《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》7 ~ Man of my Word


The day of trying to escape has now passed. During the night, Batman captured Mr. Lau, the Chinese mob boss who was on the television when Joker first interacted with the mob. He was delivered to Commissioner Gordon of Gotham City Police Department, then arrested. Mr. Lau is also a CEO of Lau Security Investments Holding.

Harvey Dent, the district Attorney, was on tv talking about Mr. Lau. "Well, I don't know about Mr. Lau's travel arrangements, but I'm sure glad he's back." He says in the news interview.

The Italian mob are all gathered in a restaurant, when one says,"Put word out. We hire the clown," He puts a piece of food in his mouth then continues," he was right. We have to fix the real problem. Batman."

Commissioner Gordon walks in, holding handcuffs. He looks at the tv. "...I'm not aware of any participation..." You can faintly hear Harvey's voice in the background.

"Our boy looks good on the tube." Gordon states.

"You sure you wanna embarrass me in front of my friends, Lieutenant?" The main Italian mob boss asks.

"Oh, don't worry. They're coming too." Gordon replies.

Police men start coming in and arresting the mob members.

A while later, they are all put in court. The judge flips through papers," seven hundred twelve counts of extortion, eight hundred and forty-nine counts of racketeering, two hundred and forty-six counts of fraud, eighty-seven counts of conspiracy murder, five hundred and twenty-seven counts of obstruction of justice. How do the defendants plead?" The judge asks.

"Not guilty!" The group of mob members, clamor.

The judge slams her gavel down," order in the court!"

After the court session, Harvey Dent and Commissioner Gordon talk to the Mayor. "Five hundred and forty-nine criminals at once. How did you convince Surrillo (judge) to hear this farce?" The Mayor asks.

Harvey responds with," She shares my enthusiasm for justice. After all, she's a judge."

"Even if you blow enough smoke to get convictions out of Surrillo, you're gonna set a new record at appeals for quickest kick in the ass."

"It won't matter. The head guys make bail, sure. But the midlevel guys, they can't. They can't afford to be off the streets long enough for trial and appeal. They'll cut deals that include some jail time. Think of all you could do with 18 months of clean streets."


There is a bit of silence until Gillian Loeb (past commissioner) tries to talk, but the Mayor tells Gordon and him both to get out. He tells Harvey to sit down, so course he does.

"Public likes you. That's the only reason that this might fly. But that means it's on you. They're all gonna come after you now, and not just the mob. Politicians, journalists, cops. Anyone who's wallet is about to get lighter. Are you up to it? Better be. Because they get anything on you... and those criminals are back on the streets, followed swiftly by you and me." The Mayor says.

Right after the Mayor speaks, a body falls right in front of the window, the Mayor was standing by. The man is hanging from a rope around his neck, in a Batman suit, but a joker smile. "Jesus!" The Mayor yells and stumbled backwards.

Harvey runs over to the window. Soon police arrive and get the body down. Gordon looks over the body and there's a joker card attached to the man's Batman suit. The card has a sentence: Will the real Batman please stand up.

Bruce Wayne, a billionaire business man, stands in his penthouse with his butler, Alfred. "I think your fundraiser will be a great success, sir." Alfred tells Bruce.

"And why do you think I wanna hold a party for Harvey Dent?" Bruce asks.

"I assumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself and the scum of Gotham's underbelly, to try to impress Miss Dawes." Alfred replies.

"Very droll, but very wrong. Actually, it's, uh, Dent." Bruce corrects.

A news reporter talks on the tv about the man in the Batman suit," police released video footage found concealed on the body. Sensitive viewers, be aware. The image in disturbing."

Their attention focuses on the tv. Bruce turns up the volume. The news flips from the news reporter to a video. "Tell them your name." A voice on the video says, it's very familiar to Joker's.

"Brian Douglas." The camera shows the same man that was in Batman suit.

Joker laughs in the background of the video. "And are you the real Batman?" Joker asks the fake Batman.


"No." Brian answers.

"No?" Joker replies while laughing some more," then why do you dress up like him?"

Joker puts the camera in Brian's face. Joker is filming the horrifying video himself. He snatches Brian's Batman mask off and shows the camera. He slings it around, while laughing more at the somehow funny situation. "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

"Because he's a symbol that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you." Brian answers Joker's question.

"Yeahhh. You do, Brian. You really do," Joker responds in a raspy voice as he grabs Brian's face," Huh? Yeah. Oh, shh, shh, shh." Joker strokes Brian's face.

Brian whimpers in fear. "So you think Batman's made Gotham a better place? Hm?" Joker asks as he backs up away from Brian. Brian hangs his head low, over to the side.

"Look at me." Joker demands.

Brian continues to hang his head, and not look at the clown. Joker's voice changes from a normal pitched to a very raspy, deep, angry voice," " He yells at Brian.

Brian slightly looks up at the Joker. Joker puts he camera in Brian's face then turns it around to show him. "You see, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want order in Gotham... Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn't, people will die. Starting tonight," he puts the camera close to his face," I'm a man of my word."

Joker laughs into the camera, then the camera shuts off and the video stops. Bruce and Alfred stare at the tv and after a moment of silence, Bruce walks over to the fundraiser planners and continues business. Alfred soon follows.

I want to go home, that's all. How hard is it for that to happen? This stupid psychotic man. I hate him. The door keeping me locked inside this room, unlocks and opens. Speak of the devil, here's the clown himself. He walks over to a little table I have in the small room. "Come here." He says, I know it's not a question, so I walk over to him. He sets an iPad down on the table, it's unlocked and has a video waiting to be played.

"You can understand enough to press play." He steps behind me, and puts his hands on my shoulders.

His grip is tight and sends shivers up my spine. I press play and a recording of the news from today plays. It shows the man, swinging from the building by his neck. I gasp and try to pull away from Joker, but keeps me there with no struggle. He forces me to watch. The news shows the video of Joker and Brian. I look down at my arms, that are covered in goosebumps. "Enough." I tell Joker.

I turn off the iPad and stand there, silently. "Enjoy it?" He asks as he giggles creepily.

"You're insane!" I yell at him.

"Isn't it great?" He rubs my shoulders, it feels good I won't lie, but it makes me uncomfortable.

"Stop it." I demand.

"You can't tell... me... what to do, but since I'm so kind." He takes his hands off me.

"I wouldn't say that."

He somewhat laughs like a normal human being, but quickly stops and goes complete serious. "What do you want for lunch tomorrow or dinner tonight? Pick one. Whichever you pick, we are eating together. I want to get to, um, know you." He asks.

I look at him, very confused. "You want to get to know me?" I reply with a question.

"That's what I said. So answer it, before I force you to eat with me... for lunch tomorrow and dinner both nights." He becomes to get impatient.

"Whichever is better for you. It's not like I'm busy."

"Okay. What food do you like?" He asks.

"[F/F]." I answer, with my favorite food. I mean if I'm getting a meal, I might as well ask for my favorite thing.

He nods and leaves the room, locking the door behind him. I think to myself how strange he is and never fails to surprise me..

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