《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💗 Alpha!prince!Deku x omega!reader x Alpha! Shouto 3


Medieval AU Part 3

It was almost night, the sun was lowering behind the mountains.I was in the omega quarters with my friends. As my friends and I were talking, servent with blond hair, blue eyes, and a cocky smile on his face.

"Greetings, I'm one of King Endeavor's servants. I'm Monama. My powerful king has requested you to be a particapent in the Gala," Monama said handing me a endorsement paper.

"The Gala?" One of my friends asked.

"The Gala is a performance or competition held in front of the royal family-"

"To try prove they are worthy to be apart of the royal family," I finished for him.

"Oh thats good. Your not a stupid Omega. So being the smart omega you are, you should probably already know this is not a request. It's an order," I said in a serious tone, as he turned and walked away.

"I'm starting to get really annoyed, by all their insults about our intelligence," My friend Denki sighed.

"Endeavor already forced us to come. Does he want to humiliate us as well," said a bystander.

(Later that night)

The sky was cloudy and blocked out the blue moon. All the guest were gathered in the garden, with the royal family watched from the balcony of the Palace.

"I hear an omega is going to perform," Bakugou scoffed, only to earn a slap on the head by his mother.

"Shouto you will pick a mate. Cause if you don't I will choose for you," Enji warned his son.

Shouto glared at his father, and quickly turned his attention back to the stage.

"Are You ready young Midoriya?" All Might asked his son.

"I'm nerves, I think most are after alphas like Todoroki or Kacchan," Izuku said honestly.


Behind the stage the contestance were doing last minute preparations, readying themselves. Y/n was peaking throught the slight crack between the curtains. A figure sneaked up behind y/n grabbed her by her neck. Then pinning her against the wall. Charlette glared daggers at y/n, as her grip on y/n's neck tightened.

"You don't belong here, omega. For years know, Betas finally get the attention and love we deserve. Yet you and your people come crawling back and for the Alphas to sweeping us aside again," Charlette's said with a neutral face, but her eyes only showed anger and disgust. Her grip tightened again.


Y/n gasps for air, as she tries to pry charlette's hand of her neck.

"We were doing just fine with you omegas gone. But I guess I'll just have to show you were your place is," charlette said with a cold smile as a sharp daimond dager formed in her hand.

Suddenly a strong hand grabbed charlette's hand pulling her off of y/n. They turned to see a strict looking man in knight's armer.

"I understand this is a Fierce competition, but if you're going to act like a Savage animal. Then I'm afraid I must have scored you out," the knight said in a deadly low voice.

What's a scoff she left. Y/n slid to the floor as she tried to gain her breath.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I Sir Iida Tenya will keep an eye out for you,miss," Iida said with a bow.


"Ladies and Nobel men, I'm glad you all came to this special festival. I'm sure you have mostly likely found your mate at this point. And if you haven't, that is fine. Your still young, and have lots of time. But know it is time for the Gala. Unfortunately cause of the weather I'm afraid that we won't see the blue moon Aurora. Also the temple is not in the best position at this time. Though The Show Must Go On, and the Gala will go on," Lady midnight announced.

And so they did, the Gala presented many beautiful and powerful women. Almost all were Beta and Alphas who were showing off their quirks, from shapshifting, to fortune telling, and charlette's diamond quirk. Y/n was starting to get nerves.

"Y/n were ready," y/n's friend denki said holding up his instrument with a few others behind him.

Charlette's performance finally came to an end as she slowly Made A Way backstage. She gave Y/n one last cocky smile.

"I hope you break a leg," she said as she pushed Y/n aside.

Y/n took a deep breath and stepped out onto the stage. Working in front of the crowd, she could see Denki and her other friends ready with their instruments ready. You see Y/n Quirk only gets stronger if music accompanies her.


Y/n took another deep breath as she could her the instruments starting to play. She told them her plan ahead of time, so they knew what to do. Y/n sings her first song.

As her song finished the wind has caused the clouds to part. Revealing the beautiful blue moon. The crowd clapped lightly, they weren't really impressed.

"Tch. Wind that's it,"Bakugou said with a cocky smile.

"Kacchan, please don't be so rude," Izuku said as he looked over to Bakugou.

"She's just a hair above useless, she can move clouds big deal," Bakugou chuckled.

Izuku growled softly, but was snapped out of it when the music continued. Thou the song was different, as Y/n began to sing a different song.

As she sang the earth began to tremble. There were surprised gasps in The crowd as they saw the moon temple being lifted of the grounds of the dry lake. Raising into the air by a new foundation of hard sturdy rock.

Her song finished, as now the temple stands on a tall hill in the middle of a dried up lake. As the blue moon shined behind the mountain, it's raise not found its way to the moonstone within the temple.

The crowd didn't know what to think. Though they were certainly surprised. Yet the music didn't stop as another song was beginning.

Water appears in the sky as it quickly falls into the lake filling up the lake.

As the song to finished the lake was restored to it's former glory. As The Moon Rises over the mountains, the moon rays found its way to the Moonstone lighting up the sky in a blue Aurora. The crowd cheered and awed at the spectacle. Y/n let out of breath of relief along with her small band friends. Y/n hopped off the stage and hugged her friends.

"That was amazing!" Izuku shouted in awe.

"So beautiful," Shouto mummbled to himself.

Shouto looked over at Midoriya, to see his eyes trained to you. He could feel himself growl as he watch Izuku get up from his seat, and quickly make his way down to you.


Amazing. Y/n-Chan is Amazing. I have.. I have to make her mine.


I.. I won't.. I won't let Midoriya have her. I won't let anyone take her away.


"Y/n!" Izuku called out to you.

Y/n turned from her friends to see the prince running towards her. Before she could say anything, izuku picked her up and spun around. Then quickly pulled her into a tight hug. As he did he slowly took in her scent.

"P-prince Izuku?" Y/n studdered at the sudden hug.

"Y/n You were spectacular out there. Not only that, you restored the moon Temple. I have to give you my greatest thanks for that," he said as he kissed the top of y/n's hand.

"Miss Y/n," a voice said behind them. Y/n turned behind her to see Prince Shouto.

"You were amazing tonight. Your voice is very beautiful," Shouto said with a small smile.

"T-Thank you, your high-," Y/n was interupted by severe coughing and a tight pain in her chest, as she coughed up some blood. Her drawback, uses of power too much it'll cause you're great pain.

"Y/n!" Denki called out as he helped

y/n regain her balance.

"Excuse us, your highnesses," Denki excuses them.

Prince Izuku and Shouto watched the omegas leave and vanish in the crowd.

Izuku tried to follow but was stopped by Shouto, as he was glared daggers into Izuku. A low growl could be heard from him.

"Back off midoriya," Shouto warned.

"Y/n is my omega,"

"Y/n doesn't belong to anyone yet. If I have to go through you to get to her. Then I won't hesitate," Izuku said as he growled in return.

Back at the Omegas quarters y/n lays on the bed in great pain. Denki stayed by her side.

"Denki, our wagon home is here," an omega named Al said.

With a nod Denki picks Y/n up bridal style, and takes her to the wagon with the other Omegas. But Denki didn't see y/n's bonnet fall off. So it remained on the bed, as the omegas head home.

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