《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 25


Amber's P.O.V


"YES WAY!" Finnick said whilst laughing at my shocked face.

Finnick and I are hitting it off great and talking about family and crazy things that Finnick has done.

Finnick was telling me about the time he hotwired a car whilst drunk from a house party then driving home in it, but he didn't just park it outside and walk up to his door, he drove the car up and crashed it against the front door, so he wouldn't have to walk up.

"The funny thing is that there is still a very noticeable dent on the outside wall." He said and we both continued laughing our heads off then sipped on our coffees.

"My brothers would never let me do that," I said sadly then took a bite of my blueberry muffin. Finnick locked eyes with mine and a huge smile spread across his face.

"I'll make you a deal love." He said with a smile on his perfect face. I was very intrigued, so I nodded to continue.

"I will show you everything there is, we will let loose, have so much fun together and I can show you the world you're locked away from...Only if you never tell your family about us. I really like you Amber and I want to show you everything I know to have fun and rebel against this shitty world we live in." He said whilst reaching over and holding my hand in his.

"Do you really want to have a boring life of working 9 to 5 in an office then walk home to an empty one-bedroom apartment, filled with debt and drink away the depression and sorrows of everyday life?" He asked whilst looking into my eyes deeply, compelling me under his spell.

"No, I don't want that life," I said, and he smiled brightly.

"I can give you a life worth living Amber, we would scream from the rooftops, go to parties and let loose and I can give you something that no other man can give you." He said and leaned further towards me.

"What can you give me," I ask timidly.

"Unconditional love and a promise to never leave your side for as long as we live." He said with a serious voice and a stern expression, showing me how much he wants me to be a part of his crazy life.


And I want it.

I want to rebel so badly.

"What do you say, my love?" He asked with hope in his eyes and a smile on his face that I want to touch but not with my finger...

"I'm in Mr Jones!" I said with a huge smile that matched perfectly to Finnick's. Quick as a flash he lifted me off my seat and twirled me around like my brothers would do to me.

My brothers that I need to lie to constantly from now on.

Finnick put me down and kissed me with all he had, right in the middle of the coffee shop!

That was my first kiss from a boy that isn't my blood, and I'm already addicted and craving his lips constantly.

The kiss was rough and passionate that made my legs go weak. I was startled at first that he wanted to kiss me, but I wasn't complaining. I'm already head over heels for this man that I have only been talking to for a week now and I already can't get enough. He's like a drug.

We broke away from the kiss slowly and our lips were apart but still touching, needing and craving each other.

"That was..."

"Amazing." Finnick finished for me, smiling like a kid who got a candy bar.

"Yes! it definitely was amazing!" I said a little out of breath and now embarrassed because I only just noticed we were still standing tightly together and being watched by a sea of judgemental office people who were disturbed of their coffee by our magical kiss.

That just shows me that I don't what to be in their shoes and judge the people that kiss passionately in the middle of the coffee shop, I want to be in the shoes of the woman that was just kissed. And I plan on being that person from now on.

Confident, strong and free.

"Let's go outside and start our new life together." He said and dragged my arm outside.

He took me to a bench around the back of the coffee shop where the bins are with nobody in sight.

"Amber there's something I want to say before this all begins, and I hope you say yes to it." Finn says whilst cupping my cheeks with his warm hands, sending tingles all throughout my body.


I nod my head and gesture for him to continue,

"I want to make you mine before we live our lives together. I want to be your boyfriend and kiss you in the rain, hold you while you are sick and give you the time of your life. Together as one. So Amber, will you do the honours of being my beautiful girlfriend?" Finn asked with a hopeful smile. I don't even need to think about my answer, and before my brain even thinks about the consequences, I say what I want and what I have always wanted. Love from another male that isn't family.

"Yes! Yes I will!" I say enthusiastically. He smiled so big I thought it would take over his face and without a second later, his plump lips were on mine in a passionate kiss that blew me away once again.

"I am the luckiest man alive, holding the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and capturing in photos, snapping your beauty with my lens and creating a perfect picture that shows all your beauty in one click of my finger, that is one powerful picture." He said and stroked my lips with his teasingly. We broke away and he dug his hand in his pocket, trying to pull something out. He pulls out a package that I don't recognise but has a strong scent.

"To initiate our love for one another we must do the first thing that will let us lose and free..." he said and started rolling something with greenish stuff in the middle.

He pulled out a lighter and gave it to me.

"Smoke with me Amber." He said and placed the unknown stick in between his lips and looked at me for my answer.

"Okay," I said timidly looking at the object hanging between his lips. He could sense my curiosity of it and I guess he knew I had zero experience with this type of stuff.

"Don't be afraid my love, as soon as you have a hit of this, it will feel like you're in heaven and dancing on the clouds." He said. I nodded my head in agreement...I can't wait!

He placed the lighter in my hand and lifted my hand up to the end of the thing in his mouth.

"There is so much to learn about drugs that I will teach you Amber, but let's take one step at a time." He said and I nodded eagerly, he chuckled at my enthusiasm at the object that's intriguing me and wanting it.

He pointed to the thing in his mouth and began talking again. "This is a joint, you put the lighter on the end and it makes smoke come out and you inhale the smoke, that's what gets you to feel good." He said and looked down at the lighter then me.

I looked at the lighter and flicked it on, an eager flame arises, and I stare in amazement.

That's the first time I have flicked a lighter on!

I stop my inner happy Dance then stretch my arm out to where the end of the 'joint' is, I hover it over the end and smoke starts to appear.

"Good job babe you did it!" He praises me and takes a big inhale of the joint. He pulls the joint away and smoke flows out his mouth and some out his nose. He holds my hand and spreads two fingers apart, placing the joint comfortably between the two fingers.

"Breath it in babe! It will make you feel so good, I promise" He reassured me whilst I was staring at the smoky object between my fingers.

I think...fuck it! Why the heck not!

I place the joint between my lips and stared at Finnick, he smiled brightly at me and nodded his head reassuringly. I close my eyes and breathed it in, immediately feeling the effects of the toxic smoke flowing down my lungs and making my brain all fuzzy and giddy.

I loved the feeling already.

"Welcome to my world babe."


I just wanted to say that I do NOT condone drugs or smoking! Please don't do it kids, it will mess your life up badly!

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