《Welcome To The Family》Up With Noah




Noah sat at the table as he asked me to make him tea. I made each of us a cup and brought them into the dining room. Noah's eyes were on me the entire time I was in the kitchen and it made my skin crawl.

I would have wished I could read his mind if I didn't know what he was thinking would be absolutely terrifying.

I set the cups of tea down and sat. Noah kept staring at me as he pulled his cup toward himself.

"You probably have so many questions," he said.

I bit down on my lip. Gabe always said I was not allowed to ask questions. I did not want to make Noah angry and ask anything. I kept my gaze down on my mug of tea.

"Look at me," Noah said.

I sucked in a deep breath as I raised my chin to look at Noah. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"How much has Gabe told you about this family?" he asked.

"He has told me that the women stay inside while the men work outside," I said.

"What has he told you about our traditions?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Traditions?" I asked. "He has not really mentioned anything."

Noah took a sip of his tea. He did not take his eyes off of me. It was silent for a moment.

"I have to talk to Gabriel in the morning," he said. "There's things he needs to tell you tomorrow night."

"Like what?"

The question slipped from my lips. I covered my mouth with my hand when I realized that I asked a question. Noah punishing me in the middle of the night is not something I wanted.

Noah chuckled and took another drink of his tea.


"You are forgiven," he said. "I can see you know that you made a mistake."

I lowered my hand from my mouth.

"Thank you," I said.

"Gabe has lots to tell you tomorrow," he said. "What has Jenny said to you? You have been with her more than any of us. Maybe even Gabe."

"All she has told me is that she loves this family," I said. "She doesn't say much else."

"You know that I saved her, right?"

I wanted to ask him to clarify himself, but that was a question. We sat in silence for a moment, and that encouraged Noah to keep speaking.

"Jenny was living on the streets," he said. "Her birth family did not want her. They did not take care of her. They were all addicts and Jenny was going down the same path. We saved her from that."

"She could have saved herself," I said. "She didn't need this family."

"No, she needed us," he said. "You should have seen how sick she was when she came into this house. I nursed her back to health."

Noah reached out and put his hand on my arm. I curled my fingers tighter around my mug so that I did not rip him off of me. He would not take to that too kindly and a punishment would be waiting for me.

"We saved her," Noah said, "and we saved you."

"I did not need saving," I said.

"Yes, you do," he said. "There must be things in your old life that you hated."

I shook my head. I was not going to tell them anything about my life. They would probably find a way to twist it and use it to brainwash me.

"I was happy before," I said.


"You're not happy now?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I am being abused here."

Noah tightened his grip on my arm as he chuckled.

"You are not being abused," he said. "You are being taught a lesson every time that it is necessary."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to ball up my fist and punch Noah in the face. I wanted to get the key and run for the door. I knew that would be a useless attempt at rebellion.

"We want to protect you," he said. "We love you, Lindsey. Jenny and I see you as a daughter."

"My birth family is looking for me," I said.

Noah scowled.

"No they are not," he said. "No one in your old life loved you. I do not want to hear you talking about your birth family again. Apologize."

"I'm sorry," I said.

I covered my mouth as I yawned. My heavy eyelids were crashing down. I wanted Noah to let me go upstairs and crawl into bed. My body seemed to be shutting down.

"What is going through your mind?" Noah asked.

"I want to go to sleep," I said.


I raised my brow. It was a strange question.

"In my bed," I said.

"In your bed?" he asked.

My eyes widened when I realized what I had said. They were already crumbling my mind. I recognized Gabe's room as mine. Nothing in this home was mine. I could not be settling in like they wanted me to. I had only been here for a couple of weeks.

"I need sleep," I said.

"I don't think so," Noah said. "I think your mind is finally clearing."

"Please," I said. "I promise that I will be good. I'll listen to your rules. Just let me sleep."

Noah stared at me as he rubbed his hand along his jaw. I folded my hands in front of my face in prayer. I was reduced to begging my kidnappers.

"I'll do whatever you want," I said. "Please, just let me go to sleep."

"Whatever I want?" he asked.

I bit down on my lip. I should have not said that, but I could not take it back.

"Every time I see you with Gabriel, you better look happy," he said. "I want you to be smiling and kissing him. If I see anything less you will be staying up all night."

I nodded. I could maintain my sanity while pretending. I could not do that while being sleep deprived.

"Yes," I said. "I am okay with that."

"Get up to bed then," he said.

"Thank you."

I pushed my mug away from me as I stood. I hurried to the stairs, almost tripping over my feet.

Gabe had left the bedroom door open. I softly clicked it shut. I lifted the corner of the blanket and slid into the bed. Gabe rolled over when he felt the bed dip. He dug the heel of his hand into his eye as he propped himself up onto his elbow.

The hallway creaked as Noah walked down the hallway. I listened as their door closed at the end of the hall.

"What are you doing in bed?" Gabe asked.

"Noah said I could sleep," I said.

My heart pounded at the thought of Gabe making me continue to stay up.

My fears were gone when Gabe wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his bare chest. He lied back down and tightened his grip. My eyes came crashing down as I was finally able to fall into unconsciousness.

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