《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💗 Alpha!prince!Deku x omega!reader x Alpha! Shouto 2


Medieval Au part 2

[Long chapter]

Shouto pov.

That scent, who's is it? Normally one can't smell a person scent cause it was common practice for girls to wear make up. Yes it does work wonders on complection, but it hides a person's sent. As I followed the scent I found a group of omegas, huddled togeather. There clothes were very simple, or peasant clothing my father would call it. I was surprised to see so many omegas here, I was told all the Omega Villages decline the invitation. So why were they here. Though according to my teachers most omegas were quirkless, and those who did, didn't have very impressive ones. So there no threat I guess. Sadly I lost the scent in the crowd or huddle of the Omegas. There was too many scents, to find that particular one.

Then I quickly snapped out of my trance. What was I doing, I told

my self I was looking for a mate. So I turned away from the omegas and walked back into the crowd.


Deku Pov

As I wondered through the crowd, well or atleast tried to any ways. Betas and a few alphas constantly stopped me and flirted with me. And.. I'm not good at these things, what mostly happened was them talking and me being a blushing mess.

As I looked around I saw Kacchan surrounded by betas and alphas trying to win his attention. Thou it looked like Kacchan wasn't too happy with all the unwanted attention. As I slowly try to make my way over to them, but accidentally bummbed into some one.

"A-ahh! I-I'm so sorry," I stuttdered as I helped the girl up.

Just as I helped her to her feet, I got a strong wiff of a small of Honey and lavander. Looking over the girl, she did stand out. Her clothes were pretty simple and she is the only girl wearing a bonnet.

"A-are you o-mokay," I asked her. I looked closer at her features. She had beautiful e/c eyes and smooth s/c skin.

"I-I'm fine," she said softly. Her voice was So kind and sweet, it made my heart pound in my chest.

"I h-have to g-go," she whimpered as she started to back away from me.

"W-wait. I-I'm prince Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you, miss," I said with a bow.

"I-I'm y/n, nice to meet you your highness," she said with a bow.

I could feel my heart flutter as I slowly grabbed her hand. He flinched as she nervesly looked at me.

"I umm... Would you like a tour of the castle gardens?" I asked as I releases a calming scent.

"I- well.. Maybe a fast tour," she said with a nerves smile.

I lead her thought the garden. As we walked through the garden, we talked about what ever came to mind. I learned more about her home, her day to day chorse, and her family. In return I told her what city life was like. She came to a stop as she looked at the almost finished stage being set up.

"What's this?" Y/n asked as she got closer.

"O-oh umm. It's tradition for 6 chosen maidens to present themselves in front of the royal families. To show of their skills or quirks, t-to try and prove themselves worthy of being a part of the royal family," I explained.


"Umm, actually I was wondering what that dried lake behind the stage," she said with a giggle.

I felt so embarrassed as all the heat when to my face. As I quickly covered my face with my hands. I could hear her trying to hold back her laugh. I tried to conpose myself to the best of my abilities.

"Well umm. In the middle of the lake stood. Well once stood the moon goddess statue. And she would be in the middle of this once beautiful lake. Normally during these mating festivals, the performances would be held in front of her, right here in fact. Cause whenever we hold the mating Festival, there would always be a blue moon on the third night. And when that Moonlight shine down on the gem she held, it would give off the most beautiful radiance," I explained as I remembered the lake.

The statue would stand on a small patch of land in the middle of the lake on a small temple. But days went by and the lake dried up and the land in the middle of the lake gave way and collapsed. Thankfully the Monument was undamaged, but that led to another problem. If the lake were to be refilled the monument would be underwater.

"Well, I'd love to see it," y/n said as the wind blew lightly on her bonnet.

"Sadly the patch it stood on collapsed. So the monument isn't high enough to catch the earliest moonlight. And it's not the same as before when the lake was still.. A lake.. The moon would refect on the water as the light shined and light up the sky," I explained to her.

The sky cleared as the beautiful moonlight shined down y/n. The moonlight kissing her skin giving her a faint glow.

"Your highness," she called.

"Oh umm Izuku is fine," I corrected her.

"Alright, Izuku. Out of all the lovely ladies in the festival, why me? A lowly Omega," Y/n asked me nervesly.

"Your not a lowly omega. Your kind, caring, and sweet. I don't find many people who are like that," I said with a soft smile.

She seemed to like this answer as her cheeks turn slightly pink. Suddenly the clock tower struck 11pm. I think it was best for y/n to turn in for the night. I know some alcohol was being served an hour ago. So there will be a lot of drunken Alphas stumbling about.

"L-let me escort you back to your quarters," I suggested as I nervesly gave her my arm.

"Thank you," she said as she kindly took it.

As we made our way back to the front of the castle, there were definitely a lot of drunken Alphas. All the other will make it seem to have retreated back to their private quarters, which is probably the best idea for them. It was quickly proven right when suddenly 2 Alphas started fighting each other. Suddenly I felt y/n's hold ripped of as I heard her Chirp for help. I quickly turned to see y/n struggling against 2 drunken alphas.


Izuku let out a low growl as it got the attention of the 2 drunks. It was a good thing you're still sober enough to tell who it was from. They quickly let's go of Y/n, and backed away from Prince izuku.


"Are you alright. L-let's hurry back to your quarters," Izuku said as he picked y/n up bridal style. Quickly rushing through the crowd till they got to the gate.

"T-Thank you, s-so much," Y/n thanked still trembling.

"No problem y/n, sleep well. And I hope I to see you again," Izuku said with a blush on his face, he was caught off guard when y/n gave him a small peck on the cheek, as she Quickly turned entered the omega only section of the castle.

Izuku stood there for a minute, when suddenly he felt lighter than air. And his world some how got more bright and colorful then before. He was head over heels for this Omega, which he hope to make,

As Izuku left he failed to noticed a small group of nobel betas had been watching him. They did not like what they had seen.

"What does the prince see in that peasent," one scoffed.

"Omegas always steal the attentions of the alphas," another added.

"Calm down, omegas have nothing on us. We have style and grace, and impressive quirks to go with it. Most omega are quirkless, and tgose who do are probably worthless," the Head Beta of the group.

All of them were definitely beautiful, vile at heart. They all sat around the table as they took sups of their wine.

"But You saw how he helped that omega. He fancies her, charlette," one of the betas said to the head beta, charlette

"Well, if he simply left a girl in the hands of a bunch of drunks, it would ruin his image," charlette said nonchalantly.

"Besides Prince Midoriya doesn't scream Alpha like Prince Shouto or Bakugou. So don't worry about Prince Midoriya," she continued.

"So you didn't see prince Shouto. I saw him eyeing up the omegas. What's soo amazing omegas, they are the weakest of us and have nothing to offer," a different Beta said as she slammed her glass down.

"Don't worry we still have 2 days left, 2 days left to be chosen for the performance," charlette chuckled.

(Next day)

It was a sunny afternoon as the festivel continues. Now game and food tents have been set up. And our soft spoken omega Y/n was shyly wondering about the festival, 3 of her friends followed by her side. When suddenly they were pulled into a sucluded area by 4 well dressed betas.

"W-what to y-you want?!" One of y/n's friends whimpered.

"Simple, stay out of our way. We saw you with prince Midoriya. Know you listen here omega, that prince is ours," The beta said as she shoved y/n to the ground.

"They're soo mean," your other friends said as she helped you up.

"Lets just keep to our selves," Y/n said as she dusted her self off.

And So they did, they played games and eat all sorts of sweets. Having a grand time. Suddenly a strong gust blew y/n's bonnet off her head and flew over the crowd. Y/n quickly chased after it.


Shouto pov

As I wondered about the festival, trying to mind my own business. Yet left and right betas and some alphas constantly come up to me to flirt or try to gain my attention. I politely turn them away.

As I made my way through the crowd a bonnet flew right onto my face. I was hit with that same scent from last night, honey and lavender. I could feel the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand.

"E-excuse me. Y-your highness," a soft voice called.

I turned to see a young maiden, with long h/c hair, beautiful e/c eyes, and smooth s/c skin. I was right, this sent did belong to a Omega. She looked so small and frigale. I could feel the Alpha with in me demanding I claim her, here and know.

"Umm, c-can I have my bonnet back, please?" She nervesly asked.

"Oh. Yes, I'm sorry," I said as handed her bonnet back. For a few seconds could feel the warmth from her hands, when our hands touched.

She started to place her bonnet back on her head, for some reason I lost control over myself. I leaned foward and started smelling the crook of her neck, near her scent glands.

"Your highness!" The girl squeaked.

I quickly pulled back as I tried to quickly recompose myself. Her face was completely red and flustered.

"I-I should go," she said quickly as she turned and disspeared into the crowd.

I don't know why, it was like I was being pulled by an invisable leash, as I quickly followed her. I followed her sweet scent through the crowd.

"Wait!" I called out to her. She came to a hesitant stop.

"Forgive me of my... Improper Behavior. I'm prince Shouto Todoroki, who might you be?" I asked her with a bow.

"Y/n L/n, nice to m-meat you," Y/n answered with a small curtsy.

"Your from the omega villages, I thought you all declined. What changed your mind?" I asked her.

"I'm, uumm. Y-your father is a v-very convincing man," she said with a nerves chuckle.

"My father threatened you didn't he," I said bluntly as y/n gave me a shocked looked. Then she slowly nodded her head.

"He's a cruel king, and father,"

"Oh dear, did you have someone to turn to in your family?" She asked me.

"My mother, but she eventually snapped and than was taken away. when I was young," I answered simply.

"I'm sorry.. My mother was taken from me too. This bonnet was once hers, when she was a young maiden before she met my dad," she said with a small smile.

"What happened to your mother, if you dont mind me asking," I asked her.

" Omega Villages are known to be raided, buy betas are some sort of Outlaws. One day there was a raid happening and they, just took her away. She never came back," she said looking down at her feet.

My heart goes out to her. She has to go through that sort of terror often , while I am tucked away safely in the castle.

"Well, I'll stop eating up your time your highness," she said with a bow.

"Wait.. Will I see you again?" I asked her placing a small kiss on her hand.

"Maybe," she said shyly as she slowly disappears into the crowd.

'I hope so,' I said to my self.

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