《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》Trials of the Hero ➺21
Art by Seraralei on Twitter
Link tightened his grip around the hilt of the sword and made a determined face. His breathing quickened, despite his obvious attempts to slow it down. I bit my lip in expectation. We heard a tiny voice speak up. "Wait!" One of the many lurking koroks stepped up next to Link. "If you want to get strong enough to lift the sword, we can help you! We have a few trials that only the most strongest of heroes could complete!" announced the tiny creature, doing his best to impress us. "Do you wanna try?" Link caught my eye curiously, as though asking me what I thought of the situation. I pretended to ignore him. Honestly, I was rather relieved that the koroks had interrupted us. I trusted Link, but was he truly strong enough to lift that blade once again?
"Um..." Link paused, unsure of whether or not he should agree to this offer. "A-alright," he said hurriedly. I wondered why he seemed so nervous. Perhaps he didn't believe he could take the sword either. My thoughts were cut off by a chorus of cheerful koroks, excited to see how Link and I would handle these trials. "Yay! Oh- I mean great! If you're truly up for it, then you can talk to Chio," the korok said, pointing to a slightly larger korok a little ways away. "Good luck!" he cheered as we approached the other korok. After a brief bit of excited explanation and promises of prizes, he finally pointed us to our first destination. "If you head that way, just north of here, you'll find your first trial..." he stopped for a moment to build tension. "The trial of the Lost Pilgrimage!"
"Lost Pilgrimage? What do you mean by that?"
"I can't spoil the surprise. It's your job to go see!" Link sighed softly. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Alright then, let's go." I was about to turn when I heard the koroks chattering away. "Wait! If this one is the hero, then is she allowed to help? These are supposed to be his trials."
"They won't be as fun if he isn't trying on his own! Plus, it'll mean less if his hand is held," the koroks bickered. I scoffed. Familiar bits of glittery pink dust drifted down in front of me. I glanced up to see Lilah hovering nearby, her arms crossed. I felt guilty that I hadn't noticed she'd been gone. "These two work as a team! You can't just separate them! That's not fair."
"Hey! These are korok trials. You don't get to pick what's fair," countered another korok. Lilah shook her tiny head and landed on my shoulder, tapping her foot impatiently. "Whatever. You guys can choose if you want to play by their rules. I say we try for the sword without their help!" I ignored her interjections and met Link's eye. He'd made the decision to accept the korok's help, and he'd be the one completing the trials. It was up to him. "Well?"
"Well?" (Y/n) asked curiously. She looked resigned, assuring me that what came next was entirely up to me. I didn't much like the idea of leaving her behind for these trials, or at all. But, then again, these trials were designed by koroks. They couldn't possibly be that difficult. I held on to this notion as I made my final decision. "I'll be alright this time, (y/n). Trust me." She cast her gaze downwards for a moment, searching for the right words to say, before she chose a more comforting approach. She brought me in for a hug. Lilah was pushed from her shoulder as my body pressed to hers. The tiny fairy flit away, unhappy with our actions. "I know you can do this. And, when you get back, you'll be able to wield the Sword of Legend." She held me at arms length for a moment. "So... come back soon. Good luck."
I gave her the most confident smile I could muster. "Not that I'll need it," I announced with determination. It must've not worked out the way I'd planned, as she'd only laughed and messed with my hair a bit. "'Course you can." I frowned, heat rising to my face and across the tips of my ears. I turned to leave until a pinkish blur blocked my path. "You'd better make it back soon. Don't worry her so much!" I nodded and sidestepped the fairy. It was clear she didn't like me very much after the whole kidnapping incident.
I felt a tug at my pant leg and glanced down. One of the koroks was clearly ready to watch the trials. It pointed in the direction of my very first challenge excitedly. As I traveled along the lightly trodden path, I took one last look at (y/n). She stood back solemnly, resting one hand on her hip. She looked quite beautiful. Golden rays of light peaked through the canopy of trees just sparingly enough to highlight her features. (Y/n) met my eye and adjusted her (h/c) hair before waving farewell. I felt an awkward smile tugging at my lips as I waved back. Despite the months we'd been traveling together, she still made me nervous.
After a bit of walking, I found myself standing in front of a hollowed tree trunk. It acted as a sort of tunnel to the trial location. I walked through and narrowed my eyes as the temperature seemed to drop. The air regained the ghostly texture we'd encountered before reaching the Great Deku Tree. Little blue lights shimmered around me as I walked, seeking out any clues that might lead me to my challenge.
Eventually, I met another korok. It seemed quite worried, staring off into the woods anxiously. I approached and caught its attention. "Oh! You must be Mr. Hero." I nodded. "My goodness, I am so glad to see you! My name is Tasho. My little boy, Oaki, is determined to get through the Lost Woods alone... He believes he can complete this trial all by himself!" I tilted my head in bewilderment. Why on earth wasn't she stopping him?
She continued as though she'd read my mind. "I've tried convincing him to stop, but he's just too stubborn. Oh please, won't you follow him? I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt..." Tasho said, distressed. "I'll do it. Where is he?" She pointed in the direction of another, much smaller korok, but stopped me before I could continue. "Wait! In order to do this, you can't let him see you! He'll either run off or get mad if he knows I sent you after him. He wants to feel brave. I want to protect him, but I don't want him to think I don't believe in him." I sighed and nodded in understanding. This would make things far more difficult than they were before, but this was still manageable. In fact, if all the trials were this way, then this was going to be easier than I thought.
When I'd finished talking to Tasho, I snuck behind a tree and waited for her son, Oaki, to begin his journey. To be completely honest, I felt a bit creepy watching this kid. Sure, I was there to keep him safe, but this was still a bit unnerving. The poor thing was shaking like a leaf at the slightest noises. Unfortunately, that meant I'd have to be extremely quiet.
The korok child began walking through the forest slowly, twiddling his thumbs (or branches?) as he moved. I creeped along, just out of sight, ducking behind tree trunks and tall blades of grass. I kept up this pattern as I followed him. At one point, a few stray branches tumbled down from the trees. Oaki came incredibly close to seeing me, but I managed to get out of sight just in time. I breathed a sigh of relief and pressed my back against the bark of a tree. I glanced up and gasped, shooting up from my spot on the ground. This tree was one of many we'd seen before, with a twisted look of horror captured in its unnatural face. I took a few steps back and hurried after Oaki once more.
A few minutes later, Oaki heard a frightening sound and jumped back, cowering in the brush while I waited patiently. He took his time mustering up what courage he could. I sighed and and looked around, wishing he could hurry up so I could return to (y/n) sooner. He finally stood back up and kept walking, whimpering whenever he heard movement in the woods.
I kept walking, carefully stepping over foliage and tree roots. At one point, I almost lost sight of the child and had to find him again. I'd veered too far off course and gazed into the woods. The phantom-like air shifted and shaped itself. It almost seemed as though a hundred faces were watching my every step. I shook that feeling off and turned away, focusing on the task at hand.
We kept moving through the woods for what felt like hours until I saw a familiar orange light peeking out from amongst the bushes. As soon as Oaki saw it, he dashed forward in glee. "Woohoo! I finally made it!" he exclaimed. I waited a few moments, then stepped out from my hiding place. I passed him by as he called out to me. "I did it! I completed the trial! Mr. Hero, I did this trial all by myself! Aren't I brave?" I smiled and gave him two thumbs ups. "Amazing!" He was shaking with joy now.
I walked through the flowers lining the shrine and climbed up the small incline at the front of it. I tapped my Sheikah Slate to the building, bringing it to life with blue light. I stepped inside the shrine to claim my prize.
After gaining a spirit orb, I traveled back through the forest with Oaki to find his mother. Now that he'd completed the trial, he had no problem walking with me on the way back. He puffed out his chest and took the lead... until something frightening would happen, causing him to jump back and cling to me. Tasho thanked me when we returned and praised her son for his bravery. "I'm so proud, Oaki! Oh, and Mr. Hero, the next trial should be west of here. I'd spoil it for you... but... you can always just see for yourself. Good luck!" I thanked her and continued on my way, ducking through the green forest and overgrowth and following the trail of lights to the next trial.
I seated myself at the edge of the stone slab that contained the Master Sword and its pedestal. I sighed as I propped my head up in my hand. Waiting for Link had gotten boring quickly. This place was quite beautiful, but it'd be far more enjoyable if Link was here to admire it too. Even Lilah had disappeared, making up some sort of excuse to escape the boredom.
I turned my head to admire the Sword of Legend. 'This thing better be worth the effort,' I thought as I watched the sunlight glint off its silver blade. I cleared my throat and drummed my fingers against my knees, wondering whether I could touch it or not. The Great Deku Tree must've taken notice. He chuckled as I yearned to reach out my hand. "How many times have we been here before?" I looked up at the looming tree curiously. "What do you mean?"
"My dear, Link and Zelda aren't the only ones to be reborn. I've seen you here before, in much the same situation. Supporting the hero however you can, and giving up whatever is necessary to keep him safe." I listened quietly, not knowing what to say. "Yes, I've been around for quite some time. I've met many incarnations of you, little one, each with a story of their own. Though, I doubt you'd recognize any of them." I cocked an eyebrow. "You see, of all the heroes and villains to be reborn, you've always been a little special. You've changed quite a bit in each of your lives. The goddess has ensured that each of you have exactly what it takes to keep Link alive in your day."
My mouth hung slightly agape as he continued his story. "I've seen you by the hero's side, dozens of times over hundreds of years. You once flew atop the clouds with him, on beasts of crimson and silver. Thousands of years later, the two of you fought darkness side by side, fending off the usurper of twilight together." The Great Deku Tree chuckled. "You two have truly done it all." He watched me for a moment. "And, in knowing this, I suppose you have a few questions for me." I nodded my head. If he'd truly been around when my past lives still roamed the earth, then he may be able to answer some things. "Do you... do you know what happens to Link and I? After all this? Do he and Zelda... or do he and I-"
"Ah, I believe I understand. I'm afraid I can't give you a definitive answer. You and Link have always established a strong bond, one that you'll find to be practically unbreakable, but that doesn't mean things will always turn out how you'd like them to. When your journey is over and you're given a chance to settle down, the choice will be up to you. The future is yours to alter, and I think you'll find you can get what you want if you just try for it."
I processed his answer and nodded. Yes, I'd figured I'd get an answer similar to this one. He hadn't made things much easier for me, but I supposed he was right. I couldn't sit back and allow destiny to take its course. If I wanted to keep that blonde boy safe, even after our journey concluded, I was going to have to follow my heart. I sighed heavily. "Don't despair, you'd be surprised how often things have worked out for you," the Greak Deku Tree said mysteriously. "Trust your spirit, my dear. You'll be alright."
I panted and wiped the sweat from my forehand, tucking away the sword and shield I'd been provided with. For this trial, I'd had to fight my way through various monsters of the lost woods, using nothing but the wooden tools I'd been provided with. I'd cut down all competition, making sure not to break these weapons, as that would disqualify me. A korok glided down on a single leaf nearby. "Goaaaaaal!" it yelled happily. "Congratulations, Hero man! Now go claim your prize!" I did just that, repeating what I'd done with the previous shrine and leaving with one more spirit orb. Apparently, there was one trial left.
I ran along the many winding paths of the korok forest, hoping to hurry up and complete the final trial. I took turn after turn, crushing damp leaves underfoot as I jogged. Corkscrew like logs curled around the paths, turning into tunnels similar to the ones I'd seen before. They arched overhead, forming gateway after gateway as I experienced the familiar temperature drop of the Lost woods.
A lone korok stood ominously in the forest, his masked face hiding whatever he was experiencing. I stopped just in front of him and waited for an explanation. "A Hylian? Attempting the Korok Trials? Is that even allowed?" he thought for a moment. "Oh, who cares? Do you really want to try it?" I nodded eagerly, urging him on. "Oh, wow! I can't believe someone really wants to try my trial!" he cast his head downwards and mumbled something along the lines of "This is so exciting!"
He calmed himself and began explaining the rules. "Ok, ok. All you have to do is keep going and not get lost in the mist!" I stared at him, unimpressed. "Uh oh, you don't look excited... How about a cryptic hint?"
"Um... why not?" I said, becoming a bit worried. "Alrighty! Here goes! 'The hungry trees will show you the way, spy their iron to win the day'." He said mysteriously. "Got it? Good! You should get going now," he said happily, waving me on my way. I shook my head and leapt down into the forest just below us to begin my journey. The strange trees from before lined the path, each of them looking more frightening than the last. I thought about the korok's hint... "Spy their iron to win the day..." I pressed my hand to my chin. "Ahah!" I grabbed my Sheikah Slate and activated the magnesis application. As soon as it was active, it lit up the ground in red light. I could easily see bits of iron stuck in the open mouths of the trees using this system. I followed along this way for quite some time until I reached a spectral lake. The water lay there, stagnant yet shifting... tangible yet intangible all the same. It was a peculiar sight, made all the more frightening by the ominous, deteriorating raft floating nearby.
I walked out along the short pier and stared across the water. On the other side was another tree. Torches were lit around it, signaling that my next step had something to do with it. Its mouth was wide open like the iron-filled trees I'd seen before, yet it had nothing inside. After some brief thinking, I had an idea. I climbed up a nearby tree and shook loose the largest leaf I could find. I climbed down the trunk again and activated my magnesis ability. I dragged a small metal chest from within one tree onto the raft, intended to offer it to the oak on the other side.
I placed the chest down and secured it the best I could. I took a step onto the raft and steadied myself, trying desperately to not fall into the murky depths below. I seized the leaf I'd grabbed before and swung it towards the sail, providing enough push to move the raft forward.
When I'd finally crossed that ocean, I lifted up the chest once more and set it down inside the new tree's mouth. My theory was proved correct as the earth began to shake. A shrine erupted from the ground on the other side of the lake. I silently cheered and made my way back to it to gather my reward and return to (y/n) and the Sword of Legend.
The Great Deku Tree and I waited in silence until we heard Link's rapid footsteps returning. He rushed back, breathing heavily from his run. "I-I finished all the trials!" he proclaimed as he struggled to catch his breath. I stood by his side and rested my hand on his back. His eyes met mine as he pulled me into a firm hug. "I missed you," he whispered against my ear. "It's only been an hour or so," I laughed softly as he reluctantly let go. "Well... I guess it's time."
"Not quite yet," the Deku Tree spoke. "You're going to need to contact the goddess Hylia first. You can use those orbs to prove yourself worthy of her strength." Link nodded. "Do you know where I could find a statue of her?"
"There's one just inside the shopping area," Lilah said. She'd returned again from her strange disappearances. Link thanked her and jogged off again. I let out a heavy sigh. "Why so down?" the Deku Tree asked. "I-I'm afraid. What if he really isn't strong enough to carry this blade again?"
"Do you trust him?"
"Well, yes. But do you think he is ready?" The Great Deku Tree let out another chuckle. "I'm afraid, despite my wisdom, I would not know. But, I trust your instinct. You are, in fact, the only other hero to have lifted that sacred blade after all." I stared at him in disbelief. "What? But the sword can only be held by the goddess' chosen hero... I'm just his caretaker."
"No, my dear, Hylia entrusted that blade to all heroes she finds worthy." I shook my head incredulously. "That can't be possible..."
"Why don't you see for yourself?" My eyes widened at his suggestion. He didn't seem to be joking. I stepped forward and wrapped my hands around the hilt of the sword. I closed my eyes and concentrated, heaving upward with all of my strength.
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Soul Vessel Psyche
If it’s not obvious from the Title this is yet another reincarnation story. The story will be told from the perspective of one Novid Ollo; half-breed son of the Matriarch of the Knora Race and twin brother to Ovis Ollo the future Matriarch of the Vnora sub-Race.The world of Orro that Novid is born into has been ravaged by the demons from the demon world. The Demons were accidentally lead to Orro 500 years earlier by a conflagration of magic from feuding countries of the Vern Race; opening a doorway between the worlds which released hordes of Demons into Orro.The Dvern and the Svern are the 2 Subspecies of the Vern Race responsible for this calamity and were the first victims of the Demon hordes. The next to fall victim were the proud Knora of the North. The ice giants fought the Demon hordes to stalemate and seemed poised to prevail until the dragon rulers of the Demon Race joined the fight. While the Dvern and the Svern are essentially extinct the Knora managed to save 17 females and 55 males.How Novid Ollo is born as half Svern is also how he died in the previous life, and why he is both pitied and hated by his race and others. There are no Gods to offer special talents and Favours, there is no path to Godly Power and everyone is born with exactly the same potential. Novid Ollo will have to carry the weight of the sins of his father like the others who’s Souls were ripped from their lives on Earth and brought to this unforgiving Realm of Magic; filled with Monsters and Demons.What happens to Novid Ollo is entirely dependent on the extent of the effort he puts into preparations for when whimsical opportunity shines its light on him. Fortunately Novid Ollo didn’t come to Orro alone?15 million? other Human Souls were ripped from their lives on Earth at the same time as Novid and reborn on Orro to serve as the last wave of cannon fodder in the unending war against the hordes of Demons.Inspired by; Mushoku Tensei, Slime Tensei, Daybreak on Hyperion. As usual I unashamedly draw some elements from my favourite light novels in writing this Original Fiction.I thought I’d try writing something for the?Reincarnation? genre.?Written in South African English which means closer to the British Standard.?Warning: Mature Content ?Violence, Language and Adult Themes ?List of My Novels:?Realm Eternal??Crystal Guardian ??Exiled Nomads of the Galaxy??Soul Vessel Psyche?
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