemed to be physically stronger than Bogum.

"Then fucking treat him like your boyfriend instead of a punching bag!" Jungkook shouted back as his fist collided with Bogum's left cheek. The older stumbeled back slightly before his eyes turned even angrier and he hit back with full force. A pained expression became visible on Jungkook's face as Bogum's fist collided with his shoulder. That would definitely turn into a bruise. However the brunette didn't care, he wasn't going to stand around while he watched how Taehyung was being mistreated by his own boyfriend. He had to do something, even if that meant learning Bogum that this was not the way to treat a boy as delicate as Taehyung the hard way.

As Jungkook and Bogum both charged at each other again suddenly a loud piercing scream sounded through the air. "STOP!" Both boy's looked at their side before they were met with the horrified look on Taehyung's face. The boy looked like he was on the verge of breaking down and heavy breaths kept leaving his mouth.

As soon as Taehyung realised that the other two were looking at him he quickly walked up to them before he locked eyes with Jungkook. The older had an apologetic look on his face while he mouthed a quick 'i'm sorry' to Jungkook before he turned around towards his boyfriend. "Let's just go home okay?" The grey haired boy asked Bogum who in return smirked towards Jungkook while he possesively wrapped an arm around the grey haired boy's middle.

Jungkook looked at the two with a sad look on his face. He of course knew he had gone too far but he honestly had no idea how he was supposed to help Taehyung any other way. Had the brunette not intervered then Bogum had definitely hit Taehyung and that was something Jungkook had wanted to prevent at all costs.

Taehyung of course noticed how Jungkook looked at him and he wanted to thank the boy for helping him but before he had the chance Bogum began to drag him towards his car before the older harshly pushed him into the passengers seat and slammed the door closed. It was right then and there that Taehyung clearly realised that he was fucked. His boyfriend would definitely punish him the moment they got home.

However the grey haired boy didn't know what was worse, his awaiting punishment or the sad look on Jungkook's face. Of course the grey haired boy knew what the younger had done was purely to protect him and he was super thankfull for that. That is also exactly the reason why Taehyung had broke the two apart by screaming. Jungkook was taking hits that weren't meant for him and the older boy couldn't just stand by and do nothing. His coach had already done more than enough by just walking with him downstairs, the fact that he was also taking Taehyung's hits was something the grey haired boy couldn't stand to watch. After all, none of them should have been hit in the first place.



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