《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Fourteen¤


Euphoria had been walking around after her encounter with Tasha. Despite being hungry she just didn't feel like eating. She was far to angry to think of eating at this point. She couldn't understand how and when everything changed with Tasha. And I know it's not because of that time I didn't answer her damn text and calls. Euphoria thought to herself.

Releasing a sigh she checked the time she had been walking for about an hour now. It was a little pass two. She decided she would go grocery shopping for her new penthouse. Just as she stepped on the edge of the side walk she began to call for a cab. Some drove passed her before one had finally stopped for her. Euphoria made sure to ask for a supermarket closest to the penthouse address.

When she had bought everything that she thought she needed she began walking with the bags in her hands. Glancing at the sky Euphoria hoped the rain wouldn't catch her along the way.

Just as she began to pick up her pace she had been tugged into a alley roughly almost dropping her shopping bags. Euphoria turned around to see two police officers and three broad African-American men. They looked like the basic king pins that she grew up staying far away from. Taking a closer look she noticed that the police officers were the ones who were there during her release this morning.

"Dis ha'." The one who seemed to be in charge asked.

"Yes." The one officer said nodding while the other held her.

"Aight." He nodded his head towards one of his "homies" who stepped forward with a duffle bag . "Everything we discussed is in there."

The one officer checked before nodding his head. "Pleasure doing business with you gentlemen. Let's go Rodgers." He nodded to his friend who held her.

They both walk off leaving her with the males. Let them speak first and react later. Euphoria thought to herself. She didn't want to leave the earth because she got loud with trigger happy men.


"So shawty, we hea' you messin' with the big man. The big ole white boy." The leader spoke. I used to love the idea of being called shawty but it no longer seems appealing to me. She thought to herself as she continued to listen.

"That doesn't explain as to why I'm here." Euphoria spoke after some time of silence.

"You see the little white boy of yours came in and screwed me and my crew over."

"And?" Euphoria already saw where this was heading. She wrapped the handles of the plastic bags around her hands before gripping onto them tightly.

"Well ya' kno' wha' happens next." They began to advance towards her. "It's shame you're pretty but not for long." He chuckled. "Let this be a message for ole white boy and a lesson for messin' around wit' the wrong kinda nigga when you should be with a nigga like me." She noticed the shine of a knuckle buster he had put on.

Before they could react Euphoria swung her shopping bag at his head forcing him to the side. She side kicked the next guy and swung the other shopping bag at the other. One of them grabbed her from behind. Euphoria threw her head back with force as she kicked out her legs nailing the other two in their genitals. When they fell to the ground she dropped her legs with force instantly hitting them in the head. One of the guys fell roughly onto the ground instantly knocking out. The other guy fell hitting his head as well but not with as much force. Euphoria began throwing her head back repeatedly as she felt the guy beginning to squeeze.

The man released her making her stumble forward she spun around with spinning kick hitting him in his already injured head. Euphoria aimed to kick him in the chest so she could knock all the wind out of him, sadly he gripped her leg and took hold her neck before slamming her in the ground. All the air left her body causing her to gasp desperately. She noticed his boot coming down to stomp on her. Euphoria quickly rolled onto her side, swiped her foot under her him tripping him. He landed on the ground with a thud.


As winded as she was, she got up and kneed one of the other men in the face twice before turning her attention to the leader, who was still on the ground. Acting quick Euphoria kicked him in the chest and he grabbed her leg bring her down onto him. Straddling him she punched him in the face at least three times before he returned with a punch to the side of her head.

Euphoria groaned before she punched him once more before pain shot through her hand. She quickly got to her feet before she began stomping on anything that wasn't covered. Euphoria stepped back and tried to shake the dizziness that she received from the blow to the side of her head.

"You're a tough little bitčh." The guy chuckled spitting blood at her shoes.

"And you're a dumb little bitčh." She countered before drawing her foot back and kicked him in head knocking him out cold.

With her chest heaving up and down looked to all three of them to see they were knocked out. Her brain began to understand that she was no longer in immediate danger. Her body soon started to ache causing her to release a whimper of pain.

"Euphoria!" She heard a hustle and bustle of many footsteps

Euphoria wanted to keep fighting but her body couldn't seem to respond with her brain anymore. Shaking away the adamant dizziness she got ready in a fighting stance. She was certain she looked like a messed up duck trying to take a shít that wouldn't get out.

"Euphoria." She heard the voice before she saw him behind the flashlight. She didn't know when the clouds had gathered and made it dark. It looked ready to rain any moment from then.

"Apollonio." She cried stumbling to him when she saw the all too familiar consigliere. Euphoria didn't know how they found her but she didn't care. Help was here and she was ready to succumb to the pain.

Euphoria fell in his arms just as he reached her. Her legs felt extremely weak and she herself felt nautious.

"Cuzzo." She heard him hiss. "Aye you have to stay awake Euphoria. Keep you're eyes open for me ok?"

"I'm so tired." She said as she felt her eyelids become heavy by the minute.

"Remove these shopping bags from her hands and get the Godfather on the phone." He barked. "Also get Dr. Rizzo and where the fučk is the car!" He lifted her bridal style in his arms. "Euphoria." He shook her slightly.

"Aye easy." She called out to him drunk in sleep. "Everything hurts and why is it so hot." She tugged her top.

Once in the car Alloponio felt on her forehead. "You've got a fever."

"Oh must be flu." She mumbled before closing her eyes.

"Euphoria." He shook her once more.

"Hmm Poni?" She fluttered her eyes open slightly. "Your new nickname for me is Poni ok? Only I get to call you that." She stated.

"Keep talking alright so you'll stay concious."

The rest of the car ride remained that way, him speaking to her to keep her awake. They needed to reach Demetrius's home fast before she stopped talking and Alloponio became worried about her rising temperature. It almost hurt to hold her.

"Fučking step on it or else I will kill you myself if she falls unconscious!"

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