《The 7 Vampire Wonders |BTS|》Chapter 12


We went to the mall and got outfits for us to mix in the wedding tomorrow and came back home.

When we entered our house a post card was lying inside the post box so I took it inside the house.

By seeing this post I remember that I have to read my parents letter too.

"Jungkook it's for you" I handed the post to him as his name was inscribed on it.

"Invitation?" he got confused.

"Wow it's amazing we don't need to crash the party" he exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked. "We Kim Seokjin and Kang Soohee gladly invite you Jeon Jungkook to our wedding which is tomorrow Dt-xxx" the invitation card read. The post packet had a paper rolled inside it he opened it.

"Jin Hyung has written that to bring you and my friend I mean Jimin Hyung too" Jungkook explained.

"Wow he really is in old stuff. But his handwriting is beautiful as him too" I laughed.

"He is old Jinie, he once told me he likes to write letters"

"So tomorrow no school?" Jimin asked.

"Obviously bro" Jungkook head locked Jimin.

"Yah I am your Hyung respect me" Jimin said and a sense of familiarity ran inside my adrenaline just like a déjà vu.

"Hyejin are you alright? You were spacing out" both my soulmates asked, I just nodded.

"The wedding is in morning at 10 am. Wake me at 6 am we have to get ready too. I am going to rest" I yawned and headed to my room and closed my eyes.

"Yaah where are you!" I yelled in my mind dimension where I meet the gem.

I saw my gem sipping something beside me.

"What!! I am just drinking my tea" he yelled back.

"You guys I mean gems eat and drink" I asked.

"Of course I am maniac hungry person because of you" he replied.


"Why because of me?" I again asked a question.

"Oh god you ask so much. Sit down" he gestured to the seat next to him.

"I think you have made a whole house inside my mind maybe" I murmured.

"Dude I like to live comfortably" he sarcastically replied which caused me to roll eyes.

"Okay let me come to the point. Actually, I felt like a déjà vu with the both boys suddenly, I felt tearing up" I fiddled my fingers.

"It's okay Hyejin you may be getting memories from your past life" the gem gave a small smile. "Can I ask you a question" he nodded.

"How did we all I mean me and the 7 others in last life. You said we had a very short life. As much I know we were the royals that time. Did someone kill us?" my question made the gem silent.

"You will know gradually when you meet everyone. Just wait" he said and vanished away.

I opened my eyes and it was morning.

"Why did he vanish he promised to be with me all time" I got sad. I saw my clock and groaned it was only 5 am I could have sleep 1 more hour.

The scroll on my night stand caught my attention.

My parents letter.

I opened it, it looked it was little torn I mean old.

"I love you too Mom and Dad" I sobbed a little.

I heard my gem's voice inside my mind.

"Th..aank y...ouu for staying with me since my birth" I thanked my gem warmly inside my mind.

I was about to roll back the letter but something caught my attention.

'Your Eyes Tell' the phrase in red was interesting.

"What does it mean?" I asked the gem again kept silence. I wiped my tears and got freshen up.


"IT'S 7 AM NOW!! BOYS WAKE UP. WE HAVE A WEDDING TO ATTEND" I yelled from the kitchen.


"Wow something smells nice" Jimin back hugged me.

"Really? It's my first time making spicy stew fish" I smiled causing my dimples to pop.

"No he is talking about you" another voice added and gave me a peck on cheek.

Jungkook poured the stew in bowls and Jimin pecked my other cheek then placing himself on the chair.

After food and blood we went to change into our dress. My gem helped me giving me directions for my hairstyle. I wore my pink lacy top and skirt and a loose messy bun with my silver purple hair.

Hyejin looked her reflection inside the mirror. She felt little nervous to meet her another soulmate who literally is going to marry today and is a freaking celebrity.

What if he rejects her? What if he is compelled? Can she break him from the spell? I am not that beautiful also, these questions lingered inside her mind.

She sighed. Her gem comforted her in every way.

Both the boy's mouth was wide opened to see the girl in front of them.

She read their minds to listen many compliments and few dirty thoughts also. They both looked really handsome too not to ignore.

Jimin in white suit and Jungkook in black looked hot.


Now here the 3 are standing in front of a huge mansion where the wedding is going to be held.

They entered the mansion many rich people, celebrities are here. It was a private marriage though.

Jungkook and Jimin both on her side, in the huge crowd her normal brown eyes roamed to search one person the groom.

Then she saw them, she saw the most beautiful pairs of eyes which changed to ocean blue when they made eye contact.

The girl's brown eyes changed to light purple. Hyejin was drown into the deep ocean of his eyes.

The owner of the ocean eyes was having the same condition, he couldn't look away from the purple eyes. The purple eyes had mystery, care, familiarity and most importantly love in them.

Their deep staring caused the spell to break. Nobody knows how the spell broke.

Tear drops rolled from the blue eyes. The boy was standing on the altar with his to be wife*fake* going to take the lifetime vows.

He was free from the compulsion.

The evil Kang Soohee had been giving Seokjin magic spelled drinks everyday to make Seokjin mentally weak and compelled him easily.

For drinking the spelled potion for last one year he was not in his own mind.

He did what he was told to do by Soohee.

Now he is free, he can know what has been happening to him for 1 year. How he was asked to marry so soon at this age. He knows who is good who is bad. Who to believe who to not.

"Is there any objections? By anybody?" the officiant asked.

the officiant asked.

But then 3 hands rose up. A girl spoke, it was Hyejin.


"I am his real soulmate I can't let this marriage happen" she concluded. Many whispers was heard inside the mansion. Seokjin felt someone whispered in his mind "She is the one". A grin crept his face. He knew his it was his gem's voice who was silent was for last 3 years since he got his powers.

"So, as you can see my real soulmate is here. This marriage can't happen" Seokjin declared.

"But babe I am your soulmate. You love me, how can you agree on what that ugly girl said" Soohee pouted tugging Seokjin's arm. Hyejin, Jungkook and Jimin just scoffed.

"Don't touch me you 'liar'. You compelled me to listen to you. I know who is my real soulmate is. So please excuse me" Seokjin whispered in Soohee's ear and walked towards Hyejin.


{A/N- Don't ghost me. Vote, comment and share💜💜💜}

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