《Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AU》*sob*


TW: self blame, ALMOST panic attack.

"God, I feel horrible"

George POV

I couldn't stop myself from sobbing into Dreams arms after the thought crossed my mind.

I killed someone.

I murdered someone. Does this make me just like Dream?

I fucking ended someones life. And for what? Because I was scared?


I'm pathetic.

"Shhh... It's okay, it's okay. You're gonna be alright. It wasn't your fault. It's mine. Blame me." Dream whispered into my ear and I clutched onto his shirt tightly as I continued to let myself cry.

"N-no, Dream. S-stop say-saying that. It was my fault. I should have stuck up for myself. B-but I was scared and now someone's dead because of me." I choked out, on the brink of a panic attack.

"George, please..." I could hear the regret in his voice.

3rd Person POV bc I can

The cries of the smaller only grew and it wasn't long before the blond realized that soothing words weren't enough.

"George, you're too good for this..." Dream muttered as he cradled the other in his arms who continued to let sobs pass his lips without any effort to hold them back.

It wasn't long before George began to reply with his self-blaming rant again only for Dream to grab his chin and push their lips together, effectively silencing George who froze in shock at the bold action.

Their lips parted a few small moments later and they gazed into each others eyes with two very different expressions.

"What was that for...?" He asked softly after a few moments, tears still steadily flowing down his cheeks but now more silently.

Dream chuckled lightly.

"To get that pretty little mouth of yours to shut up." He replied before pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, continuing to leave George both confused and baffled.


"Will you be okay if I leave you up in my room while Punz and I finish up and I get rid of the body?" The blond asks, now that George is somewhat calming down despite still being a little in shock from the random kiss.

"What!?" George yells, sitting up and looking at Dream like he just told him the world is ending.

"I-I mean, if you'd rather stay, that's fine. I just thought you'd want to-" George quickly cut him off.

"No, no- It's just, um... Do you think that we could maybe bury him in the forest or something?" George looked up and saw confused face and was quick to ramble off again. "I mean you can say no of course, it would just make me feel a little better if I knew he was respectfully buried instead being thrown out in a river, or maybe even had a funeral of sorts-" Dream once again silenced him, only this time by placing a finger on his lips which brought an abrupt stop to Georges words.

"If that's what you want, we can do it. It's just I've never really done that for a victim-" This time George was the one cutting Dream off.

"W-we'd just have to bury him... That's all I want." George said shyly with a quiet voice.

After a few seconds of semi-tense silence, Dream hesitantly nodded, bringing a gleaming smile to Georges face.

"Yeah, we can do that. But we should probably wait a few days. I think we've both had enough of today." Dream reasoned and George nodded in agreement, thoroughly exhausted from both treating the many injuries on the still passed out man and the crying.

"Can I sleep in your room?" The brunet asks, looking up at the other with hopeful eyes and the tiredness finally showing in his voice.


"Of course."

Time Skip

With George sleeping soundly upstairs, Dream and Punz waited around for Sapnap to wake up in the med-room while making small conversation.

"Is George okay? It sounded like he was crying pretty hard, from what I heard." Punz asked after Dream had dragged out the body of the dead man.

He didn't necessarily care if George was alright, in fact he really just wanted an excuse to break the boring silence in the air.

"Yeah, he'll be alright. He just needs time to realize it wasn't his fault..." There was a short pause as Dream wonders if he should continue. "I still feel bad about that though. I didn't realize how much that would effect him." He said, slightly opening up to the other.

"Yeah, Wilbur's told me about how he gets worked up over death at the hospital. I would have stepped in and told you, but you were even scaring me a little with your threats." Punz said as he began playing around with a small pocket knife.

"God, I feel horrible." Dream buried his face in his hands.

Instead of Punz saying something along the lines of 'This isn't your fault', he was met with silence.


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