《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》39. the end


8 years later

In Gotham, a new villain rains terror upon the city. Bane.

At the entrance of Blackgate Prison, a couple of Tumblers, exactly like Batman's batmobile, park along the entrance. On top of one of the tumblers, stands Bane. Citizens, reporters, and other people stand and watch the man as he begins to speak.

"Behind you stand the symbol of oppression. Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man, Harvey Dent, who has been held up to you as the shining example of justice!" Bane begins a speech.

He reads a letter written by Commissioner Gordon, stating how Harvey Dent was a murderer and Batman innocent. He reads the letter of Gordon stating he can no longer live with this lie and that Gotham should know the truth.

Ha, ha, ha!!

"We take Gotham from the corrupt, the rich, the oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity and we give it back to you, the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere, do as you please."

One of the tumblers with Bane shoots at the entrance of BlackGate Prison, creating a massive hole for Bane's followers to raid and release the prisoners.

The city of Gotham erupts into chaos as citizens begin fighting and belongings are thrown into the streets.


Loud shouts and screams echo in long hallways. People in gray jumpsuits run through halls, while security guards and people in scrubs chase after them.

In the middle of all the chaos is a man with long, curly hair, watching the TV. Laughter comes from him as he watches what the new villain caused throughout the city of Gotham. "Commissioner's stuck in a pickle," he cracks up.

"Joker, time to go back to your cell!" A big security guard approaches him, baton ready in hand.

The Joker looks around at the screaming inmates of Gotham's Arkham Asylum, then back at the guard. "You're worried about me right now?"

He stands up from his fold-up chair, "Uh... Daniel, I've suddenly got this huge whiff of inspiration so if you don't mind, I will be checking out now." The Joker suddenly grabs the chair and repeatedly beats the guard with it.

After the guard is on the ground, the Joker continues beating him then once the guard stops moving for a few seconds, he stops. "That's going to leave a mark. Apologies, Peter." He makes up a new name for the guard as he grabs the baton from his body.


He steps over Peter-Daniel's body and walks straight through the chaos. He gets almost to the main lobby when another guard approaches him, baton raised. The Joker lifts his baton with both hands on the ends and shoves it several times into his nose, causing blood to spill from the guard's nose.

He grabs the guard and slams him into a wall, head first. The guard falls down the wall onto the ground, unconscious. He walks to the lobby where new patients are checked in. More guards soon run at him.


Groans soon fill the room as guards lay on the ground in pain. The Joker walks out of the asylum with little speckles of blood on his patient uniform. He sees the van that brings food to the asylum and walks towards it.

The door is left wide open and the engine is still running. The Joker helps himself to the van and drives off. He gets to a red light and reaches into the back for a tray of food. He sits back down in the driver's seat and eats while driving.

He stops at a small clothing shop outside of Gotham and ends up stealing some new clothes so he no longer was wearing his bloody uniform.


Once in Gotham, he laughs at how stupid people look. As much as he likes how bad he made Commissioner Gordon look, he doesn't agree with Bane's ideology. To him, Bane is just another schemer in his way. On the other hand, Bane wouldn't like the Joker much either.

Anyway, the Joker isn't interested in Bane. His focus is on seeing someone he hasn't seen in eight years.


[Y/N] has lived these last eight years to the best she can. She appreciates the boring side of life way more since the Joker got locked up. After he was locked away in Arkham Asylum, she has tried having other relationships but it's been very difficult. The love she had for the Joker wasn't as simple as Stockholm. Most, if not all, was completely genuine for whatever reason.

What was good about him? He's a murderer, he kidnapped her, he tricked her into killing someone, he shows almost no empathy whatsoever, and the list continues. But she loves him and that feeling won't just leave her alone.


The Joker drives to [Y/N]'s apartment building to find that a new building is under construction there. He gets slightly frustrated because the thought of not seeing her starts to creep in, but he tries to put that thought away for a moment. The bank. That's where he will go.


He steps on the gas pedal and speeds to the bank. Due to the insane amount of havoc breaking out in Gotham, no cop is worried about a car driving too fast.

He parks and hops out of the van. He practically runs inside and goes to the front desk, not even bothering to hide his Glasgow smile. "Excuse me, missy, is there a [Y/N] [L/N] here?" He asks.

The lady stares at the scars for a second then shakes her head. "She quit years back, sir."

He thinks for a second, "what about a Stacey?"

"The manager? Yes, she works here. Her office is down that hallway. There's a nameplate outside her door."

"You're a peach," he taps the desk twice then hurried to Stacey's office.

He opens the door, not bothering to knock. Stacey glances up and immediately reaches for the gun that the bank managers have for safety reasons. He kicks the door shut behind him and puts his hands up. "I thought I made a good impression on you when we met."

"What do you want?" Stacey asks, gun pointed at him.

"What happened to the other guy? Did I make him quit after the whole... uh, the incident of me robbing the place?" The Joker asks, stepping to the side.

Stacey keeps the gun aimed at him, "she's not here if that's what you're wondering."

"Well, then how about you be a little sweetheart and tell me where I can find her." He steps closer to her.

"Don't move, fucker," she slightly yells, "I'm not telling you. She's better off without you bringing chaos back into her life."

"I've waited patiently for eight years in Arkham to see her. I even had good behavior for the most part... until now of course." He steps closer, knowing she won't shoot him.

He grabs the gun by the barrel and takes it from Stacey.

She quickly backs up, somewhat afraid of him.

"I'm not going to lay a hand on you, Miss Manager. I just want to see [Y/N] again. I told her I would and I'm a man of my word."

"No, the answer is no," she says.

He gets a bit mad at that but stays calm, "I'll be back tomorrow." He places the gun on her desk then walks out.


For an entire week, he goes back each day asking Stacey where [Y/N] is and each day she doesn't tell him. On the seventh day of asking, her response is different.

"Do you love her?" She asks.

He stands there for a second then gives a slight nod.

"I believe you," she pulls out a piece of paper and begins to write an address on it, "[address], that's her home. She's currently at work but she gets off in... 20 minutes."

He nods, thanking her. Quickly, he goes to a car that he stole throughout the week and drives off.

The Joker arrives at [Y/N]'s home before she gets home from work. He easily picks the lock to her door and locks it behind him. For a minute, he looks around then he sits in [Y/N]'s room, waiting for her.

Soon, [Y/N] comes home and places her keys on the coffee table. She sighs in tiredness and drags her feet all the way to her room. She walks in and walks straight past her bed, not noticing the Joker.

Before realizing someone is on her bed, looking at her, she gets a few steps away. She suddenly pauses mid-step. Quickly, she turns her head around to face the man with a permanent smile.

The two pairs of eyes make contact for several seconds. Memories [Y/N] had been trying so hard to store away come flooding back. The Joker stands up and [Y/N] hesitates for a second stepping forward but after she starts, all hesitation leaves her.

She rushes to him and hugs him tight, to which he wraps his arms around her waist. [Y/N] buried her face in his chest for a second then looks up at him. "Thank you for being a man of your word."

[Y/N] pushes off her tiptoes just a little bit and engages in a kiss with the man she loves.





Wow, the end is finally here. That's crazy. It's been a long ride and this is the only book I've ever finished and truly dedicated myself to writing.

I want to thank you guys for everything. Thank you for reading, thank you for sticking around through hiatuses, thank you for supporting. It means a lot and without you, I would have never gotten this far with Chaos.

I love you guys and I'll be back with more books.

Anyway, thank you so much! Please look forward to more books in the future!

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