《The Nerd who cried Bad Boy》ten


"Don't forget who your boyfriend is."

My fingers gently touched my lips as I remembered the kiss I just had with Marcus.

"Alyssa, what movie do you wanna see?" Trick snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at him. I still thought about Marcus while thinking about which movie to watch.

"Mark?" Trick chuckled. "There's no movie called Mark."

Had I said Marcus out loud? I was about to say his name but I had probably trailed off. Trick was still looking at me, waiting for an answer. "Oh, um, Monster Under my Bed, I didn't quite watch the whole movie." I playfully glared at Trick.

"Aww, again? That'll be the like the third time I watch it," Trick whined though he still took out his wallet.

"I don't care, it would've been the second but you decided to let me sleep and making me miss everything," I said, crossing my arms over chest, quirking my eyebrow at him.

"I can just tell you happened--"

"I already know, Diela or something was the demon all along but I still wanna watch it." I said, I pouted at him and he stared at my lips for a while before looking at me again.

He smiled then shrugged,"Fine then."

He paid for the movie and we bought few snacks since we both weren't that hungry. He bought me a bubblegum flavoured slushie and medium sized popcorn plus M&M's. He wanted to share popcorn but I said no so he bought his own and a lime flavoured slushie. We went in the cinema and sat at the back like last time. There were fewer people, it was us plus five other people, not sitting near us though.

I started eating my popcorn when the lights went off and the screen went on. Showing ads and new movies coming up. Finally, the movie started. Trick wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I let him but I didn't lay on his chest.

He removed his arm again when his phone vibrated repeatedly which meant someone was calling him. His face turned into a frown once he saw who was calling him. "I'm sorry, I gotta take this," he said and stood up, he left and I drank a bit of his slushie.

He came back five mintutes later and he slurped his slushie then stopped. He felt his slushie then he looked at me blankly. "Seriously Alyssa?" he chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" I acted innocent looking back to the big screen. Trick shrugged and returned his gaze to big screen. After Trick came back, he seemed uneasy, disturbed since he kept glancing at the entrance every three minutes. I almost thought he was anxious because of the movie but he wasn't.

It was the caller that made him nevrous.

The movie ended with the ending I had predicted. Even if I knew the ending already, I was going to know who the demon was. Trick and I walked out hand in hand.

Trust me, I wasn't that scared to even to hold his hand but he insisted so I did. We returned to his car and he drove me to my aunt's, and man he drove fast as if we were in those action-thriller movies. I had kept on turning around to see if anyone was behind us or chasing us. I told him to calm down because no one was following us.

Why would be someone following us anyway?


He stopped the car and I looked at him worridly,"Are you okay?" I asked him, removing the seatbelt from me.

He nodded,"Just go in the house, text me when you're inside."

"Okay," I got out the car and shut the door. Trick immediately drove away and I stared after the car. I shrugged started walking towards the front door.

An uneasy feeling flooded inside me as I also looked around, the feeling of someone watching me made me walk to the door quicker, open the door and shut it.


"Nora, I'm home!" I shouted back. It was a bit late. It was 8pm.

"Great, dinner's ready!" she said and I smiled. I went to the dining room and sat at the table, Aunt Nora came in with two plates filled with spaghetti and meatballs. She placed one in front of me and one across me for her. She left and came back with forks and two glasses of water, placing them next to our dishes.

She sat across me and I thanked her for the food. I took my fork and stabbed my spaghetti then spun the fork before taking it out and eating it.

"Sweetie?" Aunt Nora said after swallowing.

"Mhm?" I answered, trying to finish up the spaghetti in my mouth.

"Can you tell me about your boyfriend?" she asked. I swallowed then nodded.

"His name is Marcus Sawyer."

She paused and looked at me, the look in her eyes made me uncomfortable. "Marcus Sawyer?" she repeated.

I hesitantly nodded. Marcus Sawyer was notorious, he had been arrested a few times and was also known for being part of the most dangerous gang, and he was the gangleader.

She laughed then saw the serious look on my face. She stared at me in shock, "Son of Vincent Sawyer?" she asked, she almost looked angry.

I shrugged,"I don't his father or mother... yet."

"Alyssa Heart," Aunt Nora said through clenched teeth. "Do you know Marcus Sawyer is one of the most dangerous people in the city."

I couldn't say anything.

The guy who's addiction to Oreos was one of the most dangerous people in the city? I didn't think my aunt knew about him, but what did I expect, mostly everyone knew him. Everyone I've met.

"How do you know his dad?" I asked her. "You two didn't date or anything... did you?"

Aunt Nora snorted,"No. We were friends, really good friends and we weren't in love with eachother or anything. When I found out that he was in the one of the most dangerous gangs in the city, I decided to avoid him because he had done many dangerous things that would've gotten him arrested. Vincent apologised and we were back to being friends... then he... four years ago he was shot... and I was told by one of the members from the rival gang." Aunt Nora burst into tears, covering her red face with her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. I stood up from my seat and walked over to my aunt, and I hugged her. I also started feeling sad, I didn't know that Marcus had lost his father.

"I'm sorry, Nora," I said and kissed her forehead. "I didn't mean to--"

"It's okay sweetheart," she sniffed. "It's okay."

I went back to my seat and looked at aunt. "He's pretty sweet actually," I said trying to get her to stop crying.


"Who? Marcus?"

"Yeah, very. He likes Oreos, a lot," I said and Aunt Nora chuckled.

"Vincent used to like Oreos." she smiled. "A lot."

We went and talked about something else besides the Sawyer family, which would be kind of uncomfortable. I went back to my room and remembered something. I had forgotten to text Trick that I was home.

I checked my phone and saw a few messages from him.

The way Trick was acting made me smile.

That was the second time someone told me to watch myself, first it was Percy who told me to watch myself then it's Trick.

Watch myself?

Was I growing weight or something?

Or was it something else?

Watch yourself.

It was definitely something else.

I dressed into my navy hoodie, black leggings and navy sneakers. I decided not to tie my hair that day; I tied my hair a lot of times. I ran my fingers through my hair and left my room with my bag.

"Aunt, I'm leaving!" I shouted walking towards the front door.

"Wait! You forgot your lunch, sweetie!" Aunt shouted and came in sight holding my lunch bag.

"Ah, thanks." I turned around and Aunt Nora unzipped my bag and put my lunchbag inside. She zipped the bag closed. I turned around to look at her,"Did you pack the grapes this time?"

She chuckled then nodded.

"Oh, and Aunt, I won't be coming back today. I'm going to my parent's house," I said.

She smiled,"Aww, I'm gonna miss you. Though Alyson misses you more, so does Sydney and Henry. Bye sweetie."

I kissed her cheek and left the house. I saw Trick waiting for me with his car, he looked calm that time. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"Morning love," he said and held out his arms for a hug. I gladly hugged him back.

"Morning Trick," I said and pulled away. He opened the car door for me and I got in, shutting the door. Trick walked around the front of his car to the driver's side of the car. He opened the door and got in.

He started the car and shut the door and looked at me. He bit his bottom lip and winked at me. "Oh my gosh." I laughed and he joined me. Although that looked hot, Trick had did it in a kind of joking manner. He drove us to school and once again, he dropped me off but didn't get out with me.

"I'll see you later," he said and I shut the car door. I waved at him and waved back, he drove away. I sighed and walked in the school building.

I was greeted by smiles, nods and waves again, which I kindly replied to. I searched for Aaliyah but I couldn't find her anywhere. I sighed and went to my locker, leaning against it.

I saw Sam and Kendall walk through the halls, ignoring the looks from the girls who were crushing on them and the boys who were jealous. They spotted me... simultaneously.

They weren't even related or anything.

Sam and Kendall approached me and stood in front of me, just staring at me. I didn't mind, I was staring at them. "How long is this going to take?" I quirked my eyebrow at them. They smirked and shrugged though they had stopped staring at me. They stood beside me, one on each side.

"You guys are acting like my bodyguards or something," I said and they chuckled.

"Maybe we are," Kendall said.

"Did Marcus ask you to do this?" I asked them.

"No," Sam answered.

"Oh," I nodded. "Then why are you doing this?"

"Because we like you, Alyssa," Sam said, meeting eyes with me.

"Not in that way," Kendall chuckled and they both ruffled my hair.

"Hey, stop!" I glared at them. They stopped, I ran my fingers through my hair to straighten it. "Weirdos."

"Says the girl who arranges her gummies from the darkest to the lightest colour before eating them," Sam murmured and Kendall chuckled. I punched their arms though they didn't seem affected.

Was I that weak or were they that strong?

"You guys know where Marcus is?" I asked as I clenched and unclenched my sore hand from punching Kendall and Sam. They didn't answer and I might have known why. At the end of the hallway, Marcus was there.

But he wasn't alone.

He was making out with some other girl from the cheerleading squad. I recognised her as one of those cheerleaders he had been speaking to yesterday before he got in the car with me.

"Seriously? Is he kidding?" I said blankly but I was boiling inside. My heart ached in pain, my throat burned as I struggled to breath slightly.

"Aren't you gonna do anything about that? He's cheating on you," Kendall whispered.

I nodded looking down, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. Sam gently rubbed his hand on my shoulder,"Are you okay, nerd?"

I nodded before sighing,"What should I do?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. I didn't want to march up to them and cut their makeout session. I wasn't that confident.

Although, I was confident to say I was dating the popular, notorious Marcus Sawyer.

The students saw that Marcus was making out with another person but didn't say anything, they just looked at me and I looked the other way. Sam smiled and turned to me, leaning on the lockers,"Since you look like you don't wanna cut their makeout session, why don't you just kiss someone which might catch Marcus' attention."

I nodded but then shook my head, "Uh, who can I kiss? Who would wanna just randomly kiss me?"

"I can," Kendall said. Thank gosh they didn't say it simultaneously. Sam furrowed his eyebrows and his hand cupped my cheek, wiping something wet under my eye away. I had been crying and I didn't realise it.

Sam smiled,"Don't worry nerd, it'll work."

I nodded and looked at Kendall. He winked at me then held my hand, we walked down the hall, getting closer to them and the next thing I know, I was pushed against the lockers. It was slightly gentle though me getting pushed to the lockers had made some people look our direction.

Kendall snaked his arms around my waist as mine went around his neck. He slowly tilted his head the opposite direction as mine and he gently placed his lips on mine. We just kept our lips still, to others it looked we were kissing.

My eyes flew open and I looked sideways. I saw Marcus had stopped kissing the girl and he was glaring at us. "He saw," I whispered to Kendall and he smirked and pulled away. He lightly brushed his lips on my neck, leaving small kisses. I let out a moan just to catch more of Marcus' attention.

It worked.

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