《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》Ride the Lightning ➺18
Art by KarinaMorenoArt on Etsy
After Riju and I parted, we headed back into the town square. Link and I picked up a few necessary materials. Riju pointed us towards a place we could rent sand seals from and bid us farewell, asking that we meet again at the lookout post nearby. We agreed and approached the sand seal enclosure. A woman in pink nearby addressed us immediately.
"Vasaaq. Looking for a sand seal?" Link nodded. "Ah, you've come to the right place. My name is Kohm. I rent out these seals to travelers. They're the best around, as they're trained by my daughter, Frelly." One of the seals waddled close to me, or as close as it could with the fence that lie between us. I gently lowered my hand in the enclosure and allowed the creature to sniff it curiously. I remembered that Patricia had taken a liking to fruit, and decided to offer the creature something. A bit of slobber was smeared across my hand as the seal ate an apple from my palm. I grimaced and wiped it across my pant leg.
"How much does it cost to rent one?" Link asked. "20 rupees. Each, of course." Link dug into his pouch for money. Luckily, we'd just been given a chance to buy and sell whilst in the city and had plenty to spare. He paid our dues while I spent time with the seals. "Do they have names?" I asked her. Kohm sighed and placed a hand to her chin. "Yes, yes, but I can never keep them straight... Frelly has a knack for these things." I hummed and ran my fingers through the mane of the seal. 'I suppose I'll pick a name for you. Just for now,' I thought. 'How does (s/n) sound?' (S/n) didn't seem to impressed. I didn't fret. We wouldn't be with these creatures for too long.
Link selected his own seal and allowed Kohm to bring them outside. As we left, he turned to me and smiled. "I guess we've sealed the deal." I gave him a look of disgust and punched his shoulder. Even Kohm seemed exasperated as she walked away, mumbling about the speech of the youth. "Ahah, sorry."
Link and I held tight to the reins of our seals. He'd lent me a shield to stand on as we surfed across the desert sands. I waited patiently as he checked his map, marking our destination. "Ready to go?" He stayed silent for a moment. "Hmm? Oh. Yeah." I raised an eyebrow. "You alright?"
"I'm fine it's just... Nothing. I trust you. We'll be okay."
"I know we will be, but what's with the sudden worry?"
"Something tells me this challenge is going to be tough. Even tougher than anything we'd faced before." I adjusted (s/n)'s reigns as I listened solemnly. "I've been remembering Urbosa. Bit by bit. She was incredibly strong... Mipha and Revali were powerful in their own right, but neither of them were really built to fight those creatures."
"I get it. Anything strong enough to kill Urbosa... must be quite the force to be reckoned with." Link nodded and soothed his sand seal as it barked restlessly. "It doesn't matter. We have to do this. I'd trust you with my life, (y/n), and I hope you feel the same."
"After all we've done for one another... we'd better trust one another, huh?" Link rolled his eyes and urged his seal into action. I followed him closely as we surfed along the blazing desert sand.
The lookout post was a bit far from the actual city, though the journey was made significantly shorter by our sand seals. We finally stopped just outside the watchtower and signaled our seals to stay put. I slipped (s/n) an apple as we walked up to the tiny building. Link placed a hand on the door then shook his head. "She's probably already atop the tower. Come on." Link lowered his hand to his side and showed me to the ladder just outside the structure. We began the lengthy climb to the top. The ladder shook as it was buffeted by a sandy gust of wind. It didn't seem to be the most stable of structures. I could only hope it would hold our weight.
Riju was waiting for us patiently at the top of the ladder. She was staring out across the desert, the Thunderhelm still resting over her face. I wondered how she could possibly see through the thing. My thoughts came to a halt as she voiced her own. "What a sight... the Divine Beast is rather intimidating." I turned towards the machine, wiping (h/c) hair from my eyes as it was blown astray. Vah Naboris was becoming increasingly threatening the closer we got. I could only imagine the carnage it'd cause if it made its way into the city. The very ground seemed to shake as it stepped, sending up spiraling clouds of sand and dust. I felt a familiar tug on my hand as Link reached for me, almost in a subconscious manner.
"I see you two have brought your sand seals. That's good. We cannot get close without their help. Are you ready?" I nodded and she smiled, adjusting the helm that was ever slipping off her face. "Good. Know that whatever happens, the Gerudo people are grateful for your dedication."
"Consider it repayment for a favor." She laughed curtly. "Alright, alright. Listen closely. You're going to need to follow the plan if you want to survive this." I heard Link gulp nervously. I didn't blame him. That wasn't exactly a promising statement.
"Like I said before, we're going to need our sand seals to approach Vah Naboris. As you've seen, the Divine Beast is able to conjure lighting strikes around its body. That's why I'll be taking the lead. With the help of the Thunderhelm, I should be able to divert the shock, but I can only shield so much. You two will have to stay close. Even a single lighting strike could mean the end for one of you."
Riju motioned to the ground nearby. There was a pack lying at our feet. "Now, about those bomb arrows. You will have to use these to damage Vah Naboris' feet. It draws energy from the ground in order to continue moving. If we cut off that power source, we should be able to root the beast in place." I lifted the pack from the ground and reached inside. It contained 20 bomb arrows. I divided them evenly amongst Link and myself, so we'd both have 10 shots at the beast.
"So... are you ready?" I nodded. Riju led the way down the ladder and into the open sands of the desert. We called our seals to our side and waited for Riju to give the word. "Could you both stand back for just a moment?" she asked, without much explanation. Link shrugged and step backwards. I followed suit, wondering what she could be up to. The young chieftain took a deep breath and began her monologue.
"I am Riju, descendant of the royal line and chief of the Gerudo people!" She raised her arms skyward as she spoke. "With the power of the heirloom passed down within my family, I will take back Vah Naboris." Her red hair rose and fell with the desert wind, adding a dramatic effect to her speech. "Ancestors of the Gerudo, hear my plea. Aid me in this task!" She exclaimed.
The very air around the girl began to glow with an electric light. Crackling lightning branched out from the helmet and across her fingertips. It spread out, forming a spherical shield of pure electricity. Clouds of dusts sprung up as the ground rippled with energy. I shielded my (e/c) eyes until the small dust storm had settled. I turned to Link in shock. Everything within the circle glowed a ghostly blue. Short streaks of yellow lightning danced across the top of the orb, striking and fading in the blink of an eye. Link lowered his hand from his face and whistled.
Riju turned, smiling widely. I hadn't seen her look so pleased since I'd met her in memory. "They've answered! I can feel their power coursing through me." She stared down at her hands, watching as the static jumped across her palms. She shook her head and adjusted the helm. "Let's get going." (S/n) barked in agreement. Riju turned her head towards the sun as we readied our seals and spoke, more to herself than to us. "Lady Urbosa... please grant us your protection..."
We stood atop our shields and held onto the rope that secured us to the creatures. Riju placed down a traditional Gerudo shield and did the same. She gave Patricia one last soothing scratch and then took off. We had to follow quickly in order to stay within her field of electricity. I could only imagine what would happen if we were to leave.
At first, the trek was quite easy. I was content with smoothly sailing along and watching shiny bits of electricity flit across the circle. Eventually, the sandstorm picked up. The sky itself seemed to darken as we grew closer to the looming figure. It let out a mechanical groan as it continued to stir up sand. I heard a strange noise coming from the beast as Link tapped my shoulder.
He gestured upward. There, atop the creature, was a glowing purple orb of pure electric light, the only thing that was truly visible within the storm. It pulsed as though readying an attack. The ends of Vah Naboris' feet began to glow as we grew closer and were targeted by the lightning storm. "That's our target - !" I attempted to yell as the beast fired half a dozen bolts of lightning at the ground. I screamed as they ricocheted off of the shield and sent an electrical current through the ground. Link blinked and rubbed his eyes, attempting to sooth the temporary blindness brought about by the sudden flashes of light. He glanced about, confused, and almost led his seal off course. I drifted to the side, balancing my weight to allow my shield to dig into the sand. This gave me just enough traction to keep me from flying off. I held onto Link's arm and brought him to his senses, insuring that he wouldn't be struck with Vah Naboris' wrath. He blinked one final time and met my eyes gratefully. His gaze hardened as he turned back to the Divine Beast. He urged his seal to speed up as we kept moving at Riju's pace.
We were finally close enough to shoot at the beast's hooves. I'd never noticed just how enormous the machine was. One wrong move, and we'd be crushed underfoot. Assuming we weren't struck by lightning first, of course. That very same lightning was targeting us now, leaving a glowing purple circle around our bodies. It flashed as the threat became more imminent.
I shook my head and nocked an arrow as we slid underneath the belly of the beast. The electrified hoof of the creature rose up as it took another step. I took this opportunity to let my arrow fly, causing an explosion that was sure to have severely damaged its technology. I felt Link's hand on my arm as he tugged me out of harms way. One more moment, and I might've been struck down by the creature.
Riju slowed down as we recollected ourselves. "Ready?" she called above the storm. I nodded vigorously, hoping she could see the motion through the swirling desert sand. She must've noticed, as she turned back and urged Patricia to speed up. We were soon trailing just outside the creature's steps. "Now!" Riju cried. Link released an arrow. It hit its mark with ease. The creature cried out as we circled back and allowed our shield to absorb its strikes. As soon as the crackling light had dissipated, we launched ourselves back into the fray.
We attempted to continue using our technique of weaving in between the legs of the giant and shooting arrows at its hooves as we went, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. New bursts of electric energy sprung forth from the explosions we wrought. The creature was struggling and becoming as agitated as a possessed machine could. The lightning strikes were becoming faster and more plentiful. It soon became clear that our first two shots were nothing short of lucky.
It seemed like every time one of us would nock an arrow, Naboris would be ready with a bolt of lightning. It was hard to stay outside the field for even a second. I finally was able to shoot at another hoof. Presumably, this was one we'd shot before since it seemed to power down as soon as the arrow landed. The Divine Beast gave a shuddering cry. I drifted back into the electrical field alongside Link, who had taken out another hoof while I was busy. I smiled and called out to him. "Nice job!" We surfed alongside Riju for awhile until the next series of lightning bolts had struck. I swung to the side as soon as it had passed and readied my arrow. (S/n) veered to the side and led my shield into the path of a rocky deposit. The edge of it was caught as I was thrown from it. I cried out as tumbled forward and was dragged along the sand for a short period of time. The arrow I'd been holding was knocked backwards. It exploded in midair. My hearing cut out as all sound was replaced with a sharp, constant ring. (S/n) came to a halt upon noticing my fall. I slowly raised my head as a familiar purple field began to glow around me. I watched the light dart across my knuckles. My eyes widened in dazed horror as I remembered my seal. I tugged a dagger from my belt and got to work slicing the rope that secured me to my animal. I wouldn't let (s/n) be harmed for my mistake. Before I could server the bond, we were engulfed in a light blue field. I felt someone struggling to lift me from the ground. I rose to my feet as Riju assured herself that I was alright. I shook the stunned feeling from my head as best I could and called (S/n) back to my side. I adjusted my shield and made a note to pay better attention to the ground whenever possible.
Link was at my side as soon as possible. I felt his hands around my waist and turned to him, surprised. "Trust me!" I saw him mouth as he held me to him. This would prevent either of us from veering off course again. I shook my head and readied my bow as we approached another hoof. I instantly felt more stable. As one of us shot arrows, the other insured that we wouldn't stray far from the electric shield. I was able to loose two arrows rapidly and take out the third hoof of the beast. Link and I swung around to the other side. "If we take out this last one, it shouldn't be able to fire anymore!" I yelled over its thunderous footsteps. Link nodded "You ready?" We put some distance between each other, knowing that our shield would soon be unnecessary. Riju pushed her seal to speed up. "Now!!" she yelled as we finally reached the last hoof. Link and I nocked an arrow, side by side, and aimed at the Divine Beast. We shot our arrows before it had the chance to raise its foot. In a purplish red explosion, the beast was brought to its knees. Its neck grew limp as its head fell forward and its electrical attacks became no more. The Divine Beast roared before finally falling still.
Link and I stepped off of our shields and picked them up. We allowed our seals to trail about as we joined Riju. She removed her helmet and freed a bit of sand from her hair. She shook her head with a small smile and turned to us. "As you know, I can't appease Vah Naboris alone. I'm sorry to say that the rest is up to you."
Link nodded and jogged forward, hoping to find an entrance to the beast. I stood by Riju's side a moment more. "You seem skeptical," I said, wiping a bit of blood from my forehead. "I have the upmost faith in your abilities," she responded simply. I nodded. "Whatever happens, you've proven yourself to be a fine chief already, Riju." She shook her head with a small smile. "Urbosa would be proud. Your mother would be proud," I said. I began walking towards the beast when I felt a hand on my arm. Riju held me back and hugged me close. "Sarqso, (y/n). And good luck." I thanked her and returned the gesture before jogging off to join Link. "We will return soon."
We made it into the Divine Beast just in time. As soon as we'd made it to a platform outside of the machine, it began to rise up once more. We held tightly to the strange metal flooring as we were lifted through the air. Vah Naboris gained control of its body once more and began walked around the Gerudo desert.
We slipped inside of the machinery and onto a floor just below the Divine Beast's stomach. A familiar Sheikah terminal was placed just in front of us. Link stepped forward and pressed his Sheikah Slate to it, awaking the travel gate from its slumber. This would allow us to teleport back to Vah Naboris, if need be. A ghostly voice resonated throughout the Divine Beast. Link seemed to recognize it immediately. From what Vah Medoh and Revali had taught me, this must be the voice of the Gerudo Champion, Urbosa.
"Well, well, well. You've sure kept me waiting. Oh, how I've yearned to see you take back Vah Naboris from Ganon!" I laughed in disbelief. After all these years, each and every champion had stayed to aid us in our quest. I could only imagine how liberating it would feel to free their individual beasts. "One step at a time, now. You're going to need a map if you want to find your way around here. Head to the terminal located on the other side of Naboris. You should find what you need there. Easy, right?" I smiled. I was already liking her far more than Revali. Her voice radiated a calm, courageous personality, but I could feel her desire to defeat Ganon crackling like lightning just beneath the surface. She'd waited 100 years, after all.
Link and I began our first quest. We defeated a small guardian and a few blighted creatures along the way. We climbed up a few inclines until we reached the main sector of the beast. What I assumed to be the main terminal lay just in the middle of the room, elevated above us quite a bit. Various electrical circuits lined the inside of the beast, but we didn't see any other enemies. Just like Vah Medoh, conquering Naboris would require mostly problem solving, and a bit of fighting prowess once we'd reached the final fight.
Link and I picked up the pace, traveling across the intricate floor of the ancient machinery at a jog. There was one final ramp at the end of the room that separated us from the map. We climbed it with ease and I waited patiently as Link tapped his Sheikah Slate to the terminal. The necessary information was compiled until it formed a sort of liquid. It dripped onto the screen of the slate, instantly transferring what we needed. I peered over Link's shoulder as the map became visible, as did the controllable quirk that made each beast unique. A line of text appeared at the bottom of the screen, reminding us that the Divine Beast controls had been enabled. We could now rotate the different sections of Vah Naboris' body. Link seized the Sheikah Slate as Urbosa addressed us again.
"Nice work you two! Now, you're going to need those controls to activate the remaining terminals within Vah Naboris. Find them all, and you will be granted access to the main terminal. You're ready for this, I know it." I appreciated her determination. We'd conquered two other Divine Beasts before this. We would not fail.
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