《Cheat List || Taekook》Chapter 13


Taehyung softly knocked on the door on which with bold letters was written Jungkook. The grey haired boy had a meeting planned with his coach today. Taehyung was currently one of the five talents left of team Jungkook and every time he now had to come to the studio to practice he would either get a private lesson from Jungkook or Namjoon.

An excited feeling was rushing through the student's veins as he heard a soft 'come in' sounding through the door and quickly the boy pushed down the black handle of the door before opening it. As soon as the door was open the grey haired boy immediately got met by the friendly face of Jungkook who was sitting on a sofa next to the window.

The room Jungkook was siting in looked amazing. The room was on the second floor of the studio and its outside walls were completely covered with windows. A big sitting area was placed on the left side of the room just in front of the windows and on the right side of the room was a piano placed along with a few other attributes who you might need when practicing your vocals.

With a amazed look on his face Taehyung looked around the room. His eyes had grown big and he slowly shifted his gaze towards where Jungkook himself was sitting. The younger boy had a friendly smile on his face and he immediately motioned for Taehyung to come take a seat on the cream chair next to the sofa he was sitting on.

With an excited look on his face the older boy walked over before he took place on the chair Jungkook had motioned for him to sit in. "Thanks for coming." The brunette spoke in a friendly tone as soon as Taehyung sat down. Immediately the grey haired boy smiled back while looking at his coach with an expectant look on his face.

Today the two of them were supposed to talk through their strategy for the live shows and practice a bit too. The two of them had two months time to practice since even though Taehyung already knew he had won his battle, the public who was watching the show at home did not know. The blind auditions had just started to air on television and since those and the battles were always spread over multiple episodes that meant that there was now a lot of time to kill for the first live show to happen.


"Today I want to see what we can do with your voice. While practicing for your battle I really had to pull out those beautiful high notes of you and that made me wonder, what else you can do?" Jungkook began to speak while a hint of excitement could be spotted on his face. Taehyung smiled back while he lifted his shoulders. "I honestly don't know." The older boy answered back while honesty was practically written on his face.

The boy didn't know at all what his voice was capable of. Sure he knew that he had a deep and unique sound but that high note was something that Taehyung would have never done himself if Jungkook hadn't pulled it out of him. He really had no idea what it was that his voice was capable of but he definitely was willing to find out.

"Well let's find out today, okay?" Jungkook answered him with excitement clearly lacing his voice. The boy looked like a child in a candy shop and a sparkle was clearly visible in his eyes. Softly Taehyung laughed while he nodded in agreement. Of course he was willing to do anything Jungkook came up with, after all the brunette was the professional, not him.

"So Tae, is it okay if I call you Tae?" Jungkook suddenly asked while a look of uncertainty could be briefly spotted on his face. However as soon as it came it was gone again and made place for the ever friendly smile that seemed to be always presented on the younger boy's face. Quickly Taehyung nodded while he added a small 'sure'.

"Okay great. So Tae, shall we talk about the strategy I came up with together with Namjoon for you first?" The idol asked in a friendly tone and immediately Taehyung nodded enthusiastically. An excited look could be spotted on the older boy's face and he was genuinely curious about what it was that the brunette in front of him was going to say next.

"Mine and Namjoon's guesses are that due to your voice being so unique that you will become one of the fan favourites and that is exactly where we want you to stay." Jungkook began to explain while a serious look began to form onto his face. The boy quickly grabbed some paper from the coffee table before handing a set of them to Taehyung.


"These are a few songs which we think compliment your voice beautifully. You know that in the semi finale you are supposed to sing a song written by you and your coach's team. Since we think that you will definitely make it to the semi finale I already asked Namjoon to start on yours. The man is practically a magician when it comes to producing and writing lyrics." Jungkook then said and a look of shock became visible on Taehyung's face. His coach already expected him to make it to the finale and one of the best producers in the whole country had already begun to work on a song for him. This surely must be a dream right?

"Isn't it a bit early to talk about the finale already though?" Taehyung asked while a hint of uncertainty was visible on his face. the boy looked a bit uneasy and he already had begun to feel guilty for his coach if he didn't make it to the finale. Then al Namjoon's and Jungkook's hard work would have been for nothing.

"Yeah it is but I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't a 100% certain that you were gonna make it Taehyung." Jungkook then spoke before he leaned a bit forward and placed a hand on the older boy's knee while a smile was decorating his plumb lips. "You are an amazing vocalist Taehyung, don't be so uncertain of your own skills."

Softly Taehyung nodded while a small smile broke out on his lips. Jungkook knew exactly how to make him feel good again with only a few words. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a friendly look on his face before he motioned for the boy to stand up and together they walked towards the other side of the room.

"Let's practice some vocals, okay?" The brunette asked and before Taehyung knew it he was producing sound after sound while Jungkook kept on giving him tips about how he could make the notes he was hitting sound even better.

For at least thirty minutes both boys were having a lot of fun and they even laughed when Jungkook made a joke about how Taehyung would steal his career if he kept on going like this. At the end of their practice session the two of them had made great progress and before Taehyung knew it he was collecting his stuff again to head home.

"You know I am really impressed by your voice." Jungkook suddenly spoke as Taehyung once again stood up from his chair in order to head home. The boy quickly looked at his coach with a questioning look on his face and he received a small smile back from the younger boy.

"Every since you sang that very first note in the blind auditions I knew you were unique and I remember how happy I was the moment you chose me as your coach." The brunette then spoke before he set a few steps closer to the older boy.

Immediately Taehyung's breath stuck in his troath and the boy's heart increased the speed in which it was beating. Jungkook however didn't seem to notice this and only stopped when his face was right next to the smaller boy's ear. Taehyung could feel the famous boy's breath tickle his neck and a deep red blush started to appear on the boy's cheeks.

"You know, I'm not supposed to tell you this but your voice is by far my favourite." Jungkook spoke in a low tone before he set a step back again and send a wink Taehyung's way. The older boy's cheeks became even redder than they already were and he looked at his coach with a shy look on his face.

Jungkook laughed softly upon noticing the look on Taehyung's face and he quickly continued his talk before taking a seat on his sofa again."Don't tell anyone I said that though." The brunette spoke and Taehyung only softly nodded before he walked out the door. The moment he closed the door behind him the boy immediately raised his hands and put them against his burning cheeks.




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