《Sour or Sweet》twenty-two.
"Come on and get up mama." Cameron was standing the foot of his bed halfway dressed.
He woke up around six and he knew that was too early for Bri, so he let her sleep. It was now a little after eight and it was time to get ready, so they could beat traffic and be on time. He pulled Brielle by her legs and pulled her up to his chest like a baby. If it's one thing Cam has learned, it's that Bri hates being woken up.
"Ughhhh." She mumbled into his chest. Cameron laughed and shook his head. Bri pushed her chin forward with her head leaning back.
Cameron leaned down and kissed her not caring about her morning breath. "Come on mama. Want me to carry you to the bathroom?"
She nodded her head and Cameron scooped her up. Her legs instantly wrapped around his torso. The first time Cameron picked Brielle up, she bought peed on herself. She was scared because she has never been picked up before and he caught her off guard.
Cameron grabbed her bag and they walked into the bathroom. He sat Bri on the toilet and placed her bag at her feet. "You want breakfast or are we stopping somewhere?"
"Whatever works for you and Bari, y'all got class first."
Cam nodded and kissed her forehead walking out of the bathroom.
Brielle stretched and jumped up. She grabbed a small towel turning on the hot water and washed her face. Picking up her toothbrush she squeezed out some toothpaste and began brushing her teeth.
After taking care of her oral hygiene, she stripped from her night clothing and grabbed the pair of light acid washed distressed jeans from her bag. She stepped into them jumping in the process as she pulled them up. She pulled her nike crewneck over her head.
Stepping in front of the mirror, Bri pulled her bonnet from her head and began unraveling her braids. Since she didn't bring any hair utensils, she braided her hair last night, so she didn't have to worry about the hassle this morning.
"Cameron!" She yelled as she began placing all her things back in her bag. She heard his heavy feet and opened the door.
"Wassup mama?" He stood at the door still undressed.
Brielle looked up and shook her head. "Why you not dressed and where the vapormaxs I left over here?"
"All I have to do is put my shirt on and my closet. You need em?" He questioned
Brielle nodded her head and grabbed her bag. "Yes please."
She followed behind Cam and set on the bed. Since she was wearing tennis shoes today, she removed her anklet and pulled some socks on her feet. Cameron emerged from his closet carrying Bri's shoes in his hand. He threw the shirt that he had on shoulder on the bed and untied her shoes bending down in front of her. Bri shook her head. Cam doesn't let her do anything.
He grabbed her foot and pushed the shoe on—tying it. He repeated the same step for the other. Dropping her foot, Cam grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head untucking his chains. He turned to his dresser picking up his wallet and stuffed in his back pocket.
Bri stood up and unplugged her macbook from the charger sliding it in her bookbag. She made sure she had her two notebooks along with her biology book. Bri threw her keys and wallet into her bookbag before zipping it up. She looked over at Cameron and took in his attire.
He was sporting a all black Nike tech sweatsuit along with a black pair of Nike vapormax. Guess they were matching today.
Cam looked over his shoulder. "You ready mama?"
Bri nodded her head and grabbed her bookbag throwing it across her back. She slid her phone in her back pocket and walked out of the room with Cam following behind her.
Cameron tapped on Bari's door and kept walking only to see him sitting on the counter with a donut stick in his mouth, swinging his legs back and forth. Bri shook her head.
"Goodmorning you two." Jabari jumped down from the counter and grabbed his bookbag off a barstool.
"Goodmorning Jabari." Bri walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a apple juice and one of her strawberry muffins.
"Who car we taking?" Cameron asked as he retrieved a water from the fridge. The question caused Brielle to smirk. She tilted her head to the side.
"You wanna drive the hellcat?"
Cameron stopped what he was doing and looked at her narrowing his eyes. "You playing with me?"
Brielle shrugged her shoulders. "Why not? You're always asking to drive it." She pulled her bookbag around and felt around until she retrieved her keys. She tossed the keys to Cam. He caught them in mid air.
He smirked and looked at Jabari causing him to shake his head. "Let's go so we can beat traffic."
Jabari ran out the front door yelling. "I call shotgun!"
"Nigga the fuck! My girl sitting up front." Cameron grabbed his bookbag and ran behind him. Brielle shook her head and followed suit. She locked the bottom lock and shut the door. She jogged down the flight of stairs and blew out a breath.
"I'll never understand why they chose the third floor." She shook her head and walked towards the car sliding in the seat behind Cam. She didn't mind sitting in the backseat.
Cam looked in the rearview mirror. "You good mama?"
Bri nodded her head and Cameron peeled out of the lot. She flew back into the seat and shook her head. Pulling out her phone, she texted her sisters. Bri knows they're dying to hear about her weekend.
you whores up?
🤍well well!
how was your weekend miss girlfriend?
💗she get a little boyfriend
and now she think she's grown.
🤍she ain't grown.
that's funny because I am.
y'all still coming this weekend?
🤍yes, but I'm going to be late!
I got a shoot friday.
💗: yea, we still going to cam's game?
yes ma'am
Brielle locked her phone and looked up. She noticed that they were turning into a whataburger's drive through.
"What you want mama?" Cameron lifted up from the seat and pulled his wallet from his back pocket retrieving his card
"A chicken biscuit and hash-brown."
Cameron recited everybody order and pulled to the window. He payed and retrieved their food. Cam gave Bri her food and pulled off. About time she had finished her food, they were pulling through the school's gate. Cameron flashed his student ID and pulled thru. Driving through student parking, he found a park and backed in. He killed the engine and stepped out—opening Bri's door.
Bri stepped out and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. She pulled her bookbag on her back and adjusted the straps. Before shutting the door, she reached in and grabbed her trash.
"See y'all scrubs later." Jabari pulled his hood on head and threw up the piece sign walking away.
"Bri." Cameron wrapped his arm around her neck as they walked in the opposite direction.
"Yes?" She looked around campus and saw that it was very busy. Maintenance was cleaning up. The grass was being cut and then you had a few painting.
"What you thinking about? Ya meeting with your advisor?"
Bri bit her lip and nodded her head. "Yes because when the advisor schedules a meeting it's usually something bad or something in that nature."
Cameron shook his head and stopped walking. He stood and pulled Bri in front him so they were facing each other. "I know how much school means to you, so I understand why you're worried but I want you to think positive. You never know what it could be."
Bri stomped her left foot and started pouting. "But I can't!"
"Stop being a brat girl. I tell you what. If it's anything good I'll buy them Louis Vuitton sandals you been looking at."
A surprised look went across Bri's face causing Cam to nodded his head. "I pay attention to everything."
Bri folded her arms across her chest and titled her head to the side. "And if its bad news?"
Cameron licked his lips rocking back and forth on the heel of his feet. "You have to give me a massage after Friday's game."
Brielle smirked. "Deal."
"Girl c'mere." Cameron laughed and pulled Bri into him kissing her. "Go ahead to your meeting and stop worrying. I'll see you later mama."
Bri smiled and gave him another kiss before they split up. After making a short walk across campus, she made to the natural science building. Opening the door, Bri walked in and made her way towards the second floor. Once she was upstairs, she made her way down the hall. Coming up on her advisor's door, she knocked and waited until she was granted permission to enter.
"Goodmorning Mrs. Myles." Brielle walked in and took a seat in front of her desk.
"Morning Ms. Jones Do you know why I called you here today?"
Brielle shook her head. "No ma'am."
Her advisor sat back in her chair. Turning towards her computer, she began typing. "Are you still considering graduating next spring?"
"Yes ma'am, if my grades allow it." Brielle mind went into a frenzy as she tried to figure out what her advisor is insinuating.
"Do you know where you stand academically?" Mrs. Myles asked not taking her eyes off the computer screen.
Bri eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Was she trying to say I'm falling she thought? "If I'm recalling correctly, my gpa is a three point five."
Mrs. Myles shook her head. "No ma'am. You're standing at a three point eight and my question is, would you like to graduate this fall instead of the spring?"
Brielle's mouth went wide in shock which caused Mrs. Myles to laugh.
"Yes ma'am. Your gpa is three point eight and I know you may be confused on how so I'll explain."
Bri nodded her head.
"I looked at your records and noticed you were missing some classes. They may have showed up on your end but there was a glitch in the system a while back. You achieved the required credits for your history minor last spring. Then you took classes over the summer just to remove the two C's off your transcript. Now you only need six more credits for your biology degree because you took majority of the required courses your freshman and sophomore year."
Brielle was stunned and quite excited. This was definitely good news. "So technically I'm a senior instead of being a junior?"
Mrs. Myles nodded. "Yes ma'am. You meet all requirements, no fines, no balance, community service is complete and campus involvement. If you choose to graduate this fall, you're finals will be next month. You will graduate magna cum, but we won't know your ranking until after finals. I'll be emailing you the application and I'll be giving you a week to decide. Just fill out the application and email it back."
"Wow. Thank you Mrs. Myles." Brielle stood you and adjusted her bookbag on her back.
"No, thank you Ms. Jones. I had the pleasure of advising you. I remember when you came into my office crying about to give up. I knew you were destined for greatness when you pushed through."
Brielle smiled. "Thank you again." She walked out of her advisor's office all smiles. Looks like someone is getting a new pair of shoes.
Throughout the day, the triplets attend their classes. After Bri was dismissed from her last class around eleven, she walked towards the cafe to wait on Cam. She pulled her ID from her wallet and swiped it. Once she heard the latch, she pulled the door open and walked in. She waved back to people has she walked through. Once word got around that she was dating the start wide receiver people she didn't know started speaking.
Bri surveyed the cafe and saw that her usual was seat empty. She walked towards back and slid into the booth. Pulling off her bookbag, she reached inside feeling around for her airpod pros. Popping one into her ear, she started a conference call with her family.
"Only time we do conference calls is when somebody has some news. Nobody better be pregnant."
Brielle shook her head at her father's antics.
"Shut up Dakari."
"What if I said I was pregnant?" Brielle stifled a laugh because Keria is always trying their daddy.
"Stop playing with me like I won't drive to Pairie Veiw."
"Everybody shut up so Bri can talk. She started the call."
Bri laughed. "Period mama, but I have some good news that I think everybody might like."
"What is it? You won the lottery? Finally, because your old man needs some coin."
"Shut up Dakari."
"You hush Ash."
The girls laughed as they listen to their parents bicker back and forth. "I'm graduating in December."
"Excuse me? Come again."
"Oh my god. Let me start planning the party now."
"For real Bri?"
"Stop playing! You lying."
Bri laughed and shook her head as if they could see her. "Nope. I had a meeting with my advisor today. She explained that instead of being a junior I am a senior. Apparently there was a glitch in the system. I finished with everything last semester. I just need the nine credits I'm taking right now to finish everything off."
Sniffs. "Lord who's crying?" Bri questioned as she saw Cameron walking across the cafe. A big smile broke out across her face.
"Your hormonal ass mama."
"Don't be talking about my mama like that."
"Shut up Za'Keria."
"Hey beautiful." Cameron kissed her and slid into the booth across from her. She smiled.
"I'm going to explain the rest once I get home. I love y'all."
"Yea yea. You just rushing us off for that boy." Bri threw her head back and laughed.
"Leave her alone. We love you too muffin." She shook her head and hung up the phone removing her AirPods.
"Hey baby." Cam grinned because Bri finally called him by a pet name. He smirked and titled his head to the side.
"Oh so I'm your baby now?" Bri eyes went wide.
Cameron laughed and licked his lips. "Yea you said it."
Bri laughed and threw her hand. "Whatever."
Cameron pulled his phone out and sat back. "You got anything you want to tell me?" He asked not taking his eyes off his phone. To Bri's knowledge he was on social media of something of the sort, but he in reality he was on the Louis Vuitton website getting ready to order her shoes. He knew she received good news.
Titling her head to the side smiling. "Welllllll. We might be graduating together." She cheesed.
Cameron looked up from his phone with wide eyes. "For real?"
Nodding her head. "Yup. Apparently there was some issues with the system. What I was looking at wasn't right."
"Looks like you getting them shoes." Cameron smirked. He pressed confirm and sat his phone on the table. "We eating eating here?"
Bri shook her head. "You want to?"
"No, come on. I told Jabari to meet us at the car." He stood up and held his hand out. Bri took his hand and they walked out of the cafe towards the parking lot. Cameron remotely started the car and opened the passenger side door for Bri. She removed her bookbag and slid in. Cam shut the door and jogged to the driver's side.
"What time is practice?" Bri removed her shoes and tucked her left leg under her butt.
Cameron leaned back and slouched into the seat opening up his legs. "Five. You taking a nap with me or you going straight home?"
"That sounds tempting but I have orders I need to do."
Cameron nodded his head in a understanding manner. He intertwined their hands and brought it up to his lips, kissing her side. Bri blush bashfully.
"What y'all doing after the game?"
Licking his lips, he looked over at Bri. "Nothing is on the surface right, why wassup?"
"I was thinking we could do something at my house. I could prepare some wings and drinks. It ain't nothing like food and alcohol. It could be you, me, my sisters and Jabari."
"That don't sound too bad."
Jabari eventually made it to the car and they left campus. Once making it back to their apartment. Bri made her way upstairs and packed her stuff up. Since she left her shoes in the car. She slid her feet inside the pair of birkenstocks. Bri made sure she had every thing including her stuff she bought form the mall. She turned around and looked at Cameron shaking her head. "But I'm the big baby?"
Cameron had his arms folded and a pout on his face leaning against his dresser. She gripped his beard and kissed him sucking on his bottom lip. Cam reached up and gripped the base of her neck. As the kiss grew deeper, his grip tighten causing Bri to moan into the kiss. Cameron took that as opportunity to slip tongue inside. They pulled apart breathing hard.
Currently in a daze. Bri shook her head and looked up. "Uh.. I'll come back tomorrow since I don't have class Wednesday and you can spend the night at my house Friday."
Cameron smirked and rubbed her over bottom lip with his thumb. "Okay."
Bri bent over to grab her only to receive a hard smack. "Amari! I have jeans on!"
He laughed and threw his hands up. "I'm sorry but it was just calling my name."
Bri laughed and pushed him walking out of the room with Cameron trailing behind her. He pulled the door open and they walked downstairs. Cam took the bags from Bri and placed them into the backseat.
"Let me know when you make it home mama." He kissed her forehead and shut her door tapping the top twice. Bri blew the horn and sped out of the lot.
After a twenty minute ride. Bri was pulling down her street. She stopped at the mailbox and retrieved her mail before pulling into her long driveway. Pushing the garage opener, she pulled inside and killed the engine.
She slid her phone and mail into her bookbag before stepping out—slinging it across her back. Bri shut the door and opened the back. She grabbed her duffle, shopping bags and made her way inside. She kicked her shoes off and threw her keys on the counter before walking upstairs.
Bri walked into her room and and sat her bags on the floor. She stripped from her clothes and threw them in the hamper. Now she was walking around in her undergarments.
She opened her duffle and grabbed the dirty clothes and added them to the hamper. She pulled on a pair of cotton shorts and grabbed her phone along with her mac. She walked down the hall towards her office. Pushing the door open she walked through.
Shaking her head. Bri still couldn't believe it looked the way it did. Her mama, Ashley decorated it as a house warming gift.
It was painted in a cream color with off gray carpet. One wall had her desk and iMac along it with some white square plated shelves form Ikea. On the other side was a fifty inch touch screen tv. Her jewelry was along the wall in shelves, in alphabetical order based on last names of orders. Her shipping boxes and bags were in a bin. It was also a table that housed her equipment.
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Chaos (old)
Once upon a time, there was a boy. A boy who only knew to take. A boy who brought the night... Once upon a time, there was a girl. A girl who only knew to give. A girl who brought the day... And once upon a time, the demon king met a god. Time flows by, and now there is only the boy. A broken boy. A boy who knew only to take. A boy who brought the night. But now he wonders: Why? Why must he only take? Why must he bring the night? And why must the day die for the night to be born? Author's note: I found the cover online, and I used it because I thought it looks like how I envision the MC... If the owner wants me to take it down, just tell me and I'll do so. Minor spoiler about the cover; this information is revealed in the prologue: Spoiler: Spoiler This is his day form. His night form is just different color hair and eyes...
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If It Never Happened ⚣
True is a fifteen-year-old suicidal teenager, and he's done with his life. With shitty parents who would rather punch him than show him affection and a set of siblings out to make his life hell, oh wait, did I forget to mention he's devastating bullied at school? With all that on his plate and worse things coming into play, True's done. He's seen the pills in the cabinet, it's time to use them. Alister Clenevence is the biggest mafia boss in New York, but that brought upon a lonely life. Watching after his younger brother, and his little brothers boyfriend, Alister wants that, he wants someone to love, but no one is catching his eye. Well, until he sees a platinum blonde teenage boy with a fake smile. Did I fail to mention True's fathers in the mafia?With romance, bullying, self-hate, attempted-suicide, abuse, and a lot of smartass comments, welcome to If It Never Happened.Book One in the Happened SeriesHighest Rankings18th in #Gay~ June 25th, 201814th in #Gay~ August 2nd, 201810th in #Gay~ August 3rd, 20185th in #Gay~ August 11th, 2018
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~Book One~"Don't lie to us," Mr. Lincoln muttered, his voice filled with frustration as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him, "Are you alright?"I swallowed forcefully, staying quiet as I looked at him."Are you alright?" He asked with more force, the heat of his breath barely touching my lips as his grip around my jaw moved to my throat.It was like my brain forgot how to speak as I stared him in the eyes. A grin flickered onto his lips, his grip loosening around my neck. My heart was stampeding as I felt Mr. Hayes stand up from behind me, his body heat piercing mine as he let go of my wrist."Are you alright?" He whispered into my ear, his hands gripping my waist as I stood frozen. Lunar Floid - Main Character, Homosexual, Human, Submissive, BottomBook One - PossessionBook Two - CorruptionBook Three - Salvation[[ Doesn't need to really be read in any order but it would GREATLY help to understand things ]]RATINGS;#1 for LGBT --- 5/14/21#1 for BDSM --- 8/10/21#1 for MLM --- 8/21/21, 8/25-30/21#1 for WrittenWithPride --- 9/5-7/21, 10/23-28/21#1 for EatingDisorder --- 11/17/21WARNINGS; ~ Story contains Mature content such as Rape, BDSM, Etc., etc.~ Story also contains LGBT content!
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Unapologetically Me
Fatima Ward is a pre-med senior at Hampton University. Becoming a pediatric doctor is her parent's dream for her, but secretly Fatima wants to be a Fiction Writer. She finds herself fulfilling this secret passion by writing fanfics on the extremely popular online writing website, WriteNow. To keep her identity private, Fatima writes under the pseudonym @YaraTheWriter. With over 30,000 followers, Fatima's books are successful within the WriteNow community. Curvy and proud, Fatima has a long-time boyfriend who goes to school at Norfolk State University. While working on her new fanfic using rapper, Jericho, she finds herself becoming close with a new reader who she later finds out is the man himself. When he shows interest in meeting her she is hesitant but goes through with the meeting anyways.Jericho was born Jaren Young in Brooklyn, New York. He was known mostly for his basketball skills, but always had a love for poetry that led to rapping as a hobby. When things didn't work out for him at Syracuse University, a chance meeting with music legend Nas led to a record deal and his first album was instantly named a classic by both fans and critics. While working on his follow-up album, he runs across WriteNow and @YaraTheWriter through his assistant. What initially starts off as just something fun to pass the time leads to a deeper friendship. Even though he is dating one of America's most beautiful and popular actresses he finds himself anxious to meet the woman behind the book. What will happen when these two finally meet?**********© 2017 D.S. Little All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.
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The Balcony
She chose her apartment because she liked the attached balcony and the peace and quiet it afforded her. That is soon about to change thanks to a new neighbour. Author's Note: This story is dedicated to my person, my Yang, my Lorelai. I write today because you asked why not. Cover Picture Courtesy: To the ever lovely @AasthaKatrela!
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