《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》38. interrogation



The doors of the SWAT van slam shut once the Joker is restrained fully. Gordon tags along for the ride, mainly so he gets more time to talk with the Joker. Gordon sits down and looks at his hands for a while. On the other hand, Joker's attention is completely on the Commissioner.

"I knew it was you, just had no proof." Gordon looks up from his hands.

The Joker looks around him then back at Gordon, "well I think you now have enough proof."

"We are going to bring [Y/N] into the station to ask her a few questions. I'm positive you know what about."

"I'd love to hear what she has to say," the Joker smiles.


The Joker is brought into the police station and immediately is stripped off all of his clothes and changed into bland clothes with no pockets. He remains isolated in a section of the police station with guns ready to fire at him at all times.


A few hours, before the sunset, there's a knock on [Y/N]'s door. She and Stacey exchange looks, having a guess what it is. [Y/N] hugs Stacey tight, "I'll see you later."

"I know you will," Stacey replies.

[Y/N] goes to the front door and opens it. Standing there is the Commissioner. Before he can say anything, she steps outside and shuts the door behind her. "I don't want to make this situation even more difficult for you," she says, explaining why she's already ready to leave.

Gordon nods and opens the back door to his GCPD cop car for [Y/N] to get into. She gets inside then he shuts the door for her and drives her to the police station.

Even though Gordon knows it's a possibility she is actually on the Joker's side, he's kind and patient with her.


Once inside, he escorts her to an interrogation room. On the way to the room, the Joker is visible across the room. He watches Gordon and [Y/N] somewhat like a predator amused by their prey. He leans against the cell's bars to which SWAT members yell at him, guns raised, to get off the bars.

[Y/N] jumps a little due to the sudden yelling. She looks over there while walking and her and the Joker make eye contact. Quickly, she looks down and enters the interrogation room as soon as possible.

"Sit down. I'll be back. Do you need any water or anything?" He asks.

[Y/N] shakes her head and sits down.

Gordon leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. He goes over to Joker's cell, located in the middle of the station. "Hands off the bars or I'll break them." Gordon threatens.

"Commissioner, has no one told you don't make promises you won't keep," Joker responds.

"You wanted to see what she'll say so come on. Turn around."

The Joker turns around and Gordon reaches into the cell, handcuffing him. SWAT members unlock the cell and walk the Joker out of it. Gordon takes the Joker to the viewing room behind the two-way glass and has the SWAT members stand with him.

Gordon grabs two water bottles and goes back to [Y/N]. He sets the waters on the table then sits. "Miss [L/N], this will be a very simple interview," he begins to say.

"Interrogation," she interrupts, "if it was an interview, we could've stayed at my apartment or talked in an office, not an interrogation room."

Gordon nods, "you're not wrong. This is an interrogation but still, it'll be a simple one if you just answer everything I ask."


The Joker leans forward and watches the show before him.

"You've lied to me, [Y/N]. A few times now. I want you to tell me the truth, starting after the Joker escaped from Arkham." Gordon tells her.

"After he got away, he showed up at my job the next day. He got me into my car by threatening me with a knife. He needed a place to hideout since the GCPD arrested so many of his little goons and his hideouts were basically raided, so he threatened me to stay at my place."

Gordon takes notes and listens. "You were given freedoms, unlike the past times, so something has me to believe there's something else."

"He had to let me have freedom. I told you after I was let go that he promised to come back and if I suddenly stopped showing up to work and stopped leaving the house, it'd be obvious he was back."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"No offense, Commissioner, but the bars you keep him behind don't seem to do much good. He's gotten away twice. I was scared. Correction, I am scared."

The Joker thinks to himself about how he's proud of her for lying about him to cover her ass.

"Next question, have you ever been friendly with one another or romantically involved?" Gordon asks.

"I just said he threatened me with a knife and how I am scared of him. The answer is no." She replies.

"It's just sometimes captives bond with their captors to survive mentally and if that is the case, we can get you help."

"I don't need any therapy if that's what you're insinuating. I just need him locked up so I can live my damn life."

"Ouch, that stings," the Joker says out loud.

Gordon nods, "next question. Have you ever assisted him in a crime?"


Gordon continues asking questions and more details, to which [Y/N] lies when needed to. She remains calm as possible but puts on a good act when she needs to.

"Alright, that's all Miss [Y/N]. Thank you for your time, be careful getting home. I'll call you if we need anything else." Gordon tells her.

[Y/N] nods and gets up. She leaves the interrogation and when she's leaving, the Joker is brought out of the viewing room. He looks down at her and puts on a little show of rage in his eyes to make it seem like he's frustrated that she told Gordon the "truth."

Gordon watches carefully.

"I'll see you later, girly."

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