《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Twenty-Seven¤


Euphoria crumbled to the ground with an exhausted breath. Her body clad in the latest Nike gym gear from head to toe that Demetrius bought her. Her skin felt pasty and wet with sweat. Hair stuck to her forehead and neck. Her body flushed uncomfortably.

"Are you sure this is exercise?" Euphoria flung herself back onto the mat. "I mean, I exercise but...but this is just something else." She hid her face in the crook of her elbow.

"Wimp." Delia scoffed.

"Bitčh." Euphoria countered.

"Euphoria." Alloponio scolded.

"Oh hop of my non-existent dičk Poni." Euphoria rolled her eyes. "We're stating irrelevant facts. Isn't that right Delia." She shot her a fake smile.

Delia glared at her as Euphoria stood to her feet. Releasing a breath she made her way towards the door. "Where are you going?" Alloponio asked.

"Far away from you. All you're doing is making me exercise." She threw over her shoulder.

Euphoria pulled the door open where she found Demetrius's private gym. Her eyes instantly found his form in front of a punching bag. Euphoria bit her lip as she drank in the sight before her. Demetrius's torso was left bear, slithered in sweat that glistened under the dim lighting. Her hungry eyes went up his broad shoulders, chiseled chest and stomach. A small droplet of sweat fell from his pointed nose, landing on his chest and rolled down his torso - over his teasing v-line and vanished into his short. This had her clenching her thighs together. His swift and calculated moves enhanced his back muscles. They tightened and loosened before and after each move. His back broad and muscular shined under the dim light with the help of his coat of sweat. Demetrius's bulging biceps nearly had her fainting at their sight-

"Are you done tesoro?" Demetrius called out to her looking at her with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Huh?" Euphoria shook her head before meeting his gaze. "You said something?"

"I asked if you're done eye fučking me?" He titled his head slightly with an arched brow.

"Not for a long time." She shook her head.


Following him to the bench she sat down and watched him take a sip of water with his head thrown back. Her eyes trailed down his body quickly scanning him. Ok girl stop, acting like you haven't seen a man or anything.

With that thought in mind her eyes found his again that danced with amusement. "Are you done?"

"Yes I'm done. I want to hit something." She stood to her feet. "Now train me since you want me up at unholy hours of the morning."

"Your definition of unholy hours of the morning compared to mine aren't the same." Demetrius pointed out. "And what's with Alloponio helping you?"

"First of all you're my man so you're supposed to be helping me, not him. And Alloponio hasn't done anything but make me exercise to the bone." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright then but you've been warned. I will not be easy on you."

"Mhm, easy is boring in more ways than one." She winked at him. "Now gear me up." Euphoria held her hands out to him.

Demetrius chuckled as he began to wrap up her hands. "When are you going to bring up the issue you have with Tasha?"

"Damn why you all up in my business like that?" Euphoria made a face. "Who told you?"

"Your personal detail always give me a daily report."

"That's invasion of privacy on some other level and I'm not talking about Cardi B type of Invasion of Privacy."

"Who's Cardi B?" Demetrius scrunched his brows up.

"Ok I'm going to pretend like you didn't just ask me that." Euphoria blinked rapidly before shaking her head. "I need to educate you baby but don't worry, you'll be cultured and nourished soon."

"You're straying off topic Euphoria. Anything that may be a threat to you and Salvatore is my concern. Especially since this friend of yours was the last person to see you healthy and well before the attack. Now what happened yesterday?"

"Ok damn slow your role Papi." She rolled her eyes as he adjusted the gloves on her hands. "She was just talking some nonsense and trying to flex on me about her new man who helped her get all that shít done to her body. She gave me her number before she left. Nothing much rea- ouch! Easy!" She glared at him as he tightened the head gear a little to tight.


"Sorry la mio amore." Demetrius bent slightly to kiss the skin under her chin that got caught on the clasp. "Are you going to call her?"

"Ehhhhh... no." She shook her head. "She's been nothing but ok for a while now and I'm not about to get mixed up in her senseless drama. I got my own shít to worry about."

"You need to stop cussing." He scolded.

"Sorry no can do Papi." She grinned before walking towards the ring. "C'mon let's get started."


"What's this room?" Euphoria asked staring at the hallway filled with paintings mounted on the long walls.

"These are portraits of all entire D'Agostino family. From the very first one to the very last one. Each D'Agostino has made a mark and had contributed to the empire during their time of reign." Demetrius explained.

"Whoa, that's so cool." She looked around the room in awe. After having breakfast with Salvatore this morning she had asked Demetrius to give her a much more detailed tour of the estate. "I would've thought they'd be at the D'Agostino Manor."

"They are, these are just copies. The D'Agostino Manor here in America isn't the main one. The first ever and main one is in Italy. That's where all the originals are kept." He explained.

"Why do you have the Manor and an estate? Wouldn't it make more sense to have just one?" She quirked a brow.

"The D'Agostino family is quite large. We wouldn't be able to fit everyone in one house. We need about two to three or four, depending on whether or not everyone shows up for an event."

"You're that many?" Her brows disappeared into the bangs she put her hair in.

Demetrius chuckled. "Yes la mio cioccolatino. We are that many."

"Does each Manor and estate have copies of these portraits?"


"Why? Don't you think that's a little, oh I don't know, conceited?" Her brow arched.

"One may view it as such. Outsiders especially. But, the paintings are placed in every home to remind every D'Agostino member of how we got to where we are now. Each of these portraits, all the faces you see before you, have a story behind them. The good and the ugly." Demetrius informed.

"Will you tell me about them?" Euphoria couldn't help but ask as she felt like much more of an outsider more than ever. The feeling had her chest squeezing uncomfortably.

"Don't fret cara." He wrapped his hands around her small waist. "Your portrait, our portrait and our family portrait will be in each D'Agostino Manor and estate soon. But, if you truly want to know about the Empire everyday I can explain a family line to you after breakfast, yes?"

Euphoria nodded with a smile. "I'd like that."

"Alright then. From tomorrow onwards." He pecked her lips. "Now let's go find Salvatore and Benedetto, who knows what chaos they've caused this time."

Euphoria laughed. "I did say we could bring him along."

"Everyone's been hogging you. I just wanted a little time with you to myself before we're whisked away to do different tasks." Demetrius sighed.

"It's alright babe." Euphoria lifted their intertwined hands and gave his hand a kiss. "The the little moments I will always cherish, such as our night routine we've fallen into." She grinned.

Demetrius smiled at her. "Mama will be here later on this afternoon. She's going to help you establish your place here as queen. And also help you achieve whatever you want to do before you met me. Obviously with the necessary adjustments. Since you've graduated already." He informed. "Your schedule is about to get full."

"I don't mind." Euphoria smiled. "I'm ready to take the throne." A devious look captured her face making Demetrius laugh a laugh that made the near by staff eyes widen in utter amazement at the sound that came from their boss.

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