《w o n d e r f u l [f.w]》23.


It was the middle of August, and it was boiling in our terraced house in London. We didn't have a garden, but there was a park shared between our row, just opposite our house. The only problem was, we could only go out a few times a week because of The Order.

The Order. What a wonderful organisation.

You'd think dad would let me join, or encourage me at the very least. After all, he'd been doing the same for Harry. But, he was completely against me even considering it.

I didn't want to join yet. I had OWLS and it was Fred's final year of Hogwarts, plus I was pretty sure Voldermort wouldn't take over the wizarding world for at least another year or two.

On the other hand, Fred and George were very much up to the idea of joining. Of course they were. They wanted to be at the front of the army, leading everyone in the fight against evil. It did make Fred even more attractive - if I do say so myself. However, Molly said no - and no one argued with Molly if they wanted to leave alive.

Both me and Fred were in the kitchen, finishing dinner before the meeting began, and we'd have to leave.

"What do you wanna do after this Black?" He whispered.

"We could go to the library?" I suggested - but he was very much not interested. It seemed he only enjoyed the Hogwarts library and how I looked studying charms - the library will be for me and Hermione later on then.

"How about I teach you how to do those paper birds eh?" Fred suggested, and got up from the table and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and places his chin on my shoulder.


"Do you remember when we did that?" He whispered in my ear.

"It's one of my favourite memories of us Freddie." I smiled at him.

I turned around, and kissed him. As our lips softly brushed against eachother, we heard someone cough loudly from the doorway. We quickly pulled away and both turned around to see who it was.

"I thought I said I didn't want grandchildren until you were 30 Y/N." Sirius teased.

"Oh God dad! Ew! Nooo!" I cringed at him - he new exactly how to embarrass me.

"Off you go you two lovebirds - the meetings about to start. And I'm pretty sure you don't want your good old potions master seeing you two snog." He said, making his way over to the head of the table and taking a seat.

I took Fred's hand and looked back at Sirius and smiled. He simply nodded, before we turned the corner and went up the stairs.


A/N - super short chapter I'm sorry! I just wanted to sort of introduce the summer and remind people we're now in OOTP!

Also how do you guys feel a bout Y/N and Sirius' relationship?

Do you want it to be sweet and loving, or should Y/N be second best to Harry?

I'm gonna do around 2 more long and detailed summer holiday chapters idk when they'll be published (probably in the next few days.)

I've got mock GCSEs in a few weeks and I've gotta pass incase they're turn out to be my real grades and i don't wanna faillll

So my chapter updates will be even shorter then sorry bros!

But I promise the next few chapters will be good and long!

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