《Little Button《✔》》E i g h t Part II


"Rule #1:

Fuck what they think"

wake up. Where here.", Greyson whispers softly in my ear. I grunt and close my eyes tighter. He than has the audacity to kiss my nose! He knows thats my weakness! I swat him away and open my eyes.

A flood of coldness washes over me, I shake a little and feel a jacket being put in my shoulders, I look up and see Grey. I give him a smile of appreciation and follow the rest of the worn out teenagers.

"Why do I have to drive!", Carson whines, we only got one car. It was going to be a challage to fit everything in there.

"Well you should have thought of that back at the airport mister!", I scold him, placing a hand on my hip and bumping it out.

He just groans and stops towards the van. Everyone piles in the back expecting there to be seats. To our luck nope, only the hard floor. Of course Ryder claimed the passenger side and Scarlett sat next him.

Greyson sits down towards the back and places me on his lap. I give him a quick peak and 'thank you'. It only takes 30 minutes of Carson's complaining and Axel slapping him while driving.

The modern cabin is was about medium size. With 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, living room and the best part a small jacuzzi in the back.

We all walked in and placed out bags in the living room. Jake being the dramatic person he is, jumps on the couch and says something about 'the ground feels so nice'.

"Okay peeps there are 4 rooms. Grey and I get one, Ryder and Axel-", of course I was cut off.

"I want to share a room with Scarlett!", Ryder says. I thought they were taking things slow. The beds going to be shaking the entire time.

"I wouldn't mind bucking with Livia.", Axel mumbles, I grin up at him and nod.

"Ok that leaves the twins to get last room. Also...I call not making dinner!", I scream and bolt to one of the rooms leaving every else to argue.

After the gang settled in, we decided to make some pizza. We tried ordering but they dont deliver this far out. Axe set up the fire in the living room, everyone sat around while we ate.

I look around and see something I haven't had since my mom passed. I had a family, a home, people who love me and care for me. I want this to last forever, nothing to change. This warming feeling of home and love, but sadly like they say, nothing can last forever. I shake that last feeling off and converse with my friends.


We all end up falling asleep next to the fire as it slowly dies down. As I start the drift off I realize something that I haven't thought about; this is going to be my first Christmas with out her.

I wake up next to Greyson in the bed, he must have brought us in the room in the middle of the night. I think back to the plane and how he woke me up. I put lips to his ear, I already know this won't end well, I open my mouth and yell, "FIRE!". Greyson shoots up hitting my jaw in the process and knocking me off the bed. I deserved that.

"Shit Hazel! What the actual hel-" he stops when notices I'm not on the bed.

I cup my jaw and slowly get up of the floor.

"Oh god! Did I do that? Come here baby let's get some ice.", he picks me a up and leads me to the kitchen where everyone currently is eating breakfast.

Greyson sets me on the counter and opens the freezer.

"What happened? Did he hit you! I swear if he touched you!" Azel shouted, I roll my eyes and explain.

"Calm down Axel, I screamed in his hear and he accidentally knocked me down.", he just huffs and goes back to eating his pancakes.

After Greyson gets me the ice pack, we all agree to head in time to go present shopping.

About an hour later of driving, a small mall comes into view. The girl go one way and boys go another.

"So, what are you getting Greyson?", Livia asks me. I haven't thought about what to get Greyson yet. Ya I know I'm a horrible girlfriend.

"I was thinking about getting us matching bracelets engraved with our nicknames for each other on them.", she smiles at me and nodded her head.

After about 3 and a half hours of shopping, we finish. The boys complain about how we took to long. I roll my eyes at their childish behavior and walk towards the care with like 16 bags on my arms.

"Are you making Christmas dinner?", Greyson asks. Him and I just finished up food shopping and are right now heading back to the cabin. I nod my head and continue to look out the window.

"Button, what's wrong?", he voice filled with concern.

"This is going to be my first Christmas without her. I know its gonna be hard, but I'm happy I have you and our friends." I give a small smile to let Greyson know its okay.



"Wake up hoes, its Christmas!", Carson screams running through the house. We all get up and head towards the living room were the tree is.

"I'm going first!", Livia screams. She handed us all our presents, and let me tell you they were good. She got me a baby blue Polaroid, Scarlett a pair of burconstocks. For the boys she just threw somone old spice clone and shit.

After everyone handed out there presents it was just me and Greysons turn. He was about to hand me mine but I stopped and told him I want to open ours together.

It was my turn to hand out presents. I got Jake a watch, Carson cloud glasses, Livia a pair of heels shes been dying for, Scarlett an eye palette that she called 'edgy', and finally Axel I got him a new pair of boxing gloves.

"Okay now you can give me mine Grey.", I smiled a him. He hands me a small box and I gasp when I open it. It's a necklace with a small heart shaped locket in the end. I open it and note falls on my hand. I slowly unfold it and read, 'meet me tonight on the back patio xo -Grey♡', I jump into his and give him a big kiss.

"My turn!" I squeal and hand him the medium sized black box. He looks up and me and raises an eyebrow. In side lays two bracelets, one for me and one for him. Greyson says 'Button' while mine says 'Grey'. His slips his on and put mine on for me. Greyson pulls me into a big huge and whispers in my ear,

"I cant want for tonight my button". That sentence only sent shivers down my spine.

The rest of the day we spent watching Christmas classics and dancing to music. No one wanted me to make a special dinner because they decided to give Greyson and I 'alone' time.

I start to make dinner when my eyes get covered with something.

"Its me button dont worry. Just trust me.", and I do.

He slowly leads me around the house I feel my self get engulfed in coldness so I assume were outside.

"Okay I'm going to take the blind fold of now", the black fabric falls to the floor and I inwardly gasp at the sight in front of me.

There was a large tent set up with a string of fairy lights strung on top. Inside was even better, with blankets and pillows layed everywhere. There were a couple of candles that smelled of Red pine and peppermint, it filled the air dancing in my nose, soothing me to my very core.

In the back corner there were snacks placed neatly next to each other begging me to tear them apart. I smiled up at my amazing man and jumped into his arms, pulling his sexy lips to mine and placing them on my own.

"I want to tell you something Hazel.", Greyson soothing deep voice says. All I can do is nod as he pulls us down on the comfortable floor.

"You've been in my life for some time now. Before you, I was nothing. I was an empty void, and I thought I could never love. But you proved me wrong Hazel, I'm not just in love with you. I love you Hazel Marriot and I dont know what I would do with out you."

I stood there with wide eyes, god what is he doing to me.

"I love you too Greyson, so damn much! I-I thought I was going crazy! God I love you."

With that he crashes his lip on to mine, out tongues dance together while fighting for dominance. Greyson obviously wins. After a heavy make out session, we settle down and talk again. Eating all the junk food we, mostly me, can eat.

I pick up my phone and look at the time 2:34. I sigh, "Can we sleep in here tonight Grey, I dont want to go back in.", I say as my eyes start to fall

"Of course button," we fall into our favorite sleeping position with me on top of his chest and my head in the crook of his neck, "Good night Hazel, I love you.", for the first in a long time I fall asleep feeling loved.



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