《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》Rest and Revival ➺19
Art by x1yummy1x on Deviantart
A jarring movement forced me awake. My breathing hitched and I slowly opened a single eye, just enough to see what was going on. I was being carried by someone. Flashbacks of my trip to the Yiga Clan arose, and I immediately pushed against my captor. My hand struck someone's chin, not nearly as hard enough as I'd hoped. My arm fell back down to my side as I examined the person. The boy scoffed and adjusted his grip. His wavy, blonde hair and cool cerulean blue eyes came into focus as I concentrated on his face. I let my mouth hang slightly open as he stared down at me, miffed. His eyebrows knit together as my dazed expression persisted. A tiny smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I finally greeted him. "...Hey."
He rolled his eyes as he responded. "Good morning. Or night, I suppose," he said, glancing up at the star-laden sky. My smile grew as I watched him, admiring the constellations with faint interest. I briefly wondered what had woken me, until I noticed Link was walking back into Gerudo Town with me in his arms. "I can walk," I said with half-hearted confidence. He shook his head. "I guarantee you, you can't." I wrinkled my nose. "What makes you say that?"
"I can tell. Look at you." He ran a finger beneath my chin. "You'll be fine. Just relax." I was about to protest when I felt my eyelids grow heavy. My eyes fluttered closed as I fell asleep once more.
(Y/n) fell back asleep almost immediately. I sighed and approached Gerudo Town. The guards glanced down at the woman in my arms in alarm. "Huh? What's wrong with her?" one said, jumping back. "She's fine. She just needs to rest up." The guards hesitantly stepped aside. Though it was probably pretty strange to see me carry an unconscious woman into their city, they must've known that Riju was setting out to handle the Divine Beasts with us. Someone probably saw us leaving and spread the word.
I proceeded and entered the city, unsure of where to even take her. I figured I'd have to see Riju eventually, but that could wait. It'd been a long night, and I needed to set her down somewhere. I'd speak to her later, if I had time. Instead, I approached the inn within Gerudo Town. There was typically a woman waiting to wave us inside, but she must've left as night fell. I entered the quiet building and stared at the woman behind the front desk, exhausted. She glanced up slowly and widened her eyes.
"Sa'oten! What happened to her?" I glanced down at her sleeping face and sighed, brushing a bit of (h/c) hair from her cheek and lips. "She needs rest. How much will a bed cost me?"
"Well, it's 20 rupees for the night, and 80 if you'd like the special spa plan..." she trailed off as I set (y/n) down on one of the beds, placing her belongings on the stand beside her. She didn't seem like she'd be able to enjoy a spa treatment, given her current state of consciousness. "Normal beds are fine for now, thank you," I said, handing her the payment for two beds. She nodded and went back to whatever she was doing, occasionally glancing up at the sleeping girl.
I didn't blame her. She was quite the sight. It wasn't that her beauty was especially visible tonight, it was that her effort had never been more noticeable, save for when she'd defended me from that Lynel. Her eyes were closed peacefully now, but the raw physical strain she'd put into keeping me safe was evident on her face and exposed skin. Bruises, scratches and tiny burns lined her skin like bloody embroidery. I reached down and held my hand to her cheek. She'd worked so hard to keep me safe... and I couldn't even prevent all these injuries.
My hand trailed down to the golden scar on her side. I smiled softly. She'd done far more for me than I could've asked for. I needed to push myself to do the same. I leaned down and pressed my lips to her forehead. Her hand rested gently in my own as she continued sleeping. "I am so sorry... you're going to be alright," I said, trailing my fingers against the unwounded bits of her skin. "I'll be better. I'll keep you safe next time. I promise." She of course, did not respond. I didn't worry. That phrase was more to reassure myself than it was to reassure her, anyway.
I stood up and stretched. Her (e/c) eyes continued to flit beneath their lids as I adjusted my Gerudo garb. I wondered what she could be dreaming about. A bit of me hoped that it was about me. It'd be comforting to know that she dreamed about me as much as I did her. My face grew warm as I admitted this to myself. I shook my head and pushed the thought from my mind. A moment ago, I'd been exhausted, but seeing her gentle features had filled me with a bit of hope. I figured I'd speak to Riju while I could to discuss the defeat of Vah Naboris and the appearance of Urbosa's spirit. I turned to leave before noticing the shoes that were still on (Y/n)'s feet. I tugged them off and draped a blanket over her sleeping form, hoping to keep her safe from the biting night air. I sighed and finally turned to leave, content now that I knew she was alright.
I woke up again, having no idea where I was. It was rather dark out, the only source of light being a few small lanterns. I recognized the interior design of this place as I rose up. I must still be in Gerudo Town. I shivered as the night air reached my exposed skin and glanced down. I definitely wasn't in the best shape. In fact, I doubt Link and I would've survived at all if it wasn't for a lucky shot. My hands reached for the quilted blanket that lay in my lap and brought it up to my shoulders. 'Speaking of Link...' I thought, looking around the room. It was empty except for a sleeping Gerudo woman sitting behind the front desk. My heart leapt as I remembered the last time he'd fought a Divine Beast whilst I was injured. Would he really dare to leave me again?
I stood up shakily and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. Though my body was sore, I bet I could still walk. I took my first step and almost fell to the ground. I regained my composure and tried again, this time successfully walking forward. A strange feeling coursed through my skin and stomach. I assumed it to be nausea related to my movements, until I saw something quite strange floating in through the open door, corrupting the wind upon which it travelled. It blew against my skin, leaving a tiny stinging sensation. I winced and rubbed the spot it had touched. 'What... is this stuff?' I thought. It eerily reminded me of Ganon's own blight.
I had to go outside. If Link was not in here, then he must be out there, braving whatever this was. My skin crawled uncomfortably as I walked. Strange noises reverberated in my head... almost as though they were playing backwards. As soon as I was out of the building, I took notice of the red light bathing the ground outside. Typically, the city would shine with the gentle, silver light of the moon. Tonight, it was not so lucky.
I turned my eyes to the moon as the sounds of the night created tension and fear within me. I felt as though I was in imminent danger as I focused in on the moon.
My (e/c) eyes widened in horror. The full moon had swollen to an unprecedented size and turned a shade of blood red. The ear piercing noises I'd been hearing grew faster and faster, each sound screeching like an untuned instrument as it passed through me. The clouds turned a crimson red and smoky black and began rolling across the sky at double, or even triple their typically speed. I heard footsteps approach me rapidly and I reached for any sort of weapon I could find. I realized I'd been disarmed and began to breath quickly. The rapidly approaching figure finally came close enough to identify. It was Link.
He looked alarmed, but not so much about the moon. He instead focused on me, pulling me close as the damned music kept reverberating in my head. I heard what I thought was a roar and pressed my head to his chest. He stared onwards and into the red sky, whose color was dripping like fresh blood onto the landscape. Link stared as though listening to someone, his typically blue eyes reflecting the light of the moon and giving him an almost demon like appearance. Had he not been holding me comfortingly, I probably would've lashed out or run. For a moment, the ground seemed to shake, hinting at the existence of something much darker than anything we'd faced.
Link's arms tightened around me. Eventually, he buried his head into my shoulder, looking away from the horrible sky. The clouds began to slow as the crimson light faded. Ganon's blight was blown away on the wind. All signs of the event simply drifted away, as though they were never there. I finally broke away from Link.
"What was that?!" I yelled, upset. He blinked and held a hand to his forehead. "That... was a blood moon."
"You've seen that before?!"
"Yes, but that's not why I know what it's called." I narrowed my eyes. "Whenever the blood moon rises, I hear someone speak to me."
"Zelda?" I asked, calming down. The adrenaline from that scene was wearing off and the soreness in my body was returning. "Yeah... she explains it to me."
"What did she say? I asked, wondering what this could possibly mean. "She said that the blood moon is when Ganon is at his most powerful. The glow of the moon can revive all who'd fought in the name of Ganon." I stared down at the ground, thinking. "All those... who served Ganon?" He stared at me quizzically before guessing my meaning. "Do you... do you think that Kah-" he cut me off. "No. I'm sorry (Y/n).... but I don't think so. Zelda said that 'By its glow, aimless spirits of monsters slain in the name of the light return to flesh.'" I shook my head, wishing I hadn't gotten my hopes up. "Kahli was a Gerudo, not a monster. Besides... Kahli didn't die by our hand, and he most definitely didn't die a servant of Ganon."
I listened to his explanation, pulling my blanket closer to my body. "C'mon. Let's get you back to the inn. I spoke with Riju while you were asleep. She's very grateful for us, and she even offered us this," he said, pulling a tradition Gerudo scimitar and shield from his back. "These were Urbosa's, when she was alive." I ran my fingers over the smooth, golden ornaments. "Maybe you should have them?" I shook my head. "No, you're better with a sword and shield. Besides, I still have my spear." Link rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah... about that..."
"It's... fine..." I said, lifting the splintered wood and tattered sail from its pile. Link had left it on the nightstand beside my bed. I wondered how I didn't notice. A thin piece of wood became stuck in my skin I winced and pulled it out. It was hard to see my treasured weapon in such a state. "I'm really sorry. That guardian shield was tough, and you were nearly struck by lightning."
"It wouldn't be so bad if I had something else to glide on," I said lowly. "You're right... we're going to need to fix this..."
"Did you have anything in mind?"
"Well, the Zora are quite good at crafting spears. We could ask them." I nodded thoughtfully, trying to remember if I'd gotten any repairs done before. My mind returned to Great Fairy Mija. She'd once repaired my clothing and healed my wounds. I promised her I'd find and aid her sisters... Perhaps now would be a good time. "Link?" I asked cautiously. He looked over. "Hmm?"
"Did I ever tell you how I healed myself? After the Lynel attack, when I came to find you?" He shook his head. "No... we kind of avoided the subject." I adjusted my clothing to reveal a bit more of my scar. "This, obviously wasn't natural. When I was in Zora's Domain, I heard a story about the Great Fairies-"
"Oh, I heard someone talking about them on my way! There's a myth circling around Hyrule that they still exist, hiding in undiscovered places," Link interjected. "I know, but that's the thing. They're not a myth at all! I met one just north of Zora's Domain. Her name was Mija. She healed my wounds and repaired my clothing, Link." He stared at me, mouth agape. "Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but she isn't alone. She has 3 sisters spread out across Hyrule. She asked me to help whenever I could."
"And you think that time is now?"
"Well, this is a great place to look. If they're truly waiting in lands untraveled, the Gerudo Desert would fit the bill perfectly." Link stood up. "Then we'll go." I shook my head and pulled him down. "We can't just leave. This desert is vast, and full of danger. We should at least try to learn something from these people."
"Right... sorry. I'd just like to make it to the last Divine Beast as soon as possible." I cocked an eyebrow. "You... want to leave already?" Link nodded. "There's nothing left here. We need to take down the final beast, quickly." I scoffed. "Link, you we were practically killed this time. What makes you think we can just waltz into Goron City and take out the final beast?"
He seemed taken aback by my reluctance, but I was only speaking the truth. "Well... what do you think we should do?"
"We need to be stronger, Link."
"How am I supposed to do that?!" he asked incredulously. "I don't know! But I can't let you die before we ever even reach Ganon." He took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, you're right. But there must be something... anything!" I bit my lip as I remembered someone I'd met during my journey. There was a man at an inn I'd come across who'd mentioned the sword of legend. If it was in fact true... then perhaps we could find it and take it. I thought about it for a moment, and decided to withhold the information for now. According to the legend, no one had ever set out to find it and returned. I needed to heal myself first and ensure I was at his side if we looked for it.
"We'll figure it out later, Link. First, we need to see if they're any Fairy Fountains nearby. "Fairy Fountains?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned to see Riju standing beside my bed at the inn. "My mother once told me a story. Apparently, deep in Gerudo Desert, beneath the skeleton of a great beast lies a fairy fountain, forgotten by travelers. I'd be wary though, it's a challenging trip from here." Link offered her his Sheikah Slate. You know where it is? Could you show us?"
She took the slate in her hands gently, staring at the screen with confusion. I guessed she'd never used such technology herself before. "Well... from what I've heard... She should be about right here," she said, typing away on the slate. "But I'm warning you, it may just be a story, the kind my mother told me before bed. No one's seen a fairy in quite some time." I smiled as she returned the slate to Link. "Before you go, I must thank you myself. You two have brought peace to the Gerudo people once more." She was sounding rather formal, but I could see the childish grin tugging at her lips. "My people and I owe you- Oh?" Riju stopped herself as she saw my outstretched arms. She waited a moment before hugging me tightly. "Thank you. My people are going to respect me once more, because of you two." I shook my head. "No, Riju, they're going to respect you for what you've done. You risked your life and devoted your time to keeping them safe. They will be grateful, and they have no one to thank but you. You make a wonderful leader."
Riju finally pulled away with a smile. "Please be careful on your way. I've never traveled to this area of the desert before. I can't say what you'll encounter." I nodded and thanked her one final time. She set out back to her palace as we readied our stuff to leave. I waited patiently for Link to follow me outside and to the sand seal rental area.
Soon enough, we were reunited with our seals as began surfing towards the Great Fairy. I allowed Link to lead the way. He was the one carrying the map after all.
The beginning of our trip was incredibly boring. There wasn't much that we hadn't seen before. Once we were a third of the way there, we encountered what I assumed was the ribcage of some long dead creature. I wondered how many of these skeletons were in this desert, half buried beneath the golden sand. "What kind of beast is this?" I heard Link call out. His question went unanswered as the earth began to shake. A giant creature, obscured by a cloud of dust, trudged along near us. It swam through the sand like a fish in water. My eyes widened as it seemed to hear us pass by. Link caught on quickly. Clearly, it couldn't see through the ground. It must be using its hearing to navigate the land. He typed something into his Sheikah Slate and summoned a small, circular bomb. He tossed it out, far away from us and set it off. The creature reacted instantly, charging towards the source at an incredible pace. Link smirked as it turned around, confused. "Ha! Maybe this won't be so hard after all." I nodded and glanced over my shoulder. The creature had grown angry. It leapt from the sands into the sky with a horrid screech, its jaws clamping down on each other.
I caught Link's look of horror as the beast sprung from the ground. It was far, far larger than either of us had guessed. If we were to stay here and fight, we wouldn't stand a chance. Link turned around and urged his seal to speed up. "Go, go go!" I glanced past him and frowned. "Link, there's a giant dust cloud up ahead! We won't be able to see!" He ignored my concern. "The fairy is this way. Besides, there's no way I'm fighting that thing right now!" I shook my head and held my hand over my eyes, hoping no sand would be blown into them as we skid through the whirlwind. Bits of that gravely material flew past, stinging my face and hands as they did.
Link started to drift further and further from me. Eventually, I could only see his silhouette. I called out for him to turn back. He didn't hear me. I tried a second time, to no avail. As I yelled his name for the third time, he turned around, returning to my side and matching my pace. "Sorry, (Y/n)!"
"It's alright! Where is the fountain?" He shielded his face with one hand as he consulted his Sheikah Slate. He became frustrated and hit the screen. "Nothing! The signal's gone out!"
"Oh you've got to be kidding me. Whatever! Let's just keep going." He followed my advice and swerved to avoid a fast approaching cactus. We continued for another few seconds until a skull-like shape came into view. "There!" I yelled as we got closer. Link cried out as an arrow landed right next to his feet. "That can't be it!"
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