《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 23


Amber's P.O.V

"Painter?" "Way too boring and messy"

"Firefighter?" "I don't want to burn my eyebrows off!"

"Cook?" "We already have one of those in the house."

"Stripper?" "Good money but Nah too tiring."

"Isaac just bloody chose something!" Dylan screamed and looked like he was about to pull his hair out. Isaac looked over innocently whilst Dylan and I were losing the will to live.

For the past hour, we have been brainstorming job ideas for Isaac, and every single idea he has found something bad about it and its been killing me and Dylan slowly.

"Newsflash! Practically everyone hates their job Isaac! You just need to find something that will make you a bit of money and it doesn't mean you have to enjoy it!" Dylan ranted whilst shaking Isaac's shoulders, trying to shake a bit of sense into him.

"Dude chill. I just don't want to be depressed or stressed because of a job, I want to do something that I will enjoy and something I want to get out of bed for." He said whilst scrolling through more job offers.

"Like fighting?" I said whilst frowning at Isaac. He looked up at me with a small side smile then leaned over and grabbed my tiny hands to play with.

"I enjoyed fighting because it was always different every time I would go there. New opponents, different money and different injuries. It always kept me on my toes and I love the unexpected...apart from this family it made me feel alive, made me feel like me." He concluded whilst playing with my fingers and chipping away the paint on my nails.

The room then went silent. Nobody knowing what to say or what to think of it all. I didn't what my brother to get hurt but if it's what he wants then I can't stand in his way. He's 27 years old for goodness sake he could do whatever he wants, so can't keep him from what he wants to do with his life.

He's not getting any younger and the thought of Isaac fighting in his forties makes me laugh just thinking about it. It's like imagining you dad getting inside a ring and throwing punches to another man.

A few minutes of comfortable silence goes by and Dylan looks up at Isaac with an expression I can't read.

"Isaac do you have a boyfriend?" Dylan asks out of know where. Me and Isaac glance at each other in confusion then looked back to Dylan.


"No, I don't," Isaac said whilst eyeing up Dylan, unsure of where he's going with this.

Dylan smirked and pulled the laptop on his lap and typed away. Me and Isaac were confused and whispered: "What's happening?" "I dunno?" "Well, you should know!"

"DONE!" Dylan screamed whilst clapping his hands together and pushed the laptop over to us. I looked at the screen and laughed hysterically at what Dylan had done, whilst Isaac looked like he was going to burst from rage.

Dylan had made Isaac a Tinder account.

I continued laughing along with Dylan whilst Isaac covered his mouth with his hand and his face got redder.

"DIL WHAT THE FUCK?!" Isaac screamed whilst frantically looking for the 'Delete account' button, but instead swiped right on a random girl in our area. This just made us laugh harder and Isaac grew redder.

"Isaac already pulling the girls!" Dylan exclaimed whilst hitting his back playfully.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Isaac was raging and you could see steam coming out his ears.

"Because I don't want to be an uncle at 60 years old, so better make those babies quick and this is the best way to get the ball rolling!" Dylan said whilst smirking at a raging Isaac.

Whilst my brothers were arguing my phone buzzed in my pocket, I looked over to see Isaac's hands round Dylan's throat and I just laughed and turned to my phone.

1 Notification:

1 friend request from Finnick Jones

I look down in shock...Finn wants to be friends with me?!

I don't know why but my heart starts racing erratically and I start feeling all hot and flustered, what the hell is happening to me? I unlock my phone and pull up Facebook.

I debate over it for a second and decide to accept it, I mean what's the worst that could happen right?

I then do what every girl does when a cute boy gives you a friend request, I stalk his Facebook page and look at all his photos.

Don't judge I know you all do it too!

I scroll down and it seems pretty normal so far. Works as a photographer at Glam Corporations, lives in New York, Single... "Hell yeah!" Woww slow down Amber.

"What did you say?" Isaac looked over at me and frowned. Damn, I said that out loud.

"Oh nothing," I said then smiled innocently, he looked unsure but turned around and continued arguing with Dylan in their own little bubble.

I looked back at my phone and scrolled through his pictures, I was practically drooling over his shirtless pictures and mirror selfies.


He is literally the definition of perfection, look it up on google and you will find him in the images.

My phone buzzed again and I realised it was a message from him...

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey Finnick." I wrote, I looked at Dylan to see he isn't being strangled anymore but watching beauty videos on Youtube whilst Isaac watched them with him and frowned the whole time when the girl was talking about bronzer. Our family makes up quick.

"If the girls want to look tanner, then why don't they just use fake tan on their skin or go on holiday?" Isaac asked, clearly not getting the point of bronzer. Dylan shook his head and waved his hand about.

"Isaac it's just to make us look a bit sun-kissed, it's a cheaper alternative to going on holiday." Dylan said in a matter of fact. Isaac rolled his eyes and grumbled a "Whatever." And slouched back on the sofa and stuffed his face with leftover pizza.

Another buzz snapped me out of it and I looked down at my phone.

"Wanna hang out and get a coffee?" Finnick texted. Before I could think of an answer, Jason busted through the door with a huge smile on his face and holding a huge box in his hands.

"Delivery for my princess!" Jason exclaimed whilst running up to me, tossed his leather jacket to the floor and tackling me off the couch and hugged me tightly, him hovering over my stiff body on the floor.

"Jason why? you didn't have to tackle me to the ground Jasey." I said whilst laughing, knowing how much he hates that nickname.

"You take that back or no chocolate!" Jason said in a serious tone which only made me laugh harder and poke his nose.

I shook my head smiling, trying to get on his nerves. He seemed to catch on and before I know it, Jason uses the worst torture method to get words out of me...He tickled me.

"SS-sto-op pleeese!" I laughed out of breath and my body shaking, Jason laughed at my struggle and tickled me more, he signalled my brothers over to help pry the words out my mouth. Well, it's game over for me now.

Dylan tickled my feet, Isaac tickled my neck whilst Jason continued his tickling on my waist. It was pure torture that I couldn't stand any longer

"OKAY OKAY I take it back!" I scream and the tickling stopped. Thank god

Jason smirked then opened the box of chocolates, the smell took me on a first-class ticket to heaven.

This chocolate was the only thing hotter than Finnick, and that's saying something.

Jason waved the open box around my nose and teasing me in the worst possible way, he held one chocolate in his hand and waved it in a out my mouth whilst I tried to bite it off from him. Eventually, I got him off guard and poked his waist and the chocolate dropped in my mouth perfectly.

I did the loudest moan and I was transported to a whole new land for a minute.

"I think this is our que to leave and let those kids have their fun." Isaac said cheekily, gesturing to my moaning self and the box next to me. I sent him a death glare and he raced up the stairs in a flash, knowing how much I hate it when people interrupt my alone time with the most beautiful thing that has ever entered my mouth.

All my brothers had gone by now and I was still lying on the floor, one hand holding the heating pad to my stomach and the other hand dropping chocolates in my mouth.

I hear the front door open and watch my parents walk through, they looked around the living room untill their eyes locked with mine they had a look of understanding on their faces.

"Oh god she's at it again Damon, I swear if marrying chocolate was legal our daughter would be first in line to do it!" Mom said then walked up the stairs.

"Don't eat too many or you'll choke princess." Dad said then pulled me up from the floor, he gave me a hug then snatched the box from my hands and ran up the stairs laughing like a kid.

Damn it I'll have to wrestle them off him later! I thought.

I walk back to my phone and pull up Facebook again, looking at the message Finnick sent about meeting for coffee. Was it a date? Well I have never had one so I wouldn't know, but even if it wasn't my brothers would have a rampage if they found out I was talking to Finnick, but I guess it's going to be a secret for now and I don't even see the big deal with it, its only coffee after all?

I just hope they don't find out about this and I can sneak out without being seen.


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