《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 22


Amber's P.O.V

It was now the next morning and Jason was getting me ready for the day. All my brothers usually took turns to dress me up and get me ready but Jason insisted on doing it the most which I didn't have a problem with.

Jason placed his hand in mine and dragged me to the bathroom. A large pink towel in one hand and me in the other.

"Let's run my princess a hot bubbly bath!" Jason said with a smile that could hypnotise anyone into doing whatever he wanted. But what he had planned I certainly did not feel comfortable with.

"Jase, I want a shower," I asked timidly, he turned his head around with a confused look, knowing how much I loved baths and making bubble beards, but today especially I saw a problem with it that Jason seemed to forget about.

"Why princess?" Jason said then threw the towel on the counter, pulled me by my wrist and started undressing me. I looked around awkwardly, hoping he would catch onto it, but he of course was clueless.

"Because I don't particularly want to bathe in my own blood-"

"Ewww I forgot those lasted a week! Damn it sucks being a girl." Jason murmured, I nodded my head in agreement. Boys will never understand our pain.

"Okay, I will run you a shower instead and get a heating pad ready for you when you get out. Do you need me to wash you or will you manage like a big girl?" Jason asked whilst testing the shower water then walked back up to me, pulling my pyjama top off and exposing my full body for him to see. Jason looks unfazed and never drops his eyes to my still-developing chest once, which I am always grateful for.

None of my brothers have ever been inappropriate with me. They have all took their turns bathing and dressing my naked self in the past, but never touched me or commented about it. Never making me feel self-conscious about myself. I suppose letting them dress me every day has been a huge confidence and self-esteem boost, they never judge me on my size or shape and they have seen all of me, it weirdly gives me confidence that I barely have anyway, so it kinda makes me feel better about myself.


"Thank you Jase, are you leaving for work today?" I ask, praying he says no and spends the day with me instead. But he gave me a sad smile confirming the worst.

"Sorry princess but I have to go in today, but I promise to watch anything you want later and I'll buy your favourite dark chocolates on the way home from work!" Jason said trying to lighten the mood. And the mention of chocolate instantly did.

"You're the best!" I said and hugged him, forgetting I'm still naked. My cheeks turn dark red in realisation and Jason only chuckles at this and shakes his head in amusement.

"On the plus side, you won't be alone. Isaac and Dylan are here to keep you company while the rest of us are at work." He said and I gave him a small smile.

I loved it when the whole family were all home together, no stress, no negativity just all being together, stuffing our faces with chocolate and eating Grey's amazing food.

"You and Dylan can help Isaac look for a job today, I'm sure you'll find him something," Jason said and I nodded my head.

Me and Dylan in charge of finding Isaac a job, that was a dangerous decision.

"Okay," I said innocently but with a cheeky glint in my eye that Jason seemed to notice and laugh lightly.

"Okay hop in the shower before all the hot water goes princess. I will see you later with a special chocolate delivery just for you!" Jason said then kissed my forehead a bunch of times that made me giggle and try to push him off. He eventually stopped the kisses and left the bathroom.

Time for a nice hot shower.


I finish my shower and wrap the towel around my body, walking up to the mirror and cleaning the steam away, revealing my red face with dark circles under my eyes. For goodness sake! Why can't I look pretty for just once in my life!

I decide to just let my skin free and not cover up with concealer, I have no plans other than to play with my brothers and binge on chocolate so there's no need to look presentable.

I walk into my bedroom to find Dylan invading my closet and throwing clothes around my room in a huge mess.


"What the fuck is this?!" Dylan shrieked and pinched one of my tops and held it as far away as he could. I walk up to him and snatched the top away.

"Dylan I like this one, it's light blue and goes well with my black jeans. I don't see the issue?" I said with a frown. He looked at me as if I drank my own piss, a horrified expression riddled with disgust and concern.

"You don't see the issue? Huh? Well explain this!" he said then pointed to the label.

"Read it." He said in a deep voice that sent me chills, what crawled up his butt this morning?

"Forever 21" I said casually, not knowing what the big deal was. Dylan scoffed and threw his head back in laughter. What the heck is wrong with this guy?

"What's wrong with it? It's cute." I said sadly, looking down at the top I brought with Becky a few months ago when she asked me to hang out with her friends and then go back to my place for a sleepover.

"What's wrong with it? What is the label missing princess?" He said with anger in his tone. I look at him confused and that only made him madder.

"IT DOSENT HAVE MY NAME ON IT AMBER! You can only wear the clothes I make you. Understand?" He said then smiled as he threw it in the trash and dusted his hands. He looked satisfied as if he cured my room from a dangerous infectious disease.

I look down sadly, knowing I can never buy clothes on my own and wear stuff I want to wear. But I know they're just looking out for me and doing what they think is best, so I guess I'm okay with it.

"Here, this will look so much better and cuter on you!" He said then tossed my towel aside and letting the cold air hit my body and sent it into shivers. It was like I was standing in the middle of Antarctica and freezing to death.

Dylan noticed my shivers and dressed me up quick, placing this cute lace and blue dress on and fastening the belt tight around my waist.

"You look so cute! Ah, I love dressing you up and making you look adorable!" Dylan said in his baby voice and pinched my cheeks lightly. I frowned but smiled at his weirdness.

I walk over to my full-length mirror and admired the fabric hugging my body, it honestly looked beautiful and I'm just lounging around the house today so it seems such as shame to crease it.

"It's beautiful Dylan, but I'm not going out today so I think I might wear something more casual," I said nicely, hoping he wouldn't take offence and throw a huge hissy fit at me.

"But I wanted you to wear it pumpkin! Just look how adorable you are!" Dylan said then hugged me from behind, both of us looking at me in the mirror. I looked unsure whilst Dylan was looking at me with love in his eyes as if I was a cute dog that runs around in circles and trying to catch its tail.

I huff and turned to hug Dylan, holding him tightly but then hunched over with so much pain and discomfort.

Dylan panicked and cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY? No shit Dylan stupid question! Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it!" He said quickly whilst scanning my body for any possible signs of injury.

"Shall I call you Bob?" I said whilst laughing at my own joke. Dylan looked confused for a second but soon understood what I meant.

"Amber don't change the subject! Tell me what's wrong." He said with concern and a petrified look in his grey eyes.

"Dylan its just stomach cramps, I'm not dying!" I said and he sighed with pure relief.

"Thank fuck for that! I thought I was going to drag you back into that gross hospital bed!" Dylan said with relief and hugged me again.

"I'm never going back there," I said against his chest. I hear him sigh and squeeze my body tighter.

"Your damn right your not!" he said and we broke away from the much-needed comfort.

We walked out my bedroom in search of food and Isaac. Grabbing the pink sparkly laptop that Dylan sleeps next too and cherishes with his life, then searching up possible jobs for Isaac to do. This should be fun.


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