《Freshman》Alexander- June


Well, I guess its finally here. The last few days of the school year. Tomorrows the second-to-last day. Not much has happened in the past month, just stupid old learning and regular high school drama. There's supposed to be some huge assembly, where all the seniors (who already ad their last day) come back. Its out on the football field, which should be pretty nice. I'm not sure of everything that's supposed to happen, but I know there's going to be some "surprises", as the principal said. Well this should be interesting. I'm honestly just waiting for this year to be over. Then bring on summer!

I'm so sick of all these immature kids who are way older than me. I mean, there's some sixteen year old freshmen. And that's just sad. But after Tuesday, I won't be seeing them for another few months. All I really do during the summer is sit on my couch and play 2K12, but that's 100 times better than sitting in a boiling class room with smelly teenagers. I smell good. Like Old Spice...

Moving on...

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