《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Eight¤


"I'm coming!" Euphoria groaned.

Shuffling slightly she tip toed over all her laid out study material and quickly made it to the front door.

"Who is it?"


She couldn't help but smile before opening the door. He stood before her clad in a black expensive looking suit with a turtle neck under the jacket and fancy dress shoes. His hair was messy as if he'd run his fingers through it many times. What had her grinning were the glasses resting on the bridge or his nose.

"Hi." She stepped aside and opened the door wider allowing him to enter.

"Hello mi cioccolatino." He placed a kiss on her cheek. "How was your day?" He asked as he removed his shoes.

"It was interesting and very busy. How about yours?" She asked him. "Sorry about the mess I'm just studying. Let's sit at the window seat." She gestured to the free spot to sit. They could see the apartment building across from hers and the street infront or her building.

"Mine was eventful as well." He spoke. "How many tests are you writing tomorrow?" He looked from her couches, coffee table and carpet that had been covered in either paper or a heavy looking book.

"Just one." She sighed heavily.

"Damn tesoro even I wasn't this serious about school."

"Really?" She asked shocked.

"No." He shook his head with a smirk on his lips after a moment of silence.

She kissed her teeth, "Whatever."

"Have you eaten?" He asked her.

"No. I was planning on eating at 8."

"It's passed 11 now Bella." He chuckled standing to his feet. "I'll make us some dinner. You can study in the mean time. Make sure to finish up because after this I want you in bed and refreshed for tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that Demetrius." She said as she followed him to her kitchen.

Demetrius turned around and took hold of her shoulders before turning her around and giving her light push towards her study material. "Go."


Euphoria didn't protest any more and let the man cook for her. She continued the last bit off work that she had to study. When she got to her last paragraph he called her to dinner. Asking for 10 minutes she was able to read over it three times before standing to her feet and meeting him at the breakfast bar.

"This looks amazing." Euphoria stated as her eyes focused on the plate before her. "Are you sure all these ingredient are from my kitchen?" She arched her brow.

"Yes mi amore." He chuckled.

They ate in silence. After their plates were cleared of food they fell into light conversation as she sipped on her water. Euphoria couldn't help but share with him what she had discovered today. She told him everything. She wanted to share the news with someone and had decided that he'd be the most understanding. Especially when it came to her new found wealth.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked her.

"Well I'm going to finish school. But I'm not going to work anymore until I finish school." She stated. "I've only thought that far." She shrugged. "This is all so new to me."

"Maybe you should move into that penthouse. It's in a much safer neighbourhood. And it may be easier to focus on school work without all the ruckus." He stated referring to the loud thumping music that could be heard from the apartment building from across.

"Yeah maybe I will." She nodded at the idea. "I just want to take everything one step at a time."

"I understand. Never fear to ask me for help ok?"

"Ok." She nodded before she released a yawn.

"Let me run you a bath while you pack up all your books, yes?"

"Thank you Demetrius."She couldn't control herself before she found herself throwing her arms around his neck. "You're so good to me, maybe a little too good." She teased with a slight giggle.

Demetrius pulled her closer and buried his face in her chest. He immediately started to get hard as he felt that she had no bra on under her clothes. He was glad that she pulled away before he could act impulsively.


"The bathroom is down the hall to the left."

He gave her nod before watching her walk towards the living room. Demetrius took away their dishes before he went to run her a bath. Once her bath was ready she happily skipped to her room to remove her clothes and pull on her robe before walking into the bathroom. Demetrius couldn't help but to look into her room. The first thing he noticed was Unicorn situated at the head of her single bed in the centre. Her room was simple with grey sheets a blue fluffy rug, a vanity stand, body length mirror besides it a cupboard and blinds by the window. The room was tied together with a few of her clothes hung here and there, a picture on her bedside table and fairy lights that hung on her head board.


Euphoria came from her room still yawning. She found Demetrius sitting and reading one of her many thick books. She couldn't help but note how cute he looked as he pushed up his black rimmed glass on his nose and focused on the words infront of him.

"You want to work with children?"

"Yes." She nodded happily. "I went through a fair share of my own experiences and other children will too probably even worse than I have. So I'll be the ear they need." She was majoring in psychology and wanted to work specifically with children.

"I learn more and more about you each day."

Euphoria playfully scoffed. "Yeah right I'm pretty sure you did you're research on me. So, you probably know more than you're letting on."

"You're right mi cioccolatino, I did do my research on you. However, I didn't read up everything. I didn't even open you're file. I had my consigliere inform me on any red flags about you. I know little about you. I know as much as you have let me know." Demetrius spoke after a moment of silence.

"Red flags? Were there any?" She sat besides him on the couch.

"Not to me. My consigliere thought otherwise but I couldn't really care for what he thought of you."

"Oh... is it a bad thing that he doesn't like me for you? I mean a consigliere is an advisor if I'm not mistaken."

"No you are not little one." He smirked. "But he doesn't like anyone for me. He thinks everyone is out to harm me and my empire."

"Understandable and I'm not little." She pouted before she yawned once more.

Demetrius chuckled slightly. "We'll discuss your small stature some other time. For now you need to get to bed. That means I must be on my way." He stood to his feet.

Euphoria nodded and she walked him to the door. "Thank you for stopping by. Dinner was great and so was the bubble bath." She grinned.

"Anytime mio cara." He kissed her cheek. "You get your rest so you're refreshed for your test, yes?"

"I will." She nodded with a smile playing on her lips.

Euphoria waited for him to fix his shoes before he stepped out. She noticed the two gaurds standing on either side of her door. Euphoria couldn't help but hug him. No-one, much less a man, had paid so much attention to her and she couldn't be more great full for him. For him taking his time from much pressing matters only to "hang out".

"Goodnight Demetrius." She whispered as she couldn't help but melt into his embrace as his big strong arms wrapped around her.

"Goodnight mi amore." He placed one last kiss on her cheek before he pulled away. "I'll leave once I know you've locked the door and you're safe."

Euphoria smiled before going back inside and closed the door softly before being sure to lock the door. She turned off all the lights besides the bathroom and hallway light. Once she locked her bedroom door she walked over to the window to see him heading to his expensive car. Euphoria shut the blinds and turned off the lights. Once in bed, sleep clung onto her.

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