《Freshman》Alexander 5



Ugh. Monday. The worst day of the week, I think we all can agree.

Worst part. I have to face Savannah after what happened on Saturday. This is going to get real awkward real fast. I'm not looking forward to it at all.


She didn't even look at me. I tried to say hi when she walked by me, but she didn't respond. Did I really mess up that badly?

Oh great, an assembly today. At least it gets me out of class for a whole period. This one was like a pep rally to "kick off the school year", or so they say. I'm expecting a bunch of teachers I don't even know to be talking about boring stuff.

Wow, I was so wrong. This is awesome! First, the senior dance crew, StepUp, performed a cool routine. Everyone cheered and sang along to their song.

After that, the cheerleaders came running in as that One Direction song played. All the girls in the gym were singing along. Savannah was singing along, too. And guess who she was sitting next to? Who other than Mackenzie. Great. I bet they were talking about me. I'm not stupid. They never really talked before, and suddenly they're all buddy-buddy. Obviously Mackenzie knew something she shouldn't, because she kept glancing up at me. I tried to ignore it and just enjoy this pep rally.

The step team then performed. Their routine was really... ghetto, but that was what we were used to.

Next came the basketball team. I noticed one boy, I think his name was Dylan. He was blonde, one of the few all-blonde kids at HHS. He had his lip pierced, and he wasn't too bad looking.

"Who are you looking at?" Woe. That scared me. It was this girl from science class, Deana. What did she want?

"Umm, no one?"

"Dylan? That's my brother. Don't you even think about it. I know you're that bi kid from the middle school." That made some heads turn. Deana was mean. I didn't know she was Dylan's sister.

I just looked away, shook my head, and sighed. I didn't need another problem in my life right now. I had too much to think about with Savannah and all.

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