《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 20


Ambers P.O.V

5 Days later

I'm currently stripping my clothes off in a dressing room and getting changed into Dylan's new spring collection for his photoshoot.

The past couple of days have flown by, I have mainly been sleeping and getting passed onto lap after lap of my brothers to get their turns cuddling me. I was eating loads which isn't surprising to me. I have mostly healed and all my bruises are gone, my ribs are pretty much healed but I sometimes get some pain when I bend over to pick something up off the floor. That always sucks!

I'm fully naked and staring at the full-length mirror, seeing no bruises or cuts from that incident with Isaac. Everyone has seemed to calm down and accept what Isaac used to do and now we are moving on, Isaac has promised our parents that he would never fight for money and look for a job that doesn't include violence in the job description.

I look at the racks of clothes to my left and see all the brightly coloured dresses with so many accessories to go with them. I run my hands through the fabric of each dress, admiring each individual piece and wondering how on earth Dylan got these amazing ideas from.

My hand freezes when I hear multiple pairs of heels stomping in my direction, I turn around slowly to find three women in their mid-twenties staring at me naked, well this isn't awkward at all...

"Well, it looks like someone's eager." One of the girls said with an amused look on her face, her platinum blonde hair flicked off her shoulder, revealing huge gold hoop earrings and what looks like a dragon tattoo on her neck.

The two other girls look me up and down and seem to be in deep thought whilst I'm still standing in all my naked glory. I instinctively wrap my arms around me to cover up and hunch over in embarrassment. All the women looked sad whilst watching me try and hide away into a ball. They all approached at once and pulled my arms back to my sides, fully revealing my body for everyone to see.

"Dylan told me his sister was adorable, he really wasn't kidding your so cute sweetie!" One woman said whilst brushing my hair. All the girls nodded in agreement with her and whipped out a tape measure and wrapping around different parts of my body.

"You have an excellent figure madam, all the curves in all the right places." One woman said whilst measuring near my nether regions. I'm fully freaked out now! Why are they doing this!?

"I'm just measuring you to see if you have put on weight since last week, in case we need to make any adjustments to the outfits." The blonde woman said. Hey, rude much?

I nodded my head whilst standing nervously. I still don't know any of their names and I'm just letting them touch my bare body and measure all my parts. I don't think I have felt more vulnerable in all my life.

"All done! You haven't gained weight and you should fit these outfits perfectly." The blonde woman beamed whilst tying my hair up into a messy bun.


"Put this on." One woman said bluntly. No manners? I quickly pull the robe on to cover up my body. Thank the lord! I then turned around to sit in the leather chair in front of me.

All the girls were running around like headless chickens, grabbing products and juggling different brightly covered sprays in their well-manicured hands. I sit in the chair that faced another mirror and watched all the chaos behind me.

Then all the chaos stopped and two of the girls started doing my make-up.

Nobody spoke a word, all you could hear was the stomping of heels from the other woman and my nervous breathing. I looked up into the mirror and who I saw looking back at me I didn't recognise, one of the girls had put loads of makeup on me and I could barely recognise myself, she made my lips fuller, eyebrows sharper and my skin flawless. I literally look like a female version of Dylan.

I placed my hand on my check to get it swat away quickly by the woman behind me.

"I don't want you ruining my masterpiece!" She said whilst looking in the mirror smiling to herself. She did do an excellent job so I understand her not wanting me to touch it, but violence is never the answer!

"Okay now for the dress!" She squealed and spun my chair around to face her, she grabbed my hand harshly and tugged me towards the racks of clothing.

She pulls out a vibrant orange colour dress, with pretty lace tied around the waist and flows down just above the knee.

As I look over the dress the more my nerves start to kick in, I have never worn something so revealing to me and I know a lot of people are going to say "That's not revealing!" well when you live with four overprotective brothers that don't let you leave the house unless every bit of skin is covered, then you wouldn't understand.

This was completely out of my comfort zone but I'll do it for Dylan.

Quick as a flash, one of the girls rips off my robe in one harsh pull and starts dressing me herself. It felt weird someone else dressing me that isn't Jason or myself, I'm so used to Jason dressing me that I don't know any different and it feels natural for me, so when a complete stranger is putting your bra and panties on, it's a little weird to me.

All the girls pull up my dress and pull it into place, the fabric stuck to my skin and exposed all my womanly curves. I walked up to the mirror and stared back to a completely new person, I turn my head side to side then started moving my body so I could see all of me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a very familiar voice started calling for me, I turned around to hear a gasp and a very shocked Dylan starting at the new me.

"Oh...My...Gosh! You look stunning!" Dylan squealed when ran up to me and took all of me in.

"It was like this dress was made for you figure, I got your measurements perfect!" Dylan said in amazement.


"Wait...when did you get my measurements?" I ask curiously, Dylan looked up at me and gave me an innocent smile.

"I measured you in your sleep." He said then tugged on my hand before I could say another word.

Dylan was practically dragging me along to where we needed to be for the photoshoot, we approached two big double doors and Dylan slammed the doors open and waved his arms around sassily, such a drama queen.

We walked in and the first thing I see is the number of cameras that are pointing to every direction on a white background in front of it. The set for the photoshoot is pretty basic but has Dylan's signature in the corner of the background with my name under in pink swirly handwriting that is clearly Dylan's own handwriting.

I look over to the main camera in the middle and see someone dressed head to toe in all black, bent over and rummaging through a padded case. I can't make out any of the persons features but I can clearly tell that this person is very tall with a muscly back, damn I'm already drawling and I have only seen his back and legs.

"Finnick! Come meet the gorgeous angel!" Dylan screams whilst pulling me along.

The man in black stretches to his normal height and turns around to face me, what strikes me immediately is his bright green eyes, they shone like stars in the night sky. His jaw could cut glass with his sharp cheekbones and plump lips, his dark brown hair was messy but the sexy kind of messy that just makes you want to touch it and pull your hands through it.

This man was the definition of perfect.

The man I'm assuming is called 'Finnick' stood shell-shocked and looked like he'd seen the most beautiful sight in the world, strange he's looking at me and not behind me? Must be thinking of something else.

Dylan fake coughed to snap us out of our trances and back to reality.

"Hey I'm Finnick but call me Finn." He said with the smoothest voice with husky tones, making me all hot and flustered.

"Hey it's nice to meet you, I'm Amber," I said with a smile. Finnick placed his big hand in mine and shook it gently, sparks and fire ignited in our touching palms that made my forehead begin to sweat. All thoughts were overwhelming me and the sight of pure perfection wasn't helping my case.

"Okaaay let's get started!" Dylan said then pulled me onto the set. I stood their awkwardly and looked all around me, all of this modelling stuff was so foreign to me but it is nice to see what my brother does for his work.

Constant flashing lights illuminated the small room and made my eyes squint each time, making Dylan mad each time I did it because it showed in the pictures, only making the photographer Finnick chuckle. His chuckle was like the sweetest melody that you would play over and over again and sway too. Snap out of it Amber!

"Amber these poses are perfect!" Dylan encourages and smiles to the camera screen. I placed my hand on my hip and looked away from the camera and stared out the window, watching the busy streets of New York City.

"Okay that's a wrap!" Dylan says loudly with an ear-piercing clap that shook the wallpaper off the walls.

I pulled the uncomfortable hair band out my hair to let my brown curls loose and flow down my back, ah that feels so much better!

"Amber you're like a natural, I'm using you for more shoots in the future! Are you up for it?" Dylan asked hopefully. I honestly enjoyed myself and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, the only weird part was those girls dressing me up but I'm sure I'll get used to that.

"Yeah I would love to!" I said happily. Dylan shrieked and jumped up and down then tackled me in a crushing hug, I squeezed his shoulders then broke away.

"Let's wipe that gross make up off of your beautiful face that doesn't even need it." He said then dragged me back into the dressing rooms. Before I was dragged through the doors I glanced back to the photographer to see him staring at me with a blank face but looked completely hypnotized, weird I thought to myself but didn't think too much into it.

About an hour of vigorously scrubbing the cakey make-up off my face and Dylan dressing me back into my original clothes, we were ready to leave and go home.

"I just need to get the memory card from Finnick then we can leave," Dylan said then pulled me to the camera set up where Finnick was cleaning his camera lens thoroughly, not missing a single spec of dust and cradling it like a newborn baby.

"Hey Finn can I get the memory card," Dylan asked, Finnick nodded his head then passed it to him.

"Okay thanks for today Finn, see you next week," Dylan said in a cheery voice, I swear that boy is never unhappy, always happy-go-lucky and lives life to the fullest.

We turned away to walk back through the doors when a hand grabbed my shoulder, holding my body still. I turn around to meet those dreamy green eyes staring down at me with emotions I'm not familiar with. He smiles brightly, showing his pearly white teeth.

"For somebody that has never modelled before, you were a natural and looked so comfortable under my lens. I hope to see you again through my camera." Finnick said charmingly with a side smile that made my stomach do cartwheels, sending unnatural feelings down my spine and igniting a feeling I have never felt before.

"I hope to see you behind the next camera I see. Goodbye Finnick." I said and I swear I heard a growling sound coming from somewhere, strange.

"Come on Amber! we have three VERY impatient brothers screaming at me through a tsunami of angry texts, demanding us to go home ASAP!" Dylan exclaims then drags me through the doors and in the direction of his Uber, patiently waiting for us.


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