《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》New Memories ➺5
Art by Omarito on Deviantart
We found ourselves in front of the large wooden doors that led into Impa's temple for the second time that day. Link sent me another reassuring smile, as though I was scared. My only fear was that Link may decide he couldn't finish this quest. I returned his gaze and smiled back, hoping to give him courage. I had high hopes for the hero, but I had already come to a decision. I would be there for Link throughout this adventure. And, if he found the journey to be too much, I would finish it for him on my own.
He stepped forward and opened the double doors to greet Impa. She was sitting in much the same position as before, seated amongst a tower of pillows. She raised her sunken eyes to us. Link's choice to continue on our journey had clearly piqued her interest. She let out a low chuckle and shook her head. "So... You've chosen to hear the words of the princess?" Impa asked, though she already knew the answer. Link nodded, a determined expression crossing his face.
Impa seemed pleased. I knew she must've felt relieved, as there wasn't really anyone else she could ask to save the world. The old woman looked at each of us in turn, and began to tell the story we were all two familiar with. Calamity Ganon threatened to destroy Hyrule, and we attempted to combat him with a mechanical army. To our dismay, Calamity Ganon took control of our forces and turned them against us. Unlike the King, however, she centered her story around the four divine beasts. According to her, they were operated by four pilots, each of a different race. They had perished a hundred years ago in the war against Ganon, and their divine beasts still terrorize the land to this day.
I glanced about, examining the tapestry that aided the old woman in her storytelling. My eyes focused in on the mysterious masked figures that lined the various corners of the artwork. My vision blurred and I inhaled sharply as a fuzzy memory resurfaced.
I was lying on my back, in some place strange and unclear. Soft blue light emanated from either side of my body. My hearing seemed damaged, as I couldn't focus in to anything being said. There were faint yells and sounds of destruction resonating around me. Despite my efforts, I could not move. I only lay there limply as someone approached. Their face... it was obscured by some sort of mask. An eye-like symbol was painted onto it. I couldn't resist as the figure slowly raised a blade above their head.
I shook my head as I was returned to reality. It was as though I had woken from a dream. Link seemed rather alarmed and quickly wrapped an arm around my body, as though I would fall without his support. I blinked and pushed him away. "I'm fine, I'm fine! I just... Spaced out." I quickly tucked a bit of (h/c) hair behind my ear and looked up to meet Link's cerulean eyes. He wasn't buying it.
Determined to change the subject, I asked Impa where we had left off. She gave me a knowing look and reminded me that we had been speaking of the divine beasts, more specifically, what we must do to free them. Link reluctantly tore his eyes away from me to face Impa once more. "Like I said, there were once four champions of immense skill from across the land. Though they are long since dead, their divine beasts remain. There was Mipha of the Zora, Daruk of the Gorons, Urbosa of the Gerudo, and finally Revali of the Rito."
I heard Link sigh beside me and knew what he was thinking. He was ashamed to have forgotten his allies, and felt as though their names should've rung a bell. Unfortunately, no such remembrance happened and we continued listening in silence. "To battle Calamity Ganon, you must first take back control of the Divine Beasts. I recommend you travel to each of these races in order to find them. Their primary location," she gestured to Link's Sheikah Slate, "should be marked on your map."
"Your slate will be your guide, however, it appears that it is not yet complete... Luckily, a researcher at Hateno village should help you with that." Link glanced down at his Sheikah Slate curiously before nodding. "Yes, I do believe they'll be able to help you. Both with your slate, and with your memory." Link opened his mouth to question her, but was swiftly cut off. "As for you young lady, I believe your memories have already begun to return." I pressed my lips into a line, worried that she may ask what I'd recalled. "I'm afraid the people of Hateno village may be unable to help you on your quest for understanding, but do not lose hope. I assure you, there will be someone out there who can."
"How can you be so sure?" I asked accusingly. I hadn't meant to make my response so hostile, but she seemed to understand. I was confused and a bit jealous. I wanted the best for Link, but I didn't understand why he would have his memories restored whilst mine remained hidden. She gave me a sad smile. "Because you have more friends than you know." She spoke ominously. Link seemed to sense the tension in the air as he grabbed my hand and took a step backwards. Impa noticed this movement and slammed her hand down. "Go on! You cannot turn back now. Be the heroes Princess Zelda has waited for all these years." Link thanked her for her advice and led me outside and through Kakariko until we were seated atop our horses once more.
Link checked his map, examining each point carefully. I sat there in a brooding silence, lightly brushing through (h/n)'s mane. "Um... So (y/n)? I suppose Hateno Village is closer than any of the Divine Beasts, and Impa did say that I would need to visit to upgrade my Sheikah Slate..." He trailed off. I guessed he felt guilty about knowing where to begin to retrieve his memories. I sighed and straightened my back, seizing the reigns of my mare. "Hateno Village it is. Lead the way." Link rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he urged his horse forward.
We spent a while in silence, listening to the soft hoofbeats of our mounts and the buzzing of various insects that hid amongst the blades of grass. I had noticed Link staring at me from the corner of my eye. I must've looked pretty pathetic... worrying over my memories whilst the world needing saving. He opened his mouth a few times as if to say something, but no words were spoken.
Eventually, I grew tired of the lonely journey. I turned to him and frowned. "It's alright you know." He was caught off guard by my sudden speech. "Um... what?" I turned and stared at (h/n)'s mane, as it seemed far more interesting than our conversation at the moment. "Link, I want you to know that I'm happy for you. You may be getting your memories back! And... that's wonderful." I smiled genuinely. "You heard Impa. I still have a chance to find my own memories... though she could've been a bit more specific. He laughed. "Yea I know. More friends than you know! Quite a help." I chuckled and looked out at the road, happy that that weight had been lifted from our shoulders.
We fell back into silence after that conversation, but it was a comfortable silence. I stole glances at the blonde hero from time to time, occasionally catching his eye, only to immediately turn away. We continued on like this, letting our horses have short breaks and an apple or two now and again. We were nearing Hateno village when the skies began to darken. I gasped and lowered my hood over my eyes as cold droplets pelted my skin. This steady rainfall was accompanied by sounds of thunder and threats of lightning. Link only smiled and led his horse into the village at a hurried pace. Inside, we found a small stable, big enough to fit our two steeds. Once they were calmed and comfortable, we set off to explore the town.
The streets were deserted, as the weather had driven people back into their homes. I closely examined the signs outside each home, hoping to find the research center Impa had spoken of. "(Y/n)!" Link called. "Come here!" I hurried over to see what he'd found. He sent me a triumphant smile and pointed down at a sign that had been hammered into the dirt outside this home. Apparently, it was only a model home. Link opened the door, and sure enough the place was empty.
I shook my head in disbelief. "What would a tiny village like this need all these homes for?" He shrugged and walked around, resting his sword and shield against the doorway. I swiftly removed my cloak and boots, both of which had been soaked with rain. Link followed suit before hurrying upstairs to find a single bedroom. I took a seat at the kitchen table and leaned back in my chair, resting my feet on the tabletop. Link ran back downstairs. "It's getting pretty late. Want to stay here for the night?" He asked excitedly. I pursed my lips and glanced around the house once more. "I don't know about this. I mean, surely they don't want people just sleeping in their homes for free?" Link huffed and crossed his arms. "Oh come on. We're on our way to save the world, (y/n), I'm sure they'll make an exception. If they even find out we're here." He added. I looked to the mud-stained floor where Link had dragged his boots. "Right..."
Link brushed at the dirt with his toe to no avail. "Anyway... There's no harm in staying the night. There's a bed here and everything." I raised my hand to stop him. "A bed? As in one?" Link nodded, not seeing my dilemma. "C'mon why are you suddenly so on edge? We can't afford to be living safely on this adventure. Besides, if we can't get our old memories back, we could always make our own!"
I gave him an incredulous look and scoffed. I could feel the heat gathering in my cheeks as he said that. His face turned as pink as my own when he realized what he had referenced. "O-oh... I didn't mean that type of memory!" He hurried to push away the thoughts that came to mind. "Well in that case, I believe I saw an Inn nearby?" I stood up and stretched, gathering my items. "That will work. I'd rather not be caught here." He pulled his boots on once more and led me to the Inn. The innkeeper seemed surprised to see us, but happy to have a customer nonetheless.
We paid for two beds and seated ourselves at a table nearby. Link began removing his boots once more as the innkeeper, Prima, reappeared, holding two hot meals. I smiled at her as the food was placed in front of us. "What do we owe you?" Prima smiled. "Oh, nothing dear! On the house. I can't let any of my customers freeze or go hungry now can I?" I thanked her politely as Link dug into his food, reminding me of the night we'd met.
Soon enough we were both content and ready to call it a night. The innkeeper strode by to collect our empty plates. "Miss, we're here for the Hateno research facility, could you give us directions?" She smiled and nodded. "Sure, sure. The lab is located a bit farther from here, atop the nearby hill. You can't miss it! I'd be wary of the lead engineer though." I tilted my head. "Why's that?" The woman whistled. "They're a bit... strange is all. I'm sure you'll be fine though dears." Link and I exchanged a look of confusion as the woman left.
We sat back contently as music filled the room. I couldn't see the source, but it seemed as though someone was playing it to brighten the mood of the night. Link reached out to the bottle of drink we'd been given and poured himself some, before offering the bottle to me. I took it with a smile, watching the alcohol fill my glass. I did not intend to have too much, as we had business to attend to in the morning. Link didn't seem so keen. In an hour, he was raising his glass joyously to single other person in the inn (who seemed to be drunk as well).
Link took notice of the music once more and stood up, offering me his hand. I narrowed my (e/c) eyes. "What are you-" He shook his head. "You ask too many questions. C'mon!" I hesitantly took his hand and was led to the center of the inn. He placed a hand on my waist and I seized his other hand with my own. I was surprised by his actions, but the pink tinge on his cheeks told me that he wasn't thinking quite straight. He gave me a confident smile as he swung me around the room to the tune of the music, stumbling a bit as he went. Prima clapped in perfect time with the beat, whilst the drunk man in the corner tried his best. I couldn't help but smile brightly as I was spun around and brought right back to the hero.
He seemed pleased by my reaction and leaned in closer. "See, this is what I meant by new memories." I pressed a hand to his chest and pushed him a bit farther back. "You're drunk, Link." He laughed and shook his head. "Maybe... But you look so pretty tonight." He brushed a bit of my (h/c) locks back, and a genuine smile graced his features. I was in a state of shock, and kept telling myself that he wasn't in the right state of mind. He leaned in a bit closer, and I could feel his breath on my cheeks. The scent of alcohol brought me back to reality as I gently pushed him away. "It's for the best. You would've regretted that in the morning." Link frowned at his rejection. Prima awkwardly made her way back to the front desk and the drunk man turned away. I walked back to my bed and laid down, turning away from the blonde hero. The sound of music faded and was replaced by quiet snores. Link had gone right to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I sighed and wished him goodnight as I willed myself to sleep, hoping that he would remember nothing in the morning.
- In Serial34 Chapters
Old Riding Author Lunatic Asylum
Just off the A19, in the dark, incomprehensible lands known as Yorkshire, there lies a town. A town where shadow-silent alleys glint with the secret hunger of knives. Where blood soaks the chipboard window shutters of forsaken terraces stretching off into the night. Where the smog-choked air rattles with the depraved laughter echoing out from clubs that can only generously be described as post-apocalyptic. Well, that’s Middlesbrough. But down the A19 a bit (an impossibly long way down, actually) there lies another town: Raughnen, in the ancient, forgotten Old Riding. It is an equal match in muggery and thuggery alike. It also has magic spells and pointy wizard hats. And now, across the miles and across all sensibilities, a pretty nasty power (a magic one) calls out for its pretty nasty counterpart (a decidedly unmagic one): a proper sound Boro lad. Nothing good can come of it. This is a collection of one novella and four connected short stories: I. A Yorkshire Summoning II. Old Riding Day Trip (the novella) III. Heaven is a Parmo IV. Death on the 66 V. Death on the 257 In total, this comprises 34 chapters totalling around 35,000 words, so try not to worry. It will be over relatively quickly. There are three more short stories with more tenuous links to the core collection: Rush, Paper Round and Scenario 79: Sausage Fingers, all of which can be found in my collection Short Records of Misadventure. Reading these may allow you to make more sense of certain parts of the story, if any sense is to be made at all. NOTE: There are instances of prejudice and discrimination within these stories, including elements of sexism and ageism, which are purely the thoughts and actions of the characters involved and which certainly do not reflect my own views on these matters. ANOTHER NOTE; A WARNING, PERHAPS: This can get a bit weird. In less than 150 pages, we have four viewpoints, first and third person narratives, and a completely disjointed plot with lots of gaps, dead ends and no real resolution. Also ZERO lunatic asylums. It's all a bit odd. If that sort of thing isn't your cup of tea, which it most likely isn't, it might be best to move on now.
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Long Shadow
No destiny, no choice, no hope. Our protagonist, a coward summoned to a world meant for heroes; a new world with new rules and old cruelties. Join him on his adventures as he must deal with menus, monsters, and mysteries in this litrpg fantasy. Thomas Goodwill was an average boy with an average life, all that changed when he woke up in a new reality. Now, out of his depth, damn near out of his mind, he must learn to survive in a game-like reality with no reloads, checkpoints, or save scumming. He does, however, have a drunk snake. Thank you for reading my first story, hopefully, the first of many to come. This will be my main story and is meant to help me practice and hone my skills as I slowly produce more complex ideas. It's a litrpg in which I want to only lightly focus on the mechanics as I don’t want to pad out the word count with math and number tables and while I want to add a few of my own twists here and there, overall I’m going to keep this story close to generic as possible so that I don't let my inexperience lead me into a corner. Thanks again to all willing to leave a review or some constructive criticism, without you I'd never improve. Unfortunately, Cover art is by me.
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Anxiety- A reader x Sapnap fanfic
COMPLETEDY/N is a 19 year old streamer, she was inspired to do it when her brother Clay/Dream started getting more hype. But that wasn't her only secret.. y/n has sever anxiety and depression. The only way she could be happy was streaming with her 1k viewers. Until she raided from a bigger streamer and her brothers bestfriend; Sapnap. ( mostly reader x Sapnap but a bit of Dreamnotfound )
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