《Sour or Sweet》twenty-one.
AfterCameron and I woke up from our nap, we took showers—separate of course. After we got dressed, we took a vote on what I was cooking. Cam argued for lamb chops and mashed potatoes, while I objected for honey garlic salmon and yellow rice. Since we couldn't decide, I brought Jabari into the equation and he sided with me.
So that resulted into all of us climbing into Cam's Range, with me driving. Shocking to say the least. I was shook when he threw me the keys. Y'all know niggas don't play about their vehicles!
"I can't believe you letting her drive the whip." Jabari called from the back seat. I shook my head, because I couldn't believe it either.
"Mind your business bro." Cameron chuckled.
I shook my head and switched lanes. Approaching a red light, I looked to my right and was met with Cam's brown orbs. I shook my head and presented a small smile. "What?"
He shook his head smirking. "Nothing, just admiring what's in front of me."
I blushed hiding my face.
"Hate to break up y'all little moment, but the light is green." Jabari leaned up over the console. I elbowed him and sped off knocking him back into the seat.
About ten minutes later I was pulling in the parking of lot of Walmart. My favorite store besides Sam's. Luckily I found a park not too far from the door. Everybody know it's impossible to find a good park at Walmart. I pulled in and killed the engine. Removing my seatbelt, I turned in the seat and point my finger. "I need the both of you to behave. Last time we was here, we almost got put out. Let's be in and out."
Cameron held his hands up in a surrendering motion. "Hey! That was not my fault. Talk to the child in the backseat."
"He's your best-friend so it makes it your fault too. Now let's go." I reached into the armrest and grabbed my wristlet sliding the keys inside. I opened the door and jumped down. I waited on dumb and dumber and started walking towards the front once I heard the two doors shut.
My heart has been so heavy since I had that conversation with Cameron. He's a prime example that domestic violence works both ways. It's only been two months and I know this man has a heart of gold. Never would I have thought that someone like him went through something so traumatic. That goes to show no matter how bright ones smile is, there's a story behind it.
My baby is so strong. I just hate he had to experience that. Nobody deserved to be treated as such, especially by their significant other. That's why I'm going to do everything in my power to show him how he should be treated.
Breaking from my thoughts. I took attention that my name was being called. I stopped walking only to bumped from behind.
"You good?" I turned around and saw Cameron posted up behind me.
I smiled shaking my head. "Yea. Just thinking about some things."
"I still can't believe you're wearing the leggings Alaya." Cameron had a small frown on his face causing Jabari to whistle.
"Uh oh." He pushed the buggy walking around us.
I laughed and folded my arms across my chest. "You thought I was playing? May the best print win sir." I patted his chest and walked off.
Before leaving their place, Cameron found a small issue with my grey leggings. I found it hilarious and cute. He said his jewel was on display. But before I got in the shower I told him that if he had on Nike sweat shorts, I was wearing my leggings. Low and behold he wanted to be bold so I had to show him I wasn't playing. Laughing, I shook my head and followed behind Jabari.
I look over my shoulder and saw Cam trailing behind me. I bent over grabbing my ankles in the process and shook my butt from side to side.
"Stop playing with me Alaya." I heard and a second later I received a hard smack to my backside. I'm pretty sure the whole store heard it. Almost doubling over from the impact but I regained my balance and stood up.
"Cameron! Your hands are heavy!" I stomped my foot and pouted. I reached behind and rubbed my now sore ass cheek.
"Serves you right." He pulled me into his embraces palming my ass.
I laughed and pushed him away from me. "Sir! Not you feeling me up in Walmart."
He laughed and licked his lips. "Because I—." Cameron was cut off by Jabari yelling.
"If you two love birds don't come the hell on! I'm hungry and I know we all got homework to do." Jabari huffed and pushed the cart down an isle.
Cameron and I looked at each other before busting out laughing. "Come on before I have to beat his ass." Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me along.
As I was getting everything for dinner, Cameron and Jabari were acting like children. I shook my head as I watched them throw everything in the damn basket. If it wasn't for my cooking, I don't think they would eat real food. Men. Pizza puffs and ruffles is their go to. Walking down the chip isle, they were arguing about which ruffles to get. Apparently there's a new flavor out.
"We always get the sour cream and onion! Let's try something new." Cameron threw the chips back on the rack and grabbed another bag. I guessing it was the new flavor.
Jabari snatches the bag and threw it. "Nigga no! The fuck is jalapeño and ranch?" He frowned and grabbed the sour cream and onion bag.
I shook my head and tuned them out as I walked over to the next isle. I want some something sweet. Cupcakes or a whole cake? Whole cake, because I guarantee them cupcakes would be gone before I could blink. Think I'm going to do a classic cream cheese poundcake. Grabbing a bag of all purpose flour and sugar, I was startled by a voice. "Damn yo ass fat as fuck."
I turned around and frowned.
I looked both ways trying to see if he was talking to me, but it was only me, him and a elderly lady. So I know for fact he wasn't talking to her.
He licked his lips and I cringed on the inside. "Yea I'm talking to you."
Rolling my eyes. I grabbed everything I need from this particular isle and prepared to walk away, only for my bicep to be grabbed. I snatched away mugging him in the process. "The fuck is wrong with you? You don't know me so don't grab me."
He threw his hands up surrendering. "My fault, I'm Jaylon."
"Not interested." To my knowledge Cameron and Jabari was still on the next isle over arguing about chips. I spun around getting ready to walk off and jumped. They were standing behind mugging the dude.
"Fuck you too then with yo dark ass." He called from behind me.
I shook my head and pushed the two muscle heads, but they wouldn't budge. Lord why me? "Cam—." He cut me off pushing me behind him.
"First, you put your hands on her, and then you had the audacity to disrespect her? Not once, but twice." Cameron spoke letting me know he saw the whole interaction.
Jaylon frowned. "And who the fuck are you?"
Before I could even blink, Cameron hit him in his jaw knocking him out in the process. "I'm her boyfriend nigga!"
After the whole fiasco, we checked out and left Walmart before my boyfriend ended up in cuffs. And let me tell y'all.. I was not expecting that. I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but it definitely wasn't that. As I was driving down the road, I threw glances at Cameron. He had the seat adjusted leaning back with a frown on his face flexing his hand. I reached over and grabbed his hand with my free one and squeezed it. He brought it up to his mouth and kissed it.
Aside from Jabari's occasional side comments, the ride was quiet. Feeling vibration from in between my legs, meaning somebody was calling me. "Cameron grab my wristlet and answer my phone." I jumped feeling him brush his hand up against me. I looked over only to see him smirking.
His eyes grew wide before looking back up. "It's your daddy."
Jabari smacked his lips. "You must be scared?"
"Nigga you must not know who her daddy is?" Cameron whipped his head around and looked at Jabari still holding my ringing phone.
"Bri who yo daddy is?" Jabari leaned over the console like the bad ass child he is.
I switched lanes passing the person in front of me. "If I tell you I might have to kill you. Answer the phone Cameron."
Cameron answered the phone and I saw him wince out the corner of my eye.
"She driving. Okay, hold on." He held the phone out to me and I grabbed it putting t on speaker.
"Hey daddy." I turned on Cam's street.
"Where you at? Who the fuck answered your phone?"
"So we're just going to ignore the fact that Brielle just threaten my life?"
Cameron shushed Jabari. "Shut up nigga!"
I laughed to myself and pulled into the apartment complex. "My boyfriend."
"Your what?! Ash! Your daughter has a boyfriend!" Which one? Gir— the oldest. Brielle!"
I laughed loudly pulling around. I backed into the parking spot and killed the engine. "Yes?"
I threw my seatbelt off and and stepped out of the truck. I popped the trunk and stood on the sidewalk watching Cam and Bari grab the bags.
"When did you get this boyfriend?"
"Yesterday." I noticed that the boys were done grabbing the bags, so I pressed the keypad causing the trunk to close. I let them go in front of me before I followed behind.
"Girl what the hell?" I laughed and jogged upstairs.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday daddy." I shook my head and shut the door locking it. I kicked my shoes off and walked towards Cam's room. I sat his keys down along with my phone on the dresser. I removed my shirt and grabbed one of Cams's. I shrugged my shoulders, I don't think he would mind.
"Well when will I meet this so called boyfriend you say you got?" I shook my head because that was already planned. I chose next month not only because it's the start of the holiday season, but we go on fall break. And since I'm hosting Thanksgiving at my house, I figure it was a win-win situation. The only thing difference is that Cameron asked me to be his girlfriend earlier than anticipated.
"I was going to introduce you guys thanksgiving, but if you want meet him before hand I can arrange something." I grabbed my duffle and pulled some black ankle socks out sliding them onto my feet.
"I can wait until next month, but I was just calling to check on you baby. I gotta go, ya mama crying about some damn ice cream. We love you muffin!"
I shook my head and smiled. "I love you both." I tapped the red button putting my phone on the charger. Let me go cook this food. I turned the light off and walked towards the front. I approached the kitchen and saw them attempting to put their groceries up. Jabari was leaned against the counter eating ruffles—per usual and Cam was throwing my skittles in his mouth.
"What are you guys doing?"
Crunching on a big ass chip. "Waiting on you."
"Waiting on me for what? I don't need y'all in my way while I'm cooking. Put y'all stuff up and leave everything out for dinner." I hopped on one of the barstools and watched them fuck their kitchen up but I'm about to fuck Jabari up.
"And Jabari, my father is Dakari, Dakari Jones." Next thing I knew I heard glass breaking and a splash. I don't know what he had in hands but whatever it was it's gone.
"Nigga what the fuck!" I'm guessing whatever it was, it must've got on Cam.
"I'm sorry but did you hear her? I hate to break it to you bro, but you're dating a liar." Jabari said as he bent over picking up the big pieces of glass.
Cam looked at his bestfriend before letting out a laugh. "She's not lying."
Jabari smacked his lips and looked up. "Bullshit. I have never seen him talk about having kids."
"That's because he and my mom agreed on keeping us out of the spotlight. People know he got kids but they don't know what we look like." I looked at Jabari and laughed because he's not the only person to do this. Every time me or or my sister would tell somebody who our parents were they never believe us. Honestly I liked it that way. Didn't have to worry about fake people being around.
Jabari cleaned his mess up and looked between me and Cam. "She telling the truth for real?"
Laughing Cam nodded his head. "Yes, her father is the Dakari Jones."
Jabari folded his arms across his chest and titled his head to the side. "So you're telling me that your daddy is the nine time NBA champion, five time mvp, three time finals mvp and Olympic gold medalist Dakari Jones?" He scoffed and threw his head back.
"Okay that was creepy and yes that's my daddy. What you want? Proof?"
Shrugging his shoulders. "Precisely."
I was about to jump from the bar stool but Cam threw his hands up. "What you need?" He asked me.
"My phone or macbook. Whatever you see first."
Jabari peeked around the corner and looked at me. "Hey Bri, I know I gave you a rough time in the beginning but I know you really care for Cam. I can tell by the way you look at him."
I shook my head and threw my hand up. Since I knew the story, I understood why Jabari acted the way he used to. "Your fine. I know the story so I completely understand."
Jabari looked at me with wide eyes. "He told you everything?"
I nodded my head. "Yes, he told me today. I don't fault you for the way you were acting towards me. You're just looking out for him but I can assure you that I'm nothing like her. I have my own story as well."
"Here you go mama." Cameron made his way back into the kitchen and slid my mac in front of me. I opened it quickly typing in my password. I pulled up my pictures and went to my family album. I pulled up a picture of my parents along with me and my sisters. I turned the mac around towards Jabari.
"Now who's lying?"
He dropped his jaw looking at the screen. "Yea I'm going to need for you to put me on with one of your sisters so I can marry into this rich family."
Cameron laughed loudly and hit the counter top. "You a fool, but let's get on the game so she can cook." He walked around and pecked my lips repeatedly before walking into the living room.
I turned my mac around and went to the music app shuffling my music. I put it in a secure spot and jumped down from the bar stool. Since I pretty much know where everything is, I went straight to the bottom cabinet and grabbed the skillet along with a pot. I washed my hands and rinsed the dishes off.
Setting everything up on the stove. I grabbed the cutting board and onions. I started dicing up them up.
"I had to shake them haters off, I had to break too many laws and break too many jaws. A nigga stay in the cross, they waiting to see me fall. They pray to see me fall." I rapped along to Yella Beezy x See Me fall. After dicing up the onions, I poured some olive oil in the pot to get it hot. I washed my hands and started some dish water. Always wash dishes as you cook.
Grabbing the salmon filets, I cleaned and seasoned six pieces with garlic, pepper, salt and a little of mild paprika. I sat them to the side and tossed the onions. Since they cooked were to my liking, I poured three cups of rice into the pot. Seasoning it with salt, pepper, garlic, butter, paprika and the key ingredient to turn the rice yellow; turmeric. I finished it off with a two cups of water and covered the pot. Now it's time for the salmon.
Hearing one of my favorite Micheal Jackson songs playing, I began singing and moving to the beat. "Relax your mind. Lay back and groove with mine. You gotta feel that heat and we can ride the boogie. Share that beat of loveeeee."
I moved around and jumped when I felt arms wrapping around me.
"I want to rock with you all night. Dance you into day sunlight. I want to rock with you. Rock the night away." I heard Cameron singing in my ear as he rocked us side to side. He spun me around fast causing me to scream and laugh. Attacking my face with kisses, he pulled back smiling in my face.
"It smells good in here mama and you didn't tell me you could sing."
I smiled. "I don't do it often only my family know I can."
"For real? Im going to need you to, but I'm about to get out your way. Just came for something to drink." I nodded and turned around.
I removed the top and stirred the rice. It was starting to soften so it's time to start the salmon. I turned the eye on for the skillet and threw some butter in. I let it brown a little before adding some minced garlic. Once the garlic butter was brown-brown, I poured water, soy sauce, honey and squeezed a lemon into the skillet. I mixed the mixture up and placed each piece of salmon in the pan. I tossed the sauce onto the salmon and let it cook on a medium-low heat.
Checking on the rice, I stirred it and remove the top to let it simmer. Moving over to the sink, I began washing everything I that I used. I grabbed three plates from the cabinet and placed them on the counter. I turned the rice off and placed the top back on. I checked the salmon and added my finishing touch.
I was done cooking dinner around four thirty and I was glad that I completed my homework the night before. Im going to bake the cake after I shower. I ran to the back grabbed my phone. I took a picture of the salmon because I couldn't resist. It look too good.
I placed my phone in the pocket of my legs and turned the eye off. "Y'all ready to eat?"
I started laughing because Jabari was the first one to jump up but Cam tripped him. I shook my head. Niggas older than me and childish as hell.
"Move nigga!" Jabari shoved Cam causing him to slid into the wall. I just shook my head and sat on a barstool. Pulling my mac in front of me I checked my emails. In my school's email there was a particular email that stood out to me. I felt my eyebrows knit together. My advisor wants to meet with me tomorrow? Oh lord.
I looked up and saw Cameron looking at me. "Yes?"
"You good? Im fixing yo plate. What you want to drink?"
"I want the juice you bought and I only want one piece of fish." He nodded his head and sat my plate on the side of my laptop. I closed it and slid it to the middle.
"This shit good and this homemade yellow rice?" Jabari was stuffing his face like it was his last meal.
Laughing, I shook my head. "Thank you and slow down before you choke." I grabbed my spoon and broke off into my fish scooping up some rice in the process. I took a bite savoring the taste.
After we all ate, I end taking a shower first and then I got started on the cake. Now I was posted up against Cam's headboard with him laying between my legs watching espn as he rubbed my legs. I was rubbing my fingers through his hair and I knew he was bound to be sleep soon.
He turned around to where his head was on my stomach. "You leaving tonight or what?"
- In Serial53 Chapters
Firsts & Lasts
COMPLETEDNOVALEE JOHÄNSON finally has the opportunity to do what she wants in life. Starting with applying at Oak Hill University. Her goal for the year? Have the best junior year of college and pursue her acting career further. Her new life starts now and she only hopes that she doesn't run into trouble.CHRISTIAN VALDEZ has only ever cared about one thing in life. Football. Call him a basic jock, but just know, he owns it. Christian is one of the rudest people you will ever meet, and he does not give one shit. After all, he still constantly gets everything handed to him. Coming into junior year, he expects to take it by storm as he attempts to win his first, and hopefully not last, National title.What happens when Novalee and Christian's lives collide? Again? No matter how hard they try, they can't seem to stay away from each other. The universe must be on their side.First book in the Oak Hill U series.Can be read as a stand-alone.
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The quiet felon/ BWWM
"What's in your pocket? Your wallet?" She asked him as she tried to get comfortable while sitting on his lap. Why would his wallet be so weirdly shaped?"My pockets are empty, Muffin." He whispered lowly in her ear as he held her hips still because she kept wiggling. She blushed hardly as he smirked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(This is a Mafia book)This story is about two people. {bwwm} {wmbw}The first is Ace Hardwick he's a man that has just gotten out of prison for a crime he didn't commit. He went into the system when he was 16. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He's been in prison for 8 years and he just got out 2 weeks ago. He went from talk of the party to anti social. He just got a job at a local coffee shop. He's just trying to make a living as a wrongfully convicted felon.The second person is Teagan Travis she's a woman that's making it somewhat some where in life. She's had a trouble childhood that she likes to think she forgot about. She has a nine to five job working as a IT girl at a big company. She is a person that lives by routine. She wakes up at a certain time eats and sleeps at a certain time. What happens when Ace comes and turn her life upside down, but maybe in a good way?This book is definitely not edited!Started August 17, 2020. Ended November 26,2021.
8 181 - In Serial42 Chapters
I pulled on my beige puff jacket as I opened the door. Just as I turn to the door, Elijah is standing right in front of me. "I've missed you so much." He tilted his head towards me, yearning for one of my kisses. I placed my hand against his face and pulled away. "Don't you have to go skiing?"He removed my hand. "And didn't you just see me this morning?" I asked, tilting my head and placing my hands on my hips. He bites his lips and pulls me closer. "I wanted to see you before we leave." He quickly pecked my lips and gripped my bottom. I lightly pushed him off and giggled. ✘✘✘✘✘𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘢𝘩 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴?(The pictures within this book aren't mine. I edit details and change a few things.)
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Kagaminette love
this is one of my ships so I wanted to make a story of it :)
8 93 - In Serial51 Chapters
30 years old Trixia was a successful lawyer who devoted all her life from childhood to adulthood solely to her family. Her life only revolves on raising her whole family to the point that she didn't leave any room for herself. That's why when she died and reincarnated to a body 7 years younger than her, she decided to free herself from any responsibilities and finally do things for herself. However this time, a cold multibillionaire is keeping her freedom.
8 156 - In Serial38 Chapters
The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield
***The wrong girl is sometimes The Right One.*** Charlotte Samuels thought she'd be stuck waiting tables at Marlow's until all her debts are paid off-in about ten thousand years or so. She definitely didn't expect a marriage proposal from the arrogant Brandon Maxfield who was blackmailed by his father to make her his wife if he didn't want his least favorite cousin to run Maxfield Industries. Charlotte's instinct was to say HELL NO! but she's stumped by a few obstacles: 1.) His old man Martin Maxfield is dear to her heart and has been recently deteriorating in health. 2.) She gets a million dollars if she stays married to Brandon for a year. 3.) She would rather like the opportunity to teach the attractive but awfully rude man a few lessons he didn't think he needed from a 'teenage gold-digger' which was his term of endearment for her on their first date-er, business meeting. So what's a girl got to do, right? Sure, she's young and a little rough around the edges but there's something her would-be husband didn't know about her yet-she's nothing like he ever expected. Thrust into the glitzy world a standard-issue Mrs. Maxfield would fit perfectly and rule with impeccable social grace, Charlotte will either have to force herself into the mold or break free of it, risking what little she has left for everything that she can gain.*** Copyright © 2014 by Nina Tippett. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Nina Tippett. This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Images, music and videos used in the cover art and any of the multimedia content posted in this story are the sole property of their respective owners.
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