《Silence ✓》Chapter 3


It was past five when I finally pulled up at the gas station. Last I had checked, there was someone at the pumps. But now, the whole place just looked a bit deserted and quiet.

That was strange.

Shrugging that thought out of my mind, I clambered out of the car, stepped onto the pavement, and turned to make sure my kid was secured.

She was sleeping soundly and snoring a bit. That in itself was odd. Lisie never snored unless she was very tired. I closed my car door and walked steadily to the pumps. There stood a shop a bit to my left with the 'Closed' signpost and, I made a mental note to check on that, the next time I drove by.

I was in the process of filling my tank, when I noticed a dark clothed figure at the far corner of the store. The hooded outline was staring right at me and I tried my best to hurry, fumbling here and there.

I felt a slight chill run down my spine to the small of my back and I shivered in fear.

Before I could finish, I turned back to where I had seen the figure and saw it had vanished right out of sight.

Feeling a bit relieved, I heaved a sigh, and covered the tank, screwing the lid in place. What I didn't foresee when I turned to enter my car, was the figure standing so close, and looking through the windshield.

What was he looking at?

I bit my nails in panic and could only hope that Lisie was safe in the car.

My shirt clung to my body and my hands started to get a bit clammy with sweat. I approached my car slowly but, the figure stood unwavering. When I got to the driver's door, I hurried in and shut it, putting the lock in place.


Now, this time, the dark coated figure appeared directly in front of my car and, it took every bit of willpower to keep my heart rate from plummeting into my stomach. The head was bent, and hands in the confines of his pockets. I turned back to check if Lisie was still sleeping and found her turning to the left, trying to position herself properly. She continued snoring all the while, and I felt a bit calm, reassured that my kid was okay.

I began laying on the horn at the figure and for a while, he kept still in that same posture.

What the hell was going on?

I gritted my teeth trying not scream, as I smashed my fist into the horn repeatedly. At the fourth horn, Lisie jerked, clearly awoken and then, started crying. I was getting scared, my anxiety growing by the minute. The figure's head began to raise slightly; I presumed it was at the sound of a child's voice.

"Shh, shh, shhhh," I cooed, using my right hand to rub her legs, while I kept my eyes on the road. Lisie eventually calmed down and, the figure vanished right out of sight. It was only then, with the threat no longer present, I became aware that I had been holding my breath the entire time and, slowly let out a heavy exhale.

Setting my car into motion, I drove at an alarming rate and decided not to make any more stops, till I got home.


My house was located close to a cliff- reason being that I loved the peace, quiet, and also the serene environment. Although it got creepy at night; at times I could see a black cloaked figure staring at me and that usually gave me chills that ran up my spine.


I was a bit scared and had made frantic calls to the police department a few times to send a surveillance vehicle to patrol the area. However, they were being adamant on the fact that I had not been physically attacked and that through one of their futile searches, they couldn't find anything.

I was growing weary of having to get up at nights for no reason, only to stare at the black clothed figure that always stood right outside my window. I was thinking perhaps- maybe it was time we moved.

But I knew that would affect my baby, Lisie, it was hard already with us moving to a new place due to the death of my husband and it was taking a toll on the poor kid.

I had been really devastated by his demise. He had been someone so dear to my heart, someone that stood by me, someone I cared for and loved and someone who made me give birth to such a wonderful child. I was indeed grateful for that. And to this day, his death was still a mystery and left at that.

I remember that fateful day I had been notified of his accident. He had been heading on a journey the day before. But he never came back.

I had rushed to the hospital where he was admitted and stayed by him till he took his last breath. He had been suffering for a week, trying to battle with the claws of death; needless to say, it had been cruel. I was going through pains just watching my husband groaning day after day, and writhing with body pangs.

He was given painkillers but it did nothing to surpress the intense pain I knew he felt inside. I cried night after night, praying to God that his sickness would go away. The doctors gave me hope. It wasn't internal bleeding so there was nothing to worry about. But inside me, I still felt a sense of dread.

How could such woe betide me and my two year old kid?

I could remember all that had happened vividly, to this day.

It seemed like it was just yesterday I had been holding my husband in my loving arms, and now he was gone. I hadn't been able to cope with that. I decided within me that it was best we moved away.

My husband's killer was still lurking at that town and I didn't want him coming anywhere near my baby. She was the only thing I had left of my husband and I was going to do anything, absolutely anything, to protect her.

With that, I steered the car to a curb and parked. It was just opposite my house and it seemed pretty convenient-incase I had an emergency and wanted to rush out to the hospital. It wouldn't be difficult trying to reverse the car before I would hit the road. I sighed heavily and made to carry my kid.


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