Atlas walked ahead of me, leading me down the street in search of a restaurant to eat at. I tried to keep up as much as I could, but my legs weren't as long as Atlas's. I guess eventually he started to notice so he slowed down, falling in step with me.
Atlas towered over me, making me feel like I was an ant in comparison. Even standing at 5-6', I was still short. I tried not to think about how he could stop on me and that would be the end of my story.
As we walked down the street, I noticed that people kept looking at him. Women would stare at him in awe, girls would eye him and giggle to themselves, and men would nod to him. Atlas either didn't notice any of it or didn't care.
I huffed. Whenever he does that, I realize that I get really ticked off. It's like he thinks he's above everyone or something and it drives me crazy. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I accidentally bumped into a man who looked like he was in a rush.
"I'm so sorry," I frowned, reaching out in an apologetic manner.
The man sneered, "Oh, piss off!"
And with that, he was off. I frowned and turned back around to see Atlas smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, looking away from him.
We walked in silence and to avoid that awkwardness of the situation, I buried my head in y phone. I replied to a few texts and replies to my story, trying to ignore Atlas's presence next to me. He stayed silent.
We started to cross a street, but as I looked up to cross it I was roughly pulled back. Not even a split second later, a car whizzed past the same spot I was standing on. Someone cursed at me from inside the car. My eyes widened and my heart raced in my chest.
I looked back and noticed that it was Atlas who had pulled me back. My cheeks flushed tinting a bright shade of red. My back was pressed against his front and his hands were, yet again, firmly holding my hips in place.
"About to die on your first day here, huh?" He whispered causing a shiver to run down my spine and the hairs on my neck stand on edge. I jumped away from him, his hands falling from my hips.
I turned around and looked at him. His blue eyes didn't look cold or calculating right now. They seemed... playful almost. I smiled, rolling my eyes.
I looked around and this time, when we crossed the street, I stayed close to Atlas. He seemed like he knew how to cross a street properly so I followed his lead. I tucked my phone back in my pocket.
When we were on the other side of the road, I looked up. In front of us was a Mediterranean restaurant and I frowned. I wasn't in the mood for Mediterranean right now. Atlas looked at me.
"No?" He asked.
I shook my head, "No,"
He started walking down the street and I followed him. He stopped in front of another store and frowned.
"No," He said, looking at me and I nodded, laughing softly.
"Definitely not," I said. No way in the world will I be going to a restaurant for a salad.
We continued walking down the sidewalk and I perked up when I saw a Whole Foods. I pointed to it, "We could get some Pizza..."
Atlas nodded, "Okay, sure."
We hurried down the sidewalk and I smiled when we walked into the grocery store. The AC from the store blasted into my face, blowing my hair back. I looked back and beckoned Atlas to hurry up.
When he was finally inside, I led him to the pizza cafe. They had a little stand where they had ready pizzas so that's what we got. Atlas got a cheese pizza which he seemed happy with. I, on the other hand, got a pineapple, olives, and jalapeño pizza.
Atlas frowned at me, "Pineapple, really? Why does that make so much sense with you?"
I laughed, "It's really good!"
Atlas rolled his eyes and went to pay for the pizzas. I was about to tell him that I'll pay for it, but he shook his head with a finality that I didn't question.
"I pay next time," I glared at him.
He smiled, "Sure,"
I smiled and led him deeper into the store in search of something to drink. When we emerged into the drink aisle, I looked around. Finally deciding on a Sparkling pineapple drink, I grabbed it. Atlas grabbed an Aloe vera.
I frowned at him, "Is that your secret to clear skin?"
He laughed, "I guess, I don't know. It just tastes good."
I giggled and skipped down the aisle to the cashier. I gasped when we passed by an assortment of hats. I stopped, picking up a small pink cowboy hat.
"You should get one," I smiled, showing it to him. He frowned, shaking his head.
I pouted, "Come on, it's nice. Pink looks like your color."
He rolled his eyes and I took that as my chance to place it on his head. The little string hanging from both sides of the hat hung near his face. I giggled.
He picked another one up off the shelf and placed it on my head. I smiled, cheekily.
"I look sexy, don't I?" I smirked to which he laughed.
He smirked, "You wish,"
I rolled my eyes, "I'm getting it and you're getting that one too."
I didn't wait to hear his response and turned, walking to the cashier. I smiled at the lady checking out for us and paid for the drinks and hats. I stuck my tongue out at Atlas to which he rolled his eyes.
When we walked out of the grocery store, we sat at a patio table out front. I took a seat and Atlas sat across from me. He picked up his pizza, taking a bite from it. I smiled, curling my feet up on the chair, trying to get comfortable. Once I was, I dug in.
I looked up at Atlas, the air not wasting a moment to escape my lungs. His hair fell into loose curls around his hair and his blue eyes shone in colors I didn't know how to describe under the bright sun.
I took my phone out, snapping a picture from him. He turned his head, a confused frown on his face.
"Stop taking pictures of me," He said and I blushed, a small laugh leaving my lips.
"Why?" I asked, my eyebrows raising challengingly.
"Because it's weird." He said, putting his empty plate down on the table.
I rolled my eyes, "No, it's not."
He rolled his eyes this time, "Fine, I'll have to take one of you then."
I shook my head, a taunting smile on my lips, "Oh, Atlas. If you wanted a picture of me you could've just asked."
He rolled his eyes, "You're really cocky."
I laughed and before I could say anything, he already had his phone out and had snapped a picture. My lips parted.
"Hey, I wasn't ready for the picture." I pouted.
He smirked, "Well, yeah, that's the point."
I sat up in my chair and fixed the hat on my head, "Come on, take another picture." I smiled for the picture, "You know you want to."
When I thought he was going to roll his eyes and ignore me, he instead took a picture, smiling softly. I giggled.
A minute passes in silence. None of us say anything and we just sit there, sipping our drinks quietly. I let out an inaudible sigh, peeking at Atlas every few seconds. He's staring at the people walking on the sidewalk.
After a while, I zoned out thinking about how nice it was out there. It was almost five o'clock and the sun was still up in the sky, bright and orange. Pigeons and birds flew past us, looking around for their next meals.
I looked up as a guy maybe in his early twenties passed us by. He smiled at me widely, putting his charming smile on display. He then winked at me and I smiled at him. With that, he continued down the road.
I looked to Atlas and frowned in question at the deep frown on his face. I watched as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jeans pocket. I frowned deeper.
"You smoke?" I asked, staring at him as his fingers plucked a thin, white cigarette from the pack. He nodded, not sparing me a glance as he placed the stick between his lips.
I huffed. I didn't know why I cared so much. Almost everyone smoked nowadays, it wasn't a big deal. Heck, even I smoked once. It's just something about seeing Atlas doing it... scared me. He looked at peace as he lit the end of the stick, inhaling deeply afterward.
"You know those things are bad for you. They can kill you." I said, stupidly.
He let out a sarcastic laugh, "I think that's the point."
I stopped, my lips parted in surprise. I didn't know if that was just a dark joke or if he actually meant it. I hated with every fiber of my being that I couldn't tell. I try to meet his eyes, but can't help but stare.
His eyes snap to mine when he noticed me staring at him. I flinched at how icy and cold his eyes looked.
"What, Eden?" He spat, "Did you think I was some perfect guy without any issues? A guy who didn't smoke? A guy who didn't have problems?"
Before I could respond, he stood up and turned around, quickly throwing his trash in the garbage. He storms away and down the sidewalk. I try to get up as fast as I can, but that's when I realized that I didn't finish the crust of my pizza.
In a rush, I look up and realize that I'm going to lose Atlas in the crowd. I spot a pigeon pecking the ground and smiled. I grow the pizza at it and wince when it hit the pigeon in the head.
"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry." I blurt out, but frown. I'm talking to a freaking pigeon now. I let out a sigh of relief when the pigeon stops glaring at me and pecks at the pizza. I drop my trash in the garbage and run after Atlas.
I let out a sigh when I see his tense shoulders in the crowd. I run after him, weaving my way through the mass of people in my way.
"Atlas, wait!" I yelled. If he heard me, he doesn't turn around.
Some people turn around and look at me in confusion, but I push through. When I'm finally a few feet away from Atlas, I try again.
"Atlas, Goddammit. Wait!" I screamed and at that, he turns around, his eyes hard and masking so many swirling emotions— anger, grief, pain.
I let out a sigh of relief when I finally reached him. I met his eyes, mine begging for him to tell me what was wrong and his like a storm ready to destroy anything in its way.
"I know you're not perfect," I breathed out.
He frowned, his voice came out raspy and tense, "What?"
I flinched when his hand rose slightly. He frowned at me, his face relaxing into worry. When I shook it off, his face hardened again. I took in a breath.
"No, I didn't mean that. I meant that... I don't expect you to be perfect. You don't have to pretend with me, Atlas."
At those words, it was like the fire went out in his eyes and his shoulders sagged. I let out a sigh of relief. He balls his hands into fists and looks away from me.
"I'm sorry... I just-" he started, but I cut him off with my hand.
"You don't have to be sorry and you can explain when you're ready." I said, "I'll be here."
His eyes met mine and for a split second and I could swear he looked relieved. I was thankful that I was finally feeling useful.
He turned around and started walking, I followed. We walked a few yards in silence before he finally spoke.
"You know, you're not so bad." He spoke, softly.
I smiled, blushing as I looked away, "And it took you this long to realize?"
He let out a laugh, "Very cocky, noted."
I rolled my eyes, glancing at him briefly, "I'm not usually like this. It's just with you."
He quieted down and at that moment, I wanted to punch myself in the face. Why would you say that, Eden? Now he probably thinks we're weird.
To break the silence, I let out a soft laugh. I looked at him.
"I accidentally hit a pigeon with my pizza," I said.
Atlas looked at me, a confused look on his face. He chuckled, "Of course you did."
I rolled my eyes.
We didn't talk the rest of the way to the hotel. We just stared at the people walking past us and glanced at each other every few seconds. It was really awkward.
When we finally walked into the hotel, I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed that the dumb lobby lady wasn't there. Atlas and I stepped into the elevator.
It was incredibly quiet and I stared at my shoes the whole time, not daring to say a word. I almost yelled out in relief when the elevator doors opened on our floor.
I walked out first, Atlas walking right behind me. I didn't look behind me once and stopped in front of our door. I slipped the card inside and the door opened with a satisfying click.
I walked in a kicked my shoes off, taking a seat on my side of the bed. I got on and attempted to get more comfortable. Atlas watched me and I looked away, focusing on the blank TV screen. I grabbed the remote, clicking the TV on.
"Do you wanna watch something?" I asked, looking at Atlas briefly. He stared at me for a second before shrugging.
"I- I don't know." He said and waited a second before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. I frowned and flipped through some channels, looking for something suitable to watch. I finally settled on Coraline.
Halfway through the movie, I realize that Atlas hadn't come out of the bathroom. I frowned, sitting up and staring at the bathroom door. I paused the movie and stood up.
I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. There was no response. I frowned. This was his second time doing this and it was killing me not knowing what was going on with him.
What if he was sleeping? I frowned, why would he sleep in the bathroom when he had a bed. What if he was using the bathroom? For a whole hour... I shook my head.
Oh, my God, what if he was masturbating or some shit? I shook my head, my cheeks flaming red. For a whole hour? Again, that didn't make sense
I knocked again and this time, he responded, "What?"
His voice sounded like it was coming from the floor. He was probably sitting on the floor... But why?
"A-Are you okay?" I asked. I flinched when he let out a terse cough, startling me slightly.
"I'm fine. Just go." He said and I let out a worried sigh. I walked back to my side of the bed, turning the movie back on.
A few minutes later, at 7 at night, Atlas emerged. His eyes avoided mine and he looked tense. I sat up and watched as he walked over to his side of the bed and grabbed a sweatshirt. He slipped it on and before I could get a word out, he stormed out of the hotel room.
I thought about calling Jude and asking him what the hell was wrong with Atlas, but I decided against it. Who was I to even bother with it? I sighed, sinking into my bed.
I got a text from Leah and picked my phone up.
Hey, sorry we took so long, but we got busy and all of us decided to have dinner. Did you eat?
I smiled and quickly typed a response.
Yeah, I ate an hour or two ago, but can you bring back some fries?
She agreed and I tucked my phone away, turning my movie back on. I tried to focus on it, but just couldn't. My mind kept flitting back to Atlas and where he was going. After at least 20 minutes of worrying, I decided to text Jude.
Has Atlas texted you in the last hour?
I waited a few minutes and finally read his response when it came through.
No, why? is something wrong?
I assured him that there was nothing wrong and told him to have fun. Eventually, I tried to fall asleep. I shut off the lights and turned off the movie after I had slipped into my pajamas. I tried and tried, but I couldn't get my eyes to close. Every time, they would start to shut, my mind would remind me that the dreams would come back.
I don't know how long I laid there, trying to get myself to sleep, but it was very dark when the hotel room door clicked open again. I kept my head down.
I heard some shuffling behind me and then I saw Atlas's figure round the bed and stop at his side. He stared outside the window. I couldn't see what he was looking at, but he seemed to get lost in it for a while.
When he finally looked away from the window, he slipped his shirt or hoodie off (I couldn't tell in the dark) and slipped into the bed and under the covers. His legs touched mines and my breath hitched almost inaudibly, but I was sure he heard it.
He was not even a foot away from me and I could feel his breath fanning my face. I tried to get my brain to shut up, but the noise kept getting louder and louder. Atlas, next to me, kept moving. He was now laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.
I remembered the thing he told me earlier at the park. I got closer and I felt his head turn to look at me. I paid it no mind because if I did, I would've let the embarrassment eat me alive.
With a deep breath, I buried myself into his side, draping my arms around his arm closest to me. I felt his body relax and his breathing even. I placed my head closer to his and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
well anyways were almost at 5K and I AM SO GLAD. also check out my new tiktok bcuz im liking that one better the @ is aphroditessinne.r so yeah !! i love you all so much and stay rad <33
Waiting For You Online
At the age of 15, He Jin found himself a “husband” in an online game, their love was filled with loving affection and sweetness. However, because his study was being interfered with, his parent cut off the internet, he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye and had to disappear from the game. 8 years later, the online game in the past was about to come out with a revised edition and turned into a virtual reality game. He Jin decided to login again and unexpectedly discovered that his “husband” had become a powerful player and ranked number one in the whole server, moreover, he had not divorced him! However, the husband that was abandoned by He Jin for eight years, his initial impression of him was that of a pure boy, but now he seemed to somehow have become…….a little evil?
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Falling Petals
Death isn’t always the end, and sometimes we mistake it for a short nap at the end of a very long, and very stressful day. A frontier village was unnecessarily put to the sword. A father stoked the fires of war to punish an errant daughter, and perhaps set her straight, but as often happens when fire is applied in a measure too much: it can get rather out of hand. Nobody was supposed to die that day… but the village burned all the same, and the woman she loved was among the dead! Enraged, and seized with inspiration, she became something new, something stronger, and she will have her revenge! (on hiatus)
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Wrath. Greed. Sloth. Hubris. Envy. Gluttony. And Lust. Hell's an interesting place, filled with interesting people. Demons need an education like any other, and the Brimstone Institute of Demonics is the perfect place to pursue their academic dreams. An ancient hub of learning where each of the seven races work together in relative harmony to further their studies and master their magics. Oni or Glutton, Fallen or Imp, Golem, Nymph or Succubus, all are welcome to enroll. So what about an Incubus?
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Eternal love
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Love's Counterpart
Annabelle is frightened as her first season in London approaches. Marriage? She always hoped it would be for love. But what does she know about love. When looking for clues among her letters from her past suitors, she finds a letter she's never read before. Such passion and love, although she does not know its author, she has made it her ideal of what she wishes to find ... Love's Counterpart. Cyril Kane is probably the least romantic person on the planet. He wouldn't know a sonnet from a bonnet but upon seeing Annabelle all that has to change. He does not know how but he is determined to be the man worthy of her love. Made it through 3 rounds of the contest and on the short list from which the top five finalists and grand prize winner will be picked. 2-19-1802-01-18 Ranked 215 in Historical Fiction#OpenNovellaContest©All Rights Reserved by Ruechari If you are reading this story on any other site other than Wattpad you may be subjecting yourself to Malware. To view this story in it's original, safe form please go to the link provided. https://www.wattpad.com/story/128874217-love%27s-counterpart-opennovellacontest
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