《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》Death Mountain ➺22
Art by Mei-xing on Tumblr
Link yawned and pulled his Sheikah Slate from his side. I leaned against his shoulder, watching him tap away as the bright blue sky made way for night. Link absent-mindedly shifted towards me, laying his head atop mine. "So.... one left, huh?" He nodded in agreement and moved the Sheikah Slate where I could see it. He pointed to an undiscovered area up in the corner. It seemed like he'd already uncovered the majority of the map. "I bet you anything we need to go here." I tilted my head. "You sure?"
"Positive. We don't really have many other options." I yawned. "Alright, then how do you plan on getting there?"
"There's a shrine a ways away from that area. We could travel there and look for a stable." I gave him a curious glance. "We can take a break. It's no use trying to reclaim another Divine Beast while we're exhausted." I understood his point as my eyelids were becoming heavier by the second. I glanced up as the sky grew dark around us. Specks of silver shone through, providing a bit of illumination in the otherwise dark landscape.
I stood up and looked back to see Link was watching me carefully. "We'd better get going. I don't want to have to fight whatever might attack us tonight." He blinked and shifted his gaze whilst standing up and brushing the stray grass clippings from his legs. "Y-Yeah. I guess so." He pulled the Sheikah Slate from his belt and took my hand in his. Link held the tablet for me as I selected a shrine close to our destination. I closed my eyes as a bright blue light swirled around our bodies, instantly teleporting us to our location.
The light faded as my feet touched the ground once again. I felt Link's hand still secure in my own and sighed. He took notice and gave my hand a quick squeeze. I smiled and opened my eyes to take in my surroundings. My footing gave way for a moment, as the grass had become slick with rain. Said droplets fell against my cheeks as I stared up into the gloomy sky. I brought my hand to my face to wipe away the water. "Enjoy it while you can," Link said with a grin. "What do you mean by that?"
"Have you remembered anything about the Gorons?" I shook my head. I'd seen a few in Gerudo Town, but had never approached one before. They were lumbering, rocky creatures with large round bodies and jagged backs and shoulder blades. Based on their build, I could guess what Link meant by his comment. I only hoped it wouldn't be as hot as I'd imagined.
Link gave my arm a quick tug. He'd taken a few steps towards the nearby stable and was urging me to follow along. Shielding my head with my sleeve as best I could, I caught up to him and leaned over his shoulder. He was examining the map yet again, holding a gloved hand just above the screen in order to shield it from the dripping sky. "You're sure we're nearby?" Link nodded and pointed out past the foggy horizon. There was a mountain off in the distance, glowing softly despite the dreary night. I stood on the tips of my toes, attempting to get a better look at the mysterious landmark. Unfortunately, a mass of clouds rolled by, obscuring it from my sight entirely.
I turned to Link once more. He'd been staring at me again, this time through partly lidded eyes. Beads of water had been caught in his eyelashes. They reflected light like morning dew as he watched my face. "What?" I asked curiously. If he was going to stare, he really should've picked a spot away from this downpour. I gave him a strange look as he reached back behind my neck. With a flick of the wrist, my hood was lying over my head. He'd pulled on it a bit too hard and allowed it to fall over my eyes. I lifted up the fabric and frowned, raising an eyebrow at his behavior. "Sometimes I wonder if I should be taking care of you." I shook my head indignantly, remembering all the times I'd saved his life as we made our way down to the stable. "Keeping my hair out of the rain doesn't put you in charge."
The stableman was less than pleased as we trudged into his inn, dripping wet and dragging mud across the wooden floors. He gave a disapproving scowl and a shake of the head, but said nothing of it. I pulled my hood back and gave him an apologetic wave. He hid his face behind a book, pretending to have never seen us. He was holding it upside down.
I sat down at an empty bed, ensuring there was one waiting for Link right beside it. I leaned back and propped my head up on my hand. Link took his sweet time counting out rupees and speaking with the miffed stableman. I felt myself nodding off. Eventually, I couldn't stay up any longer. I laid my head down against the quilted bed as I fell fast asleep.
I approached the manager of the stable and reached out, only to stop myself for a double-take. He'd buried his nose in a book that'd been flipped upside down. I shrugged and knocked gently on the wooden desk. The man peered over his awkward reading and glared. "Yes?"
"We'd like to rent some beds. Uh- Two please," I said, taking a second to mentally recount our party. I wasn't quite sure why I'd done this. His relentless scrutinizing was making me nervous. "Right. That'll be 100 rupees." My eyes widened. "100?" That was cheaper than our typical price of 160 rupees.
"Each." My shoulders slumped. (Y/n) and I hadn't sold anything in quite some time. "Hold that thought." I took a quick jog outside, pulling my clothes around me tightly. I shielded my eyes and turned on my heel, but didn't see any merchants nearby. I didn't blame them. It was far too rainy out to be trading here. I dashed back inside, still shivering and dripping fresh water over the floors. The man gripped the edge of the desk and ground his teeth in anger. "Sir... I must request that you either pay or leave!" I glanced to my side, seeing (Y/n) already fast asleep. "What else could I pay you with?" He drummed his fingers against the table. "Well... your friend there. I noticed she's carrying a bit of diamond jewelry-"
"Her brooch?" I interjected. My face fell as the man nodded. "Sorry, but that isn't for sale." He scowled. "And may I ask why not?" I looked to (Y/n) once more. She'd once promised to take that brooch to Isha. I couldn't remember her ever getting around to it. "We have some unfinished business with it." With a roll of his eyes, the man accepted my answer. "Then how do you intend to cover it?" A jolt of surprise ran through my body as I felt a large hand on my shoulder. My eyes slowly shifted upwards to see what was standing behind me. The figure gave a hearty laugh. "You alright there, brother?"
I felt the tips of my ears tip down as he spoke. Behind me was a Goron. He was just like I'd remembered, a hulking, rock-like beast who towered over me. "I-I! Um, yes...?" I stuttered incoherently. He gave another laugh. "The name's Kairo. I'm a traveling merchant. I frequent this place pretty often on my trips from Goron City," he chuckled. "Ain't that right?" The stableman grumbled something and clutched at the cover of his book. "Anyway, if you've got something to trade, I could get you enough to pay for the night."
"O-Oh! Thank you," I said, reaching into my bag for something to barter with. I landed on a small Gerudo scimitar. "Will this do?" He took it in his hands and looked it over. "Hmm... so you're a traveler too?" he asked, handing over the necessary rupees to the stableman, who shrank from the counter as soon as possible. "Yeah. Me and (Y/n) over there travel together. In fact, we were planning on heading to Goron City some time soon," I stated as he walked with me from the desk. I set down my stuff beside (Y/n). A woman was lying nearby the two of us. She seemed to perk up a bit at the mention of the city. Kairo nodded. "Oooh. We don't get many couples in Goron City."
"O-Oh we aren't-"
"Of course the two of you might burn up before you get there." I shot up in alarm. "Yeah, it's pretty hot. Hylians like you need something called a- um... well I forgot the name. But you make it with one fireproof lizard and... something else." I sighed. Sure, he'd warned us about our fiery death beforehand, but what were we supposed to do now? "Fireproof elixirs," I heard the nearby woman say. She yawned lazily and propped herself up. "Not many people even try reaching Goron City, but you seem pretty determined. My name's Gaile." She stretched and reached behind her, gathering a few bottles from the pack at her bedside. "I'll tell you what... I'll sell you a couple elixirs." She dangled a few bottles out in front of her. "Three for 150. Whaddya say?" I grinned and turned to Kairo, reaching back into my bag for more materials to trade with.
I flopped back down onto my bed, exhausted. It'd been a long night of trading and bartering, and I was ready to pass out. I heard (Y/n) shifting in her own bed. I turned over and propped my head up on my arm. I watched her silently for a short while, smiling to myself like a bit of an idiot. Her eyelids fluttered open slightly. "Link...? You're awake?" I chuckled and held my hand out. She was just close enough to slowly lace her own fingers with mine. I ran my thumb across the back of her hand gently. "Shh... I'm fine. Go back to bed." She frowned and tugged my arm a bit. I shivered as the cold air hit me and got her meaning. I stood up as silently as I could, walked around to her side and joined her under her own quilt. I wrapped my arms around her back and shoulders and let her lean into me. "Y'know, you once got pissed at me for talking about sharing a bed," I whispered against her ear, unsure if she could still hear me or not. "Shut up..." she mumbled before dozing off once again. I smiled softly, watching her for just a moment more. Her skin was soft, and far warmer than my own lonely bed and quilt. It was marked by the occasional small scratches and shallow scars like mine, along with her signature golden wound. I brought her closer, pressing a gentle kiss to that mortal reminder before drifting off myself.
I awoke feeling secure and safe. Someone's body was pressed against my own, their arms strongly wrapped around my back. I'd laid my head against their chest and intertwined my legs with theirs. Worry gripped my head as I adjusted to my surroundings. It had been a long rest and I needed to recollect myself. I took a deep breath, and immediately recognized the boy holding me. I'd come to recognize his scent, as we'd spent so much time together. It was nice, and surprisingly comforting. I adjusted myself to continue sleeping for a moment, before turning quite red with embarrassment.
"I can't believe that's all I need to recognize him," I thought to myself. Slowly, I tried to remember what had led us into this situation. Everything was a bit fuzzy, but I didn't mind. The air was still a bit chilly, and I wouldn't have wanted to spend the night alone. I felt Link pull me a bit closer. His slow, steady breathing told me he was still asleep. All was well.
"Wait..." I turned my head slightly, peering out the open stable doors. From what I could see, it was late in the afternoon. I pushed away from Link and swung my feet over the side of the bed. After tugging on my boots, I walked just outside the stable. The ground was still damp with a bit of mud, but there was no sign of yesterday's weather. The distant sun seemed to be drifting towards the horizon again already. I walked briskly back inside and knocked on the desk of the stableman. With a sigh, he came my aid. "Yes?"
"Did my friend ever give you the time we wanted to be woken up?"
"I'm afraid I can't recall...." the man mumbled, gazing off to the side. I gave him a glare and nodded, stepping back to wake up the hero. "Come on. We've got to get moving." Link groaned and brushed the blonde hair from his forehead. "Already?"
"We've been here a few hours too many, Link. We need to get to Goron City sometime soon, if we are in the right place." Link yawned and stretched, before gathering his stuff. "That reminds me, I met one of the Gorons last night." I cocked an eyebrow. "Really? What'd he say?"
"We're definitely in the right place... but...." I crossed my arms, knowing by the way he'd phrased that, "but" couldn't possibly mean anything good. "There's a slight risk of... well...."
"C'mon. What is it?" I prodded, pushing his shoulder lightly. "It's possible that we might just burn to death on the way there?" I took my hand from his shoulder with a gasp. "Huh?!"
"Don't worry! I met a girl last night too. She offered me these elixirs that'll keep us from burning up." He turned around for a moment and collected something from his bedside. Glasses clinked as he looked back to me, offering up an armful of small bottles. I took one up by the neck and examined its contents, disgusted. I glanced up from the grotesque liquid sloshing about the bottles to view Link's grinning face. "So, let me get this straight. You want us to risk burning alive because some stranger you met last night sold you magical sludge?"
Link's smile fell. "Well... do you have a better idea? That Goron guy seemed to trust it." With a sigh, I shook my head. I would've loved to present an alternative to drinking this crap, but I couldn't think of anything better. "So do you want to drink them now or later?" Link asked, holding a bottle far too close to me for comfort. "Ugh. Later. If I'm going to drink that, I at least want to get full use of it.
The hero laughed. The bottles in his arms clanked as he did so. "Alright alright, then we need to get going. I don't want to have to travel there at night." I follow him outside, ensuring that he'd picked up all he needed. "Would it really make a difference? If it's really that hot, there's got to be some kind of molten rock or magma heating the place. Maybe that's the light source we saw last night?"
Link nodded in agreement as we traveled. The path started off as they had thus far, ripe with foliage and wildlife. We passed a few timid squirrels, colorful birds, and even some deer as we walked. Each of which ran away as we approached. Soon enough, the vivid wildlife began to fade. Blades of grass were replaced with dusty pebbles and jagged rocks. We walked under a natural arch, carved out by wind-wrought erosion. Twisted iron workings lined the inside of the arch, pointing down at us as we walked underneath them. Each work we encountered further convinced us that this was an industrial civilization.
As we moved onwards, I felt my feet start to slow. We hadn't been traveling any drastic distances, yet my clothes were quickly becoming soaked with sweat. Still, I persisted, not wanting to drink whatever was in those bottles. I could only hope that "burning up," as described by Link, was an exaggeration. I kept this mindset, until I smelt smoke towards my left. "Link, do you smell that?"
Link wiped the sweat from his forehead. "The lava we're closing in on? Or the sweat?" I nodded. Lava. That must've been it. "Yeah probably. I just was worried that- Oh shit!" Link had been carrying a wooden bow on his back. It began to smoke as he walked, and seemed to be a moment from catching fire. I grabbed the weapon from his back and lifted it away from him just as it caught flame. Link cried out in shock as I tossed it to the ground and stomped on the fires, attempting to put them out. To my surprise, they only grew bigger until the limbs and bowstring had been completely consumed. "T-They weren't kidding...." I made sure to tuck away my spear, ensuring that no stray embers would light my precious weapon a-flame. Hopefully, the Great Fairy's magic could hold it together for now.
Link pulled two bottles from his bag. "Well, I'm not taking any chances. I'm drinking one of these. Feel free to join me." I rolled my eyes. I know I'd doubted his plan, but he didn't need to taunt me now that I knew I couldn't go any further without the elixirs. I took the second bottle from his hands and grudgingly swirled the grayish sludge around as best I could. It seemed to be almost congealed, like a glass of milk that'd spoiled long ago. I felt myself shiver as I took the cork in between my fingers and plucked it from the glass container. The stench was practically multiplied by the heat as I peered inside. I found myself turning away as my eyes watered. Link mimicked my distaste before collecting himself. "Alright... you ready?" I nodded.
"Bottoms up," he said, tilting his head back to drink. I did the same, grimacing as I downed the whole bottle. A strange feeling traveled down my skin, as though I'd just applied Chu Chu jelly to myself. The drink was every bit as disgusting as I'd predicted. Link stuck out his tongue and gagged. "I didn't expect much from a drink made of lizards but-"
"Lizards??" I said incredulously, finding a new hate for this drink. I tossed the cork to the side, only for it to burst into flames and crumble as it broke into ash. Link jumped and lifted his foot, so that he wouldn't be burned by any stray sparks. I shook my head. "Now that that's over, we need to keep going. I want to get to Goron City and out as fast as possible." Link agreed quickly and picked up his pace. Luckily, the elixirs seemed to be working, as I didn't feel any new burning sensations.
The land was just as barren and strange as I'd imagined. The only color sprang from puddles of lava and the occasional shimmering rock, which we mined for rare materials. These would be useful once we made it to Goron City. Dust and dirt quickly gathered on my clothing as we climbed from cliffside to cliffside. We passed a multitude of structures, seemingly abandoned by the Gorons. I actually had to step over an overturned mine-cart at one point.
Eventually, Link and I reached a particularly steep cliff. Link nodded towards it. "Can't hurt to try." I shook my head. It definitely could, but perhaps this vantage point could help us see where we were. I wiped my palms off and began the climb. After a bit of time, I pulled myself over the top. I yelped and leaned back as a bit of lava flew up towards my face. "Link! Do you have any idea where you're going?!" Link joined me at the mountain top. "Well... not really. But I figured we could see the city from here." Upon looking around and spotting nothing, I sighed. "No, no! Look!" Link pointed out past the pooling lava. Sure enough, far to the side was an incomplete shrine. It could hardly be seen, as it glowed the same orange as the lava that was common throughout this land.
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