《The Nerd who cried Bad Boy》three


Valentine's Day. The day of love and romance. My alarm clock rang, interupting my wonderful dream. I reached out my hand and hit the stop button. "Happy Valentine's Day, Alyssa!" Alyson jumped on me.

I laughed," Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Alyson. I love you." I said and sat upright. Alyson hugged me," I love you too big sis."

"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart!" Aunt Nora said in a high-pitched voice. She entered the room and I gasped. Aunt Nora looked beautiful.

She wore a velvet red dress and same colour high heels. Her naturally brunette hair was curled.

"Aunt Nora you look beautiful!"

Aunt Nora smiled. "Thank you darling. Stanley is taking me out today, so I'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

I nodded still smiling. I heard the door bell. I stood up and with Alyson and we all descended the stairs and I opened the front door. A handsome man who looked in his thirties stood in front of me with a bunch of flowers.

"Morning Uncle Stan," I greeted at smiling Stanley. His smile always made me want to smile too. He chuckled. Stanley wasn't my uncle. I just called him that because he loved my aunt and they have been together for like a year. They were getting married at the end of the year.

"Morning Alyssa." he kissed my forhead. Alyson immediately smiled when she saw Stanley.


"Alyson!" He laughed and lift up Alyson in the air and spun her around. She giggled and then she was let down.

"And morning my love," he said to Aunt Nora as he pulled her for a peck on the lips. Alyson gagged and I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"See you lovies!" Aunt Nora waved as Stanley escorted her out. I closed the door and looked at Alyson. "Go take a shower and get dressed."

"You can't tell me what to do!" she exclaimed. I grinned.

"Not Alyssa, but the tickle..."

"Oh no."


"No, no."


Alyson rushed up the stairs as I laughed and followed her. She finally went in the bathroom and took a shower as I was in my room. My phone vibrated from the nightstand. I took the phone and saw I had unread messages.

My heart started beating again. Hard. Why? Because I thought the message was from Marcus. But it wasn't.


And from dad.

I replied to mom and dad too. Saying happy Valentine's Day. I went to Marcus' contact and checked our chats. I wanted to tell him happy Valentine's Day but I was nervous.

I cleared the message deciding not to send the message, and just switched off my phone. I opened my wardrobe. I stared at my clothes. I wasn't going to dress too fancy nor dull. Just casual.


I took out my pale jeans and my over-sized sweater which was red and written 'I love me'. I couldn't blame myself; I did love me. Minutes later, Alyson came in the room with a white towel wrapped around her torso. I left to take a shower myself.

I hummed a tune as I dressed into my clothes. I tied my hair into a messy bun and put on a bit of lip gloss. I took my backpack and walked out the room. I went to the kitchen and made pancakes for me and Alyson. We left the house and walked to Alyson's school.

"Look like a queen." I smiled at Alyson and she scoffed. She was wearing the dress I bought her yesterday.

"I am the queen." She laughed. I kissed her cheek and she went in the school building. I turned around and started walking the way to my highschool. My phone vibrated. I took it out.

I swear this dude is obsessed with me. I laughed at the the thought and answered the phone.

"Hi Marcus."

"Hey Alyssa. Happy Valentine's Day."

Well there you go.

"Thanks. Same here."

"Thanks. Anyway I asked a friend to add something in your locker for your gift for Valentine's Day," he said.

"O- oh really?" Ugh, there I go with the stuttering.

"Yeah, I hope you'll like it. Call me back once you see the gift," Marcus said.

"I will. Thank you Marcus, bye."

"Bye Alyssa."

I switched off my phone and put it in my bag as soon as I reached the school. I walked in the building and took in the sight. It clearly shown it was Valentine's Day.

"Come to the Valentine's Day dance," a girl said hanging out a red envelope to each person that entered the building. "Come to the Valentine's Day... " she stopped once she saw me. She rolled her eyes and gave the envelope to the next person who came in.

I sighed in relief and tried to walk through the hallway unnoticed. I did recieve a few glares and insults but they weren't that bad. Everyone was into Valentine's Day and didn't pay attention to me.

Though something felt odd. Like something bad was about to happen. Like when the scary music starts in the middle of the horror movie. I felt like the dumb protagonist who decided to go to the haunted house alone.

I went to my locker and saw lots of different colour sticknotes on the locker door. It was letters to me from everyone.


Clearly the writer was colourblind.

I should receive an award for not caring.

I opened my locker and gasped. Red rose petals fell from my locker to the floor. The locker was decorated beautifully. A bunch of flowers were sitting in the middle of the locker and I took them out and smelled them.


There was a teddy bear as well that held a heart that said 'You're awesome' . There were chocolates and Oreos as well. My heart rate accelerated and my eyes started to well up tears. I called Marcus on my phone and waited till he answered.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

"Thank you Marcus! This is beautiful. But why?"

"Well, you're a pretty cool girl and since nobody was gonna give you something, I figured I should."

I chuckled," Thank you Marcus, you're so sweet. Happy Valentine's Day." I couldn't stop smiling.

"Enjoy your day, baby cheeks."

I hung up.

"What the actual fuck?" Bree said behind me. I turned around and saw a pure shocked expression on her face. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was agape. Veronica stood a metre away from us with her phone in her hands, recording me and Bree. She was also shocked.

"Where did you get these gifts from?" Bree asked, still trying to process this.

"Marcus," I answered.

"I know a liar, Alyssa, and it takes one to know one," she stated and I furrowed my eyebrows. It looked like she believed me. Everyone in the hall stopped and came to watch us, thinking there was going to be another fight. Maybe there was going to be one.

I said nothing.

"Marcus never gave you anything for Valentine's Day." Veronica said to mad Bree as she recorded us. I heard a few gasps around, and I bit my cheek to stop myself from smiling.

"You spoke to him on the phone just now?" Bree was fuming. Her face was red, almost as red as her hair.

"Y- yeah."

Bree was tired of me so she just pushed me aside and I stumbled back. Bree stared at the letters from everyone that were on my locker.

"Roses are red, violets are... pink?" Bree scowled. "Whoever wrote this is clearly colourblind."

She opened the locker door and gasped. "All of this is from... Marcus?" she asked in disbelief. I nodded. No one believed it. Some took videos or pictures of this.

She took out the teddy bear and stared at it for seconds. She dropped it on the floor, I saw her take out a red envelope with my name written in cursive writing. She teared it open and took out the folded more inside. She read with her mouth agape.

"Alyssa. Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoy this day of love and everybody treats you well. After you left because your mom called, my friends and I bought these before I had to leave and got my cousin's friend to put all the stuff in your locker. I didn't know what kind of chocolate you liked so I bought every kind that was in the store but I knew you liked Oreos. Anyway, see you next week. Yours sincerely. Marcus." Bree read and looked at me.

I had to admit I liked this kind of attention.

Bree laughed loudly, trying to hide her anger. Well, it wasn't working. She took out her phone and dialed someone's number. She pressed call and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Bree," Marcus' voice said in the phone. She had called Marcus. Wow, this was serious.

"Marcus, baby. Where is my gift?" she asked, her hand on her waist. "I thought you said you were gonna buy me something for Valentine's Day?" she chuckled nervously at the end.

"Oh... oh yeah. I'm sorry I forgot. I had to go somewhere," he replied.

Bree gritted her teeth,"Where?"

"Somewhere. I was busy, Bree, I didn't have time to buy gifts," Marcus said annoyed.

"Oh. Oh really but you had time to buy the nerd every chocolate in the world!"

"Who's the nerd?"

"Alyssa! You had time to buy her everything but you guys aren't even dating. We are!" she screamed at the phone.

"Whoa, since when are we dating?"

Bree ignored that. "Why did you buy her gifts for Valentine's?"

I was sick of this though everyone loved it. They were either smiling or shocked.

"Bree, someone is calling me so... bye," Marcus said and hung up as Bree was about to say something.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled. Bree walked to me and stood close to me. I stood against the locker.

"What's going on between you and Marcus?" she asked calmly.

"N- nothing," I replied, quivering a bit.

"You're lying. First you and Marcus hang out, he has your number and you chat together. And... oh... I forgot... there is a whole stack of Valentine's Day gifts for you... from Marcus. It's like you guys are dating or something. Wait... are you?" she asked me.

"No," I replied honestly.

"Just answer the fucking question honestly. Alyssa... are you dating Marcus?"

She said my name. She finally said my name.

I suddenly felt a bit confident.

Since they thought that there was something was going on between me and Marcus, they wouldn't dare touch me. Because they were afraid that Marcus might rearrange their faces with multiple punches.

What's wrong with being confident?Feeling confident felt good especially for a person like me.

There was nothing going on between me and Marcus but... what if there was. What if there was something going on between us? Would everything change? Would my whole life change? Would it stop people from bullying me? Would I finally have friends?

Would it make me wanted and popular?

There was only one way to find out.

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