《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》18 ~Hotel For A Crazy Clown


Y/N's eyes widen as soon as his voice changes. "Why are you so shocked? I said I'd get you back." Joker asks.

Y/N stays quiet. "I need a place to stay, alright?" He licks his lips, looking into her eyes, "I got who knows how many cops after me and the last place they'd look is your house. Am I right or am I right?"

"Why the absolute fuck should I help you?" She asks him.

"Uh, because... you are a nice person?"

"I should scream right now and alert the cops."

"Let's not." He pulls out a knife and presses the side of it against her abdomen.

"Get in the damn car."

"Feisty, I like it." Joker gets in the passenger's seat.

Y/N begins to drive to her apartment. Joker messes with the radio, like a little five-year-old. "Would you stop?"

"Mmm alright."

Joker lays back in the seat and elevates the back of the seat up and down for a while. Y/N looks at him like what is wrong with you. "Do you have to drive so slow?" He asks.

"Yeah, I do! I don't want to get pulled over. I don't want a ticket. So shut up, would you?" She replies.

"Yes, ma'am."

Soon they arrive at her apartment. Y/N unlocks the door for them and goes inside. She gives Joker a mini-tour of the small 1 bed, 1 bath apartment. "You get the couch." She tells him.

"I don't get why you hated the room so much, this isn't any bigger." He comments.

"This is my home. I'm comfortable here; I'm not comfortable in a bland ass room." Y/N states.

Joker walks around and goes into the bathroom to grab a brush. "Hey! No, no, no. Wash before you put my brush all up in that greasy hair." Y/N demands.

"I'm offended," Joker says with a blank face, "I have no clothes besides these."

"I have some guy clothes."

"Who have you had over?"

"Shut up."

She goes to her room and is soon back with a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Joker takes them and closes the bathroom. After about twenty minutes, he comes out of the bathroom, freshly cleaned, brushed hair, new outfit on, etc. Y/N looks at him as he exits the bathroom, thinking, 'he really isn't bad looking, to be honest. I'm surprised he is even letting me see him without face paint. His face is pretty handsome, besides the scars. They aren't horrible, they just stick out.'


He walks over to the kitchen and grabs a water bottle out of the refrigerator then sits on the couch. "If you're going to be staying here, I believe I deserve some answers. First, what happened to your face? Second, why are you the Joker? Third, why did you keep me trapped and come back after me?" She asks.

"I guess you have, uh, a point there. The scars are from... well which version you want to hear?" Joker laughs.

"Never mind. Next question." She sighs.

"Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice."

(Got that from Killing Joke by the way)

"That's confusing, anyway what about the last question?"

"Well, uh, I guess you're just too interesting to not keep around." Joker shrugs.

Y/N looks through the pantry, wanting a snack. Joker stays where he is and watches her. She turns around and looks at him, "what do you want?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing."

Y/N rolls her eyes and grabs her F/S (Favorite snack). She plops onto the couch beside Joker. "You look less weird without the face paint." She states.

He ignores her comment. Y/N examines his scars from the other side of the couch. Joker turns on the television to watch the news. Currently, the news is focusing on Joker's escape from Arkham Asylum; it has made every headline. They report on how he is nowhere to be found so keep an eye out and how many deaths he's responsible for during his escape. Y/N reaches her hand forward to touch his scar. He quickly focuses on her and grabs her wrist before she can touch it. He slowly begins to twist it. He gives a warning, "don't think about it." His voice goes to a raspier, deeper voice.

He leans forward towards the TV, watching the news. "The GCPD is currently, with all their manpower, searching for the Joker. Don't worry citizens of Gotham." The news anchor states. Joker just laughs under his breath at them.

Y/N's heart starts racing from fear. Chills run up her spine as the fright sinks in. This is feeling she had 24/7 while at Joker's hideout. Joker leans forward to her and grabs her face with his other hand. "If you want to know what the scars feel like, it'll put a smile on my face to give you your own." He threatens.


A smile spreads across his face, noticing how terrified Y/N is. Y/N shakes her head and Joker lets go. "I'll be back later. I have some... errands to take care of." Joker states as he stands up.

He puts on a face mask and walks out. Y/N lays on the couch thinking about what her life has come to. "I'm literally housing a serial killer, robber, psychopath. Everyone else at my age is getting married, having kids, getting rich, but not me. Nope. I'm a hotel for a crazy clown. He has me at his finger tips. His mercy is what determines whether I live or die." She thinks out loud.

Joker walks through the streets of Gotham, heading towards the abandoned building he and his goons hid out. Also where Y/N was held. He begins to approach it but sees cops around the building, arresting his goons. He walks a different direction and goes into a fabric/clothing store. Joker walks around the store, looking at different materials for a new outfit. After a while, he finds the fabric he wanted, along with a button-up shirt and dress pants, and goes to the register. He pulls out Y/N's wallet and pays for the fabric with cash.

Y/N shops online and is interested in buying something, but can't find her wallet anywhere. "I swear, did he take my money?!" She searches through the house for the wallet.

Before going back to her apartment, he goes to a restaurant. "Can I have F/F (favorite food) to go, please? You know what, make it two." Joker orders Y/N's favorite food for her and himself.

He, again, uses her money to pay for it though. Soon, he gets back to the apartment and instantly almost attacked by Y/N. "Where's my damn wallet?!" She interrogates him.

"Calm down, girly. I had to get some fabric and I, uh, picked up some F/F." He explains.

"You did?"

"Are you deaf? I said I did. Hurry up and eat."

He tosses her wallet to her and begins eating. She soon joins him in eating F/F. "Why? You seemed.. pissed.. earlier." Y/N asks. The only response she gets is silence.

After a while, they both finish and Y/N goes about her normal nightly routine: shower, brush teeth, etc. "I'm going to sleep. Don't do anything stupid." She tells him.

"The only one who does stupid things here is you." He gathers up the fabric.

"What have I done that's stu- nevermind." She rolls her eyes and goes to sleep. Joker stays up through the night, sewing together a new outfit for himself.

Morning soon comes after a couple of hours and Y/N wakes up to find Joker in the exact same position he was when she left. He's asleep with a work-in-progress vest in his lap. Y/N sighs and sets the vest on the coffee table. She grabs a blanket and puts it over him. She sits in a chair across from the couch and helps finish the vest. He woke up from her taking the vest but doesn't say anything. He opens his eyes slightly to watch Y/N sow the vest together. He smiles an actual genuine smile and Y/N looks up at him. Joker makes the smile go away so she doesn't see and asks, "why are you doing that?"

"Cause I can. Plus I wanted to help before I went off to work." She answers.

"Mmm, alright."

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